Diskusi 2 B.Inggris Anggarakesta

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Assalamualaikum wr.

wb Mr/Mrs tutors and colleagues

Permission to answer discussion 2

Question 1: Why is it important to use proper grammar, punctuation, and capitalization in

English writing?

Using proper grammar, punctuation, and capitalization in English writing is crucial for several

1. Clarity : Proper grammar ensures that your message is conveyed clearly and effectively. It
helps readers understand your intended meaning without confusion.

2. Credibility : Correct usage of grammar and punctuation enhances your credibility as a writer.
It demonstrates professionalism and attention to detail, which is essential in various contexts,
such as academic writing, professional communication, and business correspondence.

3. Professionalism : In professional settings, proper grammar, punctuation, and capitalization

reflect positively on your professionalism. It shows respect for your audience and reflects well
on your competence and attention to detail.

4. Impact : Well-written content leaves a lasting impression on the reader. Proper grammar and
punctuation help to maintain the flow of your writing and engage the reader, leading to a more
impactful communication.

Overall, using proper grammar, punctuation, and capitalization is not just about following rules;
it's about effectively communicating your ideas and presenting yourself in the best possible
Question 2: Descriptive Paragraph about an Office Room

( Sumber : https://images.app.goo.gl/SRgPoefsWgcVSWsYA)

In the heart of the bustling corporate district, lies a spacious office room with large windows
overlooking the city skyline. The office is strategically located on the top floor of a modern high-
rise building, providing breathtaking views of the surrounding urban landscape. The interior is
meticulously designed with sleek, contemporary furniture and vibrant accents, creating an
atmosphere of sophistication and productivity. As I step into the room, I'm immediately drawn
to the expansive mahogany desk, neatly organized with state-of-the-art technology and
personalized touches. The ambiance exudes a sense of professionalism and innovation, making
it an inspiring space to work and collaborate.

Sumber :

- BMPMKWI4201 Modul 2 Hal (2.16 – 2.21)

- https://images.app.goo.gl/SRgPoefsWgcVSWsYA

Please correct me, Mr/Mrs tutor and colleagues, if there is anything that is not quite right.

Thank You.

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