Developing Leadership Assignment 3 1302567395 - 396646624

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“My Leadership Development Journey”

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Table of Contents
1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................2
2 Existing Leadership Experiences...........................................................................................2
3 Strengths And Weaknesses as A Leader...............................................................................3
4 Individual Leadership Activities..............................................................................................4
5 E-portfolio...............................................................................................................................4
6 Effectiveness Of Leadership Self-Development and Future Developmental Activities..........5
7 References.............................................................................................................................6

1 Introduction
The success of an organisation depends in large part on its leadership. It is crucial for
leaders to continuously refine their abilities (Hongal and Kinange 2020). The focus of this essay
is to identify potential prospects for future development that will support participants in pushing
themselves outside of their comfort zones. By working through problem-solving exercises and
evaluating the opportunities for leadership development, participants will be able to critically
evaluate their leadership effectiveness and make plans for additional self-improvement
activities. The aim of this essay is to strengthen the participants' leadership skills and advance
their professional and personal development.

2 Existing Leadership Experiences

I held few leadership positions when I was in college and at work. I was in charge of
managing a team of eight individuals at my most recent position. I have had the chance to work
on several projects and initiatives that have given me the chance to appreciate the value of
setting objectives, making plans, and managing resources (Kraft 2021). With the help of this job,
I have been able to hone a variety of crucial abilities like delegation, problem-solving, and
communication. I have had to deal with several number of other difficulties, along with inspiring
my staff, and managing disputes (Patton 2021). Because of this I have grown in self-assurance
and self-awareness, especially with my leadership skills. I have also got the opportunity to
advance my talents, through higher study. I have taken a variety of leadership, communication,
and team-building courses (Osland and Lester 2020). These courses have given me priceless
insights on how to lead a team and motivate employees to perform at their best. To the success
of any organisation, I have gained an understanding of how crucial teamwork, communication
and motivation are, through these courses. Overall, I feel that I have acquired a variety of
leadership traits and experiences that have been helpful to me in my position as a leader.
Through these experiences, I have been able to develop a deeper understanding of my team's
requirements and give them the direction and assistance they require (Rathmell, Brown and
Kilburg 2019). The power of collaboration and communication, which I feel are crucial for
effective leadership, has also grown in my understanding.

3 Strengths And Weaknesses as A Leader

I have taken a several number of leadership and personality assessments in order to
evaluate my leadership abilities and flaws. I took the initial evaluation which was Myers-Briggs
Type Indicator (MBTI). My personality type, ENFP (Extraversion, Intuition, Feeling, and
Perceiving), which is revealed by the MBTI, has been helpful to me (Walker 2019). I was found
to be a passionate, inventive, and people-focused leader, according to this assessment.
Additionally, it showed that I had a propensity for being too optimistic and easily stressed. The
Leadership Practises Inventory (LPI) was the second test I took (Wei et al. 2020). I was given a
detailed breakdown of my leadership attributes, including strengths and flaws, through this
evaluation. My strengths in leading by example, igniting a common vision, encouraging people
to take actions, and challenging the status quo were identified by the LPI (Kouzes and Posner
2019). I have discovered several areas in which I need improvement as a leader after taking a
several numbers of personality and leadership evaluation tests. My propensity to micromanage
work, which can result in inefficiency and reduced team trust, is one of my biggest faults. In
addition, I tend to prefer peace over productivity and avoid disagreement whenever possible,
which has resulted in wasted opportunities for development and creativity. However, the
assessment tests also emphasised aspects of my leadership style that are strong. Strong
relationships and a productive workplace have resulted from my ability to effectively
communicate with team members and give constructive criticism. In addition, I have the

flexibility to adjust to changing conditions and the innovative thinking needed to solve
challenging issues. It did however also highlight the fact that I need to improve my capacity to
inspire the heart. To learn more about my leadership style, I have also completed a few self-
assessment assessments. My predisposition to communicate in a straightforward and
authoritative manner has been identified by these tests. I also have a propensity to ignore the
specifics in favour of the overall picture (Gibbert et al. 2023). Now that I am more aware of my
leadership style, I can better use my advantages to help my team succeed. I am also very
motivated and enthusiastic about my work. I have learned a lot about my leadership skills and
shortcomings overall thanks to these exams.

4 Individual Leadership Activities

I have planned and executed a variety of personal activities to hone my leadership
abilities. Reading books and articles about management and leadership is the first task I have
started (Ashford and Sitkin 2019). I participated in a weekend leadership retreat as one of my
major endeavours. I took part in a variety of team-building activities and leadership-focused
courses during the retreat. I also participated in one-on-one coaching sessions with seasoned
executives, who gave me insightful criticism and insights. I also participated in a medium-sized
activity, which was joining a mentoring programme. I was matched with a senior leader in my
sector through this programme who gave me advice and assistance as I worked to improve my
leadership abilities. We met frequently to talk about difficulties and opportunities, and the
mentorship enabled me to develop fresh viewpoints and ideas. In addition, I did several
numbers of small things to help me focus and be present, such attending courses on delegation
and dispute resolution, asking team members for input, and using mindfulness techniques.
Overall, these activities have helped to increase my awareness of the value of successful
leadership and refine my leadership abilities.

5 E-portfolio
I have added as an appendix to my evaluation in which my leadership development path
is documented in an electronic portfolio. In my e-portfolio there are variety of documents and
materials relating to my leadership development are included. I have engaged in various number
of the leadership activities, the results of my personality and leadership assessment, and my
personal views on my experiences are among these. A variety of resources that I have found
helpful during my trip are also included in the e-portfolio. These are publications on management
and leadership such as books, essays, and videos. I have also provided a list of the seminars and
workshops I have attended, along with a list of the challenges I have participated in. I now have a
complete record of my leadership development journey thanks to this e-portfolio. It will be a
useful tool that I can use in the future to evaluate my performance and keep improving my
leadership abilities. My e-portfolio is a thorough documentation of my leadership development
process overall. It shows my dedication to personal development and the concrete steps I have
taken to improve my leadership skills.

6 Effectiveness Of Leadership Self-Development and Future

Developmental Activities
I have to engaged in a variety of personal self-development activities in order to improve
my leadership abilities and my awareness of the value of good leadership. I have been able to
get a deeper understanding of the various facets of leadership and the techniques used by
effective leaders through my readings, seminars, and challenges (Fonsén and Ukkonen-Mikkola

2019). I have also had the chance to improve my communication, problem-solving, and
delegating abilities, in a secure setting. I think my self-development activities have been quite
successful in helping me improve my leadership abilities overall (Andreu, Sweet and Carter
2020). As of now, I have a better grasp on the various facets of leadership as well as the
methods I may employ to guide my team. I have also had the chance to practise my abilities in a
secure atmosphere and get input from knowledgeable executives (Kratcoski 2023). I have been
able to improve my abilities and boost my confidence because of this. I intend to engage in a
couple more self-improvement endeavours to further my leadership skill development. These
will involve participating in leadership challenges, reading leadership-related books and articles,
and attending workshops and seminars on subjects like motivation and communication (Gozali
and Paik 2022). In addition, I intend to keep observing and learning from other leaders while
looking for chances to put my abilities to work. I think that overall, the self-development activities
I have engaged in have been successful in assisting me in honing my leadership abilities
(Hayashi et al. 2019). I think that by carrying out these tasks on a regular basis, I will be able to
hone my abilities and boost my confidence.

7 References
Andreu, F.S., Sweet, K.M. and Carter, D.H., 2020. Building Leadership Skills through High-
Impact Experiences. Journal of Leadership Education, 19(4).
Ashford, S.J. and Sitkin, S.B., 2019. From problems to progress: A dialogue on prevailing issues
in leadership research. The Leadership Quarterly, 30(4), pp.454-460.
Fonsén, E. and Ukkonen-Mikkola, T., 2019. Early childhood education teachers’ professional
development towards pedagogical leadership. Educational research, 61(2), pp.181-196.
Gibbert, M., de Groote, J.K., Hoegl, M. and Mendini, M., 2023. Recognizing New
Complementarities before They Become Common Sense–The Role of Similarity Recognition.
Organizational Dynamics, 52(1), p.100915.
Gozali, C. and Paik, S.J., 2022. Nurturing focused motivation: leadership development in
Indonesia. European Journal of Training and Development, (ahead-of-print).
Hayashi, M., Son, D., Onishi, H. and Eto, M., 2019. Contribution of short-term global clinical
health experience to the leadership competency of health professionals: a qualitative study.
BMJ open, 9(7), p.e027969.
Hongal, P. and Kinange, U., 2020. A study on talent management and its impact on organization
performance-an empirical review. International Journal of Engineering and Management
Research, 10.
Kouzes, J. and Posner, B., 2019. Leadership in higher education: Practices that make a
difference. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

Kraft, E., 2021. Planning, Promoting and Assessing Social Learning in Sport: A Landscapes of
Practice Approach (Doctoral dissertation, Université d'Ottawa/University of Ottawa).
Kratcoski, P.C., 2023. Police Leadership: A Learning Experience. In Police Leaders as Thinkers
(pp. 35-63). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Osland, J.S. and Lester, G.V., 2020. Developing socially responsible global leaders and making
a difference: Global leadership lab social innovation projects. In Research Handbook of Global
Leadership (pp. 350-363). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Patton, W., 2021. The many faces of leadership: leading people and change in Australian higher
education. Journal of Educational Administration and History, 53(2), pp.121-131.
Rathmell, W.K., Brown, N.J. and Kilburg, R.R., 2019. Transformation to academic leadership:
The role of mentorship and executive coaching. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and
Research, 71(3), p.141.
Walker, B.D., 2019. Personality and Preparation: Factors Impacting the Tenure of Business
School Deans. American College of Education.
Wei, H., King, A., Jiang, Y., Sewell, K.A. and Lake, D.M., 2020. The impact of nurse leadership
styles on nurse burnout:: A systematic literature review. Nurse Leader, 18(5), pp.439-450.

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