AHMAD AFTAB Industria Textila

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Perceived stress: role and levels of demographics – a cross-sectional study

of textile industry employees

DOI: 10.35530/IT.071.02.1643




Perceived stress: role and levels of demographics – a cross-sectional study of textile industry
Work stress adversely affects individual and organizational performance. This paper aims at investigating the
perceived stress among the employees of textile industry employees and how the employees’ perceived stress level
(EPSL) is linked with different demographic variables. Data was collected from 1212 employees working in 23 export-
based textile organizations using primarily Sheldon Cohen’s PSS-10. Descriptive analysis, t-tests, and ANOVA-tests
were performed to achieve the objectives of the study. 70% of the participants were found to be undergoing stress
amongst 21% were in the severe level of stress while 40% in higher level. The demographic variables: gender, marital
status, salary, position, job experience, family size, and size of the organization, were found to have significant effect
on the perceived stress levels. The study revealed numbers of variables (demographic) that directly or indirectly affect
the employees’ perceived stress level (EPSL). There is a need to understand the complexity of stress phenomenon
using a proactive approach, so that the stress management and interventions strategies can be designed to be
effective and implemented accordingly. Findings of this research support the research community in an attempt to
unfold complexity of stress phenomenon and study results can be utilized as a job design guideline for more
acceptable and viable stress management interventions.
Keywords: demographics, employees, PSS-10, perceived stress, textile

Stresul perceput: rolul și nivelurile demografice – un studiu transversal asupra angajaților

din industria textilă
Stresul de la locul de muncă afectează negativ performanțele individuale şi organizaționale. Acest articol are ca
obiectiv analiza stresului perceput în rândul angajaților din industria textilă şi modul în care nivelul de stres perceput al
angajaților (EPSL) este influențat de diferite variabile demografice. Datele au fost colectate de la 1212 angajați, care
lucrează în 23 de organizații în domeniul exportului de produse textile, folosind în principal indicatorul PSS-10 al lui
Sheldon Cohen. Analiza descriptivă, testele-t şi testele ANOVA au fost efectuate pentru a atinge obiectivele studiului.
S-a constatat că 70% dintre participanți suferă de stres, dintre care 21% au prezentat un nivel sever de stres, iar 40%
un nivel superior de stres. Variabilele demografice: sexul, starea civilă, salariul, funcţia, experiența la locul de muncă,
numărul de membri ai familiei şi mărimea organizației influențează semnificativ nivelurile de stres percepute. Studiul a
relevat un număr de variabile (demografice), care influențează direct sau indirect nivelul de stres perceput de către
angajați (EPSL). Este necesară înțelegerea complexității fenomenului de stres folosind o abordare proactivă, astfel
încât gestionarea stresului şi strategiile de intervenție să fie eficiente şi implementate în consecință. Concluziile acestei
cercetări susțin comunitatea de cercetare în încercarea de a analiza complexitatea fenomenului de stres, iar rezultatele
studiului pot fi utilizate ca ghid de proiectare a locului de muncă pentru intervenții viabile de gestionare a stresului.
Cuvinte-cheie: demografie, angajați, PSS-10, stresul perceput, textile

INTRODUCTION employment to about 30% of the 49 million workforce of

Background and objectives of the study the country. With fifty two percent of total exports, it
Work stress is a global issue. In Great Britain, in the year continues to be the mainstay of the country's exports [2].
2017–2018: work-related stress, anxiety or depression Work stress has become a major issue for the
were found as major causes for 44% of the work-related organizations where textile organizations have no
exemption. This research aims at investigating the
ill-health cases where about 57% of the working days
intensity of perceived stress among the employees of
were found to be lost because of health-related issues [1].
textile industry organizations and how perceived stress is
The textile industry is con- sidered as one of the largest
linked with different demographic variables. The study is
manufacturing indus- tries in Pakistan. The sector
a part of a big research project of which three of the
supports 8.5% to the works have already been published [3–5], with novel
gross domestic product (GDP) and is a source of major parts presented in this paper.
industria 1 2020, vol. 71, no. 2
Stress affects the human body adversely and results in record the responses. Respondents were informed that the
work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) and data collection was anonymous and no spe- cific
impacts individual and organizational work per- formance information would be shared with anyone at any stage of
negatively [6–8]. It results in reduced effi- ciency,
the research and the information would be used only for
reduced capacity for work schedules, dimin- ished zeal or
research purposes.
work devotion, lack of creativity, absence of compassion
for the organization, lost commitment, self-esteem, and Instrument
increased occurrence of “perceived contract breach” [9–
The instrument consisted of Cohen's Perceived Stress
12]. It can easily be concluded that stress has its effects
Scale-10 (PSS-10) [24] and nine demograph- ic variables.
on all the func- tions being performed in an organization
PSS-10 is one of the scales commonly used to record the
and due deliberation ought to be given to manage it.
individuals' perceived stress lev- els. Since its
Literature review and research gap development in 1983, it has been a widely used by the
Several studies have been performed to determine researchers to evaluate individu- als' and group stress
individuals' perceived stress levels and their associa- tion levels [25–26]. In the PSS-10 part of the instrument,
with the group demographics. The demographics of the subjects answered on a 5-point scale which ranged from 0
players and entrepreneurs were found to play a major role (never) to 4 (always), 0 indicating No Stress and 4
in perceiving the impacts of stressors [13–14]. Women indicating High Stress. The subjects were supposed to go
were reported to be more stressful than men [4, 15–17]. for any number of the scale as per their responses. The
Likewise, single employees have been found to be more responses to 10 questions were subsequently summed to
stressful than married [1]. Increases in the educational gener- ate the perceived stress score, where higher scores
level of the partici- pants, has been found associated with indicate greater psychological stress. The internal
a decrease in their perceived stress scores [1]. A study on consistency of the PSS-10 part of the instrument was
radiog- raphers revealed that 63% of the subjects checked through Cronbach's alpha and found reli- able
indicated high to severe levels of stress [16] whereas with the value of 0.74.
another performed on textile workers yielded 28% as
stress- ful [18]. A positive correlation was found between Statistical procedures
HRST (Human Resource in Science and Technology) and Descriptive analysis, independent sample t-test, and a
innovative projects while it was not found between people One-Way between subjects ANOVA using the SPSS 23.0
with tertiary education and innova- tive process [2]. were deployed to measure the employ- ees' perceived
Major emphasis in the earlier stress related studies has stress level (EPSL) and to identify the role of
been seen in sports, medical ser- vices, and employment
demographics on it.
in a broad-spectrum besides some segments like teaching
[9, 19–21]. The stress literature on the textile industry
employees is very limited and the available literature does
not cover the sector as a whole [22] whereas this study Perceived stress
encom- passes the entire area of the textile industry. In Psychological stress has been shown to contribute to
Pakistan textile and clothing sector, there is a need to poorer health practices, augmented disease risk, more
deploy efficient research and development activities [23]. frequent health service consumption, and increased
The present study attempts to unfold work stress mortality [30].
PSS scores
METHOD The total PSS score mean was 14.59 while it was
14.43 for male and 15.70 for female employees, table
1. A trend of decrease in stress appeared with an increase
In the study, 1212 personnel from 23 diverse organi- in educational level excluding graduates and
zations were randomly selected for the data collec- tion. postgraduates. Stress score was higher for work- ers
The employees who were the subjects for this research (15.48) and lower for supervisors (13.22). A simi- lar
worked at all levels in the four major areas of the textile
trend was seen for job experience where mean PSS score
sector, explicitly: fiber and fabric manu- facturing;
decreased with increase in job experience exclusive of
apparel manufacturing; socks manufactur- ing; and home
above 15 years.
textiles. They were from different func- tioning areas of
the establishments (see table 1). Perceived stress levels
There are no cut-offs in the PSS scores, there are only
Survey comparisons between people within the sample [27].
So as to reach the desired objectives of this cross- Thus, for the purpose, individuals' perceived stress scores
sectional study, information was gathered through a were interpreted as 0–7 = no stress, 8–11 = low stress,
survey. Earlier, trained staffs talked to each partici- pant 12–15 = moderate stress, 16–20 = high stress, 21+ =
about the rationale of the research and how to severe stress [4]. Subsequently, table 1, figures 1 and 2
show statistics of the employ- ees referring to their
perceived stress levels. In further

industria 2 2020, vol. 71, no. 2

Table 1


Employees category with respect
Frequency PSS score
to stress
Demographics Not stressful Stressful
No. Percentage Mean
deviation No. Percentage No. Percentage
Male 1059 87.4 14.43 5.43 325 30.7 734 69.3
Female 153 12.6 15.7 6.01 39 25.5 114 74.5
Married 903 74.5 14.24 5.41 298 33 605 67
Single 299 24.7 15.49 5.64 66 22.1 233 77.9
Others 10 0.8 19.6 6.88 0 0 10 100
HR 56 4.6 14.42 6.77 21 37.5 42 62.5
Accounts and
43 3.5 14.72 5.17 13 30 30 70
Marketing and
Department 87 7.2 14.85 5.57 25 29 62 71
Production 909 75 14.69 5.45 263 29 646 71
Administration 42 3.5 13 5.69 16 38 26 62
Any other 75 6.2 14.05 5.35 26 35 49 65
< 5 years 388 32 15.03 5.39 88 22.7 300 77.3
Job 5-10 years 433 35.7 14.7 5.53 136 31.4 297 68.6
experience 11-15 years 234 19.3 13.55 5.18 85 36.3 149 63.7
> 15 years 157 13 14.78 6.11 55 35 102 65
worker 512 42.2 15.48 5.61 121 23.6 391 76.4
supervisor 445 36.7 13.22 5.27 180 40 265 60
manager 241 19.9 15.24 5.22 58 24 183 76
executive 14 1.2 14.57 6.61 5 35.7 9 64.3
< 20K 585 48.3 15.07 5.71 156 26.7 429 73.3
Salary 20K – 50K 493 40.7 13.83 5.25 173 35 320 65
(monthly) in
50K – 100K 116 9.6 15.74 5.33 29 25 87 75
Pak Rupee
< 100K 18 1.5 12.5 4.27 6 50 12 50
two or less 95 7.8 15.77 5.73 24 25.3 71 74.7
three 133 11 14.19 5.83 47 35.3 86 64.7
four 329 27.1 13.68 5.31 115 35 214 65
Family size
five 323 26.7 14.38 5.41 105 32.5 218 67.5
six 155 12.8 15.53 5.08 28 18 127 82
seven or more 177 14.6 15.52 5.78 45 25.4 132 74.6
< Matriculation 175 14.4 16.51 5.5 38 21.7 137 78.3
Matriculate 361 29.8 14.22 5.57 113 31.3 248 68.7
Educational Intermediate/DAE 322 26.6 13.98 5.33 112 34.8 210 65.2
Graduate 267 22 14.38 5.33 78 29.2 189 70.8
Post graduate 87 7.2 15.24 5.78 23 26.4 64 73.6
Size of the Large 1053 86.9 14.2 5.54 340 33 688 67
organization Small 159 13.1 17.23 4.72 24 13 160 87
Overall 1212 100 14.59 5.52 364 30 848 70

analysis, No Stress and Low Stress were summed together Role of demographics on the perceived stress
to correspond to Not Stressful while the scales: Moderate,
In order to ascertain the role of demographics on the
High, and Severe were combined as Stressful. It is individuals' perceived stress, independent sample t-tests
worrisome that only 364 (30%) were in the Not Stressful and One-way ANOVA tests between subjects were
group while a vast majority (around 70% of the sample deployed.
population) was Stressful. Figure 3 shows that amongst Independent sample t-test
the stressful subjects, a large group is in higher stress
Independent-sample t-tests were conducted to com- pare
perceived stress score of male and female

industria 3 2020, vol. 71, no. 2

Fig. 1. Number and percentage of employees with respect to Fig. 2. Statistics of stressful employees
perceived stress levels (N=1212) N=848

employees, married and un-married employees, and p = 0.011]. Likewise, job experience was found to have an
employees of SMEs and employees of large organi-
effect on EPSL. Specifically, the EPSL hav- ing job
zations. There was a significant difference in the scores
experience less than five years is more and results show
for male (M = 14.43, SD = 5.43) and female (M =
that employees were more stressful at early stage of their
15.70, SD = 6.01) employees; t(1210) = –2.65,
careers. Ones' position in an orga- nization is perceived as
p = 0.008; married (M = 14.24, SD = 5.43) and single (M
= 15.49, SD = 5.64) employees; t(1200) = –3.41, an important attribute as the study revealed that position
p = 0.001; and SME employees (M = 17.00, SD = 4.72) significantly affects the EPSL (p<0.05) [F(3, 1208) =
and large organization (M = 14.16, SD = 5.54) 15.12, p = 0.000], table 3.
employees; t(1210) = –6.53, p = 0.000 (table 2). These The analysis revealed a significant effect (p<0.05) of
results suggest that gender, marital status, and size of the salary on EPSL [F(3, 1208) = 7.21, p = 0.000]. These
organization do have an effect on the per- ceived stress results suggest that the salary of employee has an effect
levels of the employees. Specifically, results suggest that on EPSL. The EPSL in the lower salary cate- gory was
female employees, single employees, and SME higher.
employees are more stressful. This is in line with the Likewise, the effect of family size was found signifi- cant
Romanian textile and clothing industry where the (p<0.05) [F(5, 1206) = 4.89, p = 0.000], table 3.
implementation of performance management practices These results suggest that the family size of the employee
was found to be better in large organizations than SMEs has an effect on EPSL. Specifically, EPSL with family
[28]. sizes, two or less, six and seven or more were higher. The
One-way ANOVA between subjects educational level has a significant impact on perceived
One-way ANOVAs between subjects were conducted to level of stress (p<0.05) [F(4, 1207) = 7.26, p = 0.000],
compare the role of employees' department, job table 3. Employees with lower educational level are more
experience, position, salary, family size, and educa- stressful.
tional level on their perceived stress levels. It revealed In summary, the independent sample t-test and a one-way
that working in different departments does not have a between subjects ANOVA results indicate that the
significant effect on the employees' per- ceived stress demographics gender, marital status, job experience,
level (EPSL) (p<0.05) [F(5, 1206) = 0.955, p = 0.444] monthly salary, position, family size, edu- cational level
whereas job experience signifi- cantly affects (p<0.05) and the employees' organization size significantly affect
on EPSL [F(3, 1208)=3.71, their perceived stress scores.

Table 2


Levene's test for
t-test for equality of means
Variables equality of
F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed)
Gender and PSS score 2.94 0.087 –2.655 1210 0.008
Marital status and PSS score 0.084 0.772 –3.412 1200 0.001
Organization size and PSS score 5.555 0.019 –6.528 1210 0

industria 4 2020, vol. 71, no. 2

Table 3


Demographics Sum of squares df Mean square F Sig.
between groups 145.512 5 29.102 0.955 0.444
within groups 36740.576 1206 30.465
between groups 336.677 3 112.226 3.709 0.001
Job experience
within groups 36549.411 1208 30.256
between groups 1335.223 3 445.074 15.123 0.000
within groups 35550.865 1208 29.430
between groups 648.671 3 216.224 7.208 0.000
Salary (monthly)
within groups 36237.418 1208 29.998
between groups 733.102 5 146.620 4.891 0.000
Family size
within groups 36152.986 1206 29.978
between groups 867.089 4 216.772 7.264 0.000
Educational level
within groups 36018.999 1207 29.842

CONCLUSION this study provide an opportunity to understand the

The research aimed at investigating the perceived stress complex nature of work stress phenomenon where the
levels of the textile industry employees and how relationship of different demographic variables with the
perceived stress is linked to different demo- graphic perceived stress have been studied in depth. Though the
variables. The study revealed that about 70% of findings of this research are linked to the textile sector
participants were stressed at their jobs, though lev- els of organizations; it provides a good insight about the
their stress were different. The demographic factors complexity of stress phenomenon and can be linked with
gender, marital status, job experience, salary, similar kind of working environments based on the nature
educational level, family size, and the organization of work. The results of the study have been detailed but as
size have significant effects on the employees' per- there has been no attempt to consider why things might be
ceived stress levels. However, the demographic vari- able as they are, there is little in the way of guidance for those
department had no significant effect on stress. The that want to use the results in the devising of prevention
situation demands implementation of effective strategies. So, it would have been useful to have had an
interventions to protect the employees from unfavourable assess- ment of the likely causes of the difference between
impacts of the stress which in turn will enhance the men and women so that these causes might be removed
organizational performance. The find- ings of this work by the strategy.
further highlight that work stress is a complex
phenomenon which is influenced by a num- ber of ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
internal and external factors; so before devis- ing some The study was supported by the UET, Lahore, Pakistan under
control or prevention strategies, it should be investigated grant Number ORIC/94-ASRB/138. Cooperation of industry in
appropriately so that effectiveness of the interventions data collection is highly acknowledged.
might be enhanced. The findings of


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University of Engineering and Technology, Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Lahore,
Department of Electrical Engineering, NFC Institute of Engineering & Fertilizer Research (NFC IEFR), Faisalabad,
University of Central Florida, Institute for Advanced Systems Engineering (IASE), Orlando,
Florida, USA

Corresponding author:

e-mail: aftabahmadrao@gmail.com

industria 6 2020, vol. 71, no. 2


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