Ime - Module 1 - Q & A

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Gopalan College of Engineering and Management

(Accredited by NAAC, 2(f) status by UGC & ISO 9001:2015 certified)

Approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi
GCEM Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), Belagavi, Karnataka
Recognised by Govt. of Karnataka
181/1, 182/1, Sonnenahalli, Hoodi, K.R.Puram, Whitefield, Bangalore, Karnataka - 560 048
Phone No: 080 – 42229748 Email: Website:







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1. Explain the Role of Mechanical Engineering in Industries and Society. 10 CO 1
2. Explain briefly the emerging trends of Mechanical engineering in Manufacturing & 8 CO 1
Energy sectors.
3. Explain the Emerging Trends and Technologies in Automotive and Aerospace 8 CO 1
4. Explain the Emerging Trends and Technologies in Marine sector. 4 CO 1
5. Describe the following: i) Nuclear fuels ii) Fossil fuels 8 CO 1
6. Explain the different types of biofuels with applications. 8 CO 1
7. With a neat sketch, explain the working of hydel power plant. 10 CO 1
8. Explain the utilization of solar energy using flat plate collector with a schematic 10 CO 1
9. Explain the utilization of solar energy using Photovoltaic Cell (Solar cell) with a 8 CO 1
schematic diagram.
10. Describe the construction & working of wind power plant with a schematic 10 CO 1
11. Write a short note on “Global warming”. 10 CO 1
12. Write a short note on “Ozone layer depletion”. 10 CO 1


1. Explain the Role of Mechanical Engineering in Industries and Society.

Mechanical Engineering:

Mechanical Engineering is defined as the branch of engineering that deals with the design, development,
construction, and operation of mechanical systems and tools. It includes machines, tools, and equipment used in
various industries, such as transportation, manufacturing, power generation, and medical devices etc.

Role of Mechanical Engineering in Industries and Society:

Mechanical engineers are involved in almost every aspect of human existence and welfare, including
machines, cars and other vehicles, aircraft, power plants, automobile parts, and manufacturing plants etc.

A Mechanical Engineer plays a significant role in designing, developing, and testing machines as well as
thermal devices. It also includes systems that are essential to many aspects of modern society and Industries.

They use their knowledge of mechanics, thermodynamics, materials science, and energy to create
solutions that improve the quality of life of people.

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The role of a mechanical engineer in our society is contributed as:

● Power Generation:
Mechanical engineers design and develop power-generating machines such as internal combustion
engines, gas turbines, and steam and wind turbines etc.

● Heating and Cooling Systems:

They design and develop heating, ventilation, refrigeration and air conditioning systems for buildings and
other structures.

● Transportation:
Mechanical engineers are involved in designing and developing transportation systems, including cars,
trains, airplanes, steamers and boats.

● Industrial Equipment:
They design, develop and maintain industrial equipment such as machine tools, robots, and conveyor
systems & belts

● Infrastructure:
Mechanical engineers play a key role in the design and maintenance of infrastructure, including buildings,
bridges, roads, and transportation systems.

● Renewable energy:
In recent years, mechanical engineers have made significant contributions to the development of
renewable energy infrastructure around the world, ranging from large solar projects to using wind,
ocean, or tidal energy to generate power.

● Space:
Mechanical engineers are involved in space exploration, climate change, sensor and controller
integration, and many other areas.

● Industry 4.0:
Mechanical engineers and computer scientists are collaborating in the Industry 4.0 era to make machines
communicate without the need for human intervention, preserving the possibility of developing a smart


To summarize, the role of a mechanical engineer is not limited to manufacturing, but also to take a product from
concept to customer. Overall, Mechanical Engineers are involved in designing, building, and maintaining the
engines, machines, and structures that make modern life possible and comfortable. They contribute to society by
using their skills to improve the safety, security, efficiency, and comfort of the systems and devices that we rely
on every day.

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2. Explain briefly the emerging trends of Mechanical engineering in Manufacturing & Energy sectors.

The emerging trends of Mechanical engineering in Manufacturing sector:

Mechanical engineering in the manufacturing sector is continually evolving to keep up with technological
advancements and industry demands. Here are some emerging trends in mechanical engineering within

1. Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing:

Industry 4.0 is a key trend, integrating IoT (Internet of Things), data analytics, and automation to create
smart factories. Mechanical engineers are involved in developing systems that can communicate,
optimize production, and minimize downtime.

2. Additive Manufacturing:
3D printing and additive manufacturing are revolutionizing the way products are designed and produced.
Mechanical engineers are at the forefront of this technology, developing new materials, processes, and

3. Robotics and Automation:

The use of robots and automation is increasing in manufacturing to improve efficiency, precision, and
safety. Mechanical engineers design and maintain these robotic systems.

4. Sustainable Manufacturing:
There's a growing focus on sustainability and eco-friendly manufacturing processes. Mechanical
engineers are involved in designing and optimizing processes and products with minimal environmental

5. Advanced Materials:
Developing and implementing advanced materials, such as composites and superalloys, is a significant
trend in mechanical engineering. These materials offer improved strength, lightweight properties, and

6. Supply Chain Optimization:

Mechanical engineers contribute to supply chain optimization by designing systems that streamline
logistics, minimize waste, and reduce costs.

These emerging trends in mechanical engineering in the manufacturing sector reflect the industry's
continuous adaptation to technology, sustainability, and changing consumer demands. Mechanical engineers play
a critical role in driving these innovations and ensuring that manufacturing remains competitive and efficient.

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The emerging trends of Mechanical engineering in Energy sector:

Mechanical engineering in the energy sector is experiencing significant developments as the world strives
for sustainable and efficient energy solutions. Here are some emerging trends in mechanical engineering within
the energy sector:

1. Renewable Energy Systems:

Mechanical engineers are at the forefront of designing and optimizing renewable energy systems,
such as wind turbines, solar panels, and hydropower installations. They work on improving energy
capture, storage, and transmission in these technologies.

2. Energy Storage Technologies:

The development of advanced energy storage solutions, including batteries, supercapacitors, and
thermal energy storage, is a key trend. Mechanical engineers are involved in designing these systems
for enhanced efficiency and longer lifespans.

3. Energy Efficiency and HVAC Systems:

Mechanical engineers are focused on creating more energy-efficient heating, ventilation, and air
conditioning (HVAC) systems for buildings, which significantly reduce energy consumption.

4. Hydrogen Energy:
Mechanical engineers are involved in the development of hydrogen production, storage, and
transportation technologies for a wide range of energy applications, including fuel cells.

5. Bioenergy and Biofuels:

Mechanical engineers are exploring ways to optimize bioenergy production processes and develop
biofuels from renewable sources, contributing to a cleaner energy mix.

6. Energy-Efficient Transportation:
Mechanical engineers play a key role in the development of energy-efficient and electric vehicles,
contributing to reduced carbon emissions in the transportation sector.

These trends reflect the ongoing efforts in the energy sector to transition towards cleaner, more
sustainable, and efficient energy solutions. Mechanical engineers are instrumental in shaping these
advancements, ensuring that our energy systems meet the demands of a changing world.


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3. Explain the Emerging Trends and Technologies in Automotive and Aerospace sectors.

Emerging trends and technologies in the automotive and aerospace sectors are
driving innovation, safety, efficiency, and sustainability. Here's an overview of these
trends in both sectors:

Automotive Sector:

1. Electric and Autonomous Vehicles: The shift towards electric vehicles (EVs)
and autonomous driving is a dominant trend. EVs are becoming more
affordable and have longer ranges. Autonomous vehicles are equipped with
advanced sensors and AI for self-driving capabilities.
2. Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS): ADAS features such as
adaptive cruise control, lane-keeping assist, and automatic emergency braking
are becoming standard, enhancing vehicle safety.
3. Lightweight Materials: The use of advanced materials like carbon fiber,
aluminum, and composites is increasing to reduce vehicle weight and improve
fuel efficiency.
4. Advanced Manufacturing Techniques: 3D printing and additive
manufacturing are used to produce lightweight and complex parts more
5. Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Practices: Automakers are focusing on
sustainability, incorporating eco-friendly materials and developing more
efficient engines, alternative fuels, and recycling processes.

Aerospace Sector:

1. Electric and Hybrid Aircraft: Similar to the automotive sector, the aerospace
industry is exploring electric and hybrid aircraft to reduce emissions and noise.
2. Advanced Materials: The aerospace sector is using advanced materials like
carbon composites, ceramics, and titanium to reduce weight and improve fuel
3. Additive Manufacturing: 3D printing is used to create complex, lightweight
components, leading to more efficient and cost-effective manufacturing in
4. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs): Drones and UAVs are used for a variety of
applications, including surveillance, cargo delivery, and passenger transport in
urban air mobility initiatives.

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5. Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF): The industry is focusing on SAF to reduce
carbon emissions. SAF can be derived from renewable sources and blended
with traditional aviation fuel.
6. Space Exploration: Private companies are playing a significant role in space
exploration. Advancements in rocket technology, satellite development, and
lunar and Mars missions are key trends.
7. Urban Air Mobility (UAM): UAM is gaining attention, with the development
of electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft for short-distance urban

Both the automotive and aerospace sectors are undergoing rapid transformations,
with a strong focus on sustainability, efficiency, and advanced technologies. These
trends are shaping the future of transportation and travel, making them more
sustainable, safe, and convenient.
4. Explain the Emerging Trends and Technologies in Marine sector.
Emerging trends and technologies in mechanical engineering within the marine
sector are driving innovation, efficiency, and sustainability in various aspects of ship
design, propulsion, and operation.

Here are some key trends in this sector:

1. Alternative Propulsion Systems: The marine industry is exploring alternative

propulsion systems, such as LNG engines, fuel cells, and battery-electric
propulsion, to reduce emissions and improve fuel efficiency.
2. Hybrid Powertrains: Hybrid systems that combine traditional engines with
electric propulsion are gaining popularity, offering better fuel efficiency and
reduced environmental impact.
3. Advanced Materials and Lightweight Design: The use of advanced materials
like composites and aluminum alloys is increasing to reduce the weight of
ships, resulting in improved fuel economy and better overall performance.
4. Sustainable Ship Design: Engineers are focusing on sustainability,
incorporating energy-efficient features into ship designs, such as streamlined
hulls and improved hydrodynamics.
5. Autonomous and Remote-Controlled Vessels: Automation and autonomous
technologies are being integrated into marine vessels to improve safety and
efficiency, particularly for tasks like navigation and collision avoidance.

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6. Ballast Water Management Systems: Mechanical engineers are designing
systems to treat ballast water, preventing the spread of invasive species and
ensuring compliance with international regulations.
7. Green Shipping Practices: Environmental sustainability is a priority, with
measures like slow steaming, eco-routing, and waste management programs to
minimize the ecological impact of maritime operations.

These emerging trends and technologies in mechanical engineering within the

marine sector reflect the industry's ongoing efforts to make maritime transportation
more environmentally friendly, technologically advanced, and efficient. They
contribute to the development of safer, more sustainable, and cost-effective marine


5. Describe the following: i) Nuclear fuels ii) Fossil fuels

Nuclear fuels:

Nuclear fuels are materials that are capable of undergoing nuclear reactions,
particularly nuclear fission, which releases a significant amount of energy. These fuels
are a key component of nuclear technology, including nuclear power generation,
nuclear weapons, and various scientific and industrial applications.

The most common nuclear fuels include uranium, plutonium, and thorium.
These fuels are chosen for their ability to sustain controlled nuclear reactions, leading
to the release of heat and energy.

Applications of Nuclear Fuels:

1. Nuclear Power Generation: The primary and most well-known application of

nuclear fuels is in nuclear power plants. Nuclear reactors use uranium or
plutonium as fuel to generate heat through nuclear fission. The heat is used to
produce steam, which drives turbines and generates electricity. Nuclear power
is known for its high energy density and low greenhouse gas emissions, making
it a crucial component of clean energy production.
2. Nuclear Weapons: Plutonium and highly enriched uranium (HEU) are used as
fissile materials in the production of nuclear weapons. Nuclear fuel in this
context is utilized to create uncontrolled nuclear chain reactions, resulting in a

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powerful explosion. It is imperative to control and secure nuclear fuel to
prevent nuclear proliferation and ensure global security.
3. Space Exploration: Radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs) use nuclear
fuels, such as plutonium-238, to generate electricity for spacecraft and space
probes. These RTGs have been used in missions to distant planets, such as the
Mars rovers and the Voyager spacecraft.
4. Nuclear Medicine: Nuclear fuels play a vital role in the field of nuclear
medicine. Radioactive isotopes, often produced in nuclear reactors using
nuclear fuel, are used for medical imaging, cancer treatment, and diagnostic
5. Future Energy Solutions: Researchers are exploring advanced nuclear fuel
cycles, including thorium-based and fast breeder reactors, for sustainable and
safer nuclear energy production. These technologies could potentially provide
more efficient and less hazardous options for meeting future energy demands.

Nuclear fuels have diverse applications, ranging from providing clean energy to
advancing scientific research and exploration. Their use comes with significant
responsibilities, including safety measures, non-proliferation efforts, and secure
handling of radioactive materials to ensure the peaceful and beneficial use of nuclear

Fossil fuels:

Introduction to Fossil Fuels:

Fossil fuels are hydrocarbon-based energy resources that have formed from the
remains of ancient plants and animals over millions of years. They are called "fossil"
fuels because they are derived from the fossils of these organisms.

The three primary types of fossil fuels are coal, petroleum (oil), and natural gas.

Fossil fuels are considered non-renewable resources, as their formation process is

extremely slow, and their extraction and consumption deplete them over time.

They have played a crucial role in meeting global energy demands for centuries, but
their use is associated with environmental concerns, including air pollution and
greenhouse gas emissions.

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Applications of Fossil Fuels:

1. Electricity Generation: Fossil fuels, particularly coal and natural gas, have
traditionally been used to generate electricity in power plants. They are burned
to produce steam, which drives turbines connected to generators, converting
mechanical energy into electrical energy.
2. Transportation: Petroleum-derived fuels, such as gasoline and diesel, power
most of the world's vehicles, including cars, trucks, ships, and airplanes. Natural
gas is also used as a fuel source for some vehicles, particularly buses and fleet
3. Heating and Cooling: Natural gas and heating oil are commonly used for
residential and industrial heating and cooling systems. They provide a reliable
and efficient source of heat for homes and businesses.
4. Industrial Processes: Fossil fuels are used as energy sources in various
industrial applications, including manufacturing, chemical processes, and
refining. They are used to generate heat and steam, facilitating various
industrial processes.
5. Chemical Feedstock: Petroleum is a feedstock for the production of chemicals
and petrochemicals. It is used to create a wide range of products, including
plastics, fertilizers, and synthetic materials.
6. Cooking and Home Appliances: In some regions, natural gas is used as a
clean-burning fuel for cooking, water heating, and home appliances like stoves,
ovens, and dryers.
7. Aviation Fuel: Jet fuel, derived from petroleum, is essential for the aviation
industry. It powers commercial and military aircraft.
8. Ships and Maritime Transport: Diesel and heavy fuel oil are used to power
ships and other maritime vessels. These fuels are crucial for global trade and
9. Electricity Backup and Peak Demand: Natural gas power plants are often
used to meet peak electricity demand due to their ability to start up quickly
and respond to fluctuations in electricity needs.
10. Petroleum Products: Apart from transportation fuels, petroleum is the source
of a wide array of products, including lubricants, asphalt, and waxes.

Fossil fuels have been the dominant energy source for centuries due to their
abundance, energy density, and ease of transport and storage. However, their use is
associated with environmental and climate challenges, including carbon emissions,
air pollution, and habitat disruption during extraction.
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6. Explain the different types of biofuels with applications.

Biofuels are renewable energy sources derived from organic materials, such as
plants, algae, and waste biomass. They are considered a more environmentally
friendly alternative to fossil fuels, as they can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions
and dependence on non-renewable resources.

There are several types of biofuels, each with its unique characteristics and

1. Biodiesel:
 Source: Biodiesel is typically produced from vegetable oils, animal fats,
or used cooking oil through a process called transesterification.
 Applications: Biodiesel can be used as a direct substitute for diesel fuel
in diesel engines. It is commonly used in transportation, particularly in
trucks, buses, and some passenger vehicles. Biodiesel is also used in
stationary engines and generators.
2. Ethanol:
 Source: Ethanol, also known as ethyl alcohol, is primarily produced from
sugarcane, corn, or other high-sugar and starch crops.
 Applications: Ethanol is often blended with gasoline to create ethanol-
gasoline blends, such as E10 (10% ethanol) and E85 (85% ethanol). It is
used as a biofuel additive to reduce emissions and enhance octane
ratings. E10 is widely available and compatible with most gasoline-
powered vehicles.
3. Biogas and Biomethane:
 Source: Biogas is produced through the anaerobic digestion of organic
materials, such as agricultural and food waste, sewage, and manure.
Biomethane is purified biogas.
 Applications: Biogas can be used for heat and power generation,
particularly in combined heat and power (CHP) plants. Biomethane can
be injected into natural gas pipelines or used as a transportation fuel in
natural gas vehicles (NGVs).

Biofuels offer a versatile range of applications, from transportation fuels to electricity

generation and chemical feedstocks. They are considered a valuable tool in reducing
greenhouse gas emissions and moving towards more sustainable and
environmentally friendly energy sources.

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7. With a neat sketch, explain the working of hydel power plant.

Hydro Power Plants: In hydroelectric power plants the potential energy of water due to its high location
is converted into electrical energy. The total power generation capacity of the hydroelectric power
plants depends on the head of water and volume of water flowing towards the water turbine.

The hydroelectric power plant, also called as dam or hydro power plant, is used for generation of
electricity from water on large scale basis. The dam is built across the large river that has sufficient
quantity of water throughout the river. In certain cases where the river is very large, more than one
dam can built across the river at different locations.

Working Principle of Hydroelectric Power plant

The water flowing in the river possesses two type of energy:

(1) The kinetic energy due to flow of water and

(2) Potential energy due to the height of water. The hydroelectric power and potential energy of water
is utilized to generate electricity.


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8. Explain the utilization of solar energy using flat plate collector with a schematic diagram.

Solar Power Plant

Solar radiation is radiant energy emitted by the sun from a nuclear fusion reaction that creates
electromagnetic energy. The spectrum of solar radiation is close to that of a black body with a
temperature of about 5800 K. About half of the radiation is in the visible short-wave part of the
electromagnetic spectrum.

Solar Constant:

This is the amount of energy received in unit time on a unit perpendicular to the suns direction
at the mean distance of the earth from the sun. The surface of the earth receives about 1014 kW of
solar energy from the sun. One square meter of the land exposed to direct sun-light receives an energy
equivalent of about 1 kW of power.

The radiant solar energy falling on the earth surface is directly converted into thermal energy.
The surfaces on which the solar rays fall are called collectors. There are two types of collectors:

(a) Flat plate collectors

(b) Focusing collectors.

Liquid Flat Plate Collectors:

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It has the following components:

(a) Absorbing plate

• Made of Copper, Aluminium or steel.

• It is coated with material to enhance the absorption of solar radiation.

• From the absorbing plates heat is transferred to tubes which carry either water or air.

(b) Transparent covers

• Sheets of solar radiation transmitting materials placed above the absorbing plate.

• They allow solar energy to reach the absorbing plate while reducing convection, conduction
and re-radiation heat losses.

(c) Insulation

• It minimizes and protects the absorbing plate from heat losses.


• Sun’s rays falling on the transparent covers are transmitted to the absorbing plate.

• The absorbing plate usually of Cu, Al or galvanized iron is painted dead black for maximum

• The collector (plate) will absorb the sun energy and transfer it to the fluid in the pipe beneath
the collector plate.

• Use of flat mirrors on the sides improves the output


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9. Explain the utilization of solar energy using Photovoltaic Cell (Solar cell) with a schematic diagram.

Solar energy can be directly converted to electrical energy by means of photovoltaic effect.
Photovoltaic effect is defined as the generation of an electromotive force (EMF) as a result of the
absorption of ionizing radiation.

Devices which convert sunlight to electricity are known as solar cells or photovoltaic cells. Solar cells
are semiconductors, commonly used are barrier type iron-selenium cells.

• Iron-selenium cells consist of a metal electrode on which a layer of selenium is deposited.

• On the top of this a barrier layer is formed which is coated with a very thin layer of gold.

• The layer of gold serves as a translucent electrode through which light can impinge on the layer below.

• Under the influence of sunlight, a negative charge will build up on the gold electrode and a positive
charge on the bottom electrode.

• This difference in charge will produce voltage in proportion to the suns radiant energy incident on it.


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10. Describe the construction & working of wind power plant with a schematic diagram.

Wind energy:

Wind energy is the energy contained in the force of the winds blowing across the earth surface. Wind
energy is defined as the kinetic energy associated with the movement of large masses of air over the
earth’s surface. The circulation of the air in the atmosphere is caused by the non-uniform heating of the
earth’s surface by the sun. The air immediately above warm area expands and becomes less dense. It is
then forced upwards by a cool denser air which flows in from the surrounding areas causing wind.

Wind energy conversion:

A windmill is the oldest device built to convert the wind energy into mechanical energy used for
grinding, milling and pumping applications. It consists of a rotor fitted with large sized blades. Now
improvement in performance is achieved by applying sound engineering and aerodynamic principles.
Nowadays the wind energy is used to produce electrical energy. Wind energy is converted into
mechanical energy in wind turbines. These wind turbines are coupled to generators the mechanical
energy is converted into electrical energy.


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11. Write a short note on “Global warming”.

Global Warming Definition

“Global warming is a gradual increase in the earth’s temperature generally due to

the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, CFCs, and
other pollutants. “

Global warming is the phenomenon of a gradual increase in the temperature near

the earth’s surface. This phenomenon has been observed over the past one or two
centuries. This change has disturbed the climatic pattern of the earth.

Causes of Global Warming

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12. Write a short note on “Ozone layer depletion”.

• The ozone layer is mainly found in the lower portion of the earth’s atmosphere.

• It has the potential to absorb around 97-99% of the harmful ultraviolet radiations coming from
the sun that can damage life on earth.

• If the ozone layer was absent, millions of people would develop skin diseases and may have
weakened immune systems.

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Effects of Ozone layer depletion:

 Ozone layer helps in shielding the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun.
 Depletion of the ozone layer exposes humans to harmful ultraviolet rays, this causes
skin diseases, cataract, cancer, impaired immune system etc.
 Direct exposure to ultraviolet radiations leads to skin and eye cancer in animals.
 Strong ultraviolet rays may lead to minimal growth, flowering and photosynthesis in
plants. The forests also have to bear the harmful effects of the ultraviolet rays
 Planktons are greatly affected by the exposure to harmful ultraviolet rays. These are
higher in the aquatic food chain. If the planktons are destroyed, the organisms
present in the food chain are also affected.

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Solutions to Ozone Layer Depletion


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