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Read me file for courses 5101 and 5102 (FoxView)

This file contains instructions on loading and running the support software for courses
5101 and 5102 with FoxView. You need to read all the following instructions and
comments before loading and running a course

Compds_Done: This file contains course 5101 and 5102 compounds already
configured plus the process simulation compounds. This is an import type file

Compds_Not_Done: This file contains process simulation compounds and all the
compounds the student must complete. This is the one you would use to run the course.
This is an import type file

5100_Disps_Env: These are tar format files for course 5101 and 5102 displays, overlays
and environment.

Loading Course Displays

This procedure has two steps as follow:
Step 1: Getting course displays, overlays and environment onto a diskette. ( this file is tar
format )
Step 2: Using the tar command to load course displays, overlays and environment onto
the training system.

You will need to use the utility program File2disk. If you do not have it on your hard
drive, load it onto your hard drive off of B51Train\LLC_utility.

1. Insert a blank diskette into the a: drive
2. Off of the network, click and drag 5100_Disps_Env onto Fie2disk icon.
3. Wait until disk activity stops. ( This is the diskette you need to load on each system)

Loading displays on each training system:

1. Insert the diskette into the training system a: drive
2. Go to the command line
3. Change to the D: drive
4. Type sh to go to c shell, the prompt should change to $
5. At the prompt, type the following: tar xvf a:
5. Wait until it is finished. Course displays, overlays and environment should be loaded.
Importing Course Compounds
In IDE, import the desired compound file. They will be placed in the Unassigned Host of
the galaxy.

Important Notes regarding compounds importation:

Whenever a connection must exist between a compound and its process simulation , this
connection must be verified as I have experienced losses and or distortion of some
connections when using the Import function in IDE. Not only this, when a block is
deleted or does not exist in IDE, all references to it are also deleted or do not exist. The
following connection(s) must be verified/made after the student configure the
compounds in the lab and prior to running them, just remember, that a connection
between two strategies or compounds consists of two references: one at the source
parameter and the other at the sink. The following list of connections are between two
different compounds and also between existing blocks and blocks the students have to
add and configure.

DAY1 Compounds
No connections to check

DAY2 Compounds
No connections to Check

DAY3 Compounds
No connections to Check

In block STM_FLO_DT, MEAS value is updated from DAY4:V1.RAWC

DAY4 Compound
In block FT1, MEAS value is updated from DAY4_PROCESS:PROCESS_IO.RO02
In block TT2, MEAS is updated from DAY4_PROCESS:PROCESS_IO.RO01

In block CALC, BI01 data is updated from DAY5:V1.COUT
BI02 data updated from DAY5:V2.COUT_1
BI03 data is updated from DAY5:PUMP.COUT_1
BI04 data is updated from DAY5:1_MCIN.CIN_1
BI05 data is updated from DAY5:LT.MA

DAY6 and DAY6_SIM Compounds

Nothing to connect, a sequence block called CONNECT in DAY6_SIM makes the
connections. Make sure both sequence blocks in DAY6_SIM are running when testing
the ladder logic operation
DAY6 Lab
DAY6 lab uses Captivate files located in the folder named EMLS100EA-00. This folder
is included in the Ladder Logic module on the network and should be placed in the
following directory
C:\Captivate Clips\EM100EA-00-Ladder- Logic\EMLS100EA-00
The lock symbol in the lab procedure activates the specific captivate procedure for the

REACTOR_1 Compound
In block TC1, RSP value is updated from REACT_1:TC1_RAMP.OUT

In block RX1_EXC, BI0001 is updated from REACT_1:RX1_MONITOR.BO0001

In block RX1_EXC, BI0002 is updated from REACT_1:RX1_MONITOR.BO0002
In block RX1_EXC, BI0003 is updated from REACT_1:RX1_MONITOR.BO0003
In block RX1_EXC, BI0004 is updated from REACT_1:RX1_MONITOR.BO0004

Block RX1_MASTER, BI0001 is updated from REACTOR_1:HEAT_COOL.ACTIVE

Block RX1_MASTER, RI0001 is updated from REACTOR_1:RX1_TIMER.TIMR1V

RX_HX_SIM Compound
Block INIT_CALC, BI02 is updated from REACTOR_1:RX1_MONITOR.ACTIVE
Block INIT_CALC, BI03 is updated from REACTOR_1:RX1_TIMER.MA
Block INIT_CALC, BI04 is updated from REACTOR_1:HEAT_COLL.ACTIVE

It is better that you check/make the connections with the student to preserve the
integrity of simulation compounds.

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