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Computer Basics

Eng. Mahmoud Sherif
1- ………… consists of the programs that control or maintain the operations of the
computer and its devices.
a. System software.
b. A communications device
c. A graphical user interface (GUI)
d. Application software

2- The computer that controls the washing machine is …………

a. embedded computer
b. supercomputer
c. mainframe
d. server

3- ………… is the result of the computer processing on the input data.

a. Information
b. GUI
c. Instruction
d. Software

4- ………… is any device that allows the user to input data to the computer.
a. Output device
b. Expansion card
c. Input device
d. Storage device

5- ………… is the physical material on which data are stored.

a. Storages device
b. Storage media
c. Communication device
d. Output device
6- ………… is a collection of unprocessed items, which can include text, numbers,
images, audio, and video.
a. Instruction
b. Data
c. Information
d. Program

7- … any hardware component that allows you to enter data and
instructions into a computer.
a. output device
b. program
c. input device
d. information

8- …......... is any hardware component that conveys information to one or more

a. input device
b. output device
c. data
d. inlet

9- All the following are input devices except.

a) Keyboard
b) Mouse
c) Microphone
d) speakers

10- All the following are output devices except

a) Printer
b) Mouse
c) Monitor
d) Speakers

11- ….... is a case that contains the electronic components of the computer that
are used to process data.
a) Mouse
b) Keyboard
c) System unit
d) Monitor
12- Which circuit that is connected to the circuit of system unit
a. keyboard
b. motherboard
c. processor
d. keycode

13- Components of the motherboard

a. processor and keyboard
b. processor and memory
c. Memory and data
d. data and information

14- consists of electronic components that store instructions waiting to be

executed and data needed by those instructions.
a. Processor
b. Memory
c. HDD
d. Information

15- ………… is responsible of executing arithmetic and logic operations.

a. CU
b. CPU
c. ALU
d. ROM

16- Computers are digital devices as they recognize ………… discrete state(s).
a. one
b. two
c. infinite
d. none of previous

17- One byte consists of ………… bits.

a. 10
b. 8
c. 6
d. 4
18- 1Kbyte consists of ………… bits.
a. 1024
b. 8192
c. 128
d. 256

19- 1 Mbyte consists of ………… bytes.

a. 2 to the power 10
b. 2 to the power 20
c. 2 to the power 30
d. 2 to the power 40

20- ………… is a technology that connects some peripherals like speakers to the
system unit wirelessly.
a. USB
b. Bluetooth
c. Cache
d. Internet

21- .………… are used to transfer bits from memory to processor and vice versa.
a. Expansion sluts
b. USB ports
c. Buses
d. none of previous

22- If you want to decode 500 binary states, you need at least ………… bits.
a. 8
b. 7
c. 10
d. 9

23- ….... It is the electronic component that interprets and carries out the basic
instructions that operate the computer.
a. Processor
b. Memory
c. USB
24- all the followings are components of Computer case except
a. Memory
b. Adapter cards
c. Drive bays
d. Media

25- ………… is used to transfer the address of the data the processor needs to
access in the memory.
a. Data bus
b. Address bus
c. Control bus
d. Cache

26- The control unit in the CPU performs the all the following step in the machine
cycle except ………….
a. fetching
b. decoding
c. executing
d. storing

27- ………is a small piece of semiconducting material, usually silicon, on

which integrated circuits are etched.
a) ICU
b) IC
c) USB
d) CS
28- The ….... impacts overall computing power and manages most of its
a. Memory
b. IC
c. processor
d. USB
29- Fetching, Decoding, Executing and Storing are components of
a. IC
b. processor machine cycle
c. computer case
d. Memory

30- obtaining a program instruction or data item from memory

a. Executing
b. Fetching
c. Decoding
d. Storing

31- translating the instruction into signals the computer can execute
a. Executing
b. Fetching
c. Decoding
d. Storing

32- carrying out the commands so the result can be stored in the memory.
a. Executing
b. Fetching
c. Decoding
d. Storing

33- records and retrieves items to and from storage media.

a. HDD
b. storage device
c. memory
d. processor

34- uses integrated circuit assemblies to store data permanently.

a. HHD
b. Storage device
c. SSD
d. all the above
35- All the followings are storage devices except
a. SSD
b. optical disc
c. miniature mobile storage media
d. motherboard

36- All the followings are miniature mobile storage media except
a. Memory card
b. flash USB memory
c. solid state memory
d. DVD

37- ………….is a hardware component that enables a computer to send and receive
data to and from one or more computers or mobile devices.
a. memory card
b. communication devices
c. USB
d. flash card

38- amount of time it takes the processor to read data, instructions, and
information from memory is:
a. Access time
b. scale
c. basic time
d. all the above

39- electronic components that store instructions, data, and results of processed
a. motherboard
b. processor
c. memory
d. flash memory
40- Memory stores:
a. The operating system and other system software
b. Application programs
c. The data being processed by the application programs and resulting
d. All of the above

41- the basic storage unit in memory is:

a. megabyte
b. byte
c. gigabyte
d. kilobyte

42- requests resources from the server:

a. Client
b. server
c. Internet
d. none of the above

43- controls access to the resources on the network:

a. Client
b. server
c. Internet
d. none of the above

44- contains billions of documents called Web pages:

a. Web
b. Web page
c. Web site
d. All the above

45- contain text, graphics, animation, audio, video and links to another web
a. Web
b. Web page
c. Web site
d. All the above
46- collection of related Web pages:
a. Web
b. Web page
c. Web site
d. All the above

47- consists of a series of related instructions, organized for a common purpose,

that tells the computer what tasks to perform and how to perform them:
a. Hardware
b. software
c. memory
d. processor
48- controls how you enter data and how the screen displays information.
a. Hardware
b. GUI
c. memory
d. processor

49- When the computer’s power is turned off, Volatile memory …...... its
a. Loses
b. keeps
c. transfers
d. does not change

50- …... does not lose its contents when power is removed from the computer.
a. nonvolatile memory
b. volatile memory

51- A..... is a small, flat, rectangular pointing device that is sensitive to pressure
and motion.
a. Keyboard
b. Touchpad
c. Screen
d. microphone
52- A....... is an input device that allows a user to control a pointer on the screen
a. keyboard
b. mouse
c. memory card
d. microphone

53- A(n) ………… has a design that reduces the chance of wrist and hand injuries.
a. gaming keyboard
b. cordless keyboard
c. ergonomic keyboard
d. function key
54- Touch screens that recognize multiple points of contact at the same time are
known as ………….
a. touch-sensitive pads
b. multi-touch
c. graphics tablets
d. digitizers

55- Architects, mapmakers, designers, artists, and home users create drawings
and sketches on a ………….
a. trackball
b. terminal
c. graphics tablet
d. touchpad

56- ………… is the computer’s capability of distinguishing spoken words.

a. Voice input
b. VoIP
d. Voice recognition

57- RFID is a technology that uses ………… to communicate with a tag placed in or
attached to an object, an animal, or a person.
a. a thin wire
b. pixels
c. radio signals
d. light waves
58- ….... is a freestanding computer, usually includes a touch
a. Kiosk
b. keyboard
c. touchpad
d. computer case
59- … a stationary pointing device with a ball on its top or side.
a. Touchpad
b. Kiosk
c. trackball
d. stylus

60- ….... is a small metal or plastic device that looks like a tiny ink pen but uses
pressure instead of ink.
a. Touchpad
b. Kiosk
c. trackball
d. stylus

61- ….... a flat, rectangular, electronic, plastic board that can be used by
architects, mapmakers, designers, artists, and home users to create drawings
by using a pressure-sensitive pen
a. Touchpad
b. Kiosk
c. trackball
d. graphic tablet
62- meeting between two or more geographically separated people who use a
network or the Internet to transmit audio and video data.
a. trackball
b. stylus
c. resolution
d. video conference

63- Which of the followings is a game controller?

a) Gamepads
b) Joysticks
c) Wheels
d) All the above.
64- …...... is the number of horizontal and vertical pixels in a display device.
a. trackball
b. stylus
c. resolution
d. video conference

65- The smallest element in an electronic image:

a. Pixel
b. byte
c. Resolution
d. megabyte

66- The greater the number of pixels the camera uses to capture a picture, the
better the quality of the picture.
a. True
b. False

67- ….... is the number of pixels in one inch of screen display

a. Megabyte
b. PPI (pixel per inch)
c. Terabyte
d. Resolution
68- To capture a handwritten signature, a user...... his or her name on a
signature capture pad with a stylus or pen that is attached to the device.
a. Write
b. Speak

69- To capture a handwritten signature, a user write his or her name on a …...
with a stylus or pen that is attached to the device.
a. signature capture pad
b. Ipad
c. Mobile
d. Mouse
70- … in a manner similar to a copy machine except it creates a file of
the document in memory instead of a paper copy.
a. flatbed scanner
b. optical scanner

71- …..... can read and convert text documents into electronic files.
a. OCR (optical character recognition)
b. PCR

72- technology that reads hand-drawn marks such as: small circles or rectangles.
a. Optical mark recognition
b. Resolution
c. OCR

73- is an optical reader that uses laser beams to read bar codes by using light
patterns that pass through the bar code lines.
a. Bar code reader
b. Bar code
d. Scanner

74- ………… is the speed with which data, instructions, and information transfer to
and from a device.
a. Access time
b. Transfer rate
c. Formatting
d. Reading

75- A group of two or more integrated hard disks is called a ………….

a. backup
b. disk cache
c. portable hard disk
76- Users subscribe to a cloud storage service to ………….
a. save time by storing large files instantaneously
b. allows others to access their files
c. store offsite backups of data
d. all of the above

77- A(n) _____ is a type of storage media that consists of a flat, round, portable
disc made of metal, plastic, and lacquer that is written and read by a laser.
a. optical disc
b. hard disk
c. memory card
d. thumb drive

78- An output device that visually conveys text, graphics, and video information
a. Display devices
b. Reader
c. Scanner
79- A display device that is packaged as a separate peripheral
a. Monitor
b. program
c. scanner
d. flat panel displays

80- Examples of output that primarily contain text-based documents are …………
a. drawings, clip art, and photos
b. music, narrations, and speeches
c. home movies and live performances
d. letters, reports, and e-mail messages

81- Ink-jet printer resolution is measured by the number of …………. a printer can
a. pages per minute (ppm)
b. pixels per inch (ppi)
c. lines per minute (lpm)
d. dots per inch (dpi)
82- The primary disadvantage of multifunction peripherals is that ………….
a. they require more space than having separate devices
b. if the multifunction peripheral breaks down, all functions are lost
c. they are significantly more expensive than purchasing each device separately
d. all the above

83- printed information that exists physically and is a more permanent form of
a. hard copy
b. soft copy
c. LCD monitor
d. all the above

84- A desktop monitor that uses a liquid crystal display to produce images.
a. hard copy
b. soft copy
c. LCD monitor
d. all the above

85- Which of the followings is nonimpact printer

a. Ink-jet printers
b. Photo printers
c. Laser printers
d. All the above

86- Forms characters and graphics on a piece of paper without striking the paper.
a. hard copy
b. soft copy
c. LCD monitor
d. Nonimpact printer

87- Component of a computer that produces music, speech, or other sounds,

such as beeps.
a. hard copy
b. Audio output devices
c. LCD monitor
d. Nonimpact printer
88- Unit of visible light intensity.
a. byte
b. pixel
c. nit
d. net

89- The time in milliseconds (MS) that it takes to turn a pixel on or off:
a. Starting time
b. Response time
c. Working time
d. Scanning time

90- Information on a display device sometime is called:

a. Hard copy
b. soft copy
c. printed copy
d. hardware

91- Most LCDs are wide screen, which are wider than they are tall
a. True
b. False

92- Most mobile computers and devices do not integrate the display and other
components into the same physical case
a. True
b. False

93- The number of bytes a storage medium can hold:

a. Memory
b. Capacity
c. Secondary storage
d. USB
94- It is the physical material in which computer keeps data and instructions
a. Flash card
b. Storage medium
c. Memory card
d. hard disk
95- A hard disk drive contains …... platter
a. only one
b. only two
c. No
d. one or more

96- …... is the process of dividing the disk into tracks and sectors.
a. Formatting
b. Scanning
c. graphing
d. platter

97- A separate and freestanding hard disk that connect with a cable or wirelessly
a. external hard disk
b. removable hard disk
c. fixed hard disk

98- A storage device that typically uses flash memory to store data and
a. Solid state drive
b. solid state media
c. Hard disk
d. Software

99- Media which consist entirely of electronic components, such as integrated

circuits and contain no moving parts
a. Solid state media
b. Solid state drive
c. Software
d. Hard disk
100- Type of storage media that consists of flat, round, portable disk.
a. flash cards
b. memory cards
c. Optical disc
d. hard disk
101- Duplicate a file, program or disk placed on a separate storage medium that
you can use in case the original is lost or damaged.
a. capacity
b. cluster
c. backup
d. solid state drive

102- Smallest unit of disk space that stores data and information
a. backup
b. cluster
c. capacity
d. byte

103- MicroSD and Mini DHC are common types of removable hard disk.
a. True
b. False

104- The process of writing on an optical disk is called burning.

a. True
b. False

105- A headset is a devise that functions as headphone and webcam.

a. True
b. False

106- Device that bulges in a USB port on the system unite and contain multiple
USB ports in which you bulge cables from USB device.
a. flash memory
b. USB hub
c. processor
d. mother board

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