HRM I Internal Exam QB

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Human Resource Management

Module – 1
1. Define Human Resource Management.
2. State the objectives of HRM.
3. What is Staff aspect of HRM?
4. What is Line aspect of HRM?
5. What are the functions of an HR Manager?
6. Define Human Resource Planning.
7. What are the objectives of Human Resource Planning?
8. What are some factors affecting Human Resource Planning?
9. List out the steps involved in the process of HRP.
10. What are the outcomes of HRP?

Module – 2
1. Define Job Analysis.
2. What is the meaning of Job Description?
3. What is the meaning of Job Specification?
4. What are the steps involved in Job Analysis?
5. List out the uses of Job Analysis.
6. List out the methods of collecting Job Analysis Information.
7. Define Recruitment.
8. What are the uses of Recruitment?
9. Cite any four External Sources of Recruitment.
10. Cite any four Internal Sources of Recruitment.
11. What do you mean by Head Hunting?
12. What is Job Posting?
13. What do you mean by Rehiring?
14. Define Selection
15. List out the steps involved in Selection Process.
16. What is the meaning of Application Blank?
17. What is Work Sample Test?
18. What is Work Simulation Test?
19. What do you mean by employee referrals?
20. What are the sources of collecting Background Information?
21. What are the reasons for collecting Background Information?
22. What do you mean by Interview?
23. What is the meaning of Exit Interview?
24. What do you mean by Unstructured Interview?
25. What is the meaning of Walk-In Interview?
26. What is the meaning of Situational Interview?
27. What is Stress Interview?
28. What do you mean by behavioural interview?
29. What is Job related Interview?
30. What is the meaning of Panel//Board Interview?

5 Marks – Sample Questions

Module – 2
1. As a HR manager of a company what are the external sources of recruitment you will adopt
to recruit employees for your company?
2. Write a detailed Job Description for the post of a “Marketing Manager”.
3. Frame a Behavioral Interview pattern of question for your company.
4. Explain the process of Job Analysis for the position of ‘Production Supervisor’.
5. Explain the type of interview suitable to select a Sales Executive.
6. For what sorts of jobs the situational interviews are appropriate? Why?
7. Develop a list of specific selection tests that you would suggest to hire the Vice President -
8. How to conduct the structured situational interview? Explain.
9. Explain the various methods of collecting Job Analysis information.
10. Mr. Dixit is a newly appointed HR Recruiter of SNS technologies, Pune. He is asked to fill
up a position of “Customer Service Desk’. As a HR manager assist Mr. Dixit the steps in
recruitment and selection process.
11. Explain the different types of Interviews with an example of the Sectors they are used in.

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