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Listening comprehension is an ability that involves the process of understanding

something effectively such as analyzing and identifying sentence structures in depth, words and
spoken language that are listened to. Effective listening skills will allow users to understand and
analyze the information received accurately and precisely, therefore in the context of being an
individual who is proficient in the context of listening will be very useful in that context.Goss
(1982) states that in understanding when listening. listeners try to build meaning from the
information they receive by using various mental processes. this ability is very important because
it will allow individuals to engage in meaningful conversations and can absorb new information
effectively and efficiently. listening skills are not only useful in academic settings but also in
professional and personal contexts. Despite its importance, the evidence is that students still
often face significant difficulties in understanding good and correct listening, in addition
Hamouda (2013) states many universities only focus on language structure, reading, vocabulary
and often ignore listening and speaking skills which results in these skills not being emphasized
in textbooks and teachers often ignore them in class, in the same vein Osada (2004) also
highlights that listening is not considered important by teachers and students which causes the
lack of effective listening teaching.
To overcome these problems, one alternative strategy that works is the Pre-Listening and
Post-Listening Technique accordingly Mary Underwood (1989) says Pre-Listening activities can
include providing background information, reading relevant material and examining pictures.
activities during listening should focus on comprehension as suggested by Rixon (1986), to
determine whether the student or individual understands the material. post-listening activities
allow listeners to reflect on the language used in the text including sounds, grammar, and
vocabulary. Feedback from students with different levels of English proficiency (A2, B1, B2)
provided valuable insight into the effectiveness of this strategy. beginner learners often find pre-
listening activities helpful in establishing context, but they may struggle with new vocabulary
during listening. Intermediate learners benefit from structured listening activities, but may need
to listen several times to understand the main ideas. Advanced learners appreciate the
opportunity to reflect during post-listening activities, although they sometimes find them too
simple and not challenging enough.
The strategy also has disadvantages that students may have encountered such as the
frequent appearance of new vocabulary during listening activities, the loss of detailed
information because the focus is distracted from analyzing the word structure or the need for
more action such as listening to the audio more than once in order to get important information
and details from the audio which makes this strategy less effective for students which indicates
the need for an approach that can be adapted and adjusted to different proficiency levels.due to
some of these problems, this article is made in terms of overcoming or correcting problems that
often arise, especially among students proficiency

In this study, Researcher applied Classroom Action Research (CAR) to get efficient and
in-depth results. According to Bogdan & Biklen (1992: 223), action research is a systematic
process of collecting information that aims to understand the complex social dynamics that
develop in the classroom. Therefore, The researchers apply classroom Action Research (CAR)
with several approaches such as planning, implementation, results, and reflection. From each of
these steps, the researcher began to implement it on respondents from three different levels of
English proficiency by giving a test in the form of 2 consecutive questions. after the action was
taken, the researcher evaluated it which had two sides: positive and negative feedback from the
In selecting the sample, The researcher used the Stratified Random Sampling method
because wanted to ensure variation in English proficiency levels, in that case the research results
would be more effective, the student population in the researcher's class was divided into levels
such as (Low, Intermediate, and High) using the British Council app. Then randomly selected
samples with different levels, namely A2 (Elementary), B1 (Intermediate) and B2 (Upper
Intermediate). In this study, the researcher used an open-ended test that aimed to measure the
respondents' understanding of the application of the strategies the researcher provided, and in the
interview phase aimed to gain a deeper understanding of the respondents' experience of the
strategies that had been applied.
This type of research uses qualitative data that focuses only on data. In this case, experts
used Stratified Random Sampling in sample selection according to Johnson & Christensen
(2012: 156). Stratified Random Sampling is a sample selection method that divides the
population into several homogeneous groups (strata), and then conducts random sample selection
from each stratum. In this way, each group can be fairly represented in the sample. It is crucial
that the results represent the variation present in the larger population. moreover the researcher
used the British Council's English test to determine the English level of each target group. and
the experts used two ways to collect data, namely through tests and interviews, which aimed to
see to what extent the respondents understood the strategies experts provided and also to find
weaknesses or shortcomings of the strategies and importantly to see the respondent experience
while using the stages. In the test, it tested whether the strategy was effective or not, while in the
interview, the researcher tried to get information about the respondents' experience in using the
strategy. The researcher aim to dig up information. The Expert use Miles and Huberman Analysis
Model ( Data collection, condensation, display, and depiction ).

Cycle I
Stages of Pre-Listening,While-Listening and Post-Listening
( Srilakshmi Movva August 2022 )
1.Pre-listening prepares students by providing context and objectives, setting the stage with
essential background, and activating prior knowledge to enhance engagement and
2.During the while-listening phase, activities aim to refine listening skills through tasks that
require contextual understanding, teacher guidance, and active student participation without
access to transcripts, ensuring content relevance and interest.
3.Post-listening extends learning by encouraging reflection, evaluation, and application of heard
content to personal experiences, promoting deeper analysis and critical thinking.
Table 1.
Results from Respondent in Pre,While and Post-Listening Stages
Question Response Display Conclusion
What do you feel about listening to the A2 Pre,While and Post-Listening It make me confused to Level A2 users found the Pre, While, and
audio multiple times to understand the Stratgey is difficult, it make me understand the context Post-Listening strategies difficult and
context with Pre, While, and Post confused to understand the of the audio. confusing. Level B1 users had trouble
Listening strategies? context of the audio. understanding the topic due to focusing too
much on details. Level B2 users struggled to
focus while using the Pre-Listening strategy
during the audio.
B1 Because I focus on the details that I was focus on the
I analyze, it is difficult for me to details and difficult for
understand the topic’s meaning me to understand the
from the speakers topic’s
B2 I Can’t get focus while use Pre- I Can’t get focus while
Listening strategy While listening use Pre-Listening
the speaker/Audio strategy While
What about the Pre, While, and Post- A2 The Pre - Listening Strategy is an Effective way for me Level A2 users felt that the Pre-Listening
Listening method makes it effective effective way for me and easier to and easier to strategy was effective and made it easier to
for your learning? understand what I’m listening to. understand understand the audio on the other hand level
B1 users said that they felt the Post-
Listening strategy helped them predict and
estimate the theme or topic of the
conversation but level B2 users had
difficulty focusing when using the Pre-
Listening strategy during listening to the
B1 Use Post-Listening strategy, I can Predict and estimate
Predict and estimate the theme or the theme or topic
topic conversation conversation
B2 I Can’t get focus while use Pre- Easy to understand,
Listening strategy While listening because
the speaker/Audio comprehension is
already exist
What benefits have you experienced using A2 The new vocabulary suddenly New vocabulary Level A2 users had difficulty grasping the
a Pre-Listening strategy to grasp appeared in the audio, so that suddenly appeared and meaning because new vocabulary suddenly
specific content? made me difficult to capture the difficult to capture the appeared in the audio. while level B1 users
meaning. meaning had difficulty grasping the meaning of the
topic because they were too focused on the
details being analyzed and Level B2 users
could not focus when using the Bottom-up
strategy because they used background
B1 Because I focus on the details that Focus on the details
I analyze, it is difficult for me to that I analyze, it is
understand the topic’s meaning difficult for me to
from the speakers understand the topic’s
B2 I can’t get focus while use Can’t get focus while
Bottom-up strategies because use Bottom-up
using backround knowledge strategies

The findings provide valuable insights into how the strategy impacts individual’s listening
experience accros various proficiency level.this entire section provides insights into how these
strategies work to impede one's progress at different stages of life. Weaknesses also emerged
among the strategies used to negatively impact their performance in several different ways.
There is alignment between all the opposing sides of negative and positive bias. Students often
succumb to the pressures of certain strategies. The problem is generalized and cannot be divided
into major parts. In evaluating the benefits of the strategy, A2 level users consistently stated that
the strategy made it very easy to understand what they heard from the audio and easily guessed
the topic accurately, although sometimes there were details that made them lag behind the audio
conversation. They also said that in listening to the audio using background knowledge, they
can quickly understand the context of the topic easily.
Likewise User B1 complained that Unfamiliar vocabulary oftenly appeared which made it
difficult for him to understand the context of the audio comprehensively, User B2 complained
that listening to the audio required repeated repetition in order to understand carefully what was
discussed in the audio, and User A2 had difficulty in understanding the meaning of the
discussion of the audio because it required background experience which made the user very
experienced in focusing on the details in the addition this strategy provides significant
benefits in improving users' listening ability and confidence, but it cannot be ignored that some
problems and difficulties must be overcome, especially related to new vocabulary, related to
focus, details, and understanding the listening context in depth, its important for users to
thoroughly understand the advantages and disadvantages of this strategy in order to find the best
solution to overcome the difficulties and challenges that may arise during its application. with
the problems that have been found in applying the stages, the researcher will add a new stage
that will overcome the problems faced by users.

Cycle II
Additional Stages of Scaffolded Listening Practice ( Christine C.M.Goh ( 2006 )
1.Pre-listening prepares students by providing context and objectives, setting the stage with
essential background, and activating prior knowledge to enhance engagement and
2.While-listening phase, activities aim to refine listening skills through tasks that require
contextual understanding, teacher guidance, and active student participation without access to
transcripts, ensuring content relevance and interest.
3.Post-listening extends learning by encouraging reflection, evaluation, and application of heard
content to personal experiences, promoting deeper analysis and critical thinking.
4.Scaffolded Listening Practice is a strategy designed or developed to make it easier for audio
listeners of different listening proficiency levels, which includes approaches such as providing
some vocabulary before listening, dividing the audio into small parts to improve focus and
linking background experience with the context of the audio to gain a comprehensive

Table 2
Result from Respondent in Scaffolded Listening Practice
Question Response Display Conclusion
Does this strategy overcome A2 When listening using this strategy, I often Often find new vocabulary and A2 level users said that when using this strategy
your difficulties in the listening find new vocabulary and difficult to make it difficult to guess the in listening, I often found new vocabulary but
process? guess the topic or next conversation by topic. had difficulty guessing the next topic or
using Top-Down conversation by using the Top-Down approach.
B1 level users said that it took a long time to
find information about the upcoming topic or
information because of using the Top-Down
strategy. while on the other hand B2 level users
stated that when listening to the audio, I could
easily understand what was said in the audio
because the critical thinking of the Post-
Listening strategy really helped me to guess the
key points in the audio.
B1 It take me long to find out about Take long time to find out
upcoming topics or information Upcoming topics or information
because I use Top-Down strategy because I use Top-Down
B2 When listening to audio, I can easily find Easily find out because critical
out what the audio is talking about thinking from the Post-Listening
because critical thinking from the Post- strategy
Listening strategy really helps me in
guessing the important points of the audio
Have you found this strategy A2 I found that the Pre-listening strategy Pre-listening strategy incredibly In A2 level users found that the Pre-listening
effective in addressing the incredibly effective in priming me effective in priming me before I strategy was very effective in preparing
obstacles you face before I start listening.It boosts my start listening and easier to themselves before listening, increasing
while listening? confidence and readiness, making it follow conversations and grasp confidence and readiness. It made it easier to
easier to follow conversations and new information follow the conversation and understand new
grasp new information. information. On the other hand, B1 users found
Top-down Processing useful in filling in gaps in
comprehension. And B2 users said during and
after listening activities increased engagement
and expanded my vocabulary, although often
unfamiliar vocabulary appeared in the audio.
B1 I found that Top-down Processing to be In filling gaps in
beneficial in filling gaps in my understanding.
my understanding
B2 The activities during and after listening Increased my engagement and
have also increased my engagement and develop my vocabulary while
develop my vocabulary while listening listening even though oftenly
even though oftenly unfamiliar unfamiliar vocabulary appears
vocabulary appears in the audio in the audio.
What are your thoughts on your A2 I was highly satisfied with my experience Helps me prepare, and Top- A2 level users said that they were very satisfied
experience using this strategy in using this strategy for listening. Pre- down Processing enhances my with the experience of using this strategy in
the context of listening listening helps me prepare, and Top- overall understanding while listening. Pre-listening helped me prepare, and
down Processing enhances my overall listening the audio. .but in post Top-down Processing improved overall
understanding while listening the lisetening It’s hard for me to comprehension while listening to the audio. On
audio.but in post lisetening It’s hard understand the audio while the other hand, B1-level users mentioned that my
for me to understand the audio while analyzing the speaker experience with this strategy in listening has
analyzing the speaker. been quite satisfactory, especially in Pre-
listening which helps focus, and Top-down
Processing which helps comprehension. while
B2-level users When using the Post-Listening
strategy, I easily understand the context of the
topic discussed in the audio because it uses
critical thinking and detailed information.
B1 In my experience with this strategy for In Pre-listening aids focus, and
listening has been very enough especially Top-down Processing aids
in Pre-listening aids focus, and Top- comprehension.
down Processing aids comprehension
B2 When using a post-listening strategy, it is Easy for me to understand and
easy for me to understand the context of critical thinking and detailed
the topic discussed in the audio because it information.
uses critical thinking and detailed

Results of this cycle II study the researcher gained important new information about how
the listening experiences of people with different levels of competence were affected by the
implementation of this new tactic. It was also observed that the researched tactics had
shortcomings that had varying effects on their performance.However,The students often
experienced difficulties as a result of the implementation of this strategy. Although these issues
have a wide scope, they can be broken down into a few key parts to make them easier to
In evaluating the benefits of the strategy, A2 level users revealed that the strategy is very
effective because it makes it easier to guess with the topic through background experience and
on the other hand also acquire new vocabulary, although sometimes there are some vocabulary
that is not understood but they also reported that B2 level users can know the topic of the audio
because they use their critical thinking in analyzing the audio which indirectly shortens the
listening time if their prediction is correct about the audio topic
From both stages cycle I and cycle II, the researcher found significant differences in
respondents' experiences of the first strategy with the second strategy by having several
differences, namely in the application of stages in cycle I, respondents predominantly found
difficulties in terms of lack of vocabulary in analyzing audio, the emergence of foreign
vocabulary, and the need to repeat the audio in order to understand the topic of the audio listened
to in understanding the context of the audio compared to the stages of cycle 2 Respondents more
dominantly get experiences that make it easier for them to critically analyze the audio and guess
the topic in a short period of time from each level such as level A2 users can find new
vocabulary and analyze the details of the audio which makes it easier to find out the topic of the
audio, As for level B1 users, it is easier to understand the context of the audio using careful
background experience and level B2 users find it easier to understand the audio in listening
because they apply critical thinking with important things in analyzing audio.



This study is to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of Pre,While and Post-Listening,in
this case the researcher aims to develop these stages to cover the weaknesses of these stages
where the results show that in the first cycle there were more negative results than positive
results based on student experiences such as difficulty in understanding the context of the audio
in listening and analyzing As well as problems that arise, and other respondents are. and in the
next cycle it was found that there were fewer negative results compared to the initial cycle The
problems faced by respondents are often confused because new vocabulary appears when
listening to audio which makes it difficult to analyze the topic.


Therefore, researchers discovered the results of respondents' experiences from 3 English
proficiency levels in 2 cycles that have different results, in the first cycle researchers found
negative results more dominant than positive such as difficulty understanding the context of the
audio when analyzing in detail while listening. And it turns out that in cycle 2, the dominant
positive results were found compared to the negative, as for the negative side in cycle 2, namely
Often find unfamiliar vocabulary when listening to audio Therefore, when respondents do careful
listening activities but find it difficult to analyze the audio from the beginning to the end of the
conversation. It could be that the difficulty is caused by several factors such as the lack of a
broad and comprehensive vocabulary which makes it difficult to know what the audio discusses
in detail, this is supported by Vidal (2011) Says that the listener's inhibitions in analyzing the
audio as a whole can occur due to the user's lack of vocabulary mastery in listening to the audio,
listeners should get used to writing or noting down new vocabulary that appears when the audio
mentions it in order to improve the quality of their understanding of vocabulary.


Thus, the researcher found an alternative that can be applied by users in overcoming the
difficulty of analyzing audio effectively such as doing regular listening activities or noting new
vocabulary that is not understood when listening to stated by Smith, J (2020) the key to
Increasing vocabulary is by noting unknown foreign words and this can make listeners
understand audio more effectively and efficiently. In line with the research conducted, it can be
concluded that when listening to long or short audios and wanting to fully understand them, it is
important for listeners to master a broad vocabulary in order to avoid difficulties when analyzing
the audio.
However a frequent difficulty is identifying the main topic or puspose of the entire
conversation.sometimes event though the audio has started,the user can feel confused about what
exactly will be disscused or expressed where the main cause of this difficulty is the user having
problem to follow the tempo of the whole audio which causes confusion with the topic therefore
according to Osada (2004) in stressful situations one can experience anxiety ehwn trying to
identify and analize images from distracting audio.For example when having a conversation with
another person,the listener can control the speed of the interlocutor, but it is different when
listening to audio or watching a movie where neither the speed of speech nor the content
delivered can be controlled, making it difficult to understand the topic being disscused.
To overcome this problem, users should train their hearing thoroughly and regularly so
that they do not experience problems when listening to audio by listening to podcasts, music or
recorded speeches which can help them in listening to audio. According to Brown (2006),
practicing reading lyrics, learning vocabulary, and listening to various songs can also help
students become more familiar with popular songs and make them more confident in their ability
to listen and understand the world around them. identify the main topic of the conversation or
The best alternative is to train your hearing regularly and in an organized manner to get
maximum results in several ways, namely by listening to podcasts or recorded songs which will
help improve your hearing ability efficiently so that you can understand audio thoroughly.
Support from Brown (2006) shows that practicing reading lyrics, learning vocabulary and
listening to a variety of songs will be useful in improving good listening skills It can be seen that
the lack of vocabulary in listening activities plays a very big role, therefore one alternative that is
easy to apply for general problems in the context of not being able to follow audio can be
covered by listening to audio such as music or radio repeatedly which will improve
understanding of audio flow with various existing tempos.

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