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3, MAY 2005

Performance Comparison of a Fuel Cell-Battery

Hybrid Powertrain and a Fuel Cell-Ultracapacitor
Hybrid Powertrain
Wenzhong Gao, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper studies two hybrid power systems for ve- properly size the energy storage devices on board fuel cell ve-
hicle applications: a fuel cell-battery hybrid powertrain and a fuel hicles. It is concluded that the powertrain cost and volume can
cell-ultracapacitor hybrid powertrain. First, the characteristics of be greatly reduced over the pure fuel cell vehicle due to fuel
fuel cell, battery, and ultracapacitor as power sources are summa-
rized. Then the configurations of the two types of hybrid fuel cell cell downsizing via hybridization. In [3], a fuel cell system with
powertrains are presented. Finally, example hybrid powertrains nominal power of 48 kW is hybridized with supercapacitors
are designed and simulated using ADVISOR. The simulation re- with a storage capacity of 360 Wh. The hybrid system is im-
sults indicate that ultracapacitors can more effectively assist the plemented on a road vehicle and tested. The test results demon-
fuel cell to meet the vehicle power demand and help achieve a better strate that good transient performance and impressive energy
performance and a higher fuel economy.
efficiency are achieved. In [4], optimization tools are linked to
Index Terms—Energy source, hybrid electric vehicles, ultraca- ADVISOR for the optimal design of a battery fuel cell SUV. In
pacitor, vehicle simulation. particular, ratings of fuel cell and battery and energy manage-
ment strategy are optimized to maximize fuel economy, while
I. INTRODUCTION meeting the prespecified vehicle performance constraints. For
a U.S. city/highway composite test procedure, the optimizer

F UEL cells are currently under research as possible alterna-

tive power sources to drive new vehicles. Some fuel cell
prototype vehicles have been built for the purpose of proof-of-
chose a 66-kW fuel cell system and a 28-module battery pack
with a large amper-hour capacity of 50 Ah per module.
This paper will study and systematically compare the perfor-
concept. The main obstacles for the commercialization of fuel
mance and energy efficiency of two different hybrid fuel cell
cell vehicles are, among other things, high cost and poor tran-
power systems for vehicle applications: a fuel cell-battery hy-
sient performance. Further, current fuel cell system does not
brid powertrain and a fuel cell-ultracapacitor hybrid powertrain.
allow bidirectional energy flow, thus, prohibiting braking energy
First, the characteristics of fuel cell, battery, and ultracapacitor
regeneration. Therefore, some kind of hybridization of fuel cells
as power sources are summarized. Then the configurations of
with other energy storage devices such as batteries and ultraca-
the two types of fuel cell hybrid powertrains are presented. Fi-
pacitors will remain advantageous for a long period of time. For
nally, four hybrid powertrains are designed and simulated using
example, the Toyota FCHV fuel cell vehicle uses a nickel-metal
ADVISOR. The fuel economy, performance, peak power capa-
hydride battery pack as the secondary energy source, and Honda
bility, weight, and cost of the designed hybrid systems will be
FCX fuel cell vehicle uses ultracapacitors as energy buffer to
compared. The simulation results will be analyzed and conclu-
achieve powerful, responsive driving [1], [2]. In hybrid power-
sions be drawn.
trains, the fuel cell system provides the base power for constant
speed driving while the other energy storage devices provide ad-
ditional peak power during acceleration and high load operation II. CHARACTERISTICS OF FUEL CELL, BATTERY, AND
and recover braking energy by regeneration. Hence, the fuel cell ULTRACAPACITOR AS POWER SOURCES
power rating and cost will be reduced; the powertrain transient Fuel cell may be considered as an “open” battery in that the
performance will be improved; and energy efficiency will be in- energy capacity is not limited by the reductant and oxidant
creased. contained within a cell. Instead, the energy generating capacity
There have been some studies and experiments involving hy- is determined by the amount of on-board hydrogen fuel. As
brid fuel cell vehicles [1], [3], [4]. In [1], the requirements on a power source, fuel cell can be three times more efficient
energy storage devices in a fuel cell vehicle are analyzed. A mid (typical efficiency value of 60%) than internal combustion
size SUV and a midsize car are designed and simulated using engines (typical efficiency value of 20%) [2] because fuel cell
ADVISOR in order to help the FreedomCar technical teams is not subject to the “Carnot cycle” efficiency limit [5]. Except
for water as the only byproduct, there is no CO and other
Manuscript received September 28, 2004; revised December 28, 2004 and harmful emissions. Thus, fuel cell is a clean energy source.
January 30, 2005. The review of this paper was coordinated by Prof. A. Emadi. However, current fuel cell system still has low power density
The author is with the Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems, Mis- (10 to 100 times lower) compared to combustion engines.
sissippi State University, Mississippi State, MS 39762 USA (e-mail: The short-term goal of power density for fuel cell system is
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TVT.2005.847229 0.5 kW/L [1] while current internal combustion engine can
0018-9545/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE
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Fig. 2. Configurations of fuel cell hybrid powertrains.

Fig. 1. (a) Dynamic fuel cell model. (b) Dynamic battery model. (c)
Fifth-order ultracapacitor model.
operating conditions. The values are also dependent on the fre-
quency of the discharging current [6]. For lithium-ion battery,
reach up to 50 kW/L. The fuel cell vehicle drive range is still the internal resistance could increase by 50% from 1000 to 100
much shorter than conventional vehicles and is limited by the Hz. The amper-hour capacity is affected by the discharging cur-
hydrogen storage energy density and cost. In addition, fuel cell rent rate and is modeled by the Peukert’s equation [7]. The
system has the disadvantages of slow start-up and slow power charging and discharging efficiency are nonlinear functions of
response. Hence, a pure fuel cell vehicle has bad acceleration current and state of charge (SOC).
performance. Further, fuel cell system cannot make use of any The battery can be modeled as an equivalent circuit such as
braking energy for improving fuel economy and driving range an internal resistance model or a Resistance Capacitance (RC)
because of its inability for energy regeneration. Another char- model in ADVISOR [8]. In an internal resistance model, a bat-
acteristics of fuel cell system is that its efficiency peaks near tery is modeled as a voltage source and an internal resistor. Both
25% of the rated power, with relatively lower efficiency at low the voltage source and the internal resistor are functions of the
and high output power. Thus, a vehicle control strategy should SOC and temperature, which are implemented as look-up ta-
avoid fuel cell system’s low efficiency operating regions. bles. In a Resistance Capacitance model, a battery is represented
The relationship between cell current and voltage is mod- as a parallel combination of two RC branches. The very large
eled as the polarization curve and is based on fuel cell’s steady capacitor models the battery’s charge capacity while the small
state performance. In particular, the fuel cell output voltage is capacitor models the time constant due to surface effects that
modeled as the thermodynamic potential subtracted by three limits the current. The model is implemented as a S-function in
types of overvoltages: activation overvoltages, ohmic overvolt- MATLAB/Simulink.
ages, and concentration overvoltages. However, in practical ap- On the other hand, ultracapacitor has the characteristics of
plication such as powertrains of land-based vehicles, the output high-power density and relatively low energy density. Its equiv-
power from the fuel cell system undergoes large variations es- alent internal resistance is decades lower than that of a battery,
pecially during acceleration and deceleration. During such tran- thus allowing decades of higher discharging/charging current.
sient operation periods, due to the existence of the double layer The overall efficiency is higher than that of battery. Its capac-
capacitance at the interface between the electrodes and the elec- itance is huge compared to ordinary electrolyte capacitor, al-
trolyte, the reactant gas manifold filling dynamics, cell surface lowing enough energy storage for acceleration power require-
dynamics, and other effects, the fuel cell stack system’s per- ment [9], [10]. Note that internal resistance and capacitance are
formance cannot be adequately represented by a steady-state highly dependent on the frequency because of the porous nature
model. Hence, a dynamic fuel cell model is needed to provide of the electrodes. One big advantage of ultracapacitor is that its
more accurate predictions of fuel cell system performance for SOC is allowed to vary more widely and thus has longer life
the dynamic simulation and analysis of fuel cell power system. cycles. Its capability to provide high power bursts is ideal for
Such a model is illustrated in Fig. 1(a). hybrid vehicle applications. An ultracapacitor can also be mod-
Generally speaking, a battery has the characteristics of high eled as an internal resistance model or RC model in ADVISOR
energy density and relatively low power density (but still 3 to 5 in the same way for a battery. The difference is that the internal
times higher than the power density of a fuel cell system). The resistance for charging is typically the same as for discharging.
internal resistance is the major factor for the limited discharging To predict the behavior of battery/ultracapacitor voltage
and charging current capability. The internal equivalent series and current during transient operation such as acceleration
resistance has different values under charging and discharging and deceleration, physics-based dynamic models are needed
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Fig. 3. Vehicle required electric power under US 06 driving cycle for Case 1.


where is the power of the energy storage device and is

to account for the time constants due to the electrochemical the fuel cell power. The HD of 0 corresponds to a pure fuel cell
reactions in batteries or double-layer effects in ultracapacitor. vehicle, and a HD of 1 corresponds to a pure electric vehicle.
Such dynamic models are illustrated in Fig. 1(b) and (c), [11]. In a hybrid powertrain, a control strategy is always necessary to
manage the power flow considering the largely different char-
III. CONFIGURATIONS OF FUEL CELL HYBRID POWERTRAINS acteristics of each component. The two types of hybrid fuel cell
Because fuel cell and battery/ultracapacitor have advantages powertrains to be studied are illustrated in Fig. 2(a) and (b).
and disadvantages of their own, it should be beneficial to have To exploit the advantages of both the battery and ultraca-
a hybrid powertrain [1], [12], in which fuel cell system supplies pacitor, namely, high-power density of the ultracapacitor and
the base power while battery/ultracapacitor supplies peak power high-energy density of the battery, hybrid power sources in-
for fast acceleration and captures the braking energy for regen- volving the two have been investigated [6], [11], [13], [16], [17].
eration. The hybridization degree is defined as It can be expected that a fuel cell hybrid powertrain with both
battery and ultracapacitor can result in superb system perfor-
mance and energy efficiency. Such a hybrid powertrain is illus-
(1) trated in Fig. 2(c).
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Fig. 4. Case 1-UDDS. (a) Vehicle speed, fuel cell output power, and battery SOC. (b) Battery current, energy, and recup.

IV. ADVISOR SIMULATION RESULTS In the hybrid powertrain, fuel cell supplies the base power,
, to meet the vehicle power requirement for cruising and/or
To compare the fuel economy and performance of the two driving on road with grade [12], [14]
types of fuel cell hybrid powertrains, four fuel cell hybrid vehi-
cles are designed in ADVISOR. The first design case is the de-
fault fuel cell vehicle with battery in ADVISOR and is used as (2)
a baseline vehicle (input file name: FUEL_CELL_defaults_in).
The hypothetical small car is roughly based on a 1994 Saturn where is the vehicle total mass (assumed to be 1380 kg); is
SL1 vehicle with the main data listed in Table I. The fuel cell the road grade; is the motor average efficiency (assumed to
is the type of Ambient Pressure Hydrogen Fuel Cell System. be 0.90). Then, from calculation, is 13.1 kW under cruising
1-speed gearbox is used for the transmission. The powertrain speed of 60 mph (96 km/h) on flat road; is 42.1 kW under
controller uses the hybrid with thermostat control strategy as maximum speed of 95 mph (152 km/h) on flat road; is 50.0
defined in ADVISOR [8]. Energy storage and electric motor are kW if maximum grade at 55 mph is 10%. This determines the
described in more detail below. size of the fuel cell for steady driving.
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Fig. 5. Case 2-UDDS. (a) Vehicle speed, fuel cell output power, ultracap SOC. (b) Ultracap current, energy, and recup.

The maximum total electric power required for vehicle accel- Case 1 (Baseline): 25 modules of lead acid (Hawker Genesis
eration from 0 to 60 mph in 11 s is [14], [15] 12 V 26 Ah 10 EP VRLA) batteries are used; battery peak power
is 86.35 kW; total vehicle mass is 1380 kg.
Case 2: 85 cells of Maxwell ultracapacitors are used; ultra-
(3) capacitor peak power is 86.0 kW; total vehicle mass is 1140 kg
(the same hybridization degree as Case 1).
where is the mass factor (assumed to be 1.035). The maximum Case 3: 170 cells of ultracapacitors are used (twice of Case
is computed to be 124.8 kW. 2); ultracapacitor peak power is 172.0 kW; total vehicle mass is
Based on the above calculation, the net peak power of the 1174 kg.
fuel cell system is designed to be 50 kW and the battery size Case 4: 50 modules of lead acid battery are used (twice of
to be at least 75 kW (including electrical accessory load). A Case 1); battery peak power is 172.8 kW; total vehicle mass is
Westinghouse 75-kW (continuous) ac induction motor/inverter 1655 kg.
with a peak efficiency of 0.92 is used in the powertrain. As a double check, the total required electric power under US
In summary, the four design cases are as follows. 06 driving cycle for Case 1 is given in Fig. 3. It is noted that the
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Fig. 6. Case 3-UDDS. (a) Vehicle speed, fuel cell output power, ultracap SOC. (b) Ultracap current, energy, and recup.

maximum total power required is about 105 kW at time near 300 highest desired state of charge (SOC) is 0.8; the lowest desired
s. This is close to (but smaller than) the above maximum SOC is 0.4. Initial SOC for the battery and ultracapacitor is the
of 124.4 kW. same (0.7) for all cases. The simulations are run under three dif-
The assumptions for the battery and ultracapacitor are pro- ferent driving schedules: Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule
vided in Table II, [1], [8]. The peak power, energy storage ca- (UDDS), Highway Fuel Economy Test (HWFET), and US06 (ag-
pacity, weight, and cost of the two types of fuel cell hybrid pow- gressive driving cycle). The fuel economy in terms of miles per
ertrains are compared in Table III. gallon gasoline equivalent (MPGGE, mpgge) for the four cases
Note that the designed fuel cell vehicles have large power is compared in Table IV. The MPGGE is calculated based on the
rating energy storage devices because the fuel cell vehicle is a lower heating value of gasoline (42.6 kJ/g), density of gasoline
series hybrid [4]. Thus, fuel cell system can be considered as (749 g/L), and total energy consumption from the energy storage
Auxiliary Power Unit, which is controlled to run at its optimum system. The detailed definition is given in [8].
efficiency region. From the numbers, Case 2 with ultracapacitor has higher fuel
In the simulation studies, energy management strategies(series economy than Case 1. Increasing the modules of ultracapacitor
thermostat control strategy [8]) remain the same in all cases. The from Case 2 to Case 3 does not increase fuel economy (the dif-
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Fig. 7. Parametric study for fuel cell-battery hybrid. (a) Fuel economy (mpgge). (b) Acceleration time 0 to 60 mph.

ference is small). Increasing the modules of batteries from Case brid vehicle’s fuel economy is higher by about 30% than its
1 to Case 4 decreases fuel economy. battery counterpart, but the performance is worse. If more ul-
The simulated vehicle performance is listed in Table V. Specif- tracapacitors are used with a hybridization degree of 0.78, the
ically, the performance indices include the acceleration times for vehicle performance can be improved tremendously while the
the vehicle to accelerate from 0 to 60 mph, from 40 to 60 mph, and fuel economy is maintained roughly at the same high level.
from 0 to 85 mph; the maximum achievable speed; and the max- To better illustrate the difference and facilitate the compar-
imumsustainablegradeat55mph.ThelastrowalsoliststhePNGV ison and analysis, the plots of vehicle speed, fuel cell output
performance constraints for midsize car [1]. From the numbers, power, battery/ultracapacitor state of charge, current, energy
Case 1 has better performance than case 2. Increasing the modules change, and energy recuperation under UDDS cycles are given
of ultracapacitor from Case 2 to Case 3 greatly improves the ve- in Figs. 4 to 6. The energy change in battery/ultracapacitor
hicleperformance.Asaresult,fuelcell-ultracapcitorhybrid(Case is obtained by integration of the output power of the energy
3) has much better performance than the baseline fuel cell-battery storage device. The energy recuperation trace is obtained by
hybrid (Case 1). Increasing the modules of batteries from Case 1 integration of the negative output power of the energy storage
to Case 4 also improves the vehicle performance. device. This energy is the combination of the regenerated
From the simulation results in Tables IV and V, with the braking energy and the charging energy obtained from the fuel
same hybridization degree (0.63), ultracapacitor fuel cell hy- cell.
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From the plots, the fuel cell is turned off frequently under TABLE VI
UDDS, with the required vehicle power provided by the battery
or ultracapacitor. This can help increase overall fuel cell effi-
ciency when the vehicle power requirement is low or negative.
When the fuel cell power is on, the battery or the ultracapacitor
may operate in two different states: discharging to provide ad-
ditional power to meet the vehicle demand or charging to save
the excess energy produced by the fuel cell.
The total seconds that fuel cells are turned on for the three cases TABLE VII
are listed in Table VI together with the percentages of the turn-on CELL-BATTERY-ULTRACAPACITOR COMBINATION
times with respect to the total time 5476 s (for the 4 UDDS cycles).
Comparing Case 1 and Case 2 [Figs. 4(a) and 5(a)], the fuel cell
runs more frequently for battery hybrid (Case 1), indicating that
battery does not assist the fuel cell as effectively as ultracapacitor
although both have the same peak power capability. This is why
the fuel economy is better for ultracapacitor hybrid (Case 2). Also
notice that the SOC of the ultracapacitor for Case 2 varies more
widely (from 0.4 to 0.8) while the SOC of the battery for Case Parametric studies for the two types of fuel cell hybrids are
1 is kept almost constant at 0.8. For both Case 1 and Case 2, the performed in ADVISOR. The peak power of the battery/ultra-
energy recuperation by the battery and that by the ultracapacitor capacitor is varied from 50 to 300 kW in an increment of 50
are almost the same. However, the ultracapacitor used this energy kW. This translates to six levels of hybridization degree: 50%,
to assist the fuel cell while the battery had a net energy gain at the 66.7%, 75%, 80%, 83.3%, 85.7%. The fuel economy under
end of the four cycles thus resulting in the increased SOC. With UDDS, HWFET, and US06 are illustrated in Figs. 7(a) and 8(a)
more modules of ultracapacitor added in Case 3, the the energy for fuel cell-battery hybrid and fuel cell-ultracapacitor hybrid,
recuperation by the ultracapacitors is now about 10% more than respectively. Also, the 0 to 60 mph acceleration times are
in Case 2. But there is a bigger net energy gain at the end of the illustrated in Figs. 7(b) and 8(b). For fuel economy, the general
four cycles, thus resulting in the increased SOC. This explains trend for the two types of hybrid powertrains is that increasing
why the added ultracapacitor does not help the fuel economy for hybridization degree will decrease fuel economy. But it should
the ultracapacitor hybrid. be noted that the fuel economy decreases at a much less extent
Under the same hybridization degree, Case 1 fuel cell-battery for fuel cell-ultracapacitor hybrid. For example, when the en-
hybrid has better performance than Case 2 fuel cell-ultracapac- ergy storage’s peak power increases from 50 to 200 kW under
itor hybrid. This is because there is much more stored energy in UDDS, the MPGGE drops from 61 to 49 (20% reduction) for
battery that can meet the vehicle power (and energy) requirement the fuel cell-battery hybrid while it drops from 77 to 73 (5%
for acceleration. In other words, the small energy capacity of 210 reduction) for the fuel cell-ultracapacitor.
Wh of the ultracapacitor limited the sustainable acceleration rate, For performance in terms of 0 to 60 mph acceleration
especially for acceleration period above speed 60 mph when the times, increasing hybridization degree will improve vehicle
power requirement to overcome the rolling resistance and aero- performance until the peak power reaches 200 kW (80% hy-
dynamic drag is already high. But with added modules of ultraca- bridization degree). But further increasing hybridization degree
pacitor, the Case 3 ultracapacitor hybrid has more power and thus will slightly degrade the performance for fuel cell-battery hy-
has better performance as it is shown in Table V. brid while the fuel cell-ultracapacitor hybrid’s performance will
When running the more aggressive US 06 driving cycles, remain unchanged thereafter. The reason behind this difference
Case 2 fuel cell-ultracapacitor hybrid missed the required trace should be the greatly increased mass of the battery due to the
greater than 2 mph for 1.375% time of the US 06 cycles. On the low specific power as the hybridization degree is raised.
contrary, the Case 3 fuel cell-ultracapacitor hybrid did not miss
any trace. This is consistent with the fact that the added ultraca- V. CONCLUSION, PRACTICAL CONSIDERATION, AND
pacitors can improve the vehicle dynamic performance. DISCUSSION
For Case 4 with increased batteries, although the battery can Overall, fuel cell-ultracapacitor hybrid is better since ultra-
store a large amount of energy, 15.62 kWh, but since the current capacitor can more effectively assist fuel cell to meet transient
is limited, thus the power is still limited. This explains Case 4 power demand. If more ultracapacitors are added, the perfor-
performance is not as good as Case 3 performance. It also indi- mance is improved while the fuel economy remains high. Al-
cates that very large energy storage capability is not important though battery modules can also be increased for a fuel cell-bat-
for performance. tery hybrid, only the performance can be improved while the
In all, Case 3 is the best design for both fuel economy and fuel economy will be decreased as shown by Case 4. The battery
performance. However, a much higher initial investment on ul- has higher specific energy than ultracapacitor. But in a charge-
tracapacitor ($2580) is required. But assuming better NiMH bat- sustaining hybrid powertrain, this is not necessarily an advan-
tery is used with a cost of $40/kW, Case 1 will require a cost of tage since the range is determined by the fuel tank volume. As
$3456, which is greater than Case 3. demonstrated in this paper, higher specific power characteristics
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Fig. 8. Parametric study for fuel cell-ultracap hybrid. (a) Fuel economy (mpgge). (b) Acceleration time 0 to 60 mph.

of ultracapacitor is a big advantage for hybrid fuel cell pow- this for current ultracapacitor technology. So, the energy stored
ertrain, which can enhance both the fuel economy and vehicle in the ultracapacitor cannot sustain vehicle load during the fuel
acceleration performance. In addition, the characteristics of al- cell start-up time. Therefore, a more practical solution will be a
lowing a wide variation of SOC also enables the ultracapacitor fuel cell-battery-ultracapcitor combination, as discussed in [13],
to more effectively assist the fuel cell to meet the vehicle power [15], [16]. To address this real possibility, a design case study
demand and to help achieve a better performance and a higher has been conducted. The new design case has 25 (275 kg) mod-
fuel economy. ules of lead acid batteries and 80 (33 kg) cells of ultracapac-
However, a fuel cell hybrid vehicle with ultracapacitors as itors corresponding to a cost of $2084 for the combined en-
the only energy storage will have deficiency or even malfunc- ergy storage unit. This combined energy storage unit is mod-
tion during the vehicle start-up. For example, the current fuel eled and implemented in a similar way as that presented in [13].
cell reformer start-up requires a time duration of about 10 min A simple power distribution method is taken in which 70% of
(600 s). From ADVISOR simulation, the vehicle requires about charging or discharging power is assigned to the batteries while
2000 kJ of energy for the first 600 s of a UDDS cycle. But for 30% assigned to the ultracapacitors. From the simulation results
the design Case 2 the maximum possible energy stored in the ul- in Table VII, this design case meets the requirements of all the
tracapacitor has only about 0.21 kWh or 756 kJ (for design case acceleration times and maximum speed as set by PNGV while
3, 1512 kJ). The realistic number should be even smaller than case 3 failed the 0 to 85 mph time requirement. Comparing to
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[5] J. Larminie and A. Dicks, Fuel Cell Systems Explained. West Sussex, nology, Atlanta, in 1999 and 2002, respectively.
U.K.: Wiley, 2000. Current research interests include power system
[6] J. P. Zheng, T. R. Jow, and M. S. Ding, “Hybrid power sources for pulsed modeling and simulation, electric, and hybrid elec-
current applications,” IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst., vol. 37, no. tric propulsion systems, electric machinery, and
1, pp. 288–291, Jan. 2001. drive, etc.

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