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Question 1: Fill in the blanks with given words. Write the letters A – T.

A. … E. I. M. Q.
B. … F. J. N. R.
C. G. K. O. S.
D. H. L. P. T.
Các em đọc trong sách và tìm các thuật ngữ phù hợp với các định nghĩa cho sẵn bên dưới!

1. The property of …………………………. (or “reflexiveness”) accounts for the fact that (p14)
we can use language to think and talk about language itself.
2. ………………………………. allows language users to talk about things and events not (p15)
present in the immediate environment.
3. The aspect of the relationship between linguistic signs and objects in the world is (p15)
described as………………………………..
4. The process whereby a language is passed on from one generation to the next is described (p16)
as cultural…….………………………….
5. ………………………………. (or “creativity” or “open-endedness”) means that the (p17)
potential number of utterances in any human language is infinite.
6. The general study of the characteristics of speech sounds is (p29)
7. …… is the description of the systems and patterns of speech sounds in a language. (p45)
8. Each of the meaning-distinguishing sounds in a language is described as a (p46)
………………………….……., which is the abstract unit or sound type.
9. A set of phones, all of which are versions of one phoneme, are (p47)
………………………….…… of that phoneme.
10. When two words such as pat and bat are identical in form except for a contrast in one (p48)
phoneme, occurring in the same position, the two words are described as a
………………………………. .
11. When two sound segments occur in sequence and some aspect of one segment is taken (p50)
or “copied” by the other, the process is known as …….
12. The process of not pronouncing a sound segment that might be present in the deliberately (p51)
careful pronunciation of a word in isolation is described as
………………………………. .
13. The study of the origin and history of a word is known as its (p59)
14. ………………………………. is the taking over of words from other language. (p60)
15. The direct translation of the elements of a word into the borrowing language is called (p60)
…….…………………………. or calque.
16. ………………………………. is a joining of 2 (or more) separate words to produce a (p61)
single form.
17. ………………………………. is a minimal unit of meaning or grammatical function.
18. The view of grammar as a set of rules for the proper use of a language is best (p97)
characterized as the ……………………………….
19. ………………………………. is the study of the similarities in the grammatical (p101)
structures of languages that allow them to be classified as members of the same type or

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20. When the meaning of one form is included in the meaning of another, the relationship is (p135)
described as ……………………………….
21. The idea of the “characteristic instance” of a category is known as the (p137)
22. When two or more different (written) forms have the same pronunciation, they are (p137)
described as …….………………………….
23. We use the term ………………………………. when one form (written or spoken) has (p137)
two or more unrelated meaning.
24. When we encounter two or more words with the same form and related meanings, we (p138)
have what is technically known as …….………………………….
25. ………………………………. is the location out there where we encounter words and (p151)
26. The surrounding words, also known as co-text, that helps us understand what is meant is (p151)
the …….………………………….
27. ……………………………….means “pointing” via language. (p152)
28. …… …………………………. can be defined as an act by which a speaker (or writer) (p153)
uses language to enable a listener (or reader) to identify something.
29. An ………………………………. is the additional information used by the listener to (p153)
create a connection between what is said and what must be meant.
30. What the speaker assume is true or known by the listener can be described as a (p155)
31. ………………………………. can be defined as showing awareness and consideration (p156)
of another person’s face.

32. Whenever you say something that lessens the possible threat to another’s face, it can be (p156)
described as a ……………………………….

33. If you say something that represents a threat to a person’s self image, that is called a (p156)
34. ………………………………. is the need to be independent and free from imposition. (p156)
35. ………………………………. is the need to be connected, to belong to be a member of (p156)
the group.

36. We use the term ………………………………. to describe an action that involves (p157)
language such as requesting, commanding, questioning or informing.
37. The word ………………………………. is usually defined as “language beyond the (p168)
38. ………………………………. is the formal ties and connections that exist within texts. (p169)
39. A ………………………………. is a general term for a conventional knowledge (p177)
structure that exists in memory.
40. The term ………………………………. describes the gradual development over time of (p220)
ability in a language by using it naturally in communicative situations with others who
know the language.
41. The term ………………………….…… applies to a more conscious process of (p220)
accumulating knowledge through analysis of features of a language, such as grammar or
vocabulary, typically in an instutional settings, with teachers.
42. ………………………………. means using sounds, expressions or structures from the (p224)
L1 when performing in the L2.

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43. The term ………………………………. is used, as in L1 acquisition, to describe the (p224)
language that the learner is exposed to.
44. ………………………………. is L2 material that the learner can acquire in interaction (p226)
through requests for clarification
45. …… …………………………. can be defined as the general ability to use language (p227)
accurately, appropriately and flexibly.
46. The term ………………………….…… is restricted to the description of aspects of (p280)
pronunciation that identify where an individual speaker is from.
47. The term …………………………….… is used to describe features of grammar and (p280)
vocabulary as well as aspects of pronunciation.
48. An ………………………………. is a line represents a boundary between the areas with (p282)
regards to one particular linguistic item.
49. A rather special situation involving two disctinct varieties of a language, called (p287)
………………………….……, exists in some countries.
50. When a pidgin develops beyond its role as a trade or contact language and becomes the (p288)
first language of a social community, it is described as a ……………………………….

Question 2: Write definitions for the initial sounds in the normal pronunciation of the following words.
Example: cat → Your answer: /k/ is a voiceless velar stop. Xem Table 3.3/p34
1. soon

2. young

3. cart

4. then

5. job

6. check

7. shoe

8. quick

9. thick

10. write

Question 3: For each pair of words, write “Yes” if it is a minimal pair or write “No” if it is not a minimal
pair. P48
Example: see / sea → Your answer: No
1. go/ show 11. day/ may

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2. men/ man 12. men/ when

3. bee/ be 13. sun/ sung

4. life/ live 14. by/ buy

5. hour/ tour 15. come/ home

6. win/ won 16. phone/ none

7. hair/ fare 17. four/ tour

8. she/ sea 18. dove/ move

9. sun/ son 19. four/ hour

10. do/ ad 20. keep/ keen

Question 4: Identify the different word-formation processes involved in producing each of the
underlined words in these sentences. P60-66
a. We want our children to have the best possible chance of happiness.
b. Any patient who has vascular disease should be on long-term aspirin.
c. Steven’s still in bed with flu.

d. If the GDP continues to shrink, the country will be in a recession.

e. He stepped outside to empty the trash.

f. I took my shoe off and lay down on the sofa.

g. Participants camp under the stars, except for one night in a motel.

h. ASEAN now has 10 members.

i. That is, stress values like honesty, integrity and loyalty.

j. The park has an abundance of wildlife.

Question 5: Look at the following sentence. Write down the number of each morpheme type and list
morphs. Then, fill in the blank. P77-80
The teacher’s wildness shocked the girl’s parents.
1. Lexical morphemes: How many?………..… Morph(s):…………………………………………
2. Functional morphemes: How many?………..… Morph(s):…………………………………………

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3. Derivational morphemes: How many?………..…Morph(s):…………………………………………
4. Inflectional morphemes: How many?………..… Morph(s):…………………………………………
5. The words put in a closed class of words are:………………………………………………

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Question 6: Identify the noun phrases in the following sentence.

a. We stayed in a luxurious hotel in the centre of the city where Jane worked.

b. I have a very vivid picture of the first time I met Erik.

Question 7: Complete the following tree diagram.


The old woman brought a snake to Brazil.

Question 8: What is the basic lexical relation between each pair of words listed below?
P117,118: synonymy; gradable/non-gradable/ reversive antonymy;
hyponymy; metonymy; prototype; homophones; homonyms; polysemy

a. color - violet
b. import - export
c. large- wide
d. high - low
e. pen (an object used for writing)/ pen (an area to keep animals)
f. Flower- rose
g. Off - on
h. Slim- slender
i. Soft - hard

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j. School (a place where children go to be educated) - school (a
large number of fish or other sea animals swimming in a

Question 9: What is one obvious presupposition of a speaker who says: P155

a. He stopped smoking.
b. His car costs a fortune.
c. When are we leaving?
d. I finally tracked him down at his house in Denver.
e. Where did she go to college?
f. Why did you choose to live in London?
g. She got on her bicycle and rode away.
h. She wants to borrow Maria’s hat.

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