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Session 1

G reetings and Farewells

Learning outcomes: Introduces himself/herself giving basic personal

information using vocabulary, expressions, and grammatical structures related
to the communicative context.

What Will I achieve this week?

Learning evidence: Diagnostic Test

Instrucciones para el aprendizaje

Develop an ice breaking activity to get to know students. Word wall (roulette) with
1 basic easy questions.

2 Develop an activity developing some greetings and pictures to be matched

3 Practice a very short dialog using basic greetings and farewells.

4 Read the syllabus and highlight the important aspects of it.

Listen to your teacher about the explanation of the material and the methodology.
5 The materials are: PPE App, Road Map Digital Book, and My English Lab, where
students would find the assignments and workbook activities.

Receive guidance to take the Diagnostic test. Your teacher is going to monitor while
6 you are taking the test.

7 🥇 Take the Diagnostic Test


Introduce yourself in other context like your first day at work.

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