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General objective:

 By the end of this lecture each student should be

able to obtain comprehensive .knowledge about
adulthood psychodynamic
Specific objectives:

Define adulthood & its stages

 Mention stages of psychological development

according to Erikson theory

 Explain social & personality development during


 Describe characteristics of middle adulthood.

. Mention Characteristics of positive women's.
psychodynamics in Midlife

Definition of adulthood

It is a period of time in your life after your physical

growth has stopped & you are fully developed.
 the state of a person who has attained maturity.
Adulthood stage divided into:

Early (young) adulthood 21-35 yrs.

Middle adulthood 35-65 yrs.

Late adulthood ---- over 65 yrs.

What is Personality?

Personality: The way the person sees & feels

about .her/himself
An individual s characteristic pattern of thinking.
Feeling, and acting, across time and situations.
 Does personality change
or remain stable across
Erikson’s Ego Development
Early adulthood

Develops ability to give and receive love begins to

make long-term commitment
to relationships
Younger adults focus on identity, careers,
intimate relationships and parenthood
leaving the family and having
“the dream” = goal
• Middle adulthood
 Develops interest in guiding the development of the
next generation

 During this stage of life career and family are well

established to moving toward the dream.

Middle-age adults focus on caring for children and

older parents, dealing with role changes and
planning for retirement.
• Late adulthood
Person look back and evaluate perspective what they have
done meaningful in their live.

Older adults address changing roles, retirement, loss of

friends or partner, changing friendships, physical change
and death

women move into “the midlife transition” or a time of

Have I achieved my dream?
Yes (Success: taking new roles, mentoring younger
children ,and changing careers)
No (Failure: stagnation and decline)
Late (Old) Adulthood
Period that begins in the 65 years and lasts
until death
Late adulthood is the time of:
–adjusting to retirement
–decreasing strength and health
–new social roles
–reviewing one’s life
Generatively Versus Stagnation (Self-
Absorption) in middle adulthood
Generatively at which woman act within 3 Domains:
Procreative Domain: By giving and responding to
the needs of the next generation (reproduction)

Productive Domain : By integrating work with

family life and caring for the next generation

Creative Domain: By contributing to society on a

larger scale (career)
major tasks in the middle years
o accepting and adjusting to physiological changes,
such as menopause

o reaching and maintaining satisfaction in one's


o adjusting to and possibly caring for aging parents

o helping teenage children to become responsible adults

o achieving adult social responsibility
Achievement during adulthood through

 Marriage

 Parenthood

 Work
The union of a man & a woman by a ceremony in
“The frequent pattern is U-shaped.
¨ Marital satisfaction begins to decline after
¨ It falls to its lowest point following the birth of
¨ It begins to grow after the children leave
¨ It reaches its highest when the kids have left
¨ The breakup of marriage.
¨ Is usually done by one partner.¨

Associated with misconception of marriage.

¨ It is a kind of failure.¨

 Divorced men and women have higher rates

among physically & psychologically ill.
Job Change and Stress

Career loss = The death of a loved one

Shock and disbelief

Anger and protest


Middle adulthood wellbeing is characterized by:
o Personality development ( mental & emotional

o Social development (form family)

o Career development (take role in society)

o Physical changes (maturity)

o Cognitive changes( perception toward herself &

Characteristics of positive women's
psychodynamics in Midlife
1. Self-acceptance.

2. Positive relation with others

3. Autonomy.

4. Environmental mastery.

5. Purpose in life.

6. Personal growth.

Degree of Personal Life Investment at
Different Points in Life

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