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Earthquakes and Buildings
Read the passage then answer the questions. Pg. 1/2

An earthquake is a natural disaster that occurs when the ground

shakes due to the movement of tectonic plates beneath the Earth’s
surface. When an earthquake happens, it can cause damage to buildings
and other structures in the affected area.

Shaking of the ground can cause the buildings to sway, crack, or

collapse. The impact of an earthquake on buildings and infrastructure
can depend on many factors, including the magnitude and duration of
the quake, the type of soil and rock in the area, and the design and
construction of the buildings. Buildings that are poorly designed or
constructed may be more vulnerable to earthquake damage.

Some common types of damage that buildings can experience

during an earthquake include cracks in the walls or foundation, broken
windows and doors, and damage to pipes and other utilities. In severe
cases, entire buildings may collapse, leading to injury or loss of life.
Earthquakes and Buildings
Read the passage then answer the questions. Pg. 2/2

1. What can happen to buildings during an earthquake?

2. What factors can impact the amount of damage that an earthquake

can cause to buildings?

3. What are some common types of damage that buildings can

experience during an earthquake?
Earthquakes and Infrastructure
Read the passage and then answer the questions on Pg. 1/3
the following page.

An earthquake is a big shaking

of the ground that can cause damage
to buildings, roads, and other
structures. When an earthquake
happens, the earth's surface moves
quickly, and this movement can cause
buildings to collapse or crack, and
roads to break apart.

Infrastructure refers to the

systems and structures that we use
to get around and communicate
with each other. This includes things like roads, bridges, power lines,
and telephone poles. When an earthquake happens, it can damage
this infrastructure, making it harder for people to get around and
communicate with each other.

For example, if a road gets

damaged in an earthquake, it might
become difficult or even impossible
for cars and trucks to use it. This
can make it hard for people to get
to work, school, or the store. It can
also pose a challenge for emergency
vehicles like ambulances and fire
trucks to get to people who need

Sometimes earthquakes can even cause things like water pipes

and gas lines to break. This can be very dangerous because it can
lead to fires and floods. Always remember to stay away from damaged
buildings and infrastructure!
Earthquakes and Infrastructure
Use the passage on the previous page to answer the Pg. 2/3
following questions.

1. What are some ways that earthquakes affect infrastructure?

2. What can happen if water pipes and gas lines break during
an earthquake ?

3. Why is it important to be careful and stay away from damaged

buildings and infrastructure?
Earthquakes and Infrastructure
Use the passage on the previous page to answer the Pg. 3/3
following questions.

4. What is infrastructure?

A) A type of food

B) The systems and structures we use to get around and

communicate with each other

C) A type of bird

5. What can happen to roads during an earthquake?

A) They can become wider

B) They can break apart

C) They can become smoother

6. Why is it important to stay away from damaged buildings

and infrastructure after an earthquake?

A) They might fall down

B) They might get stronger

C) The temperature inside could be below freezing

Earthquake Safety Measures
Your city wants to make sure everyone stays safe during an
earthquake. They have asked for your help to come up with
Pg. 1/2
ideas to prevent damage and injuries during these events. ©

Can you come up with at least three

ways to reduce the risk of damage and
injuries during an earthquake? Remember,
when thinking about earthquake hazard
mitigation, you want to think about things
that can be done before, during, and after
an earthquake to keep people safe. Think
about things like strengthening buildings,
creating emergency plans, and preparing
emergency kits. Good luck!

Write your answer in the space below:

Earthquake Safety Measures
Your city wants to make sure everyone stays safe during an
earthquake. They have asked for your help to come up with
Pg. 2/2
ideas to prevent damage and injuries during these events. ©
Wildfire Safety Measures
The city wants to make sure everyone stays safe and the animals have a
safe place to live. They have asked for your help to come up with ideas Pg. 1/2
to prevent damage and injuries during a wildfire. ©

Imagine you live in a place

where there are lots of trees and
plants. Occasionally, there may
be a significant blaze that poses
a threat to both humans and
animals. You have been tasked
with developing a plan to ensure
the safety of both residents and
animals during a potential wildfire.
Your report should include
specific measures the city can
take to mitigate the impact of a wildfire. Think about things like such as
evacuation procedures, fire prevention strategies, resources for animal
rescue and relocation, and creating defensible space. Good luck!

Can you come up with at least three ways to reduce the risk of damage
and injuries during a wildfire?

Write your answer in the space below.

Wildfire Safety Measures
The city wants to make sure everyone stays safe and the animals have a
safe place to live. They have asked for your help to come up with ideas Pg. 2/2
to prevent damage and injuries during a wildfire. ©
Rainstorms and Natural Disasters
Read the passage then answer the questions. Pg. 1/3

Rainstorms are a
natural weather phenomenon
that can be both helpful and
dangerous. Rain is precipitation
in the form of water droplets
that fall from the sky. It is
generally a light, steady shower.
A rainstorm is a much heavier
downpour of rain that typically
includes strong winds, thunder,
and lightning. Rainstorms are often accompanied by heavy rains and can
cause flooding and other damage.

Flooding happens when there is too much rain in a short amount of time,
and the ground cannot absorb all of the water. This can cause rivers and
streams to overflow their banks, and low-lying areas to become submerged
in water. Floods can be very dangerous and cause significant damage to
homes, buildings, and infrastructure.

Rainstorms can also cause landslides, which are when soil and rocks on
steep hills or mountains become unstable and slide down. This can happen
when rain saturates the soil, making it heavy and unstable. Landslides can be
very dangerous, and they can cause significant damage to homes, roads, and
other structures.

In addition to floods and landslides, rainstorms can also cause other types
of disasters. For example, lightning strikes can occur during thunderstorms,
which can start fires. In some cases, rainstorms can even cause tornadoes,
which are powerful swirling winds that can cause significant damage.

In conclusion, rainstorms are a natural part of our environment that

can be both helpful and dangerous. While they can provide much-needed
water, they can also cause flooding, landslides, and other disasters. To stay
safe, it’s crucial to be prepared and stay informed about weather.
Rainstorms and Natural Disasters
Read the passage then answer the questions. Pg. 2/3

Take notes on the following questions:

What is a rainstorm?
How is it different from normal rain?
List all disasters due to rainstorms
Rainstorms and Natural Disasters
Read the passage then answer the questions. Pg. 2/3
Natural Disasters and Glaciers
Research glaciers and fill out the outline below.
Add details to support your writing.

Research topic: What are glaciers? How do they contribute to the

formation of natural disasters?
Introduction :

Thesis statement:

Research Question1: What are glaciers?

Details :

Research Question2: How do glaciers contribute to the formation of

natural disasters?

Details :

Natural Disasters and Glaciers
Research glaciers and fill out the outline below.
Add details to support your writing.
Pg. 2/3
Natural Disasters and Glaciers
Research glaciers and fill out the outline below.
Add details to support your writing.
Pg. 3/3

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