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How does the speaker try to get rid of the roaches in “the
beginning of the end of the world”?

The speaker tried getting rid of the roaches by turning on the water
to drown them down. ”When we ran the water trying to drown them as
if they were soldiers...” the water was drowning the roaches.

2. What causes the Pacific Ocean to rise in “The Powwow at the End of
the World”?

Many dams seem to break and cause mass flooding and cause the ocean
to rise.” I shall after the floodwaters burst each other successive dam
downriver...” The flooding is the end.

3. In “The Powwow at the End of the World,“ how will each of the
three stories the salmon tells affect listeners?

The three stories the salmon tells affects the reader by warning him
of the times to come. ”I shall after the first drop of flood water is
swallowed by that salmon waiting in the pacific” the fish is waiting

4. In “A Song on the End of the World,“ why are some people


They didn't expect it to be so calm they didn't want it to be as calm

as it was. "And those who expected lightning and thunder are
disappointed” they wanted more thrill.
5. Confirm your understanding by writing a brief description of each
1.The Beginning of the End.

The passage describes a morning when roaches boldly entered the

kitchen, not like soldiers but with a solemn, priest-like demeanor. When
the occupants tried to drown them, the roaches seemed to bow their
heads in resignation before marching away in a single file, leaving the
observers feeling abandoned and faithless. It evokes a sense of
resignation and acceptance in the face of an uncertain world.

2.The Powwow at the end of the world.

The passage reflects on forgiveness, juxtaposing it with a series of

powerful natural events triggered by the actions of an Indian woman.
It illustrates a journey of forgiveness through the metaphorical
actions of a salmon, leading to a transformative gathering around a
fire, where stories are shared, laughter ensues, and a sense of
community prevails, culminating in forgiveness amidst a tribal powwow
at the end of the world.

3. a song on the end of the world.

The passage portrays a serene scene on the day the world
ends, with nature continuing its rhythms and people going about
their daily activities. It contrasts the expectations of
cataclysmic events with the peaceful reality, emphasizing the
continuity of life despite the anticipation of apocalypse. The
message is anchored by the repetition of an old man's
conviction that life will persist, echoing a sense of resilience
and normalcy amidst uncertainty.

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