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“Essay: Human Services”

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“Podcast Review”

Podcast 1

In the podcast 1 by Michelle Francis de Souza, lists several essential competencies

needed for success in the human services field. These include knowing how people develop,

being culturally adept, being able to think critically and solve problems, being ethical and

professional, working in a team and collaborating, and taking care of oneself.

The human services industry relies heavily on understanding human development

because it deals with a variety of social, emotional, and mental health difficulties. To effectively

deal with diverse populations, one must be culturally competent, which requires understanding

and respecting various cultures and backgrounds (Sharifi, Adib-Hajbaghery & Najafi, 2019).

Critical thinking and problem-solving abilities are essential for recognising and resolving the

complex issues that affect people individually, in families, and in communities (Tang, Vezzani &

Eriksson, 2020). Maintaining high standards of behaviour, integrity, and accountability at work

requires ethics and professionalism. Building successful partnerships with other professions,

stakeholders, and clients requires cooperation and teamwork. Lastly, self-care is crucial to avoid

burnout and guarantee that professionals can still deliver efficient support and assistance.

Being student-centered, creating diversity, and displaying love and affection towards

students and co-workers are some of the practise techniques addressed in the podcast. These

strategies can foster strong relationships, foster a sense of belonging, and establish a secure and

respectful learning environment. The speaker also stresses the value of ongoing education and

self-evaluation, which are essential for development on both a personal and professional level.

Overall, the knowledge and practise methods covered in the podcast, taken as a whole,

are very pertinent to the methods now used in the field of human services. Professionals in the

field need to be highly knowledgeable about human development, cultural sensitivity, problem-

solving and critical thinking, ethics and professionalism, collaboration and teamwork, and self-

care. Along with being in line with the current emphasis on person-centered care, strengths-based

approaches, and trauma-informed care, which prioritise the experience and perspective of the

individual, the practise approaches highlighted in the podcast also support the current focus on

trauma-informed care.

However, Ongoing professional growth is still necessary, particularly in areas like the

newest research, pedagogical techniques, and technologies. The difficulties the speaker has

encountered, such as a lack of funding or possibilities for professional growth, underline the

necessity of continuing support and funding for the human services industry.

Podcast 2

In the podcast 2 by Adrian Pooley discusses his desires to work in human services as well

as the ideals and concepts that guide them in this podcast. As guiding ideas in his work, he

emphasises the value of valuing uniqueness, social justice, and professional identity. Adrian aims

to emphasise strength rather than the deficit model that is frequently applied in the West.

Understanding the guiding principles and values of the profession is one of the essential

knowledge and abilities needed to work in the human services sector. Podcast 2 brought up three

important concepts that define the work of human service professionals: respect for people,

social justice, and professional identities (Fitzgerald, 2020). Professionals in the human services

field also need to be empathetic, have strong communication skills, and be able to relate to

people from different backgrounds. To create comprehensive strategies to meet clients' demands,

they should be able to collaborate with clients and other specialists.

The practise techniques covered in the podcast challenge the conventional deficiency

model used to explain autism and place an emphasis on the capabilities of individuals with

autism (Pellicano & den Houting, 2022). This strategy fits with the current movement in human

services towards a strengths-based strategy rather than a problem-focused strategy. To overcome

obstacles and accomplish goals, the strengths-based approach focuses on identifying and utilising

clients' abilities and resources. The relevance of the knowledge and skills discussed in the

podcast to current practice approaches in human services cannot be overstated. People today are

becoming more and more aware of the value of person-centered care and the necessity of

emphasising clients' skills and talents. The strengths-based approach is becoming more and more

well-liked in a variety of professions, including social work, medicine, and education. Human

service workers can empower clients to take charge of their situations and create solutions that

work for them by using a strengths-based approach.



Fitzgerald, A. (2020, July). Professional identity: A concept analysis. In Nursing forum (Vol. 55,

No. 3, pp. 447-472).



Pellicano, E., & den Houting, J. (2022). Annual Research Review: Shifting from ‘normal

science’to neurodiversity in autism science. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry,

63(4), 381-396.

Sharifi, N., Adib-Hajbaghery, M., & Najafi, M. (2019). Cultural competence in nursing: A

concept analysis. International journal of nursing studies, 99, 103386.

Tang, T., Vezzani, V., & Eriksson, V. (2020). Developing critical thinking, collective creativity

skills and problem solving through playful design jams. Thinking Skills and Creativity,

37, 100696.

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