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Usama Abdul Matin


CS4780 Research Methods & Professional Practice

Dr Ulysses Bernadet & Prof Aniko Ekart

Aston University

Table of Contents

1 Introduction 3
1.1 Potential Benefits: Academic Benefits 3
1.2 Potential Benefits: Technical Benefits 3
1.3 Potential Benefits: Social and Environmental Benefits 3
2 Main Problems / Research Questions 4
3 Methodology 4
3.1 Data Collection 4
3.2 Preprocessing 5
3.3 Model Development 5
3.4 Training and Validation 6
3.5 Evaluation 6
4 Ethical Implications 7
5 Requirements and Feasibility 8
5.1 Requirements 8
5.2 Feasibility 8
6 Project Plan 9
6.1 Data Collection and Preprocessing (Weeks 1-2) 9
6.2 Model Development (Weeks 3-8) 9
6.3 Training and Validation (Weeks 9-14) 9
6.4 Evaluation and Documentation (Weeks 15-19) 9
7 Justification 9
8 Conclusion 10
9 References 10
10 Appendix 12

1 Introduction

1.1 Potential Benefits: Academic Benefits

This project aims to contribute to the field of dental radiology by advancing understanding of automatic
segmentation and feature detection using artificial intelligence (AI) [1]. Dental panoramic radiographs
(DPRs) are the most common way to visualise oral health information and analysis of DPRs help in the
making of therapeutic decisions [2]. By exploring DPRs as a primary strategy as well as other deep
learning–based computer vision techniques, it is hoped that the project will contribute valuable insights
into academic knowledge. Through rigorous experimentation with artificial intelligence in DPR analysis,
the aim is to enhance understanding of the challenges and opportunities in AI-driven analysis of dental
images [3]. The outcomes of this research will not only address clinical needs but also foster scholarly
discourse and knowledge exchange within the dental and medical imaging communities.

1.2 Potential Benefits: Technical Benefits

The project will undertake a thorough process of identifying and evaluating various deep learning models
to determine their efficiency in the detection of clinically-relevant features such as dental caries as well as
the segmentation of anatomical structures in dental radiology data [4][5]. Through systematic evaluation
and comparison of these architectures, novel approaches will be proposed to address the challenges
inherent in analysing more complex dental images. This may involve adapting existing architectures,
combining multiple models or even developing entirely new approaches to satisfy the nuances of dental
radiology [5][6]. By constantly refining and optimising these solutions, the project aims to establish a
robust system capable of accurately identifying and diagnosing dental abnormalities with greater
efficiency and reliability than existing methods.

1.3 Potential Benefits: Social and Environmental Benefits

The project’s emphasis on enabling earlier detection and treatment of dental issues holds the promise of
significant social and environmental benefits. By facilitating early detection of systems using AI-base
diagnostic systems such as deep CNN being a successful tool for detecting apical lesions, individuals can
experience enhanced oral health, leading to an improved quality of life and easing the burden on both
dentist and patient by avoiding further procedures for untreated dental problems [1][5]. Furthermore, the
adoption of these innovative approaches could mitigate the environmental impact typically associated
with traditional dental diagnostic procedures. Through streamlined processes and reduced resource
consumption, such as minimising the need for repeat imaging or invasive procedures, the project may
contribute to the overall sustainability efforts within the healthcare sector. As a result, the project will not
only deliver social benefits through its focus on prevention rather than being forced into compulsory

treatment, but also aligns with environmental stewardship objectives, promoting a comprehensive
approach to advancing healthcare.

2 Main Problems / Research Questions

● What are the specific challenges in automatic segmentation and detection of features such as
caries, bone recession/loss and other tooth abnormalities in dental radiology data?
● How can deep learning architectures be effectively utilised to address these challenges and
improve the accuracy of automatic segmentation and detection?

3 Methodology

3.1 Data Collection

The initial step of the project involves assembling a comprehensive dataset comprising dental panoramic
radiographs and orthopantomograms (OPGs). This dataset will encompass a diverse range of cases,
encompassing different demographics, oral conditions and imaging modalities. An example of such a
dataset can be seen below.

Table 1: A summary of characteristics of public datasets in dental disease diagnosis [7].

By curating a dataset similar to this, it will ensure the robustness and representativeness of the training
and evaluation processes, allowing for the development of models that can generalise across different
patient populations and imaging techniques.

3.2 Preprocessing

Prior to model development, the collected radiology images undergo preprocessing procedures to ensure a
standard format and quality enhancement. Taking inspiration from previous models, this involves
techniques such as image enhancement, noise removal, edge cropping and data augmentation to ensure
consistency across the dataset and optimise model performance. Figure 1 provides an example overview
of the process flow for diagnosing a dental disease [7].

Figure 1: Overview of dental disease diagnosis process flow

3.3 Model Development

The core of the project involves the implementation and evaluation of various deep learning architectures
tailored to the task of automatic segmentation and detection of clinically-relevant features in dental
radiology data. This includes but is not limited to probabilistic neural networks (PNNs), convolutional
neural networks (CNNs) and deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs), each offering unique
advantages in providing diagnostic outcomes, capturing spacial dependencies and feature importance
within the images [8-10].

To effectively tackle the specific challenges identified in the research questions, novel adaptations and
combinations of these architectures must be explored. For example, a DeNTNet, a transfer learning-based
deep convolutional learning network on panoramic dental radiographs can yield a F1 score of 75%, which
may be employed as it outperforms the average performance of dental clinicians and can provide a better
read into both spatial and temporal information, enhancing the model’s ability to detect subtle
abnormalities that may otherwise not have been picked up on [11].

3.4 Training and Validation

Once the models are developed, they will undergo rigorous training on the annotated dataset, seeking to
overcome a current weakness of exclusively training on private datasets [7].

Table 2: The weakness of current training and validation methods, the training and validation sets are private and
do not surpass 150

Training parameters will be optimised via a few-shot learning approach to overcome issues with
insufficient data [12]. Class imbalances also remain a huge issue when it comes to training data and
improving prediction performance. A synthetic oversampling technique like SMOTE will be considered
to balance the data, which will generate data samples by leveraging samples of feature space of the target
class combined with features of nearest neighbours, ensuring generalisation to unseen data [13].
Furthermore, validation procedures will be employed to assess the models’ performance on a separate
subset of the dataset, allowing for early detection of any issues and refinement of the models’ architecture
and hyperparameters.

3.5 Evaluation

The final step involves comprehensive evaluation of the trained models’ performance using a variety of
metrics, including accuracy, precision, specificity, sensitivity and F1 score [7]. Another metric to be used

is the intersection over union (IoU) also known as the Jaccard Index. This is used as it is considered to be
a more precise metric to show accuracy for object segmentation [14]. The models are then tested on
unseen data to assess their ability to accurately segment and detect clinically-relevant features such as
caries, bone recession/loss and other abnormalities. Additionally, qualitative assessment may be
conducted by experienced clinicians to validate the models’ clinical utility as well as suggest areas for
improvement since AI is yet to be able to fully replicate the nuanced decision-making of experts in the
field [7].

4 Ethical Implications

Though the project embarks on a journey to improve healthcare in dentistry, there are certain ethical
issues that must be addressed, primarily revolving around the sensitive nature of patient data and the
potential ramifications of deploying AI models in clinical settings [15]. Making predictions using patient
data and medical test records is a paramount ethical concern since most prediction models’ lack of
transparency and interpretability remain a limitation due to privacy issues [16]. Safeguarding patient
information through robust data security measures and obtaining informed consent would provide
foundational pillars of ethical data handling. By ensuring transparency and respecting patient autonomy,
trust and confidence in the research process will be fostered.

Moreover, AI predictions rely heavily on the accuracy of dataset annotations. Poorly labelled data can
lead to inaccurate results and biases in training data which can limit the efficacy of healthcare outcomes,
posing ethical challenges to equitable patient care [17]. To mitigate this risk, the project is to adopt
rigorous data preprocessing techniques to identify and rectify biases and errors. Ongoing evaluation of
model performance serves as a mechanism to monitor and make necessary corrections, thereby promoting
fairness and equity in AI-driven dental diagnosis systems.

Furthermore, the deployment of AI in clinical practice introduces ethical considerations regarding the
appropriate role of technology in healthcare decision-making. While AI can provide accurate treatment
outcomes, there is a need for third-party intervention to avoid overreliance on algorithmic outputs [18]. To
address this concern, the project emphasises the collaborative partnership between AI systems and
healthcare professionals, positioning AI as a tool to support decision-making rather than a substitute for
clinical judgement. By fostering this connection between AI and experts, the project seeks to ensure that
AI technologies are deployed responsibly, with due consideration for patient welfare and safety.

In summary, the project is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards across all facets of
research and development. Through a multifaceted approach encompassing data privacy, bias mitigation
and responsible AI usage, the project endeavours to promote trust, transparency and accountability in the
ethical integration of AI into dental practice.

5 Requirements and Feasibility

5.1 Requirements

● Access to a diverse set of dental radiology images, preferably being CBCT (cone-beam computed
tomography) images due to their superiority in providing more effective diagnostic outcomes [8].
● Computational resources for model training and evaluation, including high performance GPUs.
● Expertise in deep learning, image processing and dental radiology.

5.2 Feasibility

Assessing the feasibility of the proposal involves evaluating the project’s ability to meet the outlined
requirements within the available time frame. Firstly access to a diverse dataset of annotated dental
radiology images is essential. This can either be achieved through collaboration with dental clinics or
searching datasets such as Google Scholar and Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE) using adapted
words from the PICO (problem, patient, population, indicator, comparison and outcome) elements [19],
thereby enhancing feasibility and ensuring the project’s validity. An example of the search using PICO
elements is provided in Figure 3 [7].

Figure 2: How each database is to be searched using PICO elements

Secondly, computational resources such as high performance GPUs are essential for training and
evaluating deep learning models effectively. Securing access to these resources or leveraging existing
infrastructure within the research team or institution is pivotal to the success of the project. Lastly,
expertise in deep learning, image processing and dental radiology is crucial for project implementation.
The research team as well as Dr Hassan Aqeel Khan’s proficiency in these domains will play a pivotal
role in ensuring the project’s viability and impact. By strategically aligning with collaborators, leveraging

existing resources and capitalising on the team’s expertise, the project aims to meet the specified
requirements within the designated time frame, thereby enhancing its feasibility and potential for success.

6 Project Plan

6.1 Data Collection and Preprocessing (Weeks 1-2)

In the initial phase, the project will focus on gathering a diverse dataset of dental radiology images from
various sources. Concurrently, preprocessing techniques will be applied to standardise and enhance the
quality of the images, ensuring consistency and optimising model performance.

6.2 Model Development (Weeks 3-8)

During this phase, various deep learning architectures will be implemented and evaluated for automatic
segmentation and detection tasks. Emphasis will be placed on optimising model hyperparameters and
architecture based on performance metrics derived from initial experimentation.

6.3 Training and Validation (Weeks 9-14)

The subsequent phase involves training the deep learning models on the annotated dataset, followed by
validation to assess their performance. Cross-validation and holdout validation techniques will be used to
ensure robustness and generalisability of the models [20].

6.4 Evaluation and Documentation (Weeks 15-19)

In the final phase, the trained models will be evaluated on unseen data to ascertain their accuracy and
generalisability in real-life scenarios. Additionally, comprehensive documentation of the project findings
including the methodology, results and potential limitations will be explored and discussed to gather
relevant insights and facilitate knowledge sharing.

7 Justification

The project plan is designed with the intention of entailing all the key activities essential for achieving
successful project completion within the allocated time frame (13th May - 29th September).

The initial phases of data collection serve as the cornerstone, laying a robust foundation for subsequent
model development. These phases ensure the availability of high-quality, standardised data, indispensable
for training and evaluating deep learning models effectively.

The process of model development involves extensive experimentation and optimisation to discern the
most suitable deep learning model(s) for the task at hand. This phase is pivotal in honing in on the
models’ capabilities to accurately segment and detect clinically-relevant features in dental radiology data.

The subsequent training and validation phases play a critical role in assessing model performance and
generalisability, offering valuable insights into their real-world applicability. By subjecting the models to
rigorous validation techniques, the project aims to ensure their reliability and efficacy in diverse clinical

Finally, the evaluation and documentation stage is crucial for consolidating the findings of the project and
spreading knowledge to relevant collaborators. Comprehensive documentation of methodologies, results
and potential limitations ensures transparency and facilitates informed decision-making within the dental
research industry.

By systematically organising tasks across the project timeline, the plan facilitates efficient resource
allocation and progress tracking (via the use of a Gantt chart) thereby enhancing overall project
management and ensuring the timely delivery of results. This structured approach not only fosters synergy
and collaboration with the research team but also instils confidence in project stakeholders regarding the
attainment and completion of project objectives.

8 Conclusion

In conclusion, this project represents a significant opportunity to advance the field of dental radiology
through the application of artificial intelligence techniques. By exploring automatic segmentation and
detection methods for clinically-relevant features in dental radiology data, the aim is to enhance academic
knowledge and address pressing clinical needs. The comprehensive project plan outlined above
demonstrates the feasibility and structure of the approach, laying the groundwork for successful execution
and impactful outcomes. With careful attention to detail, ethical considerations, and collaboration with
relevant stakeholders, this project poised to make meaningful contributions to both academic scholarship
and clinical practice in dental radiology.

9 References

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10 Appendix

Figure 3: A Gantt chart displaying the project plan


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