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Comb Size and Estrogen Levels Toward the Onset of Lay in Broiler and
Layer Strain Females Under Ad Libitum and Restricted Feeding

*Department of Genetics, The Silberman Life Sciences Institute, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 91904 Jerusalem,
Israel, and †Department of Animal Sciences, The Faculty of Agriculture, Rehovot, Israel

ABSTRACT The time course of comb development under 6L:18D photoperiod; that of the other treatment
and estrogen levels were compared in broiler (BX) and groups did not begin to increase until photoperiod was
layer (LX) females that consumed feed ad libitum (A) or shifted to 8L:16D. Comb size of individual LX-A, LX-R,
were subjected to quantitative feed restriction (R). The and BX-A birds began to increase about 8 wk prior to
chicks were reared under short photoperiod [(6 h light individual onset of lay; that of BX-R birds about 11 wk
(L):18 h dark (D)] until 22 wk of age. At this time,
prior to onset of lay. In all groups, estrogen levels
photoperiod was increased in one step to 8L:16 D, and
remained low until 3 to 4 wk prior to onset of lay, when
then gradually increased until 14L:10D at 34 wk. There
was a significant interaction between genetic type and they showed a sharp increase. Following onset of lay,
feeding treatment, such that entry into lay of the LX-R estrogen levels of all groups remained high. Critical day
and BX-R females was delayed by 1 and 4 wk, length of LX-A birds appears to be lower than that of
respectively, relative to the LX-A and BX-A birds. Mean BX-A birds. In addition, feed restriction per se appears to
comb size of LX-A birds began to increase while still decrease photoperiod responsiveness of BX birds.
(Key words: comb size, estrogen, onset of lay, feed restriction, photoperiod)
1998 Poultry Science 77:1593–1600

INTRODUCTION this window, an increase in photoperiod to some

minimum length, termed the “critical day length”
In previous studies, it was found that decreasing (CDL), stimulates earlier onset of sexual maturity;
photoperiods had a strong delaying effect on onset of whereas increase in photoperiod beyond some maximal
lay in broilers, but relatively little effect in layers (Eitan length, termed the “saturation day length” (SDL), does
and Soller, 1991, 1994, 1996). The greater sensitivity to not result in further decrease in age at onset of sexual
suboptimal photoperiod of broilers was interpreted to maturity (Dunn and Sharp, 1990). Layer and broiler
imply that broilers respond in a less powerful manner to females have been reported to differ in CDL and SDL
photostimulation than layers, so that a suboptimal (Dunn and Sharp, 1990); and from data presented in
photoperiod resulted in a longer period from onset of Robinson (1994) there appears to be an effect of feed
photosensitivity to onset of lay. It is of interest to restriction on response to photoperiod of broilers.
determine whether broilers and layers differ in other The purpose of the present study was to compare the
aspects of their responses to photostimulation. In effect of short photoperiod on entry into sexual maturity
particular, once minimum BW and age thresholds are and lay in layer and broiler females, under ad libitum
attained, entry into lay ensues promptly in females and restricted feeding. The approach was to compare
provided with an adequate photoperiod. Entry into lay the time course of comb size development and estrogen
is deferred, but ensues eventually, in birds kept in total levels in broiler and layer females under gradually
darkness or short day length (Wilson and Woodward, increasing photoperiod; comb size is commonly used as
1958; King, 1961). Thus, a photostimulation “window” a surrogate measure for development of reproductive
can be defined, bounded by the earliest age at which function in chickens (Lowry, 1958; Snapir et al., 1969;
females enter lay under adequate photostimulation, and Rozenboim et al., 1986, 1993; Jacoby et al., 1992). The
the age they enter lay under short day length. Within basic assumption was that under this treatment, differ-

Received for publication October 24, 1997. Abbreviation Key: A = ad libitum feeding; BX = broiler cross; CDL =
Accepted for publication June 24, 1998. critical day length; D = h of darkness; L = h of light; LH = luteinizing
1To whom correspondence should be addressed: soller@vms.huji. hormone; LX = layer cross; R = restricted feeding; SDL = saturation day
ac.il length.


ences in CDL, for genetic or nutritional reasons, would Experimental Treatments

be expressed as a differences in the time of initiation of
the increase in comb size and estrogen levels normally Chicks were allowed to consume feed ad libitum until 56
observed prior to onset of lay. d. The chicks of each genetic type were then divided into
two groups: BX-A and LX-A, which continued with ad
libitum feeding; and BX-R and LX-R, which were changed
MATERIALS AND METHODS to quantitative feed restriction. The feeding schedule of
the BX-R and LX-R birds was adjusted at intervals to
Stocks and Rearing Procedures maintain approximately linear growth to 25 wk. Thus, the
feeding schedule of the BX-R birds was as follows: 50 g/d
The experiment included 50 chicks each of two from 56 to 67 d; 60 g/d from 68 to 114 d; 80 g/d from 115 to
commercial lines: Arbor Acres feather-sexed broiler 157 d; 110 g/d from 158 to 164 d; 120 g/d from 165 to 171
breeders, denoted BX (Kvutzat Yavne Hatchery, Israel), d; 130 g/d from 172 to 178 d; 140 g/d from 179 d to the end
and Lohman layers, denoted LX (Poultry Breeders Union, of the experiment. The feeding schedule of the LX-R birds
Netanya, Israel). The chicks were hatched on June 7, 1995, was as follows: 30 g/d from 56 to 67 d; 40 g/d from 68 to
and vaccinated the same day against Marek’s disease 157 d; 80 g/d from 158 to 171 d; 90 g/d from 172 d to the
using the Rispens vaccine, and against infectious bronchi- end of the experiment (equivalent to ad libitum).
tis and Newcastle disease virus using live vaccine. The
chicks were reared at the North Talpiot Experimental
Farm of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. At 14 d of Data Collection
age, the birds were vaccinated against infectious bursal Chicks were weighed every 2 wk. Weighing was by a
disease and Newcastle disease virus using an inactivated digital scale accurate to 1 g until 41 d, and by a spring scale
vaccine. accurate to 20 g thereafter.
All chicks were brooded for 21 d in electrically heated Comb height and width were measured by a straight
batteries. Following the brooding period, the layers were edge ruler, scored at 1-mm intervals. Height was taken as
beak trimmed to avoid pecking, and all chicks were the distance from the highest point on the second blade
transferred to floor pens until 41 d. Broiler chicks were not from the rear to the base of the skull. Width was taken
beak trimmed, as picking is not a problem with broiler across the entire width of the comb from the attachment of
chicks under our rearing conditions. Beak trimming is not the front blade to the base of the skull, to the rearmost
known to affect onset of sexual maturity. At 41 d, all chicks curve of the rear blade. Comb measurements were taken
were transferred to individual cages with individual at approximately 2-wk intervals from 14 wk to the end of
feeding troughs, in a controlled-light dark room. A the experiment.
proprietary starter mash (210 g CP and 3,150 cal ME/g) Heparinized blood samples were drawn at 2-wk
was fed until 14 d; a broiler mash (170 g CP and 3,250 cal intervals from 6 to 22 wk (from 14 wk for LX-R birds),
ME/g) until 42 d; a grower mash (140 g CP and 2,850 cal except for Weeks 12 and 16; and at weekly intervals from
ME/g) until 157 d; and a layer mash (150 g CP and 3,100 23 to 36 wk, except for Weeks 28 and 36. Blood was taken
cal ME/g), thereafter. between 0800 and 1200 h (noon). Plasma was stored at –20
Chicks were reared under naturally increasing daylight C until assayed for estrogen level. The estrogen measured
until 41 d; under 22 h light (L):2 h dark (D) from 42 to 55 d, was 17b-estradiol. All plasma estrogen levels were
using incandescent light (35 to 50 lx, light intensity varied measured on the same day, using an Eliza Immuno Assay
between upper and lower cage tiers); and under 6L:18D Kit.2 The sensitivity of the assay was 17 pg/mL at 80%
from 56 d to 157 d (5 to 10 lx). Photoperiod was increased binding. The inter- and intra-assay coefficients of varia-
to 8L:16D at 157 d, and thereafter increased by 0.5 h tion were 7 and 5%, respectively.
weekly, reaching 14L:10D at 34 wk. Simultaneously, light
intensity was increased, from 7 to 22 lx at 22 wk, to 30 to 50
lx at 28 wk. Previous work has shown that differences in Statistical Analyses
response to photoperiod between genetic types are Following Lowry (1958), comb size was taken as the
magnified under conditions of low photostimulation product of comb height and comb width, omitting
(Eitan and Soller, 1991, 1994, 1996). The gradual increase division by 2, as this would not change any of the statistics.
in light intensity, starting from a low level, was intended Data were analyzed by the SAS GLM procedure (SAS
to provide minimal photostimulation consistent with Institute, 1985), according to the following model
achieving CDL. In was anticipated that this would
provide full expression of differences in photoperiod Yijk = m + bi + tj + btij + eijk
responses of the various genetic types and feeding
treatments. where Yijk is the variable being analyzed of the kth
individual of the ith genetic stock and jth feeding
treatment; m is the overall mean; bi is the effect of the ith
2Cayman Chemical Co., Ann Arbor, MI 48108. genetic stock (i = 1 or 2); tj is the effect of the jth feeding
TABLE 1. Mean, CV, and correlation (r) of age and BW at first
egg according to genetic type and feeding treatment1

Age BW
Group Number x CV x CV r
(d) (%) (g) (%)
BX-A 19 197.0b 9.7a 4,781.6a 11.8a 0.90a
BX-R 19 225.4a 3.0b 4,416.8b 7.1b 0.74b
LX-A 18 175.8c 8.4a 1,492.2c 13.0a 0.80a,b
LX-R 18 182.8c 9.0a 1,472.2c 12.8a 0.72b
a–cValues in the same column with no common superscript differ significantly by t test (P < 0.05).
1BX = broiler cross; LX = layer cross; A = ad libitum feeding; R = restricted feeding.

treatment (j = 1 or 2); btij is the interaction between genetic the effects of their genetic type and feeding treatment on
stock and feeding treatment; and eijk is the residual error age at first egg.
term. Statistical significance of differences between Estrogen levels fluctuated rather widely in consecutive
specific lines and treatments were determined by t test weeks, producing a somewhat confusing picture. To
(Walpole and Myers, 1978). The CV was calculated as SD/ moderate these fluctuations, a 2-wk moving average was
x. Statistical significance of differences between two CV calculated, and plotted against mean chronological or
were tested by calculating (CV1/CV2)2, and comparing to physiological age of the assay days included in each
F(n1, n2) where n1 and n2 are df of larger and small CV, average. In order to test for statistical significance of
respectively. Statistical significance of correlation coeffi- differences in estrogen levels between treatments and
cients was tested by z transformation (Walpole and ages, measurements made in the same general period (6 to
Myers, 1978). 10, 14 to 20, 22 to 24, and 33 to 36 wk) were pooled, and
In analyzing the time course of BW, comb size, and tested for differences by t test (Walpole and Myers, 1978),
estrogen levels, the data for each measurement date were assuming different SD in each cell.
first plotted against the “chronological age” of the birds at
that date (all birds were hatched on the same date). RESULTS
Because at a given chronological age some birds may be in
lay, whereas others have not yet entered lay, changes in Table 1 shows age and weight at first egg for the
mean trait values of an experimental group with age various genetic and treatment groups. Body weight and
primarily reflect the changing proportions of birds that age of the BX birds at first egg were greater than those
are in lay or not in lay in the various groups. In order to of the LX birds, irrespective of treatment. Body weight
account for this, a second approach was used in which the and age of the LX-A and LX-R birds at first egg did not
data were plotted against “physiological age”. In this case, differ significantly; BW of the BX-A birds was signifi-
the date at which each bird individually entered lay was cantly greater and age was significantly less than for the
taken as the origin (zero) point for that bird. Measurement BX-R birds. The interaction effects of genetic type by
dates for each bird were then assigned positive (+) or feed treatment on both age and BW at first egg were
negative (–) “physiological age” values, measured in highly significant by ANOVA (P < 0.01). This result is
number of weeks preceding or following entry into lay. due to the 4-wk delay in onset of lay of the BX-R birds
For each variable, the mean value for the birds of each as compared to the BX-A birds.
genetic type and treatment at each physiological age, was The CV for age and BW at first egg was similar in BX-
calculated and plotted against physiological age. As A, LX-A and LX-R, but significantly lower for BX-R
compared to chronological age, physiological age in the (Table 1). Thus, the BX-R birds came into lay more
present experiment has two weaknesses: 1) Data points synchronously than the other groups, both with respect
were taken at somewhat irregular intervals; consequently, to age and with respect to BW. The correlation between
not all birds are represented at each physiological age. For age and BW at first egg was high in all groups.
example, with BW measurements taken at 2-wk intervals, Figure 1A shows BW plotted against chronological
only half the birds will have BW measurements at any age. From 16 wk until the end of the experiment, BW of
given physiological age. This procedure introduces a BX-A exceeded that of BX-R by about 1,000 g (from 50 to
degree of experimental sampling in moving from point to 30%); mean BW of both groups continued to increase
point along the physiological age curves, which does not until the end of the experiment. From 16 to 20 wk, BW
occur when using chronological age, for which all birds of LX-A exceeded that of LX-R by about 200 g (20%).
are included in all points. 2) Photoperiod of all birds was The difference diminished to 50 g (5%) by 22 wk, and
increased systematically with chronological age. When disappeared by 30 wk. Mean age at first egg of the
compared at the same chronological age, all birds in a various genetic by treatment groups is indicated by
given genetic by treatment group are at the same arrows. Figures 1B and 1C show BW plotted against
photoperiod. However, at a given physiological age, the physiological age for BX and LX birds, respectively. In
birds can be at very different photoperiods, depending on all groups there was a steady linear increase in BW from

about 15 wk prior to first egg. With the onset of lay, increase from 16 to 22 wk, at which time the birds were
increases in BW immediately ceased. The very different still under 6L:18D photoperiod. During this period,
time course of BW on a physiological basis as compared comb size of BX-A and LX-R birds was the same, but
to a chronological basis clearly illustrates the difference twice that of BX-R birds. From 22 wk, comb size of LX-R
between the two modes of analysis. birds increased rapidly, achieving equality with the LX-
Figure 2A shows comb size plotted against chrono- A birds by 26 wk. Similarly, comb size of the BX-A and
logical age. Within treatment groups, comb size of LX BX-R birds also began to increase from 22 wk. Until 25
birds was twice that of the BX birds throughout the wk, comb size of BX-A birds increased more rapidly
experimental period. Comb size of the LX-R, BX-A, and than that of the BX-R birds. From 25 to 31 wk, the
BX-R birds remained low and virtually constant until 22 increase was parallel. From 31 wk comb size of the BX-A
wk, when photoperiod was increased to 8L:16D. In birds plateaued, whereas that of the BX-R birds
contrast, comb size of the LX-A birds showed a steady continued to increase, although even at the very end of
the experiment the gap between the two groups was still
Half of the total increase in comb size was attained by
24 wk for LX birds, and by 26 and 28 wk for the BX-A
and BX-R birds, respectively (Figure 2). At this time, the
correlation coefficient of comb size with age at onset of
lay was –0.65 and –0.31 for BX-A and BX-R, respectively;
and –0.76 and –0.75 for LX-A and LX-R, respectively.
The negative sign of the correlation coefficients indicates
that during the period of rapid comb development comb
size was a measure of relative sexual development, in
that the birds with the larger combs subsequently enter
lay earlier than those with smaller combs. The correla-
tion coefficients for LX-A, LX-R, and BX-A birds did not
differ significantly; that for the BX-R birds was signifi-
cantly less than for the other groups. This reflects the
more synchronous entry into lay of the BX-R group, as
noted above. At the attainment of half final comb size,
the correlations of comb size with BW at first egg were
less than with age (–0.61, –0.43, –0.48, and –0.22 for LX-
A, LX-R, BX-A, and BX-R, respectively), indicating that
the primary correlation was with age, rather than BW.
Again, the correlation for the BX-R birds was signifi-
cantly less than for the other groups.
Figures 2B and 2C show comb size plotted against
physiological age. The LX-A and LX-R birds show a
plateau from –13 to –9 wk; the BX-A birds show a
plateau from –15 to –9 wk. All three types show first
signs of an increase in comb size about 8 wk prior to
onset of lay. In contrast, BX-R birds appear to have
initiated an increase in comb size from 11 wk prior to
onset of lay. When plotted against physiological age,
comb size of LX-A and LX-R birds did not differ; but
even on this basis, comb size of the BX-A birds was
greater than that of the BX-R birds, throughout the
period preceding lay.
Figures 3A and 3B show the 2-wk moving average of
estrogen levels plotted against chronological age for BX
and LX birds, respectively. Estrogen levels were gener-
ally low from 6 wk through 18 to 20 wk. During this
period, estrogen levels of the BX-A and LX-A birds were
FIGURE 1. Body weight plotted against age. A) BW plotted against
significantly higher than that of BX-R and LX-R groups
chronological age. B) BW plotted against physiological age for BX-A (Table 2). The BX-A and LX-A birds showed a significant
and BX-R birds. C) BW plotted against physiological age for LX-A and increase from the 6 to 10 wk period to the 14 to 20 wk
LX-R birds. ∫ = BX-A; π = BX-R; o = LX-A; ÿ = LX-R. BX = broiler
cross; LX = layer cross; A = ad libitum feeding; R = restricted feeding. period; but BX-R birds remained unchanged. The LX-A
Arrows show mean age of birds at onset of lay. birds showed a particularly strong increase, so that
although levels of the LX-A birds were significantly
below those of the BX-A group in the 6 to 10 wk period;
they were significantly greater in the 14 to 20 wk period.
Following the increase in photoperiod at 22 wk,
estrogen levels during the 22 to 24 wk period, increased
significantly for BX-A and LX-R birds, but not signifi-
cantly for LX-A; and remained virtually unchanged for
BX-R birds (Table 2). At this time, BX-A and LX-A had
significantly higher estrogen levels than BX-R and LX-R;
but BX-A and LX-A did not differ significantly, whereas
LX-R was significantly greater than BX-R. All groups
show a significant increase in estrogen levels in the
period following onset of lay (33 to 36 wk) as compared

FIGURE 3. Estrogen levels plotted against age. A) two-week

moving average of estrogen levels plotted against chronological age
for BX-A and BX-R birds. B) two-week moving average of estrogen
levels plotted against chronological age for LX-A and LX-R birds. C)
FIGURE 2. Comb size plotted against age. A) comb size plotted
two-week moving average of estrogen levels plotted against physiolog-
against chronological age. B) comb size plotted against physiological
ical age for BX-A and BX-R birds. D) two-week moving average of
age for BX-A and BX-R birds. C) comb size plotted against
estrogen levels plotted against physiological age for LX-A and LX-R
physiological age for LX-A and LX-R birds. ∫ = BX-A; π = BX-R; o =
birds. ∫ = BX-A; π = BX-R; o = LX-A; ÿ = LX-R. BX = broiler cross; LX
LX-A; ÿ = LX-R. BX = broiler cross; LX = layer cross; A = ad libitum
= layer cross; A = ad libitum feeding; R = restricted feeding. Arrows
feeding; R = restricted feeding. Arrows show mean age of birds at
show mean age of birds at onset of lay.
onset of lay.
TABLE 2. Mean and SD (in parentheses) of estrogen levels by compared to 49, 34, and 37 d for BX-A, LX-A, and LX-R,
age according to genetic type and feeding treatment1,2
Age Figure 4B shows rate of lay plotted against physiolog-
ical age. In this case, the increase represents an increase
Group 6 to 10 wk 14 to 20 wk 22 to 24 wk 33 to 36 wk
in the rate of lay of individual birds from week to week
(pg/mL) (Bornstein and Lev, 1982). All groups show very similar
BX-A 161.0a,z 220.4b,y 354.9a,x 629.8a,w behavior in the 1st mo of lay, following which BX-A
(59.6) (58.1) (166.7) (125.0)
leveled off at 4 eggs per week, whereas the LX birds
BX-R 141.2a,z 145.4d,z 153.1c,z 542.4a,y
(19.0) (16.5) (24.8) (105.8) continued to increase to 6 eggs per week at 10 wk.
LX-A 122.6b,z 361.6a,y 446.5a,y 577.2a,x
(6.6) (134.3) (137.8) (99.8)
LX-R ND 177.3c,z 246.5b,y 677.5a,x
ND (29.1) (52.0) (27.0) The results of the present study showed an effect of
a–dValues in the same column with no common superscript differ genetic type and feeding treatment on BW and age at
significantly by t test (P < 0.05). first egg, and on the time course of comb size and
w–zValues in the same row with no common superscript differ
estrogen levels prior to onset of lay. These effects will be
significantly by t test (P < 0.05).
1Number of measurements per cell, 13 to 15; all t tests on the basis considered in relation to threshold BW and age
of 14 measurements per cell. requirements for responsiveness to photostimulation,
2BX = broiler cross; LX = layer cross; A = ad libitum feeding; R = CDL, SDL, and photoperiodic responsiveness. The
restricted feeding. salient observations, and their interpretations, are as
3ND = not done.

Age and BW at First Egg

to the 22 to 24 wk period; but did not differ among Onset of lay in LX-A birds preceded that of the BX-A
themselves at this time. birds and onset of lay in LX-R birds preceded that of BX-R
Figures 3C and 3D show the 2-wk moving average of
estrogen levels plotted against physiological age. In all
birds, levels basically remain low with some fluctuations
until about 3 or 4 wk prior to onset of lay, when they
show a sharp increase. In both BX-A and LX-A birds
there was a tendency for greater fluctuations in estrogen
levels in the period 15 to 5 wk preceding lay, as
compared to the BX-R and LX-R groups; and the LX-R
birds appear to show an upward step in estrogen levels
in the period 8 to 4 wk preceding lay. In the absence of
replication, however, it is difficult to know how
representative these group and treatment-specific be-
haviors are. Following the onset of lay, estrogen levels
of all groups remain high with wide fluctuations.
Figure 4A shows rate of lay (eggs per week) plotted
against chronological age. In this case, the increase in
rate of lay with age, represents primarily an increase in
the proportion of birds in lay from week to week
(Bornstein and Lev, 1982). The LX-A and LX-R laid at
virtually identical levels, beginning at about 1.5 eggs per
week at 25 wk, increasing linearly to 6 eggs per week at
33 wk. There was a slight advantage to LX-A until 30
wk, but this advantage is due entirely to the 1 wk earlier
onset of lay in this group. The BX-A group follow a
parallel curve, but at generally lower levels, beginning
at 0.5 eggs per week at 25 wk, and increasing linearly to
4.2 eggs per week at 33 wk, and 5 eggs per week at 35
wk. In remarkable contrast, the BX-R birds did not
initiate lay until 31 wk, and then increased rapidly to 5 FIGURE 4. Rate of lay plotted against age. A) rate of lay plotted
eggs per week at 35 wk. The more synchronous entry against chronological age. B) rate of lay plotted against physiological
age. ∫ = BX-A; π = BX-R; o = LX-A; ÿ = LX-R. BX = broiler cross; LX =
into lay of the BX-R birds is shown by the fact that for layer cross; A = ad libitum feeding; R = restricted feeding. Arrows show
this group, 90% of the birds entered lay within 18 d, as mean age of birds at onset of lay.
birds (Table 1). Yet onset of lay in BX-A and BX-R birds wk only somewhat later reached the SDL for these birds;
was later than recommended for this strain under normal the photoperiodic responsiveness of BX-R birds may be
commercial conditions (26 to 27 wk); and BW were much less than that of BX-A birds.
higher than the recommended weight at the start of lay When plotted against physiological age, LX-A, LX-R,
(2,930 to 3,150 g) (Arbor Acres, 1994). Thus, it seems and BX-A birds showed first signs of a comb size increase
reasonable to attribute the differential response of the two about 8 wk prior to onset of lay, whereas the BX-R birds
genetic types to the photoperiod treatment, to differences showed an increase from 11 wk prior to onset of lay.
between them in CDL and SDL, or in photoperiodic Taking comb size to represent the integration of the
responsiveness. response of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis to
Within genetic types, feed restriction caused a marked photostimulation, these results suggest that the time
delay in onset of lay in BX-R birds as compared to BX-A course of response to photoperiod was essentially the
birds. As pointed out above, the BX-R birds entered lay at same in LX-A, LX-R, and BX-A, birds, but weaker in BX-R.
a BW much higher than recommended for this strain at the This conclusion is consistent with the conjecture that LX-A
start of lay. Consequently, the later onset of lay in the BX-R birds were at or above SDL even at 6L:18 D; that LX-R and
birds cannot plausibly be attributed to a failure to meet BX-A birds were at or close to SDL at 8L:16D; but that BX-
BW threshold requirements. It seems reasonable, there- R birds were initially further from their SDL than the other
fore, to attribute the delay to a direct effect of feed groups. A lower photoperiodic responsiveness for the BX-
restriction on CDL or photoperiodic responsiveness. A R group is also a possibility.
similar delaying effect of feed restriction on onset of lay,
much smaller in magnitude and statistically nonsignifi- Estrogen Levels
cant, was found for LX-R birds as compared to LX-A birds.
In this case, information on usual BW of LX birds at onset With the increase in photoperiod at 22 wk, estrogen
of lay was not available to us. Thus, it is not possible to levels of BX-R birds remained unchanged at low levels;
exclude the possibility that the delay was due to failure of whereas that of all other groups increased modestly. This
the LX-R to meet threshold BW requirements. result is consistent with the view that at 8L:16D, LX-A and
LX-R birds now exceed their SDL; BX-A birds attain their
Comb Size CDL, but remain below their SDL; and the BX-R remained
below their CDL. The low estrogen levels of the LX-R
The increase in comb size for LX-A birds, prior to 22 wk, birds in the 14 to 20 wk period, and subsequent increase in
and the lack of increase in comb size for the BX-A birds 22 to 24 wk period can also be interpreted as an effect of
during this period, indicates that a photoperiod of 6L:18D feed restriction on CDL. However, in this case the
was above CDL for the LX-A birds; and below CDL for the interpretation is equivocal, as it is also possible that BW
BX-A birds. The lack of response of the BX-R and LX-R thresholds were involved.
birds may also be due to a higher CDL for restricted birds, When plotted against physiological age, all groups
or may be due to lack of attainment of threshold BW. showed an equivalent increase in estrogen levels starting 3
The gradual increase in comb size of the LX-A group to 4 wk prior to onset of lay. This effect indicated that once
prior to 22 wk, may reflect the fact that prior to 22 wk some the estrogen response was established, it reached similar
of the LX-A birds had not yet reached threshold BW; levels irrespective of genetic type and feeding treatment.
alternatively it may mean that a 6L:18D photoperiod, This result is in contrast to the reported relationship of egg
although above the CDL for these birds, is below their production and luteinizing hormone (LH) levels. Selection
SDL. of females for a change in the rate of egg production has
The very rapid increase in comb size in the LX-A and resulted in increased plasma LH concentrations in sibling
LX-R groups following 2 h of added light at 22 wk may males around the onset of sexual maturation (Gowe et al.,
reflect attainment of threshold BW by all birds; alterna- 1991). In addition, the duration of the period of rapid
tively, it may mean that a photoperiod of 8L:16D was comb growth in birds was closely related to prepubertal
above their SDL. LH peak. Differences in mean plasma LH concentrations
The more moderate response of the BX-A birds to the in individual birds of either sex before the onset of puberty
increase in photoperiod at 22 wk, may reflect the fact that also appeared to be related to subsequent reproductive
the 8L:16D photoperiod was above the CDL but some- performance (Sharp, 1975).
what below the SDL for these birds. Alternatively, The results of this study show some degree of
photoperiodic responsiveness of BX-A birds may be dissociation between comb size and estrogen levels. Thus,
below that of LX-A birds. although estrogen levels of BX-A and LX-A are greater
The very slow initial response, and more rapid later than those of BX-R and LX-R in the 14 to 20 wk period;
response of the BX-R birds admits many possibilities: comb size of the LX-A groups shows a distinct increase
some of the BX-R birds may not yet have reached from 14 to 20 wk, which is not seen for the BX-A birds.
threshold BW for photoresponsiveness at 22 wk; the 8L: Similarly, comb size of BX-A birds begins to increase only
16D photoperiod may have been much below their SDL, after the increase in photoperiod at 22 wk. Although
so that the continued increase in photoperiod following 22 estrogen levels also increase modestly at this time, the

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be explained as a result of the interplay of threshold threshold BW at first egg in broiler strain females. 7. Effect
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