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•Executive Summary: A brief overview of the PR plan.

Executive Summary
This PR plan outlines a comprehensive strategy for the successful launch of
LinguaPros Language Center in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. LinguaPros, a well-
regarded language learning institute based in Singapore, aims to establish itself as a
leading provider of high-quality English education for children aged 3 to 12 in the
Vietnamese market. The plan is designed to address the key challenges of market
penetration, competition, and cultural adaptation while meeting specific objectives
related to brand awareness, student enrollment, and reputation building.

Key Goals:

1. Brand Awareness: Achieve at least 40% brand recognition among the target
audience within the first year.
2. Enrollment: Enroll 100 students within the first six months of operation.
3. Reputation: Establish LinguaPros as a reputable and innovative provider of
English education for young children.


● Market Penetration: LinguaPros is new to the Vietnamese market and needs

to build brand recognition from scratch.
● Local Competition: Competing with established language centers such as
Apollo English and ILA Vietnam.
● Cultural Adaptation: Understanding and meeting the educational preferences
and needs of Vietnamese children and their parents.

•Situation Analysis: Detailed analysis of the current

market situation, competition, and cultural considerations.
current market situation:
Market Overview
In 2019, Vietnam was ranked 65th out of 100 countries on the EF English Proficiency
Index by English First (Sweden). The country's ranking has steadily declined since
2015, despite an increase in the number of countries surveyed. This indicates a
growing need and opportunity for English language training in Vietnam, making it an
attractive market for both domestic and international companies.

Demographic and Economic Factors

Vietnam boasts a population of nearly 100 million, making it the third-largest in the
ASEAN region. The country has a youthful demographic, with over 40% of the
population under the age of 24, presenting a substantial market for educational
services. The Vietnamese government allocates around 20% of its annual budget to
education, reflecting a strong commitment to educational investment. Additionally,
the rapid growth of the wealthy class in Vietnam is driving demand for high-quality,
international-standard education for their children.

Market Potential and Trends

Despite efforts to improve public education, many parents and students find that it
does not meet their expectations. This unmet demand has fueled a significant
growth in private education sectors, including English language training. The market
for English education and international schools in Vietnam has been growing rapidly,
with an average annual growth rate of 20% over recent years.

Competitive Landscape
The competitive landscape includes several well-established language centers such
as Apollo English and ILA Vietnam. These centers have already secured strong brand
recognition and a loyal customer base. To compete effectively, LinguaPros will need
to differentiate itself through innovative teaching methods and high-quality

Cultural Considerations
Understanding the specific educational preferences and needs of Vietnamese
children and their parents is crucial. This includes adapting teaching materials and
methods to align with local cultural norms and expectations. Successfully
addressing these cultural factors will be key to gaining acceptance and trust within
the community.


Trung tâm tiếng Anh văn hội Việt Mỹ

Aspect LinguaPros Anh NewSky Apollo English (VUS)

LinguaPros Trung tâm tiếng Anh văn hội Việt Mỹ

Name Language Center Anh NewSky Apollo English (VUS)

New, expanding
into Vietnamese
Size market Established Established Established

Tuition 7.500.000- 5.000.000vnd- 3.000.000-

Fee 10.000.000 30.000.000 30.000.000 2.000.000-20.000.000

Children aged 3 to
Audience 12, Parents, Children, Adults, Children, Teenagers,
Target Education Centers Various Businesses Adults, Businesses
Rich teaching Experienced teachers,
Innovative teaching experience, International International affiliations,
methods, Qualified Diverse standards, Modern Modern teaching
Strengths instructors programs teaching methods methods

•PR Objectives:

- Political:
- Establish Family: Finance:
relationships with
educational and Create engaging and Provide flexible and
cultural agencies: beneficial summer preferential tuition
- Bureaucratic learning programs: packages:
agencies often Parental involvement: Sustainability: Offering
have lengthy Gaining active discounts and flexible
processes for participation from parents packages might impact
approving might be challenging if the financial sustainability
collaborations and they are not convinced of of the center.
providing support. the program's benefits.
- Competition for
resources: Other Perceived value: Some
educational Scheduling conflicts: might perceive
organizations Families might have pre- discounted packages as
might also seek the planned summer indicative of lower quality,
same support, activities, leading to lower affecting the center’s
creating participation in the reputation.
competition for programs.
limited resources
Market competition:
Competing with other
educational institutions
offering similar incentives
can be challenging.

Search and exploit

funding sources:

Dependence on funding:
Over-reliance on external
funding can be risky if
sponsors withdraw

- Brand Awareness: Achieve at least 40% brand recognition among
the target audience within the first year.
- Enrollment: Enroll 100 students within the first six months of
- a reputation for high-quality
- Innovative education for young children

•Target Audience: Detailed description of the primary and

secondary target audiences.
Parents want to seek the credibility and high-quality
English center for their child aged 3 - 12. ( income:
average - high )
Learners: The age category is divided into three sections:
3-6 years old, 7-9 years old, and 10-12 years old. Younger
children (3-6) may have no English ability, but can be
curious and energetic learners. As they get older (7-9),
they may quickly develop some English ability, but may
not be able to concentrate for long periods. Then, by 10-
12 years old and their English ability is likely more
•Key Messages: Core messages to be communicated to
the target audiences.
•Strategies and Tactics: Specific strategies and tactics to
achieve the PR objectives.
•Timeline: six months from June to December.
•Budget: A realistic budget estiate for the PR activities.
•Evaluation: Methods for evaluating the success of the
PR plan.

Overal sử dụng kỳ nghỉ hè của các bạn nhỏ để khởi động chương trình hè học tiếng anh
thông qua chơi ( learn through playing )=> chủ đề khám phá khu rừng thời đại 4.0
+ liên kết và tài trợ cho các summer camp để được quyền đưa chương trình khoá
học và bài giảng demo và trong summer camp cho các bạn trải nghiệm tiếp xúc với
việc giảng dạy của trung tâm
+ Đối với phụ huynh thông báo chương trình của Chương trình tiếng anh trong các
hoạt động thông qua
- social media
- billboard…

Key messages: Learn through playing

LinguaPros Language Center employs advanced teaching methods to make learning
English enjoyable and effective. By integrating play-based learning, task-based language
learning, and advanced technology-guided instruction, LinguaPros ensures that children
remain engaged and motivated throughout their language learning journey.

LinguaPros' curriculum combines play and learning activities, helping children learn
English through games, songs, and hands-on activities. Learning through play enables
children to naturally and joyfully acquire the language while also developing their creativity
and logical thinking skills.

Detailed courses for children aged 3-12:

Develop communication skills: Listening, speaking, reading, writing.

Create a fun and stimulating learning environment: Using games, songs, and creative
Develop social skills and thinking: Group work, individual projects.
Course Ages 3-6 Ages 7-9 Ages 10-12

Topics colors, counting, school, food, travel, occupations,

toys, animals, family, weather, hobbies. culture, environment.

Teaching methods Gamification: Using Communicative Communicative

games to make Language Language
learning enjoyable Teaching (CLT): Teaching (CLT):
and engaging. Focuses on practical Focuses on practical
Communicative communication. communication.
Language Project-based Project-based
Teaching (CLT): Learning: Learning Learning: Learning
Focuses on practical through real-world through real-world
communication. projects. projects.
Gamification: Using
games to make
learning enjoyable
and engaging.

Learning Activities Listen and repeat: Listen and repeat: Listen and repeat:
Using songs and Using songs and Using songs and
short stories. short stories. short stories.
Language games: Role-play and Role-play and
Hangman, Simon drama: Helping drama: Helping
Says, Pictionary. children practice children practice
language in real-life language in real-life
situations. situations.
Language games: Language games:
Hangman, Simon Hangman, Simon
Says, Pictionary. Says, Pictionary.

Price (VND) 8.000.000 7.500.000 8.500.000

Category Estimated Cost (VND)


Project Manager 47,000,000

PR Staff 70,500,000
Freelancer/Agency 117,500,000

Content Production

PR Article Writing 23,500,000

Graphic Design 35,250,000

Video 70,500,000

Content Distribution

Social Media Advertising 94,000,000

Google Ads 58,750,000

Email Marketing 23,500,000


Event Organization 47,000,000

Gifts and Promotions 35,250,000

Miscellaneous Costs

Service Fees 11,750,000

Tool Fees 11,750,000

Total 646,250,000

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