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SCHOOL: Iligan City National High School GRADE LEVEL: 10

TEACHER: Aliemar L. Tampipi LEARNING AREA: Science
DATE: March 22, 2024 QUARTER: 3rd Quarter

The learners should be able to demonstrate understanding of how an ecosystem as
A. Content Standard
being capable of supporting a limited number of organisms
B. Performance Standard
C. Most Essential Learning Explain the relationship between population growth and carrying capacity. (S10LT-
Competencies IIIi-10)
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
a. Identify the limiting factors that depend on population density.
b. Compare the Density-Independent and Density-Dependent limiting factors from
D. Learning Objectives
the given situations.
c. Value the importance of studying why a population’s size is increasing or
Limiting Factors that Affect Population Growth
A. Subject Matter


A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide Pages Science Quarter 3 - Living Things and their Environment pp. 245 – 246
2. Learner’s Guide Pages Science Quarter 3 - Living Things and their Environment pp. 331 – 335
3. Additional Materials for
Learning Portals
Laptop for PowerPoint Presentation
B. Other Learning Resources Visual Aids
C. Integration of Content
Within and Across
Facilitator’s Activity Learner’s Activity
The teacher will call one student to On both cases;
lead the prayer.
1. Prayer (if there’s no volunteer, play an AVR Everyone stands up on cue and puts
prayer. Or the teacher will lead the prayer) their presence on praying.

Good Morning Grade 10 Mabini! “Good morning, Sir Aliemar”

Before you take your seats, please arrange (Students arrange their chairs and pick
your chairs and pick up the pieces of paper up the pieces of paper.)
under your chair, keep it first inside your
2. Greetings bag and throw it in the trash bin later.

How are you today, class?

“We’re fine and great, Sir.
“That’s Great!
The Teacher will ask the students if there
is anyone absent for today. In Different Cases, the students will
3. Checking of Attendance answer “Yes” or “None”
(The teacher then will check from his
checklist the mentioned name, and mark
them “x” if absent)
Please be reminded of the house rules

Everybody read the classroom rules. House Rules

1. Arrive on time for class

2. Raise your hand if you want to
4. Reading of House Rule
speak or volunteer
3. Do not cheat or copy other
people’s work
4. Respect everyone in the class

The teacher will ask whether she gave any (Students submit their assignment to the
5. Checking of the assignment to the class. front)
Assignments (Collects the assignments if there are any)


Last meeting we have learned about

carrying capacity, right? Yes Sir.

To see if you can still recall our past lesson,

let us have a review game called
“Remember Me” through these following
set of questions. Answer Keys:

1. If the birth rate is more than the death rate 1. B. The population will increase.
what will happen in a population?
A. The population will decrease
B. The population will increase

2. It is a constant increase in the number of 2. B. Exponential Growth

ELICIT populations.
(Reviewing of the past lesson) A. Logistic growth
B. Exponential Growth
3. A. Carrying capacity
3. It is when there are only certain numbers
of organism a particular area can only
A. Carrying Capacity
B. Population Density
4. B. The increase in the number of
4. What is population growth? organisms in a given area.

A. A decrease in number of organisms.

B. The increase in the number of organisms
in a given area.

Very good class and congratulations! It’s

good to know that you really have learned
something from our previous discussion.

Now did you enjoy the short review that we

just had?
● Yes Sir
ENGAGE Okay, good to know because there’s more.
Before we go through our lesson for today,
I want volunteers to paste these pictures in
their appropriate descriptions on the board.
1. Diseases and Parasites

2. Competition for Resources

3. Predation

4. Emigration
With that the followings photos I’ve shown Possible answers:
you what do you think is our lesson for ● Factors that affect an
today? ecosystem sir
● Limiting factors sir

Very good, class! Our lesson for today is

all about the Limiting Factors that Affect
Population Growth.

For us to be guided for today’s lesson, I

want you to read our objective for today’s
Learning Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, we should be

able to:

Reading of the Objectives a. Identify the limiting factors that

depend on population density.
b. Compare the Density-Independent
and Density-Dependent limiting
factors from the given situations.
c. Value the importance of studying
why a population’s size is
increasing or decreasing.

Here are jumbled letters with clue on terms

that you will be familiar with later as we go
with our discussion:

Please read first the definition and then

unscramble the term.

- is anything that constrains a
population’s size and slows or stops it
from growing.
- Factors that regulate population


Unlocking of Terms
-Limiting factors that affect all
populations in similar ways, regardless
of population size. (e.g human activities,
natural disasters- earthquakes, typhoon,
floods or fires)

-Limiting factors that depend on
population size. (e.g emigration,
predation, parasitism, competition for
Very good! Please take note of these
following terms as this will be used in our
further discussions.

Now class, let me ask you a question

“Why is a population’s size increasing or Possible responses:

decreasing?” - Due to environmental factors
- Scarcity of resources
- Reproduction

Very good insights. Later on, we will be

able to answer this question as we go along
to our lesson for today.

But first let us spark our minds with a group

Please read the general instructions for the

General Instructions:
● You will be divided into six (6)
● Read the instructions on your
activity sheets Students will collaborate with their
● Write your answers on the group.
materials that will be provided to
your group.
● You will be given 10 minutes to
finish the activity.
● After answering, choose two
representatives from your group to
EXPLORE present your output in front of the
(Activity) class.

ACTIVITY: Dependent or

(Please refer to the activity sheet attached

on the last pages of the lesson plan)
Students will collaborate with their

You will be given 10 minutes to finish the

activity. After answering, present your
output to the class.
Are there any questions?

(assign areas for each group)

You may now proceed to your groups.

Students will collaborate with their


There are many factors that can cause a

population’s size to change. But first, you
must understand the basic reasons behind
why a population increases or decreases.

A population’s growth is limited into two

general factors:
What are these?
a. Density-independent factors
Very good! To understand these terms, you b. Density-dependent factors.
must first understand the concept of
population density.

Who among you can tell me what a

population density is?

Population density is the number of

That is correct. A population density people per unit of area.
refers to the number of organisms per
unit area.

So, what does it means if a population

density is very high?
Correct. If population density is high, there It means that the population in that
are a lot of organisms crowded into a certain certain area is high.

But when a population’s density is low,

what does it mean?

Very good! The number of organisms is It means that the number of organisms
also low. is also low.

Now let’s go back to the two general

limiting factors that affect population

1. Density-independent limiting
● Limiting factors that affect all
populations in similar ways,
regardless of population size.
This only means that it can stop a
population from growing.

An example of this is natural disasters

such as floods, earthquakes and fires.
Things like these can stop a population from
growing no matter how many organisms are
living in a certain area.
2. Density-dependent limiting
● Happen when a population reaches a
certain number of organisms.
An example of this is when a population
reaches a certain size, there won’t be
enough resources (food, water, shelter) for
all of the organisms.

This could cause the population to stop

growing because the environment cannot
support the number of organisms anymore.

To summarize we have this diagram.

Now there are four (4) types of Density-

dependent limiting factors.

These are the following:

1. Diseases and Parasites

What do you think are the effects of

diseases and parasites to the population

Possible responses:

- They can increase the death

rates of the population.
- It decreases population growth
by killing individuals, making
it harder for them to reproduce,
and sometimes even changing
their behavior.

Very good! Diseases and parasites can lead

to increased death rates within a population,
decreasing overall population size.

2. Competition for Resources

How about in competition for resources?

What do you think are the effects of this to
the population growth?

Very good! It limits population growth by It limits the resources of the organisms
reducing the availability of essential living in a particular area leading into
resources such as food, water, and shelter. scarcity and death.

Now, what might happen if one organism

has limited abilities to compete for its

Very good! They will have a difficulty to

The organisms that have limited abilities to Will have a difficulty to survive Sir.
compete for the resources will not Will not be able to survive Sir
reproduce as often, may not be fit enough to
live long, and can cause their population to
3. Predation
Now, what might happen if the predator
population is much higher than the prey
population? If the predator population greatly
exceeds the prey population, there will
be a limitation in their food resources
and increase in competition for their
Very good! If the predator population is
much higher than the prey population there
will be a limitation with their food sources
and there will be a higher chance of

And as the no. of prey decrease, the no. of

predators will also decrease because there
will not be enough food to sustain them.

4. Emigration

Now based from the photo, what do you

see? • Animals are migrating sir.
• Organisms migrate to find better
resources like food, water, or
nesting sites.

Very good observation! Why do you think

organisms migrate?
• To escape unfavorable
conditions such as harsh
weather or competition, or to
reproduce in more suitable
• Organisms migrate to seek
better resources, escape
unfavorable conditions, find
mates, or complete their life
Excellent answer! Emigration occurs when
a population approaches its carrying
capacity, and individual organisms leave
and go to a new area where they can find
enough resources for survival and

This will obviously cause a decrease in the

number of organisms in a population.
Possible answers:

● “If population is too dense, it is more ● As population density increases,

prone to death.” the availability of resources
Do you agree with the statement? decreases, making the limiting
Why? factors more influential in
controlling population growth.

● It helps us recognize how human

activities impact ecosystems,
species diversity, and habitats.
● Why is it important to study why a ● By identifying factors driving
population’s size is increasing or population growth or decline, we
decreasing? can implement conservation
strategies to protect biodiversity
ELABORATE and maintain ecological balance.
(Real Life Application and (Will add this example)
Generalization of the Lesson)
Take for example this scenario. Imagine
you have a garden with different kinds of
plants and animals. You notice that some
types of flowers are disappearing while
others are spreading rapidly. Then you
discovered that certain bugs eating the
disappearing flowers or others helping the
spreading ones grow. By this, you can take
action to protect the ones at risk and keep
the garden balanced.

For instance, if a particular species like the

Philippine Eagle is declining due to habitat
loss, then conservation efforts can focus on
habitat restoration or protected area
establishment. In the case of the Philippine
Eagle, natural parks such as Mt. Apo and
Mt. Katinglad have natural reserves and
other protected areas for this species.

Short Quiz

Instructions: Identify the limiting factors

that affect population growth by encircling
the correct answer of your choice. Answer keys:
1. What type of density-dependent limiting
factor infectious diseases and parasites 1. B. Diseases and Parasites
spread faster in densely populated areas?

a. Competition
b. Diseases and Parasites
c. Emigration
d. Predation

2. What type of density-dependent limiting 2. A. Competition

factor where organisms with better
adaptations to obtain (food) resources will
be able to reproduce more often, while
organisms that have limited abilities to
compete for the resources will not
reproduce as often?
a. Competition
b. Diseases and Parasites
c. Emigration
d. Predation

3. C. Emigration
3. What type of density-dependent limiting
factor where individual organisms leave
and go to a new area where they can find
enough resources for survival and
a. Competition
b. Diseases and Parasites
c. Emigration 4. D. Predation
d. Predation

4. What type of density-dependent limiting

factor where predators will be able to eat
sufficiently if there are available preys?
a. Competition
b. Diseases and Parasites
c. Emigration 5. C. Emigration
d. Predation

5. What type of density-dependent limiting

factor where organisms migrate to find
better resources like food, water, or nesting
a. Competition
b. Diseases and Parasites
c. Emigration
d. Predation


EXTEND On a one whole sheet of paper, reflect on

(Assignment) what you have learned about limiting Answers may vary.
factors and their significance in population



Noted by:
Genevive G. Cortes
Cooperating Teacher

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