Rendu Fin de Module SHS

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Rendu fin de module SHS


Baby Cages to expose babies to fresh air

These baby cages were used on big cities like
London or New York, and were created for mothers
who lived in apartments without balconies to “air out
their babies” to “help them renew and purify their
blood”. Essentially mothers attached this cage-like
contraptions to their windowsills and let their babies
sit in them for a couple hours a day. This method was
popularized by Eleanor Roosevelt who bought a
chicken cage and hung it outside of her window and
would often place her baby in the cage for her naps.

1 Baby in baby cage

New Hypothesis: Cat balcony to “air out” the new era ‘babies’
In today’s society animals have become more than just a pet, they are becoming
part of the family, some even calling them (and treating them) like their own
children. So why not adapt this product for 1930’s human babies to 2020’s ‘fur
babies’ as they are now referred to by social media.
This product is mostly targeted to
cats since the dogs that have the
privilege to be seen as children by
their owners, most likely get “aired
out” by their owners or
professional dog walkers, but not
many people walk their cats, and
they too deserve some outside
time. Most cats have a fascination
with the outside and often find
themselves sitting by windows to
appreciate the view from outside.
For cat parents letting their pets
roam around in the outdoors can
feel dangerous, but how could they 2 First Sketch idea
deprive their child from experiencing the outdoors? Well with this cat balcony the
cats can appreciate the outdoors and come and go as they wish without worrying
their parents, the balcony provides enough space to fit all of the cat’s essentials
like multiple beds, scratching posts, bowls, toys and everything else they might

This cat balcony will act as the

cat’s second bedroom where they
can relax and explore without their
parent worrying about their where-
abouts. This will also provide,
besides the obvious peace of mind,
entertainment for the cat’s parents
as well as neighbors and passers-
by, since they will be able to watch
the cat doing as they please, like
sun-bathing, chasing birds, playing,
3 Second Sketch sleeping and everything else.

For Parents their cat’s safety is the utmost priority, so in order to achieve that the
cat balcony is completely attached to the windowsill to ensure that the balcony
won’t fall off as well as to avoid the cats getting out of the balcony.
The clear acrylic that makes up the balcony provides a panoramic view for and of
the cat to make sure parents can always see where their cat is as well as allowing
the cats as much interaction with the outdoors as possible. Our main priority Is for
your Fur baby to explore and marvel at nature while keeping them safe and sound,
to provide you the peace that you deserve.
4 Final Render

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