Technical Questions - 1

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Technical Questions

Q 1. What is the difference between sensible heat and latent heat?

Latent heat :- Heat transfer can occur with no temperature change taking place this heat transfer is
referred to as latent heat transfer .latent heat transfer results in phase change , that is a substance
changes from solid to liquid , liquid to solid , liquid to gas or gas to liquid .

Sensible heat when an object is heated, its temperature rises as heat is added. The increase in heat is
called sensible heat. Similarly, when heat is removed from an object and its temperature falls, the heat
removed is also called sensible heat. Heat that causes a change in temperature in an object is called
sensible heat.

Q 2. Mention the Heat Transfer Mechanisms (Modes)?

Conduction involves the transfer of heat by the interactions of atoms or molecules of a material
through which the heat is being transferred.

Convection involves the transfer of heat by the mixing and motion of macroscopic portions of a fluid.

Radiation or radiant heat transfer involves the transfer of heat by electromagnetic radiation that arises
due to the temperature of a body.

Q 3. What is meant by Bernoulli equation?

Q 4.What is the different type of trays for distillation towers?
Column Internals Trays: stage wise process (used to hold up the liquid to give better separation)

• Sieve

• Valve

• Bubble cap

Q 5.What is the difference between atmospheric and vacuum distillation?

Atmospheric Distillation "Tower" Is the first step in any petroleum refinery, in which the separation of
the crude oil into various fractions under nearly atmospheric pressure. These fractions may be products
in their own right or may be feed stocks for other refining or processing units

Vacuum Distillation "Tower" Is used to reduce the temperature for the distillation of heat-sensitive
materials and where very high temperatures would otherwise be needed to distill relatively non-volatile

Q 6. What are the types of reboilers?

Kettle Type Reboiler:

In this reboiler, the bottom product from the tower flows to the bottom of the reboiler and
comes in contact with the hot coils which are heated by steam or another heating medium. Part
of the liquid vaporized and returns back to the tower.

The thermal syphon Reboiler:

The thermal syphon reboiler uses convection alone to produce circulation. The bottom product
flows to the bottom of the reboiler by gravity. The addition of heat causes some of the liquid in
the reboiler to vaporize and the remaining heated liquid expands. The mixture of vapor and hot
liquid in the reboiler has a much lower relative density than the bottom liquid and a thermal
syphon flow produced.

Q 7. Define the different types of reflux?

A. Cold Reflux
Cold reflux defined as reflux that supplied at temperature a little below that at the top of the tower.
Each pound of this reflux removes a quantity of heat equal to the sum of its latent and sensible heat
required to raise its temperature from reflux drum temperature to the temperature at the top of the

B. Hot Reflux
The reflux that admitted to the tower at the same temperature as that maintained at the top of the
tower. It is capable of removing the latent heat because no difference in temperature is involved.
C. Internal Reflux
It is the reflux or the overflow from one plate to another in the tower, and called hot reflux because it is
always substantially at its boiling point. It is also capable of removing the latent heat only because no
difference in temperature is involved.

D. Circulating Reflux

It is also able to remove only the sensible heat, which represented by its change in temperature as it
circulates. The reflux is withdrawn and returned to the tower after been cooled.

E. Side Reflux
This type of reflux (circulating reflux) used to remove heat at points below the top of the tower. If used
in this manner, it tends to decrease the volume of vapor in the tower.

Q 8. Draw simplified process flow diagram for distillation process.

Q 9. What is meant by NPSHR and NPSHA?
Net positive suction head available NPSHA, NPSH determined by the purchaser for the pumping system
with the liquid at the rated flow and normal pumping temperature

Net positive suction head required NPSHR, NPSH that results in a 3% loss of head (first stage head in a
multistage pump) determined by the vendor by testing with water.

Q 10.What is the most efficient pump for viscous fluids?

Screw pumps are the fit for high viscous fluids.

Q 11.What is meant by cavitation?

Cavitation Problem

When a liquid enters a pump, its velocity increases causing a reduction in pressure within the pumping
unit. If this pressure falls too low, some of liquid will vaporize, forming bubbles entrained in the liquid.
These bubbles collapse violently as they move to areas of higher pressure. The formation and collapse of
these bubbles called Cavitation.

Q 12. What is meant by compression ratio for compressors?

The compression ratio is a key parameter in evaluating compressors. The compression ratio defined as

R= Pout / Pin

*The compression ratio per stage is generally limited to 4.

*Higher ratios could be achieved using multiple compression stages.

Q 13. What are the different types of reactors?

1 -Batch reactors.

2 -Continues reactors.
- Tubular reactor.
- Fixed bed reactor.
- Fluid bed reactor.
- Continuous stirred tank reactors.

Q 14. What are the different types of valves?

On-Off Service.
Throttling (Regulating) Service.
Prevention of back flow.
Pressure control (Control Valve).

On-Off Service "Block Valves "

Throttling (Regulating) Service

Q 15. Define the different units for measuring pressure and conversion between them?
Q 16. Is it possible that Temperature in Fahrenheit equals the same in Celsius? If yes, what
will be the temperature?

F=1.8C + 32 X=1.8 X + 32 X= -40

Q 17. What are the standard conditions?

Q 18. What is API , ASTM , FBP , HAZOP , LEL , LPG , PFD , P&ID , PONA and TEMA?

• API American Petroleum Institute.

• ASTM American Society for Testing Materials.
• FBP Final Boiling Point.
• HAZOP Hazard and Operability Studies.
• LEL Lower Explosive Limit.
• LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas.
• PFD Process Flow Diagram.
• P&ID Piping and Instrumentation Diagram.
• PONA Paraffins, Olefins, Naphthenes analysis
• TEMA Tubler Exchanger manufacture association.

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