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Lahore Grammar School Sahiwal Campus

Subject: Science Topic: A healthy Lifestyle Class: VII

Name: Date: Test: /10

Question No.1. Fill in the blanks: /5

1. ________________ stick to the walls of an artery.

2. Lack of vitamin C causes _____________.

3. Thrombosis in an artery in the __________ causes a ______________.

4. The skeleton and muscles work together to provide _______________.

5. A ______________ is a condition in which a person is unable to live a normal life.

Question No. 2. How is a blood cot formed? /2




Question No. 3. How can we treat obesity? /1



Question No. 4. Name the illnesses that can be caused by smoking. /2

Session: 2023 - 2024

Lahore Grammar School Sahiwal Campus
Subject: Science Topic: A healthy Lifestyle Class: VII

Name: Date: Test: /12

Question No.1. Fill in the blanks: /5

1. A _______________ is an event that can be observed by the senses.

2. Pressure can be described as __________ over __________.

3. The SI unit for pressure is ____________.

4. The force produced by gravity acting on a solid, liquid or gas is called as _________.

5. Diffusion is known as the ______________ of air particles.

Question No. 2. Define Pressure and write down its formula /2




Question No. 3.a) Draw the particles of food spreading through the air by diffusion /2

Session: 2023 - 2024

Lahore Grammar School Sahiwal Campus
Subject: Science Topic: A healthy Lifestyle Class: VII

b) Describe what is happening in the “after” diagram /1



Question No. 4. Differentiate how does the pressure act in a solid and in a liquid object


Solid Liquid

Session: 2023 - 2024

Lahore Grammar School Sahiwal Campus
Subject: Science Topic: A healthy Lifestyle Class: VII

Name: Date: Test: /10

Question No.1. Fill in the blanks: /6

1. _______________ develop a covering of black powder without glowing or busting

into flame on reaction with oxygen.

2. The reaction of a metal with oxygen creates a ________________.

3. ___________ is not changed after it has been heated and then left to cool – on

reaction with oxygen.

4. Substances which do not react with other substances are called _________________.

5. The reaction of a metal with water creates a __________________ and hydrogen.

6. The reaction of some metals with a HCL creates a _________________ and


Question No. 2. What does the reactivity series show? /1




Question No. 3. Write down a word equation for the reaction of Magnesium with

hydrochloric acid /1


Session: 2023 - 2024

Lahore Grammar School Sahiwal Campus
Subject: Science Topic: A healthy Lifestyle Class: VII

Question No. 4. Potassium, Calcium, Copper, Sodium, Copper and Iron are some of the

metals that can/cannot react with water.

Arrange them in order – starting from the most reactive to the least reaction /2



Session: 2023 - 2024

Lahore Grammar School Sahiwal Campus
Subject: Science Topic: A healthy Lifestyle Class: VII

Name: Date: Test: /10

Question No.1. Fill in the blanks: /5

1. When light ray strikes a rough surface, the rays are _____________ in different


2. A light ray that is reflected from a surface is called as ________________.

3. The angle between the incident ray and the normal is called _______________.

4. Glass, still water and polished metal have ___________ surfaces.

5. The splitting of white light into different colors is called as _______________.

Question No. 2. State what does the law of reflection states /2




Question No. 3. Illustrate the phenomenon by drawing a labeled diagram that depicts

white light entering the prism and how it splits up into its constituent colors /3

Session: 2023 - 2024

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