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Mariana Ospina


Jaramillo 3002729202
Product Design Engineering

November 1st 2020

Mr. Gerald Lee
525 South Main Street
Chesire, Connecticut 06410

Dear Mr. Lee,

The opening at your company for Assistant Product Designer drew my attention when i first saw
the ad and after Mr. Hauser’s referal, I saw myself compelled to apply to get the opportunity to
work with such a well renowned company like yours, as i truly believe my creativity and knowle-
dge of the furniture market will be assets to your product design team.

During my College years i have worked on several proyects as the design and construction of a
standing lamp and a set of side tables which was nominated to a design award,all these proyects
have helped me develop abilities like teamwork, research methodologies, and flexibility to ensure
the final product is precisely what the user needs.

As a Product Design Engineer, I have the capacity to create and design products, as well as the
knowledge and competences needed to ensure my designs are feasible manufacturing wise,
giving me a concious and realistic view of my products, In addition to that I consider myself a
crafty person with an ability to manage different type of processes and materials to create fuc-
tional and realistic prototypes that will communicate exactly how the final product will perform.
Ideation techniques like brainstorming, storyboarding and the process of design thinking come
rather natural to me and are constantly being implemented on my creative processes, likewise
this methods are implemented to improve the efficiency of the research and ideation phases of
my proyects.

I would love to get the opportunity to talk more about the job and your outstanding work during
a personal meeting.
You can reach me by phone or email.
Thank you for consideration and i look forward to hearing from you.
Mariana Ospina Jaramillo

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