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DC166592 DOI: 10.

2118/166592-PA Date: 18-June-14 Stage: Page: 256 Total Pages: 9

Critical-Buckling-Load Assessment of
Drillstrings in Different Wellbores by Use of
the Explicit Finite-Element Method
Mehdi Hajianmaleki and Jeremy S. Daily, University of Tulsa

Summary diameter pipe through a well. Some researchers studied the effect
Previous theoretical formulations for sinusoidal and helical buckling of tool joints, such as Duman et al. (2003) who experimentally
of drillstrings vary significantly and are mostly proposed for friction- studied the effect of tool joints on sinusoidal- and helical-buckling
less pipes without tool joints. Finite-element-analysis (FEA) meth- loads. Although the sinusoidal-buckling load was not affected by
ods have the ability to consider geometric details and nonlinearities. the presence of tool joints, the helical-buckling load increased by
However, traditional FEA methods use shell or solid elements for 20%. Weltzin et al. (2009) conducted experiments on the buckling
this problem and are computationally expensive. In this paper, an of drillstrings in a 2020-m-measured-depth research well. They
explicit FEA that is based on beam and connector elements imple- used high-accuracy continuous gyros to measure the string-geom-
mented in the Abaqus software (2012) is used to study the problem etry changes (i.e., buckling) as a function of axial load. Their
in different wellbores. The wellbore geometry, formation stiffness, measurements showed that even at zero WOB, friction force can-
friction load, and friction-induced torque are modeled with connec- not be neglected in case of sinusoidal buckling caused by local
tor elements. A typical drillstring in vertical, inclined, horizontal, irregularities in the well path. They also showed that the nonuni-
and curved wellbores is simulated, and the explicit FEA results for form-stiffness effect of tool joints at high WOBs can produce fric-
sinusoidal- and helical-buckling loads are compared with different tions to cause lockup even before helical buckling. Mitchell and
theoretical formulations and experimental results in the literature. Weltzin (2011) used drillstring-position records of two of those
The effects of length, inclination angle, and string effective weight tests to analyze the buckling problem. They found that connectors
caused by buoyancy as well as the effect of tool joints in straight and are important in the buckling behavior and that the primary buck-
curved wellbores are also studied and compared with present formu- ling mode was sinusoidal buckling that led to lockup without
lations and published experimental results. A full-scale well-buck- going into helical buckling.
ling test has also been simulated, and load-transfer data are Mitchell et al. (2011) modeled the effect of tool joints by the
compared with the real-world results. Overall, it is demonstrated that length average of the drillpipe and tool-joint diameter, and the effect
the use of explicit FEA can efficiently study drillstring buckling of curvature was accounted for by the effective weight of drillpipe.
behavior in straight- and curved-wellbore conditions. The effective clearance is always lower than normal in their formu-
lation such that it always predicts a higher buckling load. Gao et al.
(2012) studied the effect of tool joints on the sinusoidal-buckling
Introduction load in horizontal wells. They found that the effect of tool joints can
To increase the rate of drilling (rate of penetration), optimal weight be stabilizing or destabilizing depending on both the distance be-
should be put and maintained on the drilling bit. The weight on bit tween two connectors and the radial difference between pipe and
(WOB) can be limited by the critical buckling load in which the joint. They presented a graph for dimensionless critical force vs.
pipe loses elastic stability. Buckling can intensify the bending stress dimensionless length at different dimensionless radial distance.
and lead to fatigue failure over time. More importantly, buckled These theoretical methods are only able to provide buckling
shapes exert larger side forces than unbuckled ones, which increases loads in straight or constant-curvature wellbores. On the other hand,
friction losses and can lead to the lockup of the string and potential they usually determine the critical buckling load by eigenvalue
loss of equipment and section of the well. Increases in the depth and analysis. Eigenvalues estimate the upper bound of the critical buck-
deviation of wells have intensified this problem and led to the need ling load (bifurcation load). The more-critical lower bound of the
for comprehensive models capable of analyzing and predicting dif- critical buckling load can be predicted with large deflection analysis
ferent aspects of drillstring buckling. Therefore, it is important to with FEA. In general, load-displacement curves for a buckling
determine the maximal load permissible on the drillstring. It is gen- problem are nonlinear, and the curvature of current wellbores
erally believed that the drillstring will first change into a sinusoidal- makes it more nonlinear (Akgun et al. 1996). Explicit nonlinear
buckling shape and then to helical buckling. The corresponding crit- FEA modeling that considers large displacements and contact is a
ical buckling loads depend on the pipe geometry, drillpipe flexural good candidate for solving these problems. Traditional implicit
stiffness, and wellbore geometry. Many researchers worked on the FEA models were problematic in solving buckling problems for
prediction of buckling load and post-buckling behavior of drill- constrained geometries because buckling behavior causes local
strings in vertical (Lubinski and Woods 1953; Lubinski 1987; instabilities and sharp changes in contact behavior, which leads to
Wang 1986; Wu 1992), inclined (Lubinski and Woods 1953; Lubin- numerical instabilities. Techniques with nonlinear springs and pen-
ski et al. 1962; Dawson and Paslay 1984; Chen et al. 1990; Wu and alty methods were used with varying degrees of success, but an al-
Juvkam-Wold 1993,1995; He and Kyllingstad 1995; Qui et al. ternative based on the explicit FEA method is sought. This method
1998a,1998b, Yuan and Wang 2012; Su et al. 2013), and curved does not require well-defined boundary conditions; instead, it will
wellbores (Wu and Juvkam-Wold 1995; Mitchell 1999; Qiu et al. solve for them by determining where the drillstring contacts the
1998a,b). Hajianmaleki and Daily (2014) reviewed the formulations wellbore. Also, the explicit method does not use a direct, banded,
proposed for sinusoidal and helical buckling in different wellbore. linear equation solver; thus, the computational cost of a solution
The majority of the formulations published so far do not con- changes linearly (compared with quadratically) with the problem
sider tool joints, and the drillstrings were modeled as a constant- size. Large deformations, sliding, and contact constraints are rela-
tively easy to implement in the explicit procedure (Kim et al. 2003).
Copyright V
C 2014 Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper (SPE 166592) was accepted for presentation at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Purpose and Scope
Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, 3–6 September 2013, and revised for publication.
Original manuscript received for review 18 October 2013. Revised manuscript received for The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the efficacy of the use
review 23 February 2014. Paper peer approved 24 April 2014. of the explicit FEA method to model the buckling behavior of

256 June 2014 SPE Drilling & Completion

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DC166592 DOI: 10.2118/166592-PA Date: 18-June-14 Stage: Page: 257 Total Pages: 9

drillstring. To follow the curvature and tortuosity of the wellbore,

TABLE 1—PARAMETERS c1 AND c2 PROVIDED BY orientations are defined for each element with the connector-sec-
DIFFERENT RESEARCHERS tion command. Connector behaviors to be defined include the
connector friction, stop (elasticity), and damping. Friction load is
Reference Lubinski (1987) Wang (1986) Wu (1992) induced after contact is reached. Friction load and slip are calcu-
lated on the basis of the friction coefficient (as an input) and the
c1 1.94 1.018793 2.55
contact force (calculated in the element).
c2 – – 5.55
The first timestep of the analysis takes one second in which
gravity reaches its value in a smooth fashion. In the second step,
drillstrings. Both analytical solutions and experimental data are the axial load is applied. Because the formulations being studied
compared with the FEA simulations. Where appropriate, the are static solutions, the kinetic energy should approach zero in the
results are presented in normalized form. When experimental data analysis. Therefore, the loads should be applied as smoothly as
are available, the explicit FEA models are constructed based on possible such that the acceleration change from one increment to
the experimental setup. Similarly, most simulation assumptions in another is minimized and so-called shock waves are not inadver-
the literature are implemented in the FEA models. Because tently introduced into the dynamic model. Abaqus has a built-in
buckled shapes are difficult to duplicate, the force/displacement amplitude profile named “smooth step” that creates a loading am-
relationships are used for comparison of results. The friction load plitude with zero first and second derivatives at the transition
when modeled is assumed to follow the Coulomb model. This pa- points.
per aims to find explicit-FEA capabilities and limitations as a sim- In these simulations, axial load is applied with four consecu-
ple, appropriate, and accessible way for simulating drillstring tive steps, each with the smooth-step amplitude in a total period
buckling behavior. of 30 seconds. To eliminate axial and lateral vibrations, a suitable
amount of damping is applied with the viscous damping model of
the connector elements. The solution is checked by applying
Paper Organization enough damping so that the total kinetic energy approaches zero
A detailed description of the FEA model is given in the next sec- with respect to time.
tion. Following the model description, the numerical results are For the characterization of critical-buckling loads, the reaction
compared with both analytical and experimental data for horizon- forces at the boundaries and deflections of the nodes are saved.
tal, vertical, inclined, and curved wellbores. The effect of differ- The critical-buckling loads are characterized by a change in the
ent parameters such as length, buoyancy, and inclination angle are slope of the load-displacement curves. In the following sections,
studied, and discussions regarding those comparisons warrant a different configurations including vertical, horizontal, inclined,
section with concluding remarks to follow. and curved wells are modeled and examined against formulations
and experiments available in the literature concentrating on criti-
cal-buckling forces (sinusoidal and helical) predictions.
Explicit Finite-Element Modeling
The implementation of the explicit method in the Abaqus soft-
ware uses a time-forward integration scheme on the basis of the Model Verification
central difference operator. Internal time-increment controls are Vertical Wells. Lubinski (1987) analyzed the critical length of a
used to keep the solution stable throughout long durations (Aba- pipe under its own weight with both ends pinned:
qus 6.12 Analysis User’s Manual 2012). rffiffiffiffiffi
The drillstring in this study is modeled as a thick-walled 3 EI
smooth pipe with behavior similar to that of a slender beam. Lcr ¼ 2:65 : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð1Þ
Therefore, the geometric abstraction of the drillstring is its neutral
axis that coincides with the centerline. Although the initial config- rffiffiffiffiffi
3 EI
uration for each element is a straight line, translations are allowed The term m ¼ is a normalized length parameter. The fol-
in three dimensions: accounting for helical shapes and 3D motion w
lowing formulations were then proposed for critical sinusoidal-
of the string. Normal steel material properties for the modulus of
and helical-buckling forces of a vertical string inside the wellbore:
elasticity (29  106 psi) and Poisson’s ratio (0.3) were used.
After comparing the FEA results to analytical solutions (as p
opposed to physical experimental data), the pipe in the model was Fcr ¼ c1 EIw2                            ð2Þ
chosen to have dimensions commonly used in the field with
3.826-in. inside diameter (ID) and a 4.5-in. outside diameter and
(OD). The bit/hole size is 8.5 in., leaving a clearance of 2 in. over p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Fcr ¼ c2 EIw2                            ð3Þ
the pipe. One must note that the implementation of circular cross
sections in the Abaqus profile definition assumes thin-walled
structures; therefore, a generalized section is used. where * denotes helical buckling.
The wellbore is modeled as a circular hole with 3D connector Different values for constants c1 and c2 were suggested by dif-
elements. The connector element is designed to implement kine- ferent researchers (Table 1).
matic constraints on a model. For this case, the wellbore was Because simulations are arranged from the simplest to the most
modeled with the so-called radial-thrust connector. The radial- difficult, the buckling of a drillpipe under its own weight is consid-
thrust connector provides a connection between two nodes with ered as the first case. A small transverse concentrated force is
different response in the radial and cylindrical-axis directions. applied at the center of the column (drillpipe) to act as an imperfec-
When resistance to relative radial and thrust displacements is tion and trigger for buckling. The gravity and trigger load reach
modeled, one can use flexion-torsion in conjunction with the ra- their final value at the 5th second. The gravity load remains con-
dial-thrust connector. (Abaqus 6.12 Analysis User’s Manual stant whereas the trigger load comes back to zero in 5 seconds. The
2012). The radial-thrust, coupled with a flexion-torsion connector, simulation continues for another 10 seconds. Fig. 1 shows the drill-
provides a radial space that simulates the drillstring (beam ele- pipe configuration and loading, and Fig. 2 shows the transverse
ments) inside the wellbore. The string is modeled with B31 3D deflection of the column vs. time for different column lengths.
beam elements, and the wellbore is modeled by CONN3D2 con- The critical length for the previously considered drillpipe
nector elements. Nodes of the beam and connector are defined to according to Eq. 1 is 133.6 ft. This length occurs as the deflections
initially lie on the centerline of the borehole. One node of the con- plotted in Fig. 2 are beginning to diverge; thus, the FEA results
nector element (wellbore side) has a cantilevered boundary condi- agree with the theoretical prediction. The criterion for buckling is
tion, and the other node is the beam node at neutral axis of the a condition of equilibrium. If the column is in a stable

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Gravity 1.2 5
Column Height

Column Center Lateral Deflection (ft)

1 135 ft
4 134 ft

Loading ratio to max

0.8 133.6 ft
133 ft
Perturbation 3 132 ft
0.6 130 ft
Trigger Gravity

0.4 2

0 5 10 15
–0.2 0
t (s)
0 5 10 15 20
Fig. 1—Configuration and loading of drillpipe buckling under Time (s)
its own weight.
Fig. 2—Lateral deflection of the center of a vertical column
under its own weight from a perturbation for various heights.
equilibrium, then after a lateral perturbation force is removed, the
lateral deflection will return to the previous state.
The critical buckling length produces a condition of neutral history assumptions that lead to different models. Chen et al.
equilibrium. This suggests that the deflection would not change (1990) assumed a constant force whereas Qui et al. (1998b)
after the perturbation force is removed. This is seen as the column assumed a ramp load, and Wu and Juvkam-Wold (1993) assumed
with a length of 133.6 ft, the critical column length, is approach- a constant force, until sinusoidal buckling with linearly increasing
ing a steady-state deflection. The condition of neutral equilibrium load to helical buckling.
is difficult to maintain in practice. The previously mentioned drillstring is simulated in inclined
After the critical length is exceeded, thus increasing the com- wellbores to study Eqs. 4 and 5.
pressive force on the base of the drillstring, a condition of The drillstring length is 200 ft, which gives the dimensionless
dynamic equilibrium exists in which the sum of the forces results w
in acceleration. This is demonstrated in Fig. 2 by the divergence length 1L ¼ L 4 close to 17. The length was selected on
of the lateral deflection for column lengths greater than 133.6 ft,
even after the perturbation force is removed. the basis of being free from the effect of boundary conditions, as
suggested by Gao and Miska (2009). They studied the effect of
boundary conditions and friction on buckling in horizontal well-
Experimental Verification in Vertical Wells. Salies et al. (1994) bores and showed that if the dimensionless length is more than
performed vertical-buckling experiments on a 0.25-in.-OD stain- 5p, the assumption of a “long” drillpipe (free from boundary con-
less-steel pipe. The test was performed inside a 2-in.-ID plexiglass ditions effect) can be applied. However, the results showed
tube of a 643-in. length that simulated the wellbore. The experi- approximately a 10% difference between the buckling loads with
mental sinusoidal buckling load is compared with results from both ends clamped and both ends simply supported boundary con-
explicit FEA and different theories in Table 2. ditions. The effect of length is studied in a later subsection. Three
Buckling loads from explicit FEA are very close to the analytic inclination angles 30, 60, and 90 were considered.
formulation by Lubinski (1987). The difference between the experi- To characterize the onset of buckling in different modes, axial
ment and the theory was explained by the imperfections present in force vs. axial displacement for different inclination angles were
the test pipe. analyzed, and the results for a 30 inclination is presented in Fig. 3.
Point “A” in the FEA results shows the onset of sinusoidal buckling
and is found by the first point in which the slope of the load-dis-
Inclined Wells. Dawson and Paslay (1984) suggested the follow- placement curve (stiffness) starts to decrease. Point “B” in the
ing equation for the critical sinusoidal-buckling load of “long” curves shows the helical-buckling onset and is characterized by a
drillstrings in inclined wells: horizontal step in a load-control and load drop in a displacement-
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi control simulation. After Point “B,” the number of helixes increases
EIwsina (Point “C”) until fully helix shape configuration. Schematics of si-
Fcr ¼ 2 : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð4Þ
r nusoidal- and helical-buckling configurations in different steps are
presented in Fig. 4 to show differences between sinusoidal- and
Chen et al. (1990) derived a similar formula for helical buck- helical-buckling geometries. The unstable transverse deflection
ling in inclined wells with an energy method: from equilibrium condition (at well bottom side) and the formation
EIwsina pffiffiffi
Fcr ¼ c3 ; c3 ¼ 2 2: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð5Þ
Other researchers proposed different formulations for the coef-
ficient c3 to predict the helical-buckling load (Table 3).
Cunha (2004) showed that those researchers assumed the same
Ref. c3
energy for the onset of helical buckling, but with different load-
Chen et al. (1990) 2.83
Lubinski and Woods (1953) 2.85
Wu and Juvkam-Wold (1993) 3.66
Wu and Juvkam-Wold (1995) 4.65
Method Experiment Explicit FEA
He and Kyllingstad (1995) 2.83
c1 1.5 1.81 Qui et al. (1998a) 5.66
c2 NA 5.25 Qui et al. (1998b) 3.75

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Before A
Force (kip)

FEA results
30 A
Elastic solution
After A

0 0.5 1 1.5 0 2.5
Displacement (in.)

Fig. 3—Load-displacement curve for inclined well at a 5 30º .

Point B



Inclination angle 30 60 90 After C

Sinusoidal 1.01 1.02 1.01 Fig. 4—Drillstring configurations at different buckling steps.
Helical 1.94 1.94 1.94

of the first helix show the onset of sinusoidal and helical buckling TABLE 5—CRITICAL BUCKLING LOAD (lbf) COMPARED WITH
in the drillstring, respectively. The thin, green, straight line shows EXPERIMENTS (ARSLAN ET AL. 2012) IN AIR WITH
the elastic response on the basis of string longitudinal stiffness DIFFERENT IMPERFECTIONS
(EA/L) that helps to find the onset of sinusoidal buckling.
A convergence study on the horizontal model was performed Experiment Explicit FEA
on the number of elements, and the results indicated that the
model comprised 600 elements and has less than a 1% difference Mode Top Bottom Top Bottom Eqs. 4 and 5
to the models of finer mesh.r Dimensionless
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sinusoidal- and heli-

F r Sinus. 157 133 172.7 165.9 148.7
cal-buckling loads bcr ¼ for different inclination Helical 270 242 287.4 272.8 272.1
2 EIwsina
angles are presented in Table 4. The FEA result for a sinusoidal-
buckling load confirms the prediction of sinusoidal buckling of
Eq. 4. The effect of inclination angle complies with the analytical in this area) is length-dependent and is not suitable for these
prediction, and the FEA complies with the theoretical formulation types of problems. However, imperfection in gravity load is
at all the simulated inclination angles. However, Eq. 4 predicts length-independent, and applying 0.2% of gravity in the trans-
the buckling load to reach zero at a ¼ 0 (vertical wellbore), verse direction coincides with theoretical formulations in
whereas the simulation results show that the buckling load does inclined wellbores.
not considerably change after a ¼ 30 , and a considerable load
still exists at inclination angles near vertical. One must also note Experimental Verification in Inclined Wells. Arslan et al.
that the dimensionless loads reported correspond to the bottom (2012) performed experiments to study the effect of pipe weight
load. Sinusoidal buckling happens when the axial load anywhere (floated pipe buckling) on the critical buckling load of tubulars in
in the string reaches the critical buckling load. Hence, the top load horizontal wells. Two experiments performed in air and water are
for critical buckling would be the critical load minus the string simulated in this paper to show the capability of the model in sim-
weight times the cosine of the inclination angle. ulating inclined buoyant drillstring buckling. The simulated case
The helical-buckling coefficient is also close to the formula- is a 91-ft-long steel pipe with a 0.75-in. OD and a 0.68-in. ID
tion by Wu et al. (1993) and Qui et al. (1998b). The authors inside a 2-in. pipe. The tests were performed in displacement-con-
studied a set of imperfections in an inclined wellbore and found trol mode with 0.01 in./sec speed. Tables 5 and 6 show the exper-
that the geometric imperfection (mostly applied by researchers imental results for sinusoidal and helical buckling in different
conditions compared with explicit FEA and Eqs. 4 and 5
(c3 ¼ 3.66). The explicit FEA result for a buckling load of pipe in
air is higher than the analytical and experimental results because
TABLE 6—CRITICAL BUCKLING LOAD (lbf) COMPARED WITH they include the effect of friction and do not have the actual
EXPERIMENTS (ARSLAN ET AL. 2012) IN WATER WITH imperfections (such as welding) present in the experiments. For
LOAD IMPERFECTIONS pipe in water, the FEA results are closer to the experimental
results than theoretical predictions with Eqs. 4 and 5. The load-
Experiment FEA displacement curve for test in air is presented in Fig. 5.
Fig. 5 shows that if just axial friction load is applied (green-tri-
Mode Top Bottom Top Bottom Eqs. 4 and 5 angles curve), the load-displacement curve predicted by FEA
would have a load drop sooner than the experiment. The authors
Sinus. 110 92 111.3 109.2 92
believed that it is caused by the friction-induced torque caused by
Helical 180 160 156.6 153.6 152.2
the distance from contact point to the drillstring center.

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400 1.2
Experiment Explicit FEM
μ = 0.4
w/o hinge, μ = 0.4 1 (Dawson and Paslay 1984)
μ = 0.5
300 (Arslan et al. 2012)
Force (lbf)

200 0.6


0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Displacement (in.) w/wair

Fig. 5—Top load vs. displacement for experiment in air com- Fig. 6—Effect of buoyancy on sinusoidal-buckling force.
pared with FEA.

a continuous (against discrete) function (Dawson and Paslay

A computationally efficient model for a friction-induced 1984). Gao and Miska (2009) defined the long string on the basis
moment uses a hinge connector along with the radial-thrust of critical load being independent from boundary conditions. A
and flexion-torsion connectors. Hinge connectors provide a sensitivity analysis is performed on the effect of length in this pa-
revolute constraint between the rotational degrees of freedom per. Fig. 7 shows the dimensionless critical buckling load vs.
of the connected nodes. In this 1D element, a moment induced dimensionless length for the drillpipe considered before.
by friction can be modeled (Abaqus 6.12 Analysis User’s Man- Dimensionless results show that a pinned/pinned string can be
ual 2012). assumed long for sinusoidal-buckling load when the dimension-
The simulation results show the successful modeling of fric- less length is more than 17 (5p). The clamped/clamped string
tion-induced torque with the hinge connector and reasonable will be close to the pinned/pinned solution (5% difference) when
behavior with change in friction coefficient. One can conclude the dimensionless length is more than 25. The clamped/clamped
that the friction coefficient is between 0.4 and 0.5 for the experi- string buckling load would never reach the theoretical value.
ment in air. Simulation of pipe in water also was in very good Thus, with an engineering approximation of a 5% difference, one
agreement with the experiment, the friction coefficient reduces to can conclude that the long-string assumption on the basis of inde-
approximately 0.15 for the experiment in water. pendence from boundary conditions starts at a dimensionless
length equal to 25 (8p).
Effect of Buoyancy. The Arslan et al. (2012) experiment is simu-
lated for different effective weights (because of mud density) of Effect of Formation Stiffness. Because the actual wellbore in
the drillpipe, with the results presented in Fig. 6. which the drillstring interacts with the soil is not rigid, it may be
The results are made dimensionless by dividing to the value at important to model the effect of formation stiffness on drillstring
normal weight conditions. The results show that the theoretical behavior. As far as the authors found, there is no analytical formu-
model loses its accuracy when the effective weight decreases to lation developed for modeling the effect of formation stiffness on
very low levels. At an effective weight approximately 1.5% of the buckling behavior of drillstrings. Hence, the explicit FEA
normal weight, the actual buckling load is 3.5 times the load pre- model is used to study the effect. The formation stiffness is mod-
dicted by Eq. 4, according to the FEA and experimental results. eled with the connector elasticity in its nonlinear form. The ra-
The FEA results are higher than the formulation proposed by dial-thrust connector is defined to have zero elasticity before the
Arslan et al. (2012) that was derived from experimental data. This clearance, and a constant elasticity was modeled afterward. The
suggests that higher imperfections exist in the experiment. contact force after helical buckling for straight wellbores has been
shown to be (Belayneh 2006)
Effect of Length. Eq. 4 is proposed for long strings. A string is rF2a
defined “long” if the n (buckling-mode number) can be treated as FW ¼ þ wsinacosh: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð6Þ
2.5 The additional radial displacement would be
FW rF2a wsinacosh
Clamped-Clamped Dr ¼ ¼ þ : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð7Þ
2.0 k 4EIk k
If we want the additional radial deflection to be less than d per-
centage of the clearance, we would have

F2a wsinacosh d

þ  : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð8Þ
4EIk kr 100
If the term caused by the pipe weight is much lower than the
first term, Eq. 8 can be simplified as
F2a d
 : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð9Þ
4EIk 100
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Eq. 9 is a simple formulation for the consideration of the rigid
ζL/π wall. The only assumptions on that is the constant formation stiff-
ness (k) and wall-contact force caused by the pipe weight being
Fig. 7—Effect of length on sinusoidal-buckling force. small compared with the total wall-contact force.

260 June 2014 SPE Drilling & Completion

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The high values of a buckling load proposed by Wu and Juv-

TABLE 7—COMPARISON OF SINUSOIDAL-BUCKLING LOAD kam-Wold (1995) are caused by their 2D modeling. However,
(lbf) FOR THE 4.5-IN. DRILLPIPE IN A 200-ft RADIUS CURVED this 2D assumption is not accurate, especially when considering
WELLBORE helical buckling. As expected, the model by Qiu et al. (1998a) is
more accurate comparing to FEA, and the critical-buckling loads
(Wu and Juvkam- (Qiu et al. are close to those of FEA simulation. The FEA results show that
Reference Wold 1995) 1998a) FEA the model by Qiu et al. underestimates the buckling loads and is
Fsin 40153.1 21984.1 21905.8
Fhel 118332.08 82991.5 94951.7
Effect of Tool Joints in Horizontal Wells. Formulations pro-
posed by Mitchell et al. (2011) and Gao et al. (2012) are com-
Although the radial deflection of the drillstring in the well pared with explicit-FEA simulation results in this section.
increases with elastic formation, simulations of buckling for different Mitchell et al. (2011) proposed to replace the effective weight and
constant and variable formation stiffness through the length showed diameter of the drillpipe according to the following formulation.
that the formation stiffness does not influence the buckling loads. The CSB was a factor depending on the quality of available data, analy-
same buckling load was observed with rigid and elastic formation. sis settings, well conditions, and other factors, and it ranged
between 0.1 and 0.5 with a normal value of 0.2:
Curved Wellbores. Wu and Juvkam-Wold (1995) proposed the sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
following formulation for sinusoidal and helical buckling in build EIwe sina
wellbores: Fcr ¼ 2CSB ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð15Þ
Fcr ¼ 1 þ ð1 þ rR2 wsina=4EI Þ . . . . . . . . . . . ð10Þ De ¼ þ ; . . . . . . . . . . . . ð16Þ
rR L L
and and
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi i sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
12EI h
Fcr ¼ 1 þ ð1 þ rR2 wsina=8EI Þ : . . . . . . . . . . ð11Þ ðwLsina þ Fa a0 Þ2 þ ðFsina/0 Þ2
rR we ¼ . . . . . . . . . . . ð17Þ
Qiu et al. (1998a) used an energy method and proposed the fol-
lowing formulations for minimal and maximal load to induce sta- The effect of tool joints on the sinusoidal-buckling load in hori-
ble sinusoidal buckling, zontal wellbore for a set of drillpipes is assessed with explicit
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi! FEA and compared with theories. Tool joints are modeled by
min 2EI r rR2 wsina r increasing the cross-sectional area and moment of inertia (beam-
Fcr ¼ 1 þ 1þ  . . . . . . . ð12Þ section command) and decreasing the clearance (connector-stop
rR 2R EI R
command) at the location of tool joints, and the results are pre-
and sented in Table 8. Each drillpipe is assumed to be 31.5 ft long
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi! with tool joints of a 1-ft length. The total length of drillstring is
7:04EI r rR2 wsina r selected to be 333 ft on the basis of a dimensionless length of
cr ¼ 1 þ 1þ  ; more than 9p.
rR 7:04R 3:52EI 3:52R
The results show that the effect of tool joints can be destabiliz-
                   ð13Þ ing, as predicted by Gao et al. (2012). Results for the formulation
by Mitchell et al. (2011) are presented without applying the coef-
and for helical buckling, ficient CSB. Obviously, this model is not accurate. The results of
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi! approach by Gao et al. (2012) are conservative and relatively
8EI r rR2 wsina r accurate. Results show that only Drillpipes 3, 5, 6, and 7 are
Fcr ¼ 1 þ 1þ  : . . . . . . ð14Þ affected by tool joints, and their sinusoidal-buckling load in a hor-
rR 4R 2EI 2R
izontal wellbore would change by factors of 1.2, 0.75, 0.75, and
Eq. 14 was also reported by Mitchell (1999) with a vector 0.72, respectively. It is worth mentioning that these models are
approach. not including the higher stiffness in tool joints, whereas the
The previously considered drillpipe (OD ¼ 4.5 in., ID ¼ 3.826 explicit FEA can include this effect that will be considered in sim-
in.) is simulated in a curved wellbore with a constant radius of ulating experimental cases.
R ¼ 200 ft (28.66 /100 ft). The result for sinusoidal- and helical-
buckling loads is compared with the equations for critical load in Effect of Tool Joints in Curved Wells. There is no theoretical
Table 7. formulation developed for modeling the effect of tool joints in



bcr (Mitchell bcr (Gao bcr

No. DH ODp IDp ODc IDc et al. (2011)) et al. (2012)) (FEA)

1 17 1/2 5 4.276 7 1/4 3 1/2 1.003 1 1

2 17 1/2 6 5/8 5.965 8 5 1.002 0.9 1
3 12 1/4 5 4.276 7 1/4 3 1/2 1.005 1 1.2
4 12 1/4 4 1/2 3.826 6 3/8 3 3/4 1.004 1 1
5 8 1/2 5 4.276 7 1/4 3 1/2 1.010 0.75 0.75
6 8 1/2 4 1/2 3.826 6 3/8 3 3/4 1.008 0.7 0.75
7 6 3 1/2 2.764 5 2 1/8 1.010 0.6 0.72

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FEM original paper
No. DH ODp IDp ODc IDc bcr (FEA)

1 17 1=2 5 4.276 7 1/4 3 1/2 0.97 1000
2 17 1=2 6 5/8 5.965 8 5 0.96
3 12 1=4 5 4.276 7 1/4 3 1/2 0.73
4 12 1=4 4 1/2 3.826 6 3/8 3 3/4 0.86
5 8 1=2 5 4.276 7 1/4 3 1/2 0.77
6 8 1=2 4 1/2 3.826 6 3/8 3 3/4 0.82 200
7 6 3 1/2 2.764 5 2 1/8 0.72 0
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000

0 Compressive Load
–250 –200 –150 –100 –50 0
–200 Fig. 8—Drag vs. compressive load for 31=2-in.-drillpipe sliding
test (Mitchell et al. 2011).
Vertical Position (m)

–800 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

Vertical Position (m)

North Position (m) –1000

Fig. 9—Ulrigg U2 trajectory: north by vertical on the basis of
data from Mitchell and Weltzin (2011). –1400

curved wellbores. The drillpipes are simulated in a 197.352-ft –1600

East Position (m)
constant-curvature wellbore to include 10 31-ft lengths of drill-
pipe. Results presented in Table 9 show that, similar to the hori-
Fig. 10—Ulrigg U2 trajectory: east by vertical on the basis of
zontal wellbores, the effect of tool joints can be destabilizing in data from Mitchell and Weltzin (2011).
curved wellbores. The ratio does not necessarily follow the ana-
lytical ratio predicted by Gao et al. (2012) for a horizontal imation is not accurate. They found drillstring buckling at far
wellbore. lower loads than predicted by current models, possibly caused by
minor deformations inherent in the “used” drillpipes used in their
Experimental Verification of Tool-Joints Effect. Mitchell et al. tests. Fig. 8 shows the drag force vs. compressive force for 31=2-
(2011) conducted full-scale buckling tests on drillpipes with tool in. drillpipe. The results show that the 3D FEA used by Mitchell
joints. The tests were run in a 7-in. casing with water-based mud, et al. (2011) loses accuracy for predicting drag with increasing
8.6 to 9 lbm/gal. A sliding test for a 31=2-in. drillpipe is simulated compressive load, especially after sinusoidal buckling happens.
in explicit FEA. The friction coefficient is assumed to be 0.4, and The current 1D explicit FEA model has much higher accuracy
both radial-thrust and hinge connectors are included. However, compared with experimental data, and it does not lose accuracy
the effect of hinge connectors was found to be insignificant. with increasing the compressive load.
As presented in the literature-review section, they proposed a
model for the effect of tool joints by the length average of the
Real-World Buckling Test
drillpipe and tool-joint diameter, and as found before, this approx-
Weltzin et al. (2009) performed drillstring-buckling experiments,
45 and their case is selected to be simulated with explicit FEA because
Conventional (Mitchell 2013)
it was the first full-scale study to acquire a large amount of high-
40 quality buckling displacement data for analysis. Buckling tests
Experimental (Mitchell 2013)
35 Explicit FEM wo Tool Joints were performed in the Ullrigg U2, a 2020-m research well with a
Explicit FEM w Tool Joints buildup and 60 tangent geometry. The well trajectory is presented
30 Method by Mitchell (2013) in Figs. 9 and 10. Various configurations of tapered string with 5-
WOB (ton)

25 and 3.5-in. drillpipes, as well as drill collars, were used. High-accu-

racy continuous gyros were used to measure the string-geometry
20 changes (buckling), and both downhole and tophole tension devi-
ces were applied to measure the weight transfer.
Details of the drillstring used were not provided in the cited
10 papers. Distribution of drillpipes and drill collars through the
5 string and the load-transfer data on the lockup test were obtained.*
Fig. 11 shows the WOB vs. hookload for one of the tests that is
0 compared with simulations by explicit FEA. FEA simulations
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
include both radial-thrust and hinge connectors and were created
Hook Load (ton)

Fig. 11—WOB vs. hookload for the simulated test. * Personal communication with the author Mitchell.

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45 L ¼ total length, in.

40 r ¼ radial clearance between pipe and well, in.
R ¼ radius of curvature, ft
35 w ¼ pipe weight per unit length, lbf/in.
q ¼ density, lbm/in.3
h ¼ helix angle, degrees
Pipe, P = 50 Mpa / ¼ azimuth angle, degrees
WOB (ton)

Pipe, P = 20 Mpa
20 Beam, P = 0
Pipe, P = 0
15 Experiment Acknowledgments
The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support of
5 R.F. Mitchell in February 2013 shared a personal communication.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Hook Load (ton) References
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Fa ¼ axial force, lbf nation and Dog-Legging in Rotary Bore Holes. In Drilling and Pro-
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Mitchell, S., Moore, N.B., Franks et al. 2011. Comparing the Results of a Wu, J., Juvkam-Wold, H.C., and Lu, R. 1993. Helical Buckling of Pipes in
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Empirical Buckling Model and Methods of Reducing Buckling Buckling. J. Energy Resource Tech. 115 (3): 190–195. http://
Effects. SPE Drill & Compl 26 (4): 578–596. SPE-144535-PA. http:// Yuan, Z. and Wang, X. 2012. Non-linear buckling analysis of inclined circu-
Mitchell, R.F. and Weltzin, T. 2011. Lateral Buckling—–The Key to lar cylinder-in-cylinder by the discrete singular convolution. Int. J. Non-
Lockup. SPE Drill & Compl 26 (3): 436–452. SPE-139824-PA. http:// Linear Mech, 47 (6): 699–711. 2011.11.008.
Qui, W., Miska, S., and Volk, L. 1998a. Drill Pipe/Coiled Tubing Buck-
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Permian Basin Oil and Gas Recovery Conference, Midland, Texas. SI Metric Conversion Factors
SPE-39795-MS. ft  3.048* E01 ¼ m
Qui, W., Miska, S., and Volk, L. 1998b. Analysis of Drill Pipe/Coiled-
in.  2.54* Eþ00 ¼ cm
Tubing Buckling in a Constant-Curvature Wellbore. J. Pet Technol
66–77. lbf  4.448 222 Eþ00 ¼ N
Salies, J.B., Cunha, J.C.S., Azar, J.J. et al. 1994. Experimental and Analyt- lbm  4.535 924 E01 ¼ kg
ical Study of Sinusoidal Buckling in Vertical Wells. Presented at the psi  6.894 757 Eþ00 ¼ kPa
SPE Eastern Regional Conference and Exhibition, Charleston, West
Virginia. SPE-29164-MS. * Conversion factor is exact.
Su, T., Wicks, N., Pabon, J. et al. 2013. Mechanism by Which a Friction-
ally Confined Rod Loses Stability Under Initial Velocity and Position Mehdi Hajianmaleki earned his PhD degree in mechanical en-
Perturbations. Int. J. Solids Struct. 50 (14–15): 2468–2476. http:// gineering from Mississippi State University. The current research was performed while acting as a post-doctoral researcher and
Wang, C.Y. 1986. A Critical Review of the Heavy Elastica. Int. J. Mat. lecturer at the Mechanical Engineering Department at the Uni-
Sci. 28 (8): 549–559. versity of Tulsa. He has a total of 11 years of experience in the
4. energy and aerospace industries and academia. Hajianmale-
Weltzin, T., Aas, B., Andresassen, E. et al. 2009. Measuring Drillpipe ki’s main research interests are finite-element analysis, compos-
Buckling Using Continuous Gyro Challenges Existing Theories. SPE ite materials and structures, and drilling mechanics.
Drill & Compl 24 (4): 464–472. SPE-115930-PA. Jeremy S. Daily is an associate professor in the Department of
10.2118/115930-PA. Mechanical Engineering at the University of Tulsa. Before com-
Wu, J. 1992. Buckling Behavior of Pipes in Directional and Horizontal ing to the University of Tulsa, he worked as a contracted aero-
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Wu, J. and Juvkam-Wold, H.C. 1993. Study of Helical Buckling of Pipes Force Research Laboratory at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.
Daily has worked in a variety of areas related to mechanical
in Horizontal Wells. Presented at the SPE Production Operations Sym-
engineering, including traffic-crash reconstruction, fatigue,
posium, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. SPE-25503-MS. fracture, drilling dynamics, and vehicle electronic security. He
10.2118/25503-MS. also started the University of Tulsa’s Crash Reconstruction
Wu, J. and Juvkam-Wold, H. 1995. The Effect of Wellbore Curvature on Research Consortium in which members pay an annual fee
Tubular Buckling and Lockup. J Energy Resources Tech 117 (3): and the consortium provides research and support for crash
214–218. tests to understand the dynamics of crash events better.

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