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Nursing Ethic (2017) solved by Muhammad Shahzaib

Q1) Write the legislation of Pakistan regarding organ donation

Ans Legislation Of Pakistan Regarding Organ Donation
Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force, a
living donor who is not less than eighteen years of age, may, during his lifetime,
voluntarily donate any organ or tissue of his body to any other living person
genetically and legally related, who is a close blood relative and the donation of
organ or part or tissue by such person for therapeutic purpose shall be regulated
in the manner as may be prescribed. In the case of regenerative tissue, i.e. stem
cells, there is no restriction of age between siblings.

Explanation.– For the purpose of this section, the expression “close blood
relative” means parent, son, daughter, sister, brother and includes spouse:

Q2) What are rights and obligations of pregnant women?

Ans Rights And Obligations Of Pregnant Women
1. Every woman has the right to health care before, during and after
pregnancy and childbirth.
2. Every woman and infant has the right to receive care that is consistent with
current scientific evidence about benefits and risks.
3. Every woman has the right to choose a midwife or a physician as her
maternity care provider.
4. Every woman has the right to choose her birth setting from the full range of
safe options
5. Every woman has the right to receive all or most of her maternity care from
a single care- giver or a small group of caregivers with whom she can
establish a relationship.
6. Every woman has the right to information about the professional identity
and qualifications of those involved with her care, and to know when those
involved are trainees
7. Every woman has the right to communicate with caregivers and receive all
care in privacy, which may involve excluding non essential personnel.
8. Every woman has the right to receive maternity care that identifies and
addresses social and behavioral factors that affect her health and that of
her baby
9. Every woman has the right to full and clear information about benefits,
risks and costs of the procedures, drugs, tests and treatments
10. Every woman has the right to accept or refuse procedures, drugs, tests
and treatments, and to have her choices honored

Q3) What are disadvantages of medical malpractices and negligence's.

Ans Disadvantages Of Medical Malpractices and negligence’s
1. Discouraged Attorneys from Accepting Smaller Claims
2. Do not adequately compensate persons with significant injuries for medical
costs and financial losses
3. Reduce Deterrence of Malpractice
4. Reduce Compensation Goals of the Traditional Tort System

Q4) Discuss the cultural and social values.

Ans Social-cultural Values:
These are the prevailing values of our society, which change with time, and either
coincide or not with our family or personal values. They constitute a complex mix
of different values, and at times they contradict one another, or pose a dilemma.
For example, if work isn’t valued socially as a means of personal fulfilment, then
the society is indirectly fostering “anti-values” like dishonesty, irresponsibility, or

Q5) What is occupational hazard; discuss four main types of occupational

Ans Occupational hazard
It is the promotion & maintenance of highest degree of physical, mental & social
wellbeing of workers in all occupations.

The four main types of occupational hazards and diseases are as follows:

1. Chemical Hazards
The common chemical substances, such as carbon monoxide, carbon diox­ide,
nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide, hydrocarbons, sulphuric acid, tannic acid acetic
acid, fumaric acid, ozone, limes and alkalies cause injury to the employee when
they are absorbed through skin and inhaling or ingesting. Workers may suffer
from respiratory diseases, skin diseases, allergy, heart disease, cancer and
neurological disorders.
2. Biological Hazards
These hazards are manifested by diseases caused by bacteria, fungi, vi­ruses,
insects, dietary deficiencies, excessive drinking, allergies, brain fever,
imbalances, tetanus, stresses and strains. All these tell upon employee’s health.

3. Environmental Hazards
Environmental hazards may include noise pollution, vibration and shocks,
illumination, radiation, heat, ventilation, air and water pollution. These hazards
cause redness of eyes, genetic disorders, cancer, sterility, hearing loss, nerve
injury etc., to workers.

4. Psychological Hazards.
Industrial/job stress caused by various stressors such as task and role demands,
organisational leadership, lack of group cohesion, intergroup and interpersonal
conflicts, life and career changes, etc., lead to emotional disturbances which, in
turn, lead to fatigue and exhaustion. All these affect health of employees. Apart
from occupational hazards, there are some occupational diseases also that
impair health of employees in industries.

Q6) What are the purposes of client records, write pros and cons of
Ans Purposes Of Client Records
The patient record is a valuable source of data for all members of the health care
team. Client records are kept for a number of purposes including:
1. Communication
2. Planning client care
3. Auditing health agencies
4. Research
5. Education
6. Reimbursement
7. Legal documentation
8. Health care analysis

Pros of documentation
1. Compatible with the use of the nursing process
2. Shortens charting time: many flow sheets, checklists
3. Not limited to patient problems or nursing diagnoses

Cons of documentation
1. If database insufficient, patient problems missed
2. Doesn’t adhere to charting with the focus on nursing diagnoses and
expected outcomes

Q7) What are employment issues, write its disadvantages in nursing

Ans Employment Issues
Employment is a relationship between two parties, usually based on a contract
where work is paid for, where one party, which may be a corporation, for profit,
not-for-profit organization, co-operative or other entity(unit) is the employer and
the other is the employee.

Employees work in return for payment, which may be in the form of an hourly
wage, by piecework or an annual salary, depending on the type of work an
employee does or which sector they are working in.

Common workplace issues that employees face include:

1. Interpersonal conflict
2. Communication problems
3. Gossip
4. Bullying(Mistreatment)
5. Harassment
6. Discrimination
7. Low motivation and job satisfaction
8. Performance issues

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