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Diagnosis and management of rabies encephalitis

The treatment of human rabies: the Milwaukee protocol and the
Brazilian protocol (Recife)

Milwaukee Protocol [1]

Milwaukee Protocol [2]

%20 Recife%20Protocol%2C%20in,in%20the%20 cerebral%20
Recife Protocol

Substances used in Milwaukee Protocol
Distribution of Work:

Swayam: Research
Tanishka: Script
Viraj: Help in decorating
Viresh: Research
The existing treatments for rabies are the Milwaukee Protocol, Recife
protocol and to take the Rabies Vaccine beforehand. Though Milwaukee
and Recife Protocols are considered unorthodox, they are options to
prevent and isolate the spread of Rabies across your body.

Milwaukee Protocol:The Milwaukee Protocol was developed by Rodney

Willoughby Jr. and is a treatment used in rabies-infected human beings. It
involves chemically inducing the patient into a coma, followed by the
administration of antiviral drugs combined with ketamine and amantadine.
Although the Milwaukee Protocol is not an ideal treatment due to its low
success rate, high costs and ethical debates that surround it, it makes it an
unlikely option for extensive use or widespread acceptance as an effective
treatment. However, it is also the only treatment protocol that survivors
have as a last resort to the present day.

Recife Protocol:The Recife Protocol, first implemented in Brazil is derived

from the Milwaukee protocol but similarly failed to demonstrate a survival
benefit. In the Recife Protocol, in order to avoid immunomodulation, it is
recommended to remove sedation according to the titers of neutralising
antibodies to the rabies virus in the cerebral spinal fluid. Like the
Milwaukee protocol, the Recife Protocol too is costly and with a low success
rate, but it is preferred over the Milwaukee protocol as it draws attention to
the complications from hypernatremia and hyponatremia.

Swayam: Blue (Introduction 1st paragraph)

Viraj: Green(2nd Paragraph)
Viresh: Purple(3rd Paragraph)
Tanishka: Red (4th Paragraph)

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