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• shift [∫ift] (n) ca, kíp night shif ca đêm
• biologist [bai'ɔlədʒist] (n) nhà sinh vật học
• project ['prədʒekt] đề án, dự án
• to join hands nắm tay nhau, cùng nhau
• caring (adj) quan tâm tới người khác chu đáo
• responsibility [ri,spɔnsə'biləti] (n) trách nhiệm
• to take/assume the responsibility to sob for sth chịu trách nhiệm với ai về điều
gì đó
• household chores (n) việc nhà, việc vặt trong nhà
• to run the household ['haushould] trông nom việc nhà
• to leave home for school đến trường
• suitable ['sutəbl] (adj) phù hợp
• to rush to (v) xông tới, lao vào
• to be willing (to do sth) sẵn sàng làm cái gì
• to give a hand giúp một tay
• eel [ il] (n) con lươn
• eel soup cháo lươn
• attempt [ə'tempt] (n) sự cố gắng
• to win a place at university thi đỗ vào trường đại học
• to take out the garbage đổ rác
• mischievous ['mist∫ivəs] (adj) tinh nghịch, tai quái
• mishief ['mist∫if] (n) trò tinh nghịch, trò tinh quái
• mischievously (adv)
• obedient (to sb/sth) [ə'bidjənt] (adj) biết vâng lời, ngoan ngõan, dễ bảo
• obedience (n)
• obediently (adv)
• hard working (adj) chăm chỉ
• culture ['kʌlt∫ə] (n) văn hóa
• cultural (adj) ['kʌlt∫ərəl] (thuộc) văn hóa
• precede [pri'sid] (v) đến trước, đi trước
• to confide in sb [kən'faid] tin tưởng, giao phó
• partnership ['pɑtnə∫ip] (n) sự cộng tác
• determine [di'təmin] (v) quyết định, xác định
• determination (n) [di,təmi'nei∫n] sự xác định
• sacrifice ['sækrifais] (v) hy sinh
• oblige (to do sth) [ə'blaidʒ] (v) bắt buộc, cưỡng bách
• diversity [dai'vəsiti] (n) tính đa dạng
• factor ['fæktə] (n) nhân tố
• to approve [ə'pruv] (v) chấp thuận
• approval (n) [ə'pruvl]
• tradition [trə'di∫n] (n) truyền thống
• traditional (a) [trə'di∫ənl] theo truyền thống
• traditionally (adv)
• to marry ['mæri] (v) kết hôn, lấy vợ, lấy chồng
• marriage ['mæridʒ] hôn nhân
• to believe in tin vào
• romantic [roʊ'mæntɪk] lãng mạn
• to be attracted to bị thu hút
• attractiveness (n)
• to fall in love with phải lòng ai
• On the other hand mặt khác
• contractual [kən'træktjuəl] (adj) thỏa thuận
• bride (n) [braid] cô dâu
• groom [grum] chú rể
• to be supposed được cho là
• survey ['səvei] (n) cuộc điều tra
• surveyor (n) nhân viên điều tra
• to conduct ['kɔndʌkt] (v) tiến hành
• respone [ri'spɔns] (n) answer (n) câu trả lời
• key value (n) giá trị cơ bản
• concerned (adj) [kən'sɜrnd] quan tâm
• to maintain [mein'tein] (v) giữ, duy trì
• to reject ['ridʒekt] (v) khước từ, từ bỏ
• trust (v) (n) [trʌst] tin cậy
• record ['rekɔd] (n) sổ sách ghi chép.
• point of view (n) quan điểm
• generation [,dʒenə'rei∫n] (n) thế hệ
• to be based on dựa vào
• to hold hands nắm tay
• in public ['pʌblik] giữa công chúng, công khai
• roof (n) [ruf] mái nhà
• old age (adj) già
• nursing house (n) ['nɜrsɪŋ haʊs] viện dưỡng lão
• social ['sou∫l] (adj) thuộc xã hội
• society [sə'saiəti] (n) xã hội
• to socialise (v) ['soʊ∫əlaɪz] xã hội hóa
• to attract sb‟s attention (v) [ə'trækt] [ə'ten∫n] gây (thu hút) sự chú ý của ai
• verbal ['vəbl] (a) bằng lời, hữu ngôn
• non verbal (a) phi ngôn
• informal (adj) [in'fɔml] = friendly thân mật
• formal (adj) ['fɔrml] trịnh trọng
• informality (n) [ɪnfɔr'mælɪtɪ] sự thân mật
• nod (v) [nɑd] gật đầu
• approach [ə'prout∫] (v) lại gần, đến gần
• communication [kə,mjuni'kei∫n] (n) sự giao tiếp
• to communicate [kə'mjunikeit] (v) giao tiếp
• common (adj) ['kɑmən] thông thường, phổ biến
• to wave (v) [weɪv] vẫy tay
• to raise one‟s hands giơ tay
• signal ['signəl] (n) dấu hiệu
• to get off (v) xuống (xe) # to get on
• to be excited (v) [ɪk'saɪtɪd] phấn khích
• to jump up and down [dʒʌmp] nhảy lên
• instance ['instəns] (n) trường hợp
• for instance ví dụ, chẳng hạn
• obvious (adj) ['ɒbviəs] rõ ràng, hiển nhiên
• obviously (adv)
• appropriate [ə'proupriət] (adj) thích hợp
• choice [t∫ɔis] (n) sự lựa chọn
• to choose [ʧuz] (v) lựa chọn ( chose – chosen)
• to pass (v) [pæs] đi ngang qua
• to catch one‟s eye [kæʧ] đón mắt của ai
• slightly [„slaitli] (adj) nhẹ nhàng
• to whistle [wisl] (v) húyt sáo
• to be rude to sb [kæʧ] khiếm nhã, bất lịch sự với ai
• compulsory [kəm'pʌlsəri] (a) = mandatory/obligatory bắt buộc
• certificate [sə'tifikit] (n) chứng chỉ, giấy chứng nhận
• certificate [sə'tifikeit] (v) cấp giấy chứng nhận
• curriculum [kə'rikjuləm] (n) chương trình học
• core [kɔ] (a) chính yếu, chủ yếu
• tuition fees [tju'i∫n fiz] (n) học phí
• to educate ['edjukeit] (v) giáo dục
• general education ['dʒenrəl edʊ'keɪ∫n] giáo dục phổ thông
• secondary education ['sekəndrɪ edʊ'keɪ∫n] giáo dục trung học
• state school [steɪt skul] trường quốc lập
• independent school [ɪndɪ'pendənt skul] trường tư
• public school ['pʌblɪk skul] trường dân lập
• system ['sistəm] (n) hệ thống
• schooling ['skuliη] (n) sự giáo dục ở nhà trường
• to consist of [kən'sist] bao gồm
• term [təm] (n) học kỳ
• half term (n) [hæf təm] giữa kỳ
• academic year [,ækə'demik jiə] năm học
• to be divided [di'vaidid] into được chia thành
• to be separated ['sepəreitid] được tách ra
• break [breik] (n) kỳ nghỉ ngắn
• parallel ['pærəlel] (adj) song song
• category ['kætigəri] (n) loại
• fee [fi] (n) tiền thù lao, lệ phí
• tuition fee (n) [tu'ɪ∫n fi] học phí
• fee - paying (adj) trả học phí
• level [„levl] (n) mức độ, trình độ
• education level (n) [edʊ'keɪ∫n 'levl] cấp học
• national curriculum ['næ∫ənl kə'rɪkjʊləm] chương trình giáo dục quốc gia
• to be set được đặt ra
• government ['gʌvnmənt] (n) chính phủ
• to be made up được tạo nên bởi
• Design and Technology [dɪ'zaɪn] [tek'nɑlədʒɪ] thiết kế và kỹ thuật
• Information Technology (n) [ɪnfər'meɪ∫n tek'nɑlədʒɪ] công nghệ thông tin
• Physical Education (n) ['fɪzɪkl edʊ'keɪ∫n] môn giáo dục thể chất
• Modern Foreign Language môn ngôn ngữ hiện đại
• core subjects [kɔr 'sʌbdʒɪkt ] những môn học chủ đạo
• national examination kì thi quốc gia
• General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) kì thi TN THPT
• stage [steidʒ] (n) giai đọan
• pre school (n) trước tuổi đi học
• childcare environment (n) ['t∫aildkeə ɪn'vaɪrənmənt] nhà trẻ
• infant ['infənt] (n) trẻ con (dưới 7 tuổi)
• to attend (v) [ə'tend] tham dự
• to put into force [fɔrs] có hiệu lực
• detailed [„diteild] (adj) tỉ mỉ, nhiều chi tiết
• course [kɔs] (n) khóa học
• effectively [i‟fektivli] (adv) có hiệu quả
• campus ['kæmpəs] (n) ( )
• challenge ['t∫ælindʒ] (v) (n) thách thức
• challenging (adj) ['ʧælɪndʒɪŋ] kích thích
• blame [bleim] (v) khiển trách
• to blame sb/sth for/on sth
• to daunt [dɔnt] (v)
• daunting ['dɔntiη] (adj)
• scary ['skeəri] (adj) frightening (adj) sợ hãi
• mate [meit] bạn bè
• roommate (n) ['rummeit] bạn cùng phòng
• to apply for [ə'plai] nộp đơn
• application form [æplɪ'keɪ∫n fɔrm] (n) tờ đơn
• applicant ['æplikənt] (n) người nộp đơn
• impression [im'pre∫n] (n) ấn tượng
• impressive (adj) [ɪm'presɪv] có ấn tượng
• exciting [ik'saitiη] (adj) hứng thú, lý thú
• excited [ik'saitid] (adj) sôi nổi
• to explain [iks'plein] to sb for sth giải thích với ai về điều gì
• explanation (n) [eksplə'neɪ∫n] sự giải thích
• to follow ['fɑloʊ] đi theo
• existence [ig'zistəns] (n) sự tồn tại
• suddenly ['sʌdnli] (adv) đột ngột
• to fight back tears gạt nước mắt
• all the time = always luôn luôn, lúc nào cũng
• degrees Celsius [di‟griz ['selsiəs] (n) độ C
• midterm ['midtəm] (n) ( )
• to graduate from ['grædʒuət] tốt nghiệp
• graduation (n) [grædʒʊ'eɪ∫n]
• over and over nhiều lần lặp đi lặp lại
• amazing [ə'meiziη] (adj) kinh ngạc, sửng sốt
• to be in a place đang ở một nơi
• academically [,ækə'demikəli] (adv)
• throughly ['θʌrəli] (adv) hoàn toàn
• to take part in = to participate in [pɑr'tɪsɪpeɪt] tham gia vào
• engineering [,endʒi'niəriη ] (n) khoa công trình
• the Advanced Engineering khoa công trình nâng cao
• chance [t∫ɑns] (n) = opportunity [,ɔpə'tjuniti] (n) cơ hội
• creativity [,kriei'tiviti] (n)
• creative (adj) [kri'eɪtɪv]
• knowledge ['nɔlidʒ] (n) kiến thức, sự hiểu biết
• society [sə'saiəti] (n) xã hội
• social (adj) ['sou∫l] (thuộc) xã hội
• socially (adv) về mặt xã hội
• to make friends kết bạn
• calendar ['kælində] (n) lịch
• rise [raiz] (n) = increase [„inkris] (n) sự gia tăng
• inflation [in'flei∫n] (n) sự lạm phát
• speed [spid] tốc độ
• to get on very well with sb hòa hợp với ai
• vacancy ['veikənsi] (n) một vị trí, chức vụ còn bỏ trống
• resume [ri'zjum] (n) bản lý lịch
• recommendation [,rekəmen'dei∫n] (n) sự tiến cử, lời giới thiệu
• jot down [dʒɔt daun] (v) ghi lại tóm tắt
• keeness [kinnis] (n) sự say mê, sự nhiệt tình
• be keen on sth/doing sth: say mê
• qualification [,kwɔlifi'kei∫n] (n) văn bằng, bằng cấp
• interview ['intəvju] (n) cuộc phỏng vấn
• interviewer ['intəvjuə] (n) người phỏng vấn
• interviewee ['intəvju‟i] (n) người được phỏng vấn
• casual clothes ['kæʒjuəl klouđz] (n) quần áo bình thường
• honest ['ɔnist] (adj) chân thật
• honesty ['ɔnisti] (n) tính chân thật
• self-confident [,self'kɔnfidənt] (adj) tự tin
• nervous ['nəvəs] (adj) bồn chồn, lo lắng
• sense of humour (n) [sens] ['hju:mər] óc hài hước
• to avoid [ə'vɔid] (v) tránh
• to prepare for [pri'peə] chuẩn bị cho
• preparation (n) [prepə'reɪ∫n]
• stressful [„stresfl] (adj) gây ra căng thẳng
• particularly [pə,tikju'lærəli] (adv) đặc biệt là
• some pieces of advice: một vài lời khuyên
• to reduce [ri'djus] (v) giảm bớt
• to create [kri'eit] (v) tạo nên
• to find out: tìm ra, tìm hiểu
• as much as possible: càng nhiều càng tốt
• candidate ['kændidit] (n) người xin việc
• school certificate (n) bằng cấp = academic certificate (n)
• previous ['priviəs] (adj) trước (thời gian, thứ tự), ưu tiên
• to employ [im'plɔi] (v) thuê, mướn
• employer (n) [em'plɔɪər] boss [bɑ:s]: chủ
• employee (n) [emplɔɪ'i:] worker
• employed (adj)
• employment [im'plɔimənt] (n)
• in addition to: thêm vào
• neatly [„nitli] (adv) gọn gàng
• formally ['fɔmlli] (adv) chính thức, trang trọng
• to concentrate on ['kɔnsntreit] tập trung vào
• to make real effort: ['efərt] hết sức cố gắng
• technical ['teknikl] (adj) chuyên môn
• aspect ['æspekt] (n) khía cạnh
• to stress [stres] nhấn mạnh
• enthusiasm [in'θjuziæzm] (n) sự hăng hái, sự nhiệt tình
• sense of responsibililty: [rɪspɑ:nsɪ'bɪlətɪ] ý thức trách nhiệm
• to offer ['ɔfə] (v) cung cấp
• disappointed [,disə'pɔintid] (adj) thất vọng
• disappointment (n) [dɪsə'pɔɪntmənt]
• comment ['kɔment] (n) lời phê bình
• to advertise ['ædvətaiz] (v) quảng cáo
• advertisement [əd'vətismənt, ,ædvə'taizmənt] (n) sự quảng cáo
• account [ə'kaunt] (n) bản kê khai, bản báo cáo
• to note down: ghi chép
• shortcomings ['∫ɔt,kʌmiη ] (n) khuyết điểm nhược điểm
• stagnant ['stægnənt] (adj) trì trệ
• inflation [in'flei∫n] (n) sự lạm phát
• eliminate [i'limineit] (v) loại bỏ, loại trừ
• to eliminate sth/sb from sth
• subsidy ['sʌbsidi] (n) sự bao cấp
• intervention [,intə'ven∫n] (n) sự can thiệp
• state intervention (n) sự can thiệp của nhà nước
• dissolve [di'zɔlv] (v) giải tán, giải thể
• substantial [səb'stæn∫əl] (adj) đáng kể, lớn
• dominate ['dɔmineit] (v) chi phối, thống trị
• commitment [kə'mitmənt] (n) lời hứa, lới cam kết
• reform [ri'fɔm] (v) cải tổ, cải cách
• to lead a life: sống một cuộc sống
• to improve [im'pruv] (v) cải tiến, cải thiện
• situation [,sit∫u'ei∫n] (n) tình hình
• measure ['meʒə] (n) biện pháp
• to promote [prə'mout] (v) đẩy mạnh
• to develop [di'veləp] (v) phát triển
• development (n) sự phát triển
• developed country (n) nước phát triển
• developing country (n) nước đang phát triển
• under developed country (n) nước kém phát triển
• constantly ['kɔnstəntli] (adv) thường xuyên, liên tục
• to carry out: tiến hành
• to be aware of: có ý thức về
• National Congress: ['næ∫ənl 'kɑ:ŋgres] Đại Hội tòan quốc
• to initiate [i'ni∫iit] (v) bắt đầu
• overall ['ouvərɔl] (adj) tòan diện
• renovation [,renə'vei∫n] (n) sự đổi mới
• to restructure [,ri'strʌkt∫ə] (v) cơ cấu lại, sắp xếp lại
• to raise [reiz] (v) nâng lên
• sector ['sektə] (n) khu vực
• priority [prai'ɔrəti] (n) quyền ưu tiên
• namely [„neimli] (adv) cụ thể là
• to produce ['prɔdjus] sản xuất
• production [prə'dʌk∫n] (n) sự sản xuất
• product ['prɔdəkt] (n) sản phẩm
• productivity (n) [prɑ:dʌk'tɪvətɪ] năng suất
• consumer goods [kən'sjumə gudz] (n) hàng tiêu dùng
• trade relation: [treɪd rɪ'leɪ∫n] mối quan hệ thương mại
• to encourage [in'kʌridʒ] (v) khuyến khích
• domestic [də'mestik] (adj) nội địa
• to invest [in'vest] (v) đầu tư
• investment (n) [ɪn'vestmənt] sự đầu tư, vốn đầu tư
• subsequent ['sʌbsikwənt] (n) đến sau, xảy ra sau
• to reaffirm ['riə'fəm] (v) tái xác nhận
• administrative [əd'ministrətiv] (adj) hành chính
• guideline [„gaidlain] (n) nguyên tắc chỉ đạo
• to adopt [ə'dɔpt] (v) chấp nhận, thông qua
• Land Law (n) Luật đất đai
• Enterprises Law: ['entərpraɪz] Luật doanh nghiệp
• to lay – laid – laid: đặt
• legal ground (n) ['li:gl graʊnd] cơ sở pháp lý
• efficient [i'fi∫ənt] (adj) có hiệu quả
• inefficient (adj) [ɪnɪ'fɪ∫ənt] không có hiệu quả
• cooperative (n) [koʊ'ɑ:pərətɪv] hợp tác xã
• to expand [iks'pænd] (v) mở rộng
• to undergo (v) trải qua
• land use rights: quyền sử dụng đất
• ethnic minority: ['eθnikmai'nɔriti] người dân tộc thiểu số
• to gain [gein] (v) giành được, đạt được


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 1: A. nations B. speakers C. languages D. minds

Question 2: A. difficulties B. enriches C. classes D. enlarges

Question 3: A. headaches B. misses C. pages D. branches

Question 4: A. imagined B. punished C. diseased D. determined

Question 5: A. laughed B. ploughed C. coughed D. disliked

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in pronunciation in each of the following.

Question 6: A. dismal B. submerge C. suppose D. control

Question 7: A. fever B. sorrow C. urban D. collapse

Question 8: A. remain B. repair C. prepare D. notice

Question 9: A. purity B. chemical C. habitat D. destruction

Question 10: A. initiate B. epidemic C. opponent D. enthusiast

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 11: In England, schooling is compulsory for all children from the age of 5 to 16.

A. put into blush B. put on clothes C. put into force D. taken off

Question 12: They have made a substantial change in the recent years.

A. economical B. considerable C. steady D. subtle

Question 13: To prepare for your job interview, you should jot down your qualifications and
experience as well as some important information about yourself.

A. draw B. place C. put D. write

Question 14: When being interviewed, you should concentrate on what the interviewer is saying or
asking you.

A. be related to B. be interested in

C. pay all attention to D. express interest to

Question 15: It is such a prestigious university that only excellent students are entitled to a full
scholarship each year.

A. have the right to refuse B. are refused the right to

C. are given the right to D. have the obligation to

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 16: The government shifted economic priority from heavy industry to three major
economic programmes.

A. moved B. continued C. encouraged D. stayed unchanged

Question 17: A strike in the mining industry is threatening to bring about a shortage of coal in the
near future.

A. abundance B. ruin C. storage D. lack

Question 18: Any student who neglects his or her homework is unlikely to do well at school.

A. puts off B. looks for C. attends to D. approves of

Question 19: We run a very tight ship here, and we expect all our employees to be at their desks by
eight o'clock and take good care of their own business.

A. manage an inflexible system B. have a good voyage

C. run faster than others D. organize things inefficiently

Question 20: You should put yourself on the back for having achieved such a high score in the
graduation exam.

A. praise yourself B. criticize yourself C. wear a backpack D. check up your back

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.

Question 21: There is a tendency ____________ problems down.

A. play B. to play C. playing D. was playing

Question 22: My mother is a _______woman. She does all the household chores to make us more

A. caring B. careless C. careful D. cares

Question 23: When I got to the circus, the tickets ___________. So, I had to go back home.

A. were sold out B. have been selling out

C. had been sold out D. had been selling out

Question 24: I take responsibility for _______my little brothers because they are sometimes very

A. caring for B. joining hands C. giving a hand D. rushing to

Question 25: My responsibility is to wash dishes and _______the garbage.

A. take off B. take out C. take care of D. take over

Question 26: What is the name of the blonde girl ___________ ?

A. whom just came in B. who just came in
C. when I have just seen D. who she met you
Question 27: _______ here, he would help us with these troubles.

A. Were Peter B. If were Peter

C. Unless were Peter D. Unless Peter were

Question 28: The government is aiming ________ 50% reduction ________ unemployment.

A. at/ in B. to/ in C. at/ of D. for/ of

Question 29: My family is the base from which we can go into the world with _______.

A. confide B. confidence C. confident D. confidential

Question 30: In my family, both my parents _______to give us a nice house and a happy home.

A. join hands B. get out C. shake hands D. clutch hands

Question 31: My father is very helpful. He is always _______give a hand with cleaning the house.

A. will to B. will C. willing D. willing to

Question 32: Once, an Asian couple‟s marriage _________ by the parents of the bride and the groom.

A. was arranged B. is arranged C. appeared D. were appeared

Question 33: A survey was conducted to determine students‟ _________ toward their purposes of

A. counterparts B. appearances C. marriages D. attitudes

Question 34: A large number of Indian men agree that it‟s unwise_________ in their wives.

A. to confide B. to interest C. confiding D. interesting

Question 35: Many Americans pay much attention to physical _________ when choosing a wife or a
A. attraction B. spirits C. interests D. attractiveness

Question 36: Romeo and Juliet decided to _________ although their parents had hated each other.

A. fall into the river B. fall in love C. take a bath D. climbed up the tree

Question 37: In a contractual marriage, love is supposed to _________ marriage.

A. precede B. hate C. follow D. fore-see

Question 38: Loving his country, he was willing to_________ his blood and fate. Fortunately, he is still

A. live B. hide C. sacrifice D. die

Question 39: We might raise our hand and wave to our friend as a _________ that we see her or him.

A. signature B. sign C. signal D.


Question 40: You shouldn‟t _________ the person or thing you want your friend to look at.

A. take notice of B. mention to C. look at D. point at

Question 41: To attract the waiter‟s attention, wait until you _________ and raise your hand slightly.

A. catch his eye B. can attract him

C. pay attention to him D. take advantage of him

Question 42: Body language such as raising hand and waving are of the _________ form of

A. uncountable B. countable C. non-verbal D. verbal

Question 43: She is a kind of woman who does not care much of work but generally _______ only with
colleagues for meals, movies or late nights at a club.

A. supposes B. socializes C. attends D. discusses

Question 44: Schooling is _______ for all English children from the age of six to sixteen.

A. optional B. pioneer C. compulsory D. plastically

Question 45: The questions are the central point of the whole interview procedure and should be

A. in consequence B. in time C. in advance D. in


Question 46: There are two _______ school systems in England; i. e., state school system and public
school ones.

A. parallel B. paragraph C. paradise D. pyramid

Question 47: Core subjects in Vietnamese schools_______ of Math, Literature and English.

A. makes for B. makes of C. are made up D. will make by

Question 48: Many high school students in Vietnam have to work very hard to _______ at a university.

A. win a place B. get a cold C. lose touch with D. keep pace with

Question 49: Schools in which all students can attend without paying tuition _______ are public

A. fees B. charge C. payment D. bill

Question 50: Education has been developed in _______ with modern industry and the mass media.

A. compulsory B. parallel C. selected D. following

Question 51: In Vietnamese schools, English, mathematics, and literature are three _______ subjects,
which are compulsory in many important national examinations.

A. core B. part C. center D. middle

Question 52: The national _______ is a program of study in all the main subjects that children aged 5
to 16 in state schools must follow

A. syllabus B. course C. plan D. curriculum

Question 53: For the government, education is now at the top of _______.

A. agenda B. outline C. order D. plan

Question 54: The expansion of _______ education at college and university should be a powerful force
for change.

A. further B. higher C. extra D. extended

Question 55: She wants to take a career _______ in order to have children.

A. leave B. stop C. end D. break

Question 56: For _______ information on the diet , write to us at this address.

A. further B. addition C. most D. worse

Question 57: “Those eggs of different colors are very artistic “. Yes, they _______ in Russia.

A. were painted B. were paint C. were painting D. painted

Question 58: He has not been offered the job because he cannot meet the _______ of the company.

A. requirements B. applicants C. information D. education

Question 59: All _______ to universities or colleges in England are made through UCAS.

A. applicants B. applications C. application D. applicant

Question 60: The writer could not be at the ceremony, and his wife accepted the prize on his _______.

A. absence B. remembrance C. behalf D. reminder

Question 61: When the post finally fell _______. They offered it to Brian.

A. vacant B. vacantly C. vacancy D. vacancies

Question 62: Is English a compulsory subject or a(n) _______ one at high school here?

A. obligatory B. mandatory C. obliging D. optional

Question 63: The old woman spent her _______ life living with her only daughter.

A. entire B. total C. complete D. quite

Question 64: In his latest speech, the Secretary General_______ the importance of wildlife
A. stressed B. excused C. extorted D. remained

Question 65: There's nothing you can do _______ me change my mind.

A. to make B. make C. making D. makes

Question 66: If you put your money into that business, you risk _______ every penny.

A. lose B. to lose C. losing D. lost

Question 67: Wendy got a part-time job _______ she would be able to pay for school expenses.

A. unless B. although C. so that D. but

Question 68: Could you please tell me some information that _______ to the job?

A. indicates B. expresses C. interests D. relates

Question 69: Not all teenagers are well _______ for their future job when they are at high school.

A. interested B. satisfied C. concerned D. prepared

Question 70: Qualifications and _______ are two most important factors that help you get a good job.

A. politeness B. experience C. attention D. impression

Question 71: Many children are under such a high _______ of learning that they do not feel happy at

A. concentration B. interview C. pressure D. recommendation

Question 72: Being well-dressed and punctual can help you create a good _______ on your

A. impression B. pressure C. employment D. effectiveness

Question 73: Many people will be out of _______ if the factory is closed.

A. work B. career C. profession D. job

Question 74: Before _______ for a position, check whether you can fulfill all the requirements from the

A. deciding B. applying C. requiring D. demanding

Question 75: There's a rumour that the National Bank is going to ________the company I work for.

A. take on B. take out of C. take off D. take over

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs

correction in each of the following questions.

Question 76: Many disabled (A) children cannot derive (B) full enjoyment (C) from toys make (D) for

non-disabled children.

Question 77: There, so fast asleep (A) inside the car was (B) my poor (C) parents, exhausted (D) from
waiting for me.

Question 78: The (A) vacuum tube made (B) an important contribution on (C) the early growth (D)
of radio and television.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in

meaning to each of the following questions.

Question 79: Peter had very little money but managed to make ends meet.
A. Peter could hardly live on little money.

B. Having little money, Peter couldn‟t make ends meet.

C. Peter got by on very little money.

D. Peter found it hard to live on very little money.

Question 80: “Mr. Jong finds it strange to drive on the left.”

A. Mr. Jong used to drive on the left. B. Mr. Jong is not used to driving on the left.

C. Mr. Jong can drive on the left easily. D. Mr. Jong cannot drive a strange car.

Question 81: Mr. Bridges is by far the richest man I know.

A. Mr. Bridges is the richest man in my country.

B. Mr. Bridges is one of many very rich men I know.
C. Mr. Bridges is much richer than anyone else I know.
D. Mr. Bridges is richer than all his friends.
Question 82: No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't open the door.

A. Although I tried very hard, I couldn't open the door.

B. Although I tried very hard, I could open the door.

C. In spite of I tried very hard, I couldn't open the door.

D. I couldn't open the door, even though trying very hard.

Question 83: He behaved in a very strange way. That surprised me a lot.

A. His behaviour was a very strange thing, that surprised me most.

B. He behaved very strangely, which surprised me very much.

C. What almost surprised me was the strange way he behaved.

D. I was almost not surprised by his strange behaviour

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 84 to 88.
If you want to prepare yourself for great achievement and have more to (84)_____to your
education or your work, try reading more books. Pick (85)_____some of the interestingly informative
books and search for well-researched materials that can help you grow.
We should encourage our children to read more books and spend less time watching TV. Some
people have commented that this is inconsistent. "Why is the written word a superior way to get
information than television?" That is an interesting point of view worth further exploration. Reading is
a skill that is in much greater demand than the demand for watching TV. There are no jobs (86)
_____ require a person to be able to watch TV but reading is an integral part of many jobs. The
written word is an incredibly flexible and efficient way of communication. You can write something
down and, in no time, it can be communicated to many different people. Not only that, we can (87)
_____ vast amounts of information through reading in a very short time. A good reader can acquire
more information in reading for two hours than someone watching TV can acquire in a full day. You
are able to gain (88)_____ information quickly because you are a fast reader with good comprehension
skills. It will save you massive amounts of time and you will be able to assimilate vast quantities of
Question 84: A. gain B. gather C. collect D. contribute
Question 85: A. on B. up C. over D. out
Question 86: A. that B. who C. when D. whom
Question 87: A. digest B. inhale C. breathe D. eat
Question 88: A. Lots B. a lot of C. a number of D. little
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 30 to 34.
The Hindu culture celebrates marriage as a pure and pristine rite enabling two individuals start their
journey of life together. It puts emphasis on the values of happiness, harmony and growth and could
be traced back from the Vedic times.
Months before the wedding ceremony, an engagement is held which is called “magni”. The couple is
blessed here with gifts, jewelry and clothes. Another important ritual is the “mehendi” which is a paste
made from the leaves of henna plant. It is the traditional art of adorning the hands and the feet of
the bride with mehendi and the name of the groom is also hidden in the design.
On the day of marriage, the couple exchanges garlands as a gesture of acceptance of one another
and a pledge to respect one another as partners which is known as “jaimala”. This is followed by
“kanyadaan”, where the father of the bride places her hand in the groom‟s hand requesting him to
accept her as an equal partner.
Another ritual is the “havan” in which the couple invokes Agni, the god of Fire, to witness their
commitment to each other. Crushed sandalwood, herbs, sugar rice and oil are offered to the
ceremonial fire. The “gath bandhan” takes place where scarves of the bride and groom are tied
together symbolizing their eternal bond. This signifies their pledge before God to love each other and
remain loyal. The couple then takes four “mangal pheras” or walk around the ceremonial fire,
representing four goals in life: “Dharma”, religious and moral duties; “Artha”, prosperity; “Kama”
earthly pleasures; “Moksha”, spiritual salvation.
The couple also takes seven steps together to begin their journey, called the “saptapardi”. Then the
ritual of “sindoor” takes place where the groom applies a small dot of vermilion, a red powder to the
bride‟s forehead and welcomes her as his partner for life. This signifies the completion of the
marriage. The parents of the bride and the groom then give their blessings, “ashirwad” to the newly
wed couple as they touch the feet of their parents.
Question 89. What might be the most suitable title for this reading passage?
A. The Hindu culture B. The Hindu religion
C. The Hindu wedding D. The Hindu tradition
Question 90. What do the Hindu people think about marriage?
A. It is entirely a spiritual traditional ritual allowing two individuals to live together.
B. It is a belief in the growth of a family newly formed by two individuals.
C. It is a wish of happiness and harmony to come to two individuals.
D. It is just a living-together announcement of two individuals.
Question 91. What can the word “adorning” be best replaced by?
A. decorating B. painting C. repairing D. dying
Question 92. Why does the couple exchange garlands?
A. to do a ritual
B. to show both their acceptance of and the swear to respect the partner
C. to express their acceptance of one another and a wish of happiness
D. to express their vow to respect each other for the whole life
Question 93. When is the wedding ceremony completed?
A. When the parents of the bride and the groom give their blessings to the couple.
B. When the couple touches their parents‟ feet.
C. When the couple makes seven steps together.
D. When the groom applies a small dot of vermillion of the bride‟s forehead.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the answer to each of
the question.
Most parents want their sons and daughters to have equal chances of success when they
grow up. Today, equality of the sexes is largely mandated by public policy and law. However, old-
fashioned ideas and a lot of prejudice are still part of our culture and present challenging
questions for parents.
Gender stereotypes are rigid ideas about how boys and girls should behave. We all know
what these stereotypes are: A "feminine" girls should be insecure, accommodating and a little
illogical in her thinking. A "masculine" boy should be strong, unemotional, aggressive, and
competitive. How are children exposed to these stereotypes? According to the researchers David
and Myra Sadker of the American University of Washington, D.C., boys and girls are often
treated differently in the classroom. They found out that when boys speak, teachers usually
offer constructive comments, when girls speech, teachers tend to focus on the behavior. It's
more important how the girls act rather than what they say.
The emphasis on differences begins at birth and continues throughout childhood. For
example, few people would give pink baby's clothes to a boy or a blue blanket to a girl. Later, many
of us give girls dolls and miniature kitchenware, while boys receive action figures and
construction sets. There's nothing wrong with that. The problem arises when certain activities
are deemed appropriate for one sex but not the other. According to Heather J. Nicholson, Ph.D.,
director of the National Resource Center for Girls, Inc., this kind of practice prevents boys and girls
from acquiring important skills for their future lives.
"The fact is," says Nicholson, "that society functions as a kind of sorting machine regarding
gender. In a recent survey, fifty-eight percent of eighth-grade girls but only six percent of boys
earned money caring for younger children. On the other hand, twenty-seven percent of boys
but only three percent of girls earned money doing lawn work". If we are serious about
educating a generation to be good workers and parents, we need to eliminate such stereotypes
as those mentioned previously.
Gender stereotypes inevitably are passed to our children. However, by becoming aware of
the messages our children receive, we can help them develop ways to overcome these incorrect
ideas. To counteract these ideas, parents can look for ways to challenge and support their
children, and to encourage confidence in ways that go beyond what society's fixed ideas about
differences of sext are.
Question 94: Which of the following could be the main idea of the passage?
A. Deep-seated stereotypes about genders and their effects.
B. Different prejudice about how girls and boys should behave and be treated.
C. The role of culture in the behavior of different genders.
D. The influence of education and society on gender stereotypes.
Question 95: According to the second passage, David and Myra Sadker of the American University
of Washington, D.0 found that_____.
A. schoolboys and schoolgirls are treated equally in the classroom.
B. teachers often concentrate on boys' behavior and girls' manners.
C. boys are commented usefully whereas girls are paid attention to behavior.
D. girls are taught to be insecure, accommodating and illogical while boys are strong,
unemotional, aggressive, and competitive.
Question 96: What does the word "that" in paragraph 3 refer to?
A. The differences between boys and girls begin at birth and continue throughout childhood.
B. People often give pink clothes to a boy and a blue blanket to a girl.
C. Many people give girls dolls and miniature kitchen and boys receive action figures and
construction sets when they were born.
D. People give different genders of children distinct kinds of presents or clothes.
Question 97: The word "deemed" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ___.
A. celebrated B. supposed C. designed D. established
Question 98: According to the passage, which of the following is UNTRUE about gender
A. Male and female children are expected to behave the same as what adults think they should.
B. The distinctions in treatment to boys and girls commence when they were given birth.
C. Its beneficial for children to practice fundamental skills if they are treated unequally quite
D. Children are differently treated not only at homes but also at schools.
Question 99: The result of a recent survey showed that the number of girls at the age of eight
paid for babysitting was .
A. 58% B. 27% C. 6% D. 3%
Question 100: The word "counteract" in the last paragraph could be best replaced by __.
A. promote B. frustrate C. encourage D. inspire
Question 101: What can be inferred from the passage?
A. Parents are able to help reduce the influence of gender stereotypes on their children.
B. Teachers and parents have to join hands to encourage children's confidence in social activities.
C. Society functions often categorize jobs regardless genders.
D. The problems males and females get when they are adults may originate from gender


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