Kisan Khote's Resume

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Kisan Khote

90671 09277 | | pune, Maharashtra


Bhaktivedanta Book Trust (N.G.O) | pune , Maharashtra

Volunteer Work | 11/2023 - 04/2024
Volunteering in the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Foundation to Distribute Self-Help and Spiritual Books to Uplift People in
Depression, Stress, and Anxiety and Develop a Better Mental Well Being.

Food For Life (N.G.O) | pune, Maharashtra

Volunteer Coordinator | 09/2023 - 03/2024
Volunteering in the Food For Life Foundation to Provide Food for children and Underprivileged people, and Collect food
Donations, for the needy in order to help counter hunger and poverty


Time management, Guest services, Microsoft word, Microsoft excel, Documentation review, Machine Learning


Rajmata Jijau Shikshan Prasarak Mandal Moshi Pune | pune , Maharashtra

B.A | 03/2024
I currently seeking opportunity to dive into the heart of computer science and technology . Considering my current pursuit of
your B.A., this role could be a perfect fit to complement your studies and kick start my career in your company .

Interested in learning more? Let me know, and I'll share further details!

Rajmata Jijau Shikshan Prasarak Mandal Moshi Pune | pune, Maharashtra

HSC | 05/2020
some time off to focus on my academic studies in the science field In 12th .. I'm committed to ensuring minimal disruption to
work and am willing to discuss arrangements.

Shri Bhairavnath Vidyalaya Halgaon | Ahmednagar, Maharashtra

SSC | 05/2018

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