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SPE 102289

An integrated approach to obtain reliable permeability profiles from logs in a carbonate

P.Balossino, and F.Pampuri ENI E&P, C.Bruni, and K.Ebzhasarova KPO b.v.

Copyright 2006, Society of Petroleum Engineers

Besides, the occurrence, in some wells, of very high K values
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2006 SPE Russian Oil and Gas Technical in the biohermal deposits, that are clearly unmatchable by log
Conference and Exhibition held in Moscow, Russia, 3–6 October 2006.
derived matrix permeability, has been highlighted by the well
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
test results. Open fractures have been observed in these wells
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to on the image logs, thus suggesting that the enhanced
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at permeability and the improved well performances have to be
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
related to their presence.
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is The comparison of log derived permeability and well test
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than
300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous results has given a new perspective in the interpretation of
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836 U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
well test results with respect to the geological framework and
a well defined sequence stratigraphic model. The extension of
Abstract this methodology to new wells could improve the knowledge
Permeability is one of the key petrophysical parameters in of the petrophysical characteristics of the reservoir and allow
reservoir evaluation. Information about permeability is better prediction of reservoir productivity.
commonly derived from cores and test data, that generally
cover only part of the reservoir section, but can also be derived Introduction
from logs, and then extrapolated to uncored intervals and This paper presents the interpretative methodology, integrating
wells. Two logs provide such information: acoustic and wireline and image logs, cores and tests data, that has been
nuclear magnetic resonance. In the Karachaganak Field, an followed to describe vertical trends of the main petrophysical
approach based on the acoustic tool was preferred because of parameters and correlate them throughout a carbonate
the textural characteristics of the vuggy carbonate reservoir. reservoir. The study has been mostly focused on
The approach relies also on the use of image logs to obtain a understanding the complex variations in the porosity-
detailed description of reservoir rocks texture and discriminate permeability relationship and made use of the flow unit
between rocks with primary interparticle porosity or very concept and partially of the graphical method described by
small vugs and lithotypes with multi modal distribution of Gunter et al. (Ref. 1).
pores, enlarged and touching vugs. Porosity and permeability are key petrophysical parameters for
More than 900 meters of core have been used to validate the a detailed reservoir description. The first one can be
permeability log derived from the analysis of Stoneley waves confidently obtained from cores and logs. But, especially in
in 25 wells from this field. A correlation between the validated complex reservois, image logs can add valuable information
log derived permeability and the textural facies from image about texture and porosity types distribution. Permeability is
logs, has allowed the relationship between permeability usually derived from core measurements and from the
variations and the geological framework to be established. interpretation of production tests. As is well known, there are
The results have been compared with dynamic data from no wireline logs that directly measure permeability. However
production logging through the definition of flow units from continuous permeability profiles can be extracted from the
Stoneley wave-derived permeability and porosity log data and analysis of the Stoneley waves acquired by an acoustic tool or
the use of a Stratigraphic Modified Lorenz Plot to identify from NMR T2 distribution and the use of the Coates equation.
possible fluid entry points. In this latter case a good correlation must exist between pore
Three main permeability trends have been identified: size and pore connectivity.
• for undolomitised or patchily dolomitised biohermal In the study field, Karachaganak (Western Kazakhstan), the
deposits. main reservoir consists of platform carbonates and biohermal
deposits where multiple diagenetic events have created and
• for pervasively dolomitised lithologies characterised by destroyed porosity and generated complex porosity-
lower mean permeability values. permeability relationships (Ref. 2). Due to the widespread
presence of vuggy and moldic porosity and the overall textural
• for facies characterised by well developed vuggy
characteristics of the reservoir, the approach based on
porosity with enhanced dissolution phenomena
Stoneley waves attenuation has been considered as more
(touching vugs, microfracturing etc.)
2 SPE 102289

suitable to derive reliable permeability profiles from logs. All these effects on the monopole Stoneley waveforms can be
Moreover acoustic waveform data were available together analysed and a permeability curve is calculated.
with image logs in at least 25 wells thus providing a good The module utilized in the present study to compute
coverage in all the zones of the field. permeability from Stoneley waveforms, makes use of
More than 900 meters of cores from 8 different wells were equations describing the fluid movements in the porous rocks
also available and have been used to ascertain the validity of according to Biot’s theory (Ref. 6,7). The formation is
the computed permeability. Further discrimination of assumed to be a two components system: solid and fluid, and
unreliable intervals has then been performed by integrating the total fluid displacement into the rocks due to wave
textural facies data. compression, is the sum of the elastic deformation of the solid
Once the permeability and porosity data have been validated, phase and the dynamic flow of the fluid in the pores.
flow units have been defined by analyzing the vertical Most of the input parameters of the modelling are obtained
variations in storage capacity and flow capacity on a from logs others from existing reports or calibrations (Ref. 8).
Stratigraphic Modified Lorenz Plot (SMLP) and correlated They include formation properties (slowness, density,
throughout the field and with the results of production tests. porosity, elastic moduli), mud properties (slowness,
A good correlation has been established between flow units attenuation, mud density) and pore fluid properties (density
and the textural facies from image logs that show vuggy and elastic modulus).
porosity distribution, being the best flow units associated with The output of the modeling is represented by the fluid mobility
the most heterogeneous facies while a unique correlation with its associated error at in–situ conditions (Fig.2). Given
between flow units and lithofacies is often not verified. the limited depth of investigation of the Stoneley waves (15-
30cm), it essentially represents the mobility of the mud
Stoneley permeability computation filtrate. The vertical resolution of the log is related to the array
Stoneley waves are guided waves, travelling along the length and is around 1 meter (i.e. it describes the heterogeneity
formation/borehole interface, and therefore sensitive to the of the reservoir at a metric scale).
movements of the fluids within the formation very close to
the borehole. At low frequency the Stoneley mode becomes Textural facies from acoustic images
the tube wave and propagates as a piston-like compression of The acoustic image tool uses a rotating transducer to scan the
the borehole fluid in the well (Fig.1). When the formation is borehole wall with ultrasonic pulses. The amplitude of the
porous and permeable, the Stoneley wave pressure at the reflected echo and the time of arrival are measured and used to
borehole wall induces pore fluid motion in the rock, which in provide images of the borehole wall. Generally the image
turns affects Stoneley wave propagation (Ref. 3). based on amplitude variations contains more information and
Consequently, permeability can be obtained from the effects is used in geological studies to provide a detailed description
on the monopole Stoneley wave propagation (Ref. 4). The of the reservoir.
measured parameters do not really describe the formation The borehole shape, the rugosity and the tool centralization
permability but the fluid mobility (k/μ). strongly affect the quality of the images and, as a
When the Stoneley waves propagate in a porous and consequence, the reliability of the subsequent analysis. In the
permeable formation they lose energy moving the fluid in the Karachaganak field fair to good borehole conditions are
formation and this results in an increase of wave attenuation generally found in the vertical or slightly deviated recently
and a decreasing of wave velocity. drilled wells, while the wells drilled in the 80s and the
Increasing permeability increases both attenuation and travel horizontal wells frequently show higher rugosity and more
time and the lower the frequency of the monopole the higher is irregular borehole shapes.
the attenuation and the dispersion. These two effects will To achieve the target of a textural facies classification a two
always occur simultaneously whenever the formation is step processing has been used:
permeable. The correspondence, or correlation, between the
two wave effects provides a QC indicator of the Stoneley • The first step is an automatic zonation of the log based
permeability results. on amplitude values
The sensitivity analysis defines the importance of a parameter
in affecting the Stoneley wave propagation (Ref. 5). Analysing • The second step is a manual subdivision of the first
the effects on the Stoneley wave of a number of controlling zonation based on the presence and characteristics of
parameters (borehole fluid velocity, formation horizontal and heterogeneities (such as vugs or porosity patches)
vertical shear velocity) has pointed out that the effects of the Three main classes have been separated at the end of the first
borehole fluid and pore fluid are always the largest (mud step of the analysis, characterized by prevailing high
slowness and attenuation and pore fluid compressibility.). amplitude values (light colours in the images) (class_1),
The presence of a logging tool also affects the Stoneley waves. intermediate amplitude values (orange colour on the images)
The tool effect is governed by its diameter and rigidity. (class_2) and low amplitude values (brown colour on the
As Stoneley waves travel along the formation/borehole images) (class_3) respectively.
interface, borehole shape and borehole rugosity can strongly This subdivision matches quite well the porosity profile from
affect the Stoneley response. logs, the light colours being associated with low porosity, the
When the formation porosity is low (below around 6 pu) the brown colour with the highest porosities and the orange with
noise is greater than the signal response and can affect the intermediate porosity values.
mobility results.
SPE 102289 3

The second zonation is based on the identification of foot along the core. So they do not represent a continuous
heterogeneities defined as anomalies that do not correlate measurement of petrophysical properties. Core plug are
across the borehole: they correspond to vugs and more porous generally suitable for evaluating K in relatively homogeneous
patches that appear as dark spots on the images and, as such, reservoirs but may be not frequent enough to capture the
have low amplitude values. For all the three main classes, whole variability of petrophysical characteristics in strongly
zones can be identified where heterogeneities are absent or heterogeneous deposits.
very rare (homogeneous facies) (classes 1.1, 2.1 and 3.1), As previously mentioned the log derived permeability
more abundant but mostly patchy and of small size at the log represents the average value of a volume of rock around 1m
scale (slightly heterogeneous facies) (classes 1.2, 2.2 and 3.2), high and 0.6 m wide and the log sampling rate is 0.1524 m.
or very frequent and from small to very big in size The available measurements thus have different resolutions
(heterogeneous to strongly heterogeneous facies) (classes 1.3, and investigate volumes that vary over several order of
2.3 and 3.3). Subclasses definition has been performed by magnitude. This must be taken into account when the data are
setting appropriate cutoffs on the low amplitude curve. compared in a reservoir characterisation.
(Fig.3). Plug and permeameter data distribution has been analysed
As the acoustic images devices provide a full coverage of the using vertical profiles, histograms and cross-plots (Fig.4). In
borehole but have no depth of investigation, they map acoustic most cases the permeability profile shows that although the
impedence variations at the borehole wall and are affected by permeameter data have a more defined trend while plug data
the presence of the mud cake. In the Karachaganak wells a are more scattered they both move within a similar range.
sized calcium carbonate mud has been used during drilling, to The cross-plot of miniperm K vs plug K indicates that most of
form a thin filter cake at the surface of the exposed formation the samples fall along a diagonal. At low permeability values
and provide a quick leak-off control in front of the most data appear much more scattered, and miniperm K is often
permeable layers. So the homogeneous textures observed higher than plug K, but both measurements have a high degree
within the porous facies are likely to be images of the mud of uncertainty. The analysis of histograms allowed the
cake formed in correspondence of permeable layers whose definition of an average matrix permeability that is clearly
pores and heterogeneities are smaller in size than the pointed out by minipermeameter data that always show a well
carbonate particles of the mud. The integration with the defined mode. Obtained values range between less than 0.1mD
petrographic study and the pore network characterisation to around 1mD. On the contrary plug histograms are in most
highlighted that they mostly correspond to rocks with primary cases characterized by multi modal or scattered distributions.
interparticle porosity or very small (micro) vugs. The slightly Core plug data distribution has also been analysed on the K vs
heterogeneous facies has multi-modal distribution of pores and Φ xplots that have been done first for each cored well
heterogeneities, some of them being bigger in size than the separately and then with all the available data together (Fig.5).
carbonate particles of the mud. Finally in the most In all the wells a main linear trend of increasing matrix
heterogeneous facies big heterogeneities, not fully coated by permeability vs increasing effective porosity can be identified.
the mud, prevail. They correspond to vuggy facies with Above and below this trend two main areas are present; one
enlarged pores. characterised by relative low permeability and medium to high
To complete facies classification a new sub-class needs to be porosity, the other by high to very high permeability and low
separated within class_1, where images show the presence of to medium porosity. In the first area rock types characterised
two black stripes roughly 180° apart, and representing by microporosity with connate water and unconnected vugs
borehole breakouts, i.e. hole enlargements related to the are present. The area above the main matrix trend includes, on
present in situ stress field. This class had a strong impact in the contrary, all the rocks where microfractures, at the thin
the Stoneley permeability validation phase allowing the section or sample scale, contribute to connect vugs and
discrimination of zones where the log response is affected by increase permeability.
borehole rugosity and permeability is likely overestimated.
Log derived permeability validation
Core data analysis The results of the processing of the Stoneley waveforms have
Six of the analyzed wells have cored intervals of significant then been compared for validation with the probe permeameter
lenght and two have single cores randomly distributed along and plug measurements, using histograms, cross-plots and
the sequence for a total thickness of over 900 meters. plots.
Available core data include probe permeameter K The validation phase produced the following conclusions:
measurements and plug K, Φ, grain density data at ambient
conditions. • The overall shapes of the Stoneley K curves and the
The probe permeameter measures a very localised value of range of variation show generally a fair to good match
absolute permeability commonly on uncleaned cores. The flow with core values.
geometry is assumed to be hemispherical if the rock is • Average matrix permeability values from histogram
homogeneous at the scale of the measurement and the modes are quite similar.
sampling rate is approximately 1 inch thus providing a high • Matrix trends of increasing permeability with
resolution continuous permeability profile essential to quantify increasing porosity highlighted by core measurements
the local reservoir heterogeneity. can be observed also on the log data.
Routine core plug data provide an estimation of porosity and
permeability for 1 inch cylinders of rock generally spaced 1
4 SPE 102289

• Zones of mismatch have been locally pointed out and Storage and flow capacity distribution within the reservoir
appear to be related to the presence of borehole interval were first analyzed by plotting their cumulative curves
rugosity and breakouts, low total porosity (below 6%) versus depth (Fig.7). In most of the wells a constant increase
and a layer thickness less than 1m. in the cumulative storage capacity has been observed within
the biohermal deposits. Exceptions are related to the presence
These zones of mismatch could be further filtered out using of crinoidal deposits characterized by very low porosity and
the textural facies obtained from image log analysis and, in pervasively dolomitised intervals showing a porosity higher
particular, that representing breakout zones and the tight than undolomitized layers.
homogeneous or slightly heterogeneous facies (1.1 and 1.2). Where storage capacity is increasing at a constant rate
The remaining intervals represent zones of reliable log derived significant inflexion points in the cumulative flow capacity
permeability that have been used confidently to extend the indicate the most promising flow intervals.
analysis to uncored intervals and wells (Fig. 6). Flow units have been identified in the cumulative flow
At the end of the validation phase, 25 permeability profiles capacity plots first and then verified on the SMLP for each of
were available to study petrophysical characteristics the 25 wells for which a continuous porosity and permeability
distribution and define the K/Φ trends in the reservoir. This profile was available (Fig.8). Then an average value of the
target has been achieved by integrating validated log K values ratio between flow capacity and storage capacity was
with all the other available well data and the definition of flow computed for each flow units and a Modified Lorenz Plot was
units (group of rocks with the same K/Φ relationship). created by ordering in each well the flow units by decreasing
Available geological and engineering data include: ratio values. The MLP provides quick information about flow
stratigraphy, depositional lithofacies from cores, textural units performance and indicate which interval will be more
facies from image logs, CPI computation results (for lithology likely producing if tested. As the plots preserve the
and porosity), petrographical analysis and pore network stratigraphic information all the identified flow units were
characterisation and production test data. analyzed with respect to the sequence model defined for the
Flow units definition Finally most of the studied wells have production tests results
The term flow unit was introduced to define the representative available; so the flow unit zonation has then been compared
elementary volume of a reservoir “within which geological with PLT data indicating flowing intervals and the
and petrophysical properties that affect fluid flow are contribution of each layer.
internally consistent and predictably different from properties
of other rock volumes” (Ref. 9). Since then many authors have Analysis of the results
used core and logs data to identify zones with similar fluid- When all the flowing zones have been obtained from the
flow characteristsics. Gunter et al. (Ref. 1) proposed the analysis of the SMLP and the MLP and separated according to
application of a graphical method “to transform rock-type the stratigraphic scheme, a set of K/Φ cross plots has been
based zonations into petrophysically based flow units”. This created for each of the main litho-stratigraphic units: the
method was based on the use of four graphical tools. In the layered platform of Late Serpukhovian age, the biohermal
present study two of these plots have been used in the flow deposits of Upper Visean to Lower Serpukhovian age and the
units identification phase: Stratigraphic Modified Lorenz Plot Devonian to Lower Carboniferous platform deposits.
(SMLP) and Modified Lorenz Plot (MLP). The analysis was mostly focused on the biohermal deposits
The Lorenz plot represents, in a graphical form, the which represent the main target for oil production. Within
relationship between transmissivity (permeability thickness these layers the possible flowing zones identified from log
product kh) and storativity (porosity thickness product Φh). data indicate the presence of three main porosity/permeability
To create a Lorenz plot the log or core data are conventionally trends (Fig.9).
ordered by decreasing K/Φ values. In a homogeneous A first trend appears to be related to undolomitised or patchily
reservoir the flow and the storage capacity are in balance and dolomitised biohermal deposits that show log K values
the data plot along the diagonal. Departure of the obtained between 0.5 and 5 mD when Φ is ranging between 7 and 13
curve from the diagonal is a measure of the reservoir p.u.. Mean permeability values derived from well tests of a
heterogeneity. group of wells mostly located in the western and southern part
If, on the contrary, data are plotted preserving their of the field plot along this trend.
stratigraphic order a Stratigraphic Modified Lorenz Plot is Biohermal deposits that underwent pervasive dolomitisation
obtained. Significant inflection points on this plot correspond show an increase in total porosity that does not correspond to a
to changes in flow capacity or storage capacity that can be similar increase in permeability; they are therefore
used to define flow units and to identify the flowing intervals characterized by a different K/Φ relationship and by
in a reservoir. The interpretation is performed by drawing petrophysical characteristics poorer than undolomitized layers
straight lines segments on the SMLP. The angular coefficient showing an average permability of 0.4-0.5mD with a porosity
of these segments is given by the ratio between flow capacity of around 12 p.u.. Dolomitized bioherms are much less
and storage capacity. Data having the same ratio define the frequent than undolomitized deposits in the studied wells; this,
same flow unit. Ratio values higher than 1 represent rock coupled with a higher data scattering at low permeability
types with a predominant flow capacity over the storage values, results in a poorly defined trend.
capacity. Intervals characterized by a well developed vuggy porosity
SPE 102289 5

with frequent large and touching vugs, corresponding to developments in the reservoir characterization:
strongly heterogeneous textural facies, plot in the field of • improvement of the reservoir petrophysical properties
enhanced permeability, and form the flow units with the knowledge
highest ratio values. DST data indicate that permeability can • better prediction of the reservoir productivity and more
reach some tens of mD and when plotted on the K/Φ xplot reliable identification of the most promising intervals
from logs they generally fall close to the best matrix trend for test
(vuggy facies trend in Fig.9). • a new perspective in the interpretation of well test
Finally, in four of the analyzed wells, DST results highlighted results with respect to the geological framework and a
the presence of very high values of K in the biohermal well defined sequence stratigraphic model
deposits, that are clearly unmatchable by log derived matrix • improvement in the cut off determination for net pay
permeability. The enhanced K in these wells has been related definition
to the presence of fracturing, observed on image logs,
improving the well performances in the volume investigated
by the test. References
1. Gunter, G.W.: “Early determination of reservoir flow units
Conclusions using an integrated petrophysical method” paper SPE 38679
An integrated approach has been applied to obtain presented at the 1997 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
permeability profiles and K/Φ relationships from logs in 25 Exhibition, San Antonio, Oct. 5-8
wells of the Karachaganak field. 2 Hendry, J. et al.: “Geological Characterization of upper
This method is based on the integration of wireline and image Devonian to lower Permian intervals in the Karachaganak
logs, cores and tests data and makes use of the flow unit reservoir, Kazakhstan: technical challenges and initial
concept. conclusions”, paper presented at the SEPM-IAS Research
It allowed to obtain reliable matrix K profiles estimation from Conference on Permo-Carboniferous Carbonate Platforms and
Stoneley waves, provided that the results of log processing are Reefs, El Paso 15-16 May 2000
carefully validated against cores and further filtered using 3. Rosembaum, J.H.: “ Synthetic micro-seismograms: logging
textural facies from image logs, to remove zones of low total in porous formation”, Geophysics,39, (1974) 14-32.
porosity or where breakouts or borehole rugosity are present. 4. Williams, D.M. et al.: “The long spaced logging tool”,
In this approach image logs represent a key tool not only in the paper T presented at the 1984 SPWLA 25th Annual Logging
Stoneley derived permeability validation phase but also to Symposium, New Orleans, June 10-13.
obtain detailed descriptions of reservoir rocks texture. They 5. Brie, A. et al.: “Quantitative Formation Permeability
help to discriminate between homogeneous facies Evaluation from Stoneley Waves”, paper SPE 49131
corresponding to rocks with primary interparticle porosity or presented at the 1998 SPE Annual Conference & Exibition,
very small (micro) vugs and heterogeneous and strongly New Orleans, Sep..
heterogeneous facies with multi modal distributions of pores, 6. Biot, M.A.: “Theory of propagation of elastic waves in a
enlarged and touching vugs. fluid saturated porous solid, I. Low frequency range”, J.
The distribution of the petrophysical characteristics and the Acoustic, Soc.Am.28, (1956) 168-178.
definition of the K/Φ trends in the reservoir have been studied 7. Biot, M.A.: “Theory of propagation of elastic waves in a
by graphically identifying flow units on the Stratigraphic fluid saturated porous solid, II. High frequency range”, J.
Modified Lorenz Plot created for each well using log data. Acoustic, Soc.Am.28, (1956) 179-191.
Three main matrix permeability trends have been identified: 8. Pampuri F. et al. : “Effective Evaluation of Fluid Mobility
from Stoneley Wave Using Full Biot Model Inversion: Two
• for undolomitised or patchily dolomitised biohermal
cases histories”, paper SPE 49132 presented at the 1998 SPE
deposits characterized by mean K values between 0.5
Annual Conference & Exibition, New Orleans, Sep.
and 5 mD when Φ is ranging between 7 and 13 p.u..
9. Ebanks, W.J. Jr.: “Flow unit concept – Integrated approach
• for pervasively dolomitised lithologies characterised by to reservoir description for enginnering projects” (abstract
lower mean permeability values. only) AAPG bulletin v.71 (1987) 551-552
• for facies characterised by well developed vuggy
porosity with enhanced dissolution phenomena
(touching vugs, microfracturing etc.) corresponding to
strongly heterogeneous textural facies
A good match has been observed between log derived matrix
K trends and DST results in most of studied wells, within
biohermal deposits and vuggy facies. Only in four of them
well tests highlighted the presence of very high values of K in
the biohermal deposits, that are clearly unmatchable by log
derived matrix permeability. In these wells open fractures
have been observed on the image logs, thus suggesting that the
enhanced permeability has to be related to their presence.
Finally the study has provided some key benefits for further
6 SPE 102289

travel Fig. 1 Stoneley are guided waves travelling along the
formation/borehole interface and propagate as a piston-like
Stoneley compression of the borehole fluid in the well

Source Formation fluid


Fig.2 Output of the permeability processing from Stoneley waves: the fluid mobility is displayed in track 3 together with its associated error.
Logs of attenuation (frequency shift) and time delay used in the modeling are presented in track 2
SPE 102289 7

Fig. 3 Subclasses definition based on the presence of heterogeneities highlighted by the low amplitude curve. Low values in the curve
correspond to zones where heterogeneities are absent or very rare (classes 1.1, 2.1 and 3.1); intermediate values indicate facies with small
sized heterogeneities (classes 1.2, 2.2 and 3.2); high values correspond to heterogeneous to strongly heterogeneous facies with touching
vugs and enlarged pores (classes 1.3, 2.3 and 3.3).
8 SPE 102289


Fig.4 Plug and permeameter data distributions have been analyzed using vertical profiles (A) histograms (B and C) and cross-plots (D). In
most cases permeability profiles show that permeameter (dots) and plug (squares) data move within a similar range (A). Miniperm data
histograms always show a well defined mode indicating average matrix permeability (B). Plug histograms are, on the contrary, in most cases
characterized by multi modal or scattered distribution (C). On the cross-plot of miniperm K (Y axis) vs plug K (X axis) most of the samples fall
along the diagonal; at low permeability values data are much more scattered and affected by a higher degree of uncertainty.
SPE 102289 9

Fig. 5 The K vs Φ cross plot of core plug data show the presence of a main linear trend of increasing matrix permeability with increasing
porosity. Above this trend a zone of high to very high K and low to medium porosity characterizes rocks where microfractures connect vugs
and increase permeability. Below the main trend an area with low permeability and medium to high porosity characterizes rock types with
microporosity and unconnected vugs.

Fig.6 Composite plot showing the results of the validation phase. Intervals with reliable log permeability values are shaded in green in track 9
(first from the right). In track 8 log permeability and its associated error is compared with plug K (dots) and mperm averaged data. In track 6
the textural facies from acoustic image logs are displayed; track 7 contains miniperm K raw (dots) and averaged data. Zones with total
porosity from log higher than 6 p.u. are shaded in track 4.
10 SPE 102289

Fig. 7 Plots of cumulative storage and flow capacity vs depth. In most of the wells a constant increase of cumulative storage capacity has
been observed in the biohermal deposits (left). An exception is represented by crinoidal deposits (lower part of the cumulative storage plot)
that are characterized by very low porosity values. Where storage capacity is increasing at a constant rate significant inflexion points in the
cumulative flow capacity indicate the most promising flow intervals (right)

Fig. 8 Flow units interpretation has been performed by drawing straight lines segments on the SMLP. The angular coefficient of these
segments is given by the ratio between flow capacity and storage capacity. Unlike standard SMPLT flow capacity has been plotted on the X
axis of the plot so that the high transmissive intervals can be more directly correlated with flowmeter curve.
SPE 102289 11

Fig. 9 Three main porosity / matrix permeability trends have been identified within the biohermal deposits: one characterizes pervasively
dolomitised lithologies, one is related to undolomitised or patchily dolomitised layers and the third, with the best k/Φ relationship, is found in
facies with a well developed vuggy porosity and frequent large and touching vugs.

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