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SCHOOL: Iligan City National High School GRADE LEVEL: Grade 10

TEACHER: Aliemar L. Tampipi LEARNING AREA: Science

DATE: February 19, 2024 QUARTER: Third Quarter
The learners demonstrate an understanding of organisms as having feedback
A. Content Standard mechanisms, which are coordinated by the nervous and endocrine systems, and how
these feedback mechanisms help the organism maintain homeostasis to reproduce and
B. Performance Standard The learners create a diagram/flow chart explain the role of hormones involved in the
female and male reproductive systems.
C. Learning Competencies Explain the role of hormones involved in the female and male reproductive systems.

Explain the role of hormones involved in the female and male reproductive systems.
Analyze and compare the key hormones involved in the male and female reproductive
D. Lesson Objectives systems, including testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, follicle-stimulating hormone
(FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH).
Recognize and appreciate the significance of hormonal regulation in the male and
female reproductive systems for overall health, sexual development, and fertility.
A. Subject Matter The Role of Hormones in Female and Male Reproductive Systems


A. References Science 10: Learner’s Material and Teacher’s Guide

1. Teacher’s Guide Pages Science Teacher’s Material page 181

2. Learner’s Guide Pages Science Learner’s Material page 250

3. Textbook Pages Science Learner’s Material page 250

4. Additional Materials for Grade 10 SCIENCE | Quarter 3 Module 1 | Hormones in the Reproductive System -
Learning Portals YouTube
Powerpoint Presentation
B. Other Learning Resources T.V.
Visual Aids
Reading Materials
1) Biology: Understanding the endocrine system and how hormones regulate various
C. Integration of Content bodily functions.
Within and Across 2) Physical Education - Discuss the impact of hormones on physical performance and
Curriculum development.
3) Health Education: Analyzing the impact of hormones on sexual and reproductive
Facilitator’s Activity Learner’s Activity

1. Prayer The teacher will present an audiovisual Students will stand and will take a
DepEd Interfaith Prayer to the class. moment of silence for the prayer.
Good morning Grade 10- Mabini. Before Students arrange their chairs and pick up
you take your seats, please arrange your the pieces of paper
2. Greetings chairs and pick up the pieces of paper under
your chair, keep it first inside your bag and
throw it in the trash bin later.
3. Checking of Attendance The teacher will ask the classroom The classroom leader will mention the
leader/secretary who is /are absent. following student/s who is/are absent.
Classroom Rules:
1. Come to class on time.
4. Reading of House Rule Everybody read the classroom rules 2. Listen and follow directions.
3. Raise your hand if you want to speak
4. Respect everyone in the class.

ELICIT (7 mins) Last meeting I gave you an assignment,

Yes, Sir.
Your assignment was to research at least 1
disorder/disease related to female
reproductive system.

I need five volunteers to share their work in

the class. 5 students share their output.

Possible answers:

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

is a hormonal disorder characterized by
enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the
outer edges. It often leads to irregular
menstrual cycles, excess hair growth,
acne, and obesity.

is a condition where tissue similar to the
lining of the uterus (endometrium)
grows outside the uterus, commonly on
the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and other
pelvic organs.

Uterine Fibroids
are noncancerous growths of the uterus
that often appear during childbearing
years. While they are usually benign,
they can cause symptoms such as heavy
menstrual bleeding, pelvic pressure or
pain, frequent urination, and

Ovarian cancer
is a type of cancer that begins in the
ovaries. It often goes undetected until it
has spread within the pelvis and
abdomen, making it difficult to treat.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

is an infection of the female
reproductive organs, including the
uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries,
usually caused by sexually transmitted
bacteria such as chlamydia and
Last meeting, we had discussed about the
female reproductive system.
Can somebody from the class discuss what
is it all about?
The female reproductive system is the
body parts that help women or people
assigned female at birth (AFAB):

• Have sexual intercourse.

• Reproduce.
Very Good! • Menstruate.
How about the parts, can you enumerate?

Ovary, oviduct, uterus, vagina, and

Very Good! cervix
It seems that you all got the correct answers
and you really learned what we had
discussed previous

ENGAGE (5 mins)
I want you to identify what hormones are
responsible in the given scenario and its

. Progesterone and estrogen to promote

pregnancy. (ovary) 2. Adrenaline to
activate short term stress response.
(Adrenal gland) 3. Pituitary gland
produces growth hormones. 4.
Thymosin for production of t- cells to
fight against infection. (Thymus gland)

From this activity class, what do you think

would be our topic this morning?

I think our topic for today is all about the

role of hormones in our reproductive

Very Good!

For us to be guided for today’s lesson, I

want you to read our objective for today’s
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the discussion, we are
expected to:

1. Explain the role of hormones involved

in the female and male reproductive
2. Analyze and compare the key
hormones involved in the male and
female reproductive systems, including
testosterone, estrogen, progesterone,
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and
luteinizing hormone (LH)
3. Recognize and appreciate the
significance of hormonal regulation in
the male and female reproductive
systems for overall health, sexual
development, and fertility.
Here are terms that you will be
familiar with later on as we go with our

-In males, it stimulates sperm and
testosterone production. In females, it
stimulates ovulation, maturation of egg
cells and
progesterone production.

- In males stimulates growth and
maturation of sperm cells
In females, it stimulates maturation of
egg in ovary and estrogen production.
Before we dive in to our discussion let us
have first our activity.

“Growing up Goals”

Instructions for Groupings: Earlier today, I

have placed different shapes in the arm
chair and these shapes represents your

General Instruction:
The class will be divided into 6 groups.
(Square, Circle, Rectangle,
Triangle, trapezoid, and oblong). Each
group will have a different set
of materials according to their assigned
EXPLORE ( 17 mins) tasks.
Together with your groupmates you will
provide and identify the different changes
you undergo when you are growing up and
list it in the table. You will be given 5
minutes to do this.

Male Female
Voice deepens
Adam’s apple

Facial and chest hair
Broadening of hips
Enlargement of breast

Let us now discuss the role of hormones in

the reproductive system.

Role of Hormones in Male Reproductive

The human male reproductive cycles is

controlled by the interaction of hormones
EXPLAIN (15 minutes) from the hypothalamus and anterior
pituitary with hormones from reproductive
tissues and organs. The hypothalamus
monitors and causes the release of
hormones from the pituitary gland.

What do you call the hormone that is

released into the pituitary gland? gonadotropin-releasing hormone
That’s right!
Gonadotropins are essential to your
reproductive health. They help your sex
glands (gonads) mature and function, which
in this case, the sperm cells.

This causes the release of follicle

stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing
hormone (LH) from the anterior pituitary
into the blood.

What is FSH? Follicle Stimulating Hormone

How about the LH? Luteinizing Hormone

FSH enters the testes and stimulates the

Sertoli cells to begin facilitating
spermatogenesis using negative feedback.

LH also enters the testes and stimulates the

interstitial cells of Leydig to make and
release testosterone into the testes and the
Sir, it is a male sex hormone that is
Do you have any idea what is produced by the testes.

Testosterone, the hormone responsible for

the secondary sexual characteristics that
develop in the male during adolescence,
stimulates spermatogenesis. These
secondary sex characteristics include a
deepening of the voice, the growth of facial,
axillary, and pubic hair, and the beginnings
of the sex drive.

It inhibits or stops the production of


What does it mean when there is negative

sign? Receives the penis of male during
A negative feedback system occurs in the
male with rising levels of testosterone
acting on the hypothalamus and anterior
pituitary to inhibit the release of GnRH, The Sertoli cells cease the release of
FSH, and LH. The Sertoli cells produce the inhibin, and the sperm count increases.
hormone inhibin, which is released into the
blood when the sperm count is too high.
This inhibits the release of GnRH and FSH,
which will cause spermatogenesis to slow
If the sperm count reaches 20 million/ml,
what will happen to the Sertoli cells?

Any question, before we proceed to the None so far Ma’am

female reproductive?

Okay so let us now proceed on the role of

hormone in female reproductive system.

The control of reproduction in females is

more complex. As with the male, the
anterior pituitary hormones cause the
release of the hormones FSH and LH.

Do you have any idea where did the

progesterone and estrogen are released? In the developing follicles, sir!

Very Good!

What do you call the hormone that is

responsible for regulating the secondary
sexual characteristics of females? Estrogen

These include, breast development, flaring

of the hips, a shorter period necessary for
bone maturation, and controls sex drive.

It also assists in endometrial regrowth,

ovulation, and calcium absorption.

How about the inhibition of FSH and LH

release? Progesterone

Progesterone also assists in endometrial re-


In females, FSH stimulates development of

egg cells, called ova, which develop in
structures called follicles. Follicle cells
produce the hormone inhibin, which
inhibits FSH production. LH also plays a
role in the development of ova, induction of
ovulation, and stimulation of estradiol and
progesterone production by the ovaries.
Estradiol and progesterone are steroid
hormones that prepare the body for
pregnancy. Estradiol produces secondary
sex characteristics in females, while both
estradiol and progesterone regulate the
menstrual cycle.

Any question?

None, ma’am.
So again, based on the overview I provided
class, what is the importance of hormones
in both male and female reproductive
Hormones are essential for regulating
the development of reproductive organs,
gamete production, and the menstrual
cycle in females, while in males, they
ELABORATE (5 mins) play a critical role in sperm production,
sexual characteristics, and reproductive
function, ensuring fertility and
successful reproduction in both sexes.

Very Good! I believe you now have

understood the role of hormones in the
reproductive system.
In a 1/4 sheet of paper, Create a FEMALE
diagram/flow chart that shows the role of
hormones involved in male and female
reproductive system.

EVALUATE (5 mins)

EXTEND (2 mins) Kindly study in advance about the feedback
mechanism involve in female reproductive


Noted by:

Genevive G. Cortes
Cooperating Teacher

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