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LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1

Western Cape Education Department

Directorate: Curriculum FET

2024 TERM 1

Grade 12

This revision program is designed to assist you in revising the critical

content and skills that you have covered during the 1st term. The purpose
is to prepare you to understand the key concepts and to provide you with
an opportunity to establish the required standard and the application of
the knowledge necessary to succeed in the examination.
LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1

Question 1
1.1 Various options are provided as possible answers to the following questions.
Choose the answer and write only the letter (A–D) next to the question number
(1.1.1–1.1.9), for example 1.1.11 D.

1.1.1 Choose the BEST description of chronic stress from the following options:
A. It is a reaction to an immediate threat, commonly known as the fight or flight
B. It is stress that is caused by physical harm, such as sexual abuse or violence.
C. It is stress caused by relationships, the inability to socialize and the social
D. It is a state of prolonged tension from internal or external stressors which may
cause various physical symptoms. (1)

1.1.2 In stress management you need to identify the causes of your stress and

A. be aware of your thinking patterns.
B. drink lots of energy drinks.
C. work longer hours and eat enough food.
D. speak to everyone about your problems. (1)

1.1.3 Which definition best applies to eustress?

A. A negative response you have to a stressor, which can depend on your current
feelings of control, desirability, location and timing of the stressor.
B. A stress that is objectively measured through, among other indicators, Blood
pressure rate, muscle tension and absenteeism rates.
C. The stress that has a beneficial effect, being either psychological, physical or
D. Persistent stress that is not resolved through coping or adaptation. (1)

1.1.4 Which of the following is an example of eustress:

LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1

A. the death of a family member

B. sleep problems
C. conflict in personal relationships
D. receiving a promotion or raise at work. (1)

1.1.5 Acute stress is:

A. an intense type of stress which causes 80% of illnesses.
B. the stress that prevents us from locating what we need quickly.
C. an intense type of stress brought on by daily challenges but passes quickly.
D. relates to long-term problems and affects a person emotionally (1)

1.2 Give ONE word/term for each of the following descriptions. Write only
the word/term next to the question number (1.2.1–1.2.4).

1.2.1 A type of stressor that originates from destructive relationships with others (1)
1.2.2 A hormone that is released into the blood stream in reaction to stress. (1)
1.2.3 A reaction caused by ongoing, increasing or new pressures or demands. (1)
1.2.4 A method and one of the best ways to relieve stress. (1)

1.3 Answer the following questions by writing the answer next to the
question number (1.3.1– 1.3.5). Write your answer in full sentences.
The symptoms of long-term stress show themselves in three ways, namely in physical
ailments, negative emotions and behavioural problems. Give an example of a physical symptom. (1) Give an example of a behavioural problem. (1)

1.3.2 Explain TWO ways how negative stress can affect a person’s quality of life.
(2 x 2) (4)

1.3.3 Explain the difference between positive stress and negative stress and show
LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1

how a personal life crisis can lead to positive stress. (2 + 1) (3)

1.3.4 Give ONE example how to manage stress. (1)

1.3.5 Explain why it may be beneficial to include more low-impact exercises

in your fitness routine. (1 x 2) (2)

LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1

1.1 1.1.1 D ()

1.1.2 A ()
1.1.3 C ()
1.1.4 D ()
1.1.5 C ()

1.2.1 Social/ Emotional Stressor  (1)
1.2.2 Adrenaline  (1)
1.2.3 Stress  (1)
1.2.4 Laughter (), Deal with your emotions (), Balanced nutrition (), Identify
stressors and assess stress levels, Follow a balanced lifestyle (), Time management
() (1)

1.3.1 Physical ailments: ulcers, cancer, high blood pressure, headaches, stomach
cramps. () (1) Behavioural problems: sleep difficulties, eating disorders, social withdrawal,
absenteeism, substance abuse. () (1)

1.3.2 It can make you happy, depressed and unproductive. () It can also make you
choose unwise lifestyle choices, for example, when some people are distressed, they
start abusing alcohol, which only make their stress worse and damages their health. ()
Unhealthy lifestyle choices include drinking too much alcohol, drugs, () sexual
promiscuity that leads to STI’s and risky behaviours such as driving while under the
influence of alcohol. () (2 x2) (4)
LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1

Positive stress is the stress that motivates you, encourages you and makes you put
pressure on yourself () and negative stress is the stress that makes you feel like you
cannot handle the pressure of the stressors and it effects relationships in a negative
way. () (2)
Life crisis, such as the death of a breadwinner or a parent who loses his / her job, can
motivate a child to work hard at school to be successful. () (1)
• Meditation is a one of the natural methods of relieving stress. ()
• Simple deep breathing exercises can assist tremendously in relieving stress. ()
• Exercise and eat healthy foods regularly. ()
• Eat healthy foods and exercise at least 3 times a week. ()
• Avoid excess caffeine intake which can increase feelings of anxiety and
agitation. ()
• Don’t use illegal drugs, alcohol and tobacco. ()
• Learn relaxation exercises (abdominal breathing and muscle relaxation
techniques). () (1)
Explain why it may be beneficial to include more low-impact exercises in your fitness
Marks should be awarded as follows:
TWO marks () for a well-explained response.
Statement ()
Qualifier ()
Doing low-impact exercises may…
• have less impact on your lower body parts/knees/ankles/feet (√) so the risk of
injury to these body parts may be minimal. ()
• be less stressful on your spine and joints (√) since it does not have such a
harsh/forceful impact on these body parts. ()
• be less strenuous on your body (√) since you are keeping one foot on the ground
at all times when you exercise. ()
• Any ONE of the above responses for TWO marks.
(1 x 2) (2)
LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1


Answer ALL the questions in this section. Write your answers in full sentences.


Look at the following pics and answer the following questions.

2.1 Name any FOUR lifestyle diseases that can occur as a result of no or
minimal physical exercise. (4x1) (4)

2.2 Discuss THREE factors that may prevent teens from taking part in regular
physical activity. (3x2) (6)

2.3 Advise your School Management Team on TWO ways in which your school
could work with community organisations to promote physical activities
among the learners. (2x2) (4)

2.4 Propose TWO ways in which physical activities could improve your quality
of life after school. (2X3) (6)
LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1


Look at the cartoon below and answer the questions that follow.

3.1 Define the term stress and give THREE possible reasons
why the girl in the cartoon would be stressed. (1 + 3) (4)

3.2 Explain how the following may reduce examination stress.

• Revision
• Relaxation (2 x 2) (4)

3.3 Discuss THREE physical symptoms of stress that may have

a negative impact on studying. (3 x 2) (6)

3.4 Propose THREE practical solutions that a learner can use to

resolve conflict with his/her parents about poor school
(3 x 2) (6)
LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1

2.1 Name any FOUR lifestyle diseases that can occur as a result of no or
minimal physical exercise.

● Diabetes (Type 2), heart disease, stroke, cancer

● Physical Effects of Poor Nutrition: Causes of poor nutrition include eating
disorders/ alcoholism, /starvation and poor diet.
● Short-term effects of poor nutrition include lethargy and feeling unwell in
● These include obesity/ high cholesterol/ diabetes/ heart disease/ cancer/
gallstones/ gout and many other health problems.
• Any other FOUR relevant responses for ONE mark. (4X1) (4)

2.2 Discuss THREE factors that may prevent teens from taking part in regular
physical activity.

Marks should be awarded as follows

TWO marks each ( )for THEE well-explained responses.
• More Technology: (✔) Computers, TVs, video games, and smartphones
promote a sedentary lifestyle. (✔ )Daily hours in front of a screen is a
common teen schedule/ An online Skype or social media chat replaces a
walk to a friend's house and an active get-together/ Video games replace
neighbourhood pick-up games/ Teens who spend long periods of time
online or on the sofa watching the tube and miss out on valuable exercise
and fitness activities.
LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1

● Lack of Motivation: (✔) Like adults, teens often lack the motivation or desire
to exercise. (✔) If physical fitness hasn't been a valued activity in the family,
a teen is less likely to put forth the effort or find the motivation to exercise/ If
the teen is overweight or feels self-conscious about her physical abilities,
she may also feel less motivated to exercise/ Some teens in this situation
feel embarrassed to exercise in public.
● Lack of access: (✔) Teens also need access to exercise equipment, sports
teams or space to perform fitness routines. (✔) A lack of access makes it
more difficult for the teen to exercise regularly/ lack of access to physical
fitness equipment or space is limited/ If a teen has lots of homework, works
a part-time job or carries much of the household responsibilities, he may
find it difficult to make time for exercise.

THREE relevant responses for TWO marks each. (✓✓) (3x2) (6)

2.3 Advise your School Management Team on TWO ways in which your
school could work with community organisations to promote physical
activities among the learners.

• Schools can organise friendly games with neighbouring schools (✓)

to enhance involvement of physical activities (✓)
• Senior members of the community with expertise could be used by the
school (✓) to teach and demonstrate these physical activities to the learners
• Schools can host competitions regularly and invite community members
and the winners to be awarded with certificate (✓) to enhance motivation
• Schools can establish partnership with organisations in the community
specialising with physical education (✓) to encourage participation of
physical activities (✓)
LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1

TWO relevant responses for TWO marks(✓✓) each (2x2) (4)

2.4 Propose TWO ways in which physical activities could improve your quality
of life after school.

Note: To be awarded the full three marks candidates must give a

statement, (✓) qualify the statement (✓) and give an outcome. (✓)

• It will ensure that I stay fit ( ) and improve my chances of a longer

life ( ) as it will prevent many lifestyle diseases( )
• Physical activity reduces body fat ( ) which is associated with high
blood pressure( )and by reducing body fat, physical activity can
help to prevent and control diabetes. ( )
• Physical activity helps to reduce body fat by building or preserving
muscle mass ( ) and improving the body's ability to use calories. ( )
and when physical activity is combined with proper nutrition, it can
help control weight and prevent obesity, a major risk factor for many
diseases. ( )
• By increasing muscle strength and endurance and improving
flexibility and posture ( ), regular exercise helps to prevent back
pain ( ) and will keep me fit and healthy. ( )
• regular physical activity can improve my mood and the way I feel
about myself ( )and in this way it may reduce depression and
anxiety ( ) and may help me to better manage stress. ( )

Any TWO relevant responses for THREE marks each. ( ) (2x3) 6)

LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1

3.1 Define the term stress and give THREE possible reasons why the girl in
the cartoon would be stressed. (1+3)(4)

Marks should be awarded as follows:

ONE mark (✓) for a definition of stress AND THREE marks (✓✓✓) for two
Definition of stress
Stress is …
• a reaction caused by ongoing pressure/nervousness/tension/anxiety
marked by constant worry and strain. (✓)
• a physical/mental/emotional strain that is caused by demands that are
placed on a person. (✓)
• what we feel in a situation that is difficult, challenging or even
frightening. (✓)
• a feeling that makes you think that you cannot cope with a situation or
events. (✓)
The girl is stress because she might have...
• experienced pressure from parents/school to perform well. (✓)
• backed effective studying techniques. (✓)
• been ill-prepared for the examination. (✓)
• been worried about circumstances at home (economic, e.g.,
retrenchment/ unemployment/emotional, e.g., divorce/illness of
parents/physical, e.g. poverty/poor living conditions) which may have
distracted her from studying. (✓)
• experienced peer pressure/pressure from society to do well. (✓)
• been engaged in too many extramural activities leaving her with little time
to study. (✓)
• had too many responsibilities at home preventing her from proper
preparation in advance. (✓)
• been ill/ hospitalized and lost study time. (✓)
• suffered trauma, e.g. sexual abuse/accident. (✓)
• been experiencing grief/loss of a family member. (✓)
LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1

3.2 Explain how the following may reduce examination stress.

• Revision
• Relaxation (2X2) (4)

• Marks should be awarded as follows:

• TWO marks each (✓✓) for a well-explained response.

• Possible answers could be:

• Revision
• By revising one's work, one can identify possible problem areas in advance and
get the help one needs to pass (✓) thereby eliminating a lack of understanding
of the work which may cause stress. (✓)
• One may be able to recall better what one has studied (✓) thereby reducing
stress that could be caused by a lack of recall. (✓)
• Relaxation
• Short, regular and responsible relaxation periods may calm your mind (✓)
thereby reducing examination stress caused by over-studying. (✓)
• Relaxation gives one an opportunity to rest and refresh one's mind (✓) thereby
reducing examination stress caused by crowded thinking/overthinking/over-
working. (✓)

• Any TWO of the above responses for TWO marks each. (2 x 2) (4)

3.3 Discuss THREE physical symptom of stress that may have a negative
impact on studying. (3X2) (6)
LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO marks each (✓✓) for THREE well explained response.

• Physical symptoms that may have a negative impact on studying

could include:
• Suffering from headaches (✓) which could make one lose concentration.
• Having stomach aches/pains/diarrhoea (✓) which could cause
discomfort, making it difficult to study. (✓)
• Inability to sleep (✓) makes one tired and unable to focus on studying (✓)
• Rapid heartbeats/bleeding ulcers/over-sweating (✓) cause anxiety which
makes one lose concentration on studying. (✓)

• Any THREE of the above responses for TWO marks each. (3 x 2) (6)

3.4 Propose THREE practical solutions that a learner can use to resolve
conflict with his/her parents about poor school performance. (3X2) (6)

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO marks each (✓✓) for THREE well explained response.
Possible answers could be:
A learner could …
• sit with his parents to discuss a workable study plan (✓) thereby
ensuring that he will manage his time more effectively. (✓)
• set realistic goals with his parents (✓) to which he can commit to and
hence avoid getting into a conflict situation with them. (✓)
• take full responsibility for his actions (✓) instead of blame shifting/
accusing his parents for his/her poor school performance. (✓)
• express his academic needs to his parents (✓) thereby making them
aware of it so that they will be able to support him more effectively. (✓)
• use listening and rephrasing skills in conversations with his parents
(✓) to make sure that he understands them correctly and to avoid
misunderstanding about his poor school performance. (✓)
• apply self-control/remain calm (✓) to avoid being overly emotional and
reacting in such a way to his parents that it makes the conflict about his
poor school performance worse. (✓)
LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1

• apply negotiation skills when talking to his parents (✓) in order to keep
the peace/sustain a good relationship. (✓)
• work together with parents on a support strategy (✓) so that both
parties fully understand their role in fulfilling their obligations towards
improved school performance. (✓)
• Any THREE of the above responses for TWO marks each. (3 x 2) (6)


Answer any TWO questions in this SECTION.

Your responses must consist of paragraphs. Marks will only be allowed for
responses written in full sentences.


Read the quote below and answer the questions that follow.

Relationships are harder now

“Now because conversations became texting, arguments became phone calls, feelings
became subliminal messages, sex became easy, the word ‘love’ is used out of context,
insecurities became a way of thinking, getting jealous became a habit, trust became hard
to come by, being hurt became natural and leaving became the only option. Sad but true,
so if you have something that’s worth it, don’t take it for granted, fight for it and don’t
let it go.”

(The Minds Journal amended quote 2 April 2023)

● State TWO type of relationships that relate to the above (2 x 2) (4)

quote and provide a reason for your answer.
LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1

● Analyse the quote and discuss how the actions above, (2 x 4) (8)
could create toxic relationships.

● Critically discuss two ways in which you can maintain (2 x 4) (8)

cyber wellness and build good, long- standing
relationships, in this age of social media.


Study the stimulus below and answer the questions that follow.

The Importance of Learning Hard and Soft Skills

Business leaders and hiring professionals have an old saying that sums up the
proficiencies needed for employment: Hard skills will get you the interview; soft skills
will get you the job. Indeed, both hard and soft skills play an equal role in employment.
(Adapted from an article on 21 March 2023)

Write paragraphs on Unemployment

Use the following as a guideline.

● State the difference between SOFT SKILLS and HARD (2 x 2) (4)

SKILLS provide an example of each. (Do not use the
example from the article above).

● Analyse how researching a prospective workplace could (2 x 4) (8)

assist you in a job interview.
LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1

● Discuss in detail how being able to manage yourself is an (2 x 4) (8)

important skill in today's competitive job market.


Look at the stimulus below and answer the questions that follow.

Former City of Cape Town employees, company director in court over R46m
corruption case

Two former municipal officials and a company director have appeared in a Cape Town court
in connection with a R46-million corruption case.

The men -; along with a juristic person, the company– appeared in the Cape Town
Magistrate's Court.

Their court appearance came after warrants of arrest were issued against them stemming from
allegations of fraud and corruption, which the forensic division of the City of Cape Town
reported to the Hawks.
employees-company-director-in-court-over-r210m-corruption-case- adapted from
an article on 9 Feb 2023

Write paragraphs on fraud and corruption.

Use the following as a guideline.

● State the difference between fraud and corruption and provide (2 x 2) (4)
an example of each.

● Analyse the role that society could play in preventing fraud (2 x 4) (8)
and corruption in the workplace.
LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1

● Critically discuss the possible consequences that corruption (2 x 4) (8)

can have on a person’s career.


Study the depiction below and answer the follow essay question in paragraphs.

Write paragraphs on Domestic Violence.

Use the following as a guideline.

● Define domestic violence and Give THREE reasons why both men and
women could become victims of domestic violence. (1+3) (4)

● Discuss why many cases of domestic violence are not reported by the
victims. (4x2) (8)

● Propose TWO practical strategies on how society can ensure that the dignity
and security of victims of domestic violence is upheld as reflected in the Bill
of Rights. (2x4) (8)

LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1


Study the depiction below and answer the questions that follow.

Write paragraphs on Unemployment.

Use the following as a guideline.

● Define unemployment and Identify THREE skills that grade 12 school

leavers may lack when they enter the job market. (1+3) (4)

● Discuss FOUR reasons why communities should support local

entrepreneurs. (4x2) (8)

● Critically discuss why volunteering is an innovating solution to counteract

unemployment. State TWO aspects. (2x4) (8)

LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1


Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow.

Upon completing your Grade 12 year, you will join either the world of work or institutions
of higher learning where you will meet people from all “walks of life” for the first time.
To start and maintain good relationships with people from different cultural groups and
backgrounds, you should be able to apply communication skills and conflict management

Source: Unknown

Write paragraphs on Conflict resolution.

Use the following as a guideline.

● Define conflict resolution and name THREE strategies that one could use
when dealing with conflict resolution. (1+3) (4)

● Explain FOUR ways in which your positive attitude can lead to resolving
conflict between your peers and/or family members. (4x2) (8)

● Evaluate TWO conflict management skills that can help you in sustaining
positive relationships with other people. (2x4) (8)


1. Candidates must answer any TWO (2) questions in this section. Should the
candidate answer all three questions, only the first TWO will be marked.
The remaining question should be struck out and the following abbreviation
should be written ‘ENQR’ (Exceeded number of questions required).
Candidates’ answers must be in PARAGRAPHS. Marks will only be
awarded for answers that are written in full sentences.
LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1


● State TWO type of relationships that relate to the above quote and provide
an explanation of each.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO marks each (✓✓) for TWO well explained answer.

• Romantic relationships(✓) a commitment to another person,

attraction, feelings of love and intimacy (✓)
• Friendships (✓) based on care, trust, commitment to someone,
supportive, spending time together (✓)
• Professional/work relationships (✓) managers, co-workers in the
workplace, profession, business, work to common outcome (✓)
• Family relationships (✓) long standing bond, usually lasting a lifetime,
parents/ guardian providing support, values care, nuture (✓)
• Acquaintances (✓) your wider circle of friends, someone you don’t
know that well, don’t spend a lot of time together, not close (✓)
• Any TWO of the above responses for TWO marks each. (2 x 2) (4)

• Analyse the quote and discuss how the actions above, could
create toxic relationships.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

1st mark – fact/ statement/ opinion (✓)
2nd mark – elaboration/explanation (✓)
3rd mark – qualifier (✓)
4th mark – result/outcome (✓)

• Arguments becoming phone calls: Texting can sometimes lead to

miscommunication or misunderstandings (✓) due to the absence of
non-verbal cues like tone of voice or body language. (✓) This can
escalate conflicts (✓) and make it harder to resolve issues effectively.
• Feelings becoming subliminal messages: If individuals struggle to
express their emotions openly and directly, (✓) it can lead to
frustration, confusion, and a lack of emotional connection in a
relationship. (✓) Subliminal messages may create
misunderstandings (✓) and prevent effective communication. (✓)
• Insecurities becoming a way of thinking: Insecurities can arise from
various sources, including personal experiences, (✓) societal
pressures, and comparisons to others. (✓) If insecurities are
pervasive in a relationship, they can lead to mistrust, jealousy, and a
LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1

constant need for validation, (✓) which can be detrimental to the

overall health of the relationship. (✓)
• Trust becoming hard to come by: Trust is a crucial foundation for any
healthy relationship. (✓) If trust is repeatedly broken or undermined,
whether through dishonesty, infidelity, or other factors, (✓) it can
erode the bond between partners (✓) and create a toxic environment.
• Being hurt becoming natural: Constant emotional pain or hurt within a
relationship is a sign of an unhealthy dynamic. (✓) When hurtful
behaviour becomes normalized, it can lead to a cycle of emotional
abuse, (✓) causing long-lasting damage (✓) to the individuals
involved. (✓)
• Any TWO of the above responses for FOUR marks each. (2 x 4) (8)

• Critically discuss TWO ways in which you can maintain cyber wellness and
build good, long- standing relationships, in this age of social media.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

1st mark – fact/ statement/ opinion (✓)
2nd mark – elaboration/explanation (✓)
3rd mark – qualifier (✓)
4th mark – result/outcome (✓)

• One essential aspect of maintaining cyber wellness is developing

digital literacy and critical thinking skills. (✓) With the vast amount of
information available online, it is crucial to be able to discern reliable
sources, (✓) identify misinformation, and evaluate the credibility of
online content. (✓) By honing these skills, individuals can avoid
falling victim to false information, propaganda, and scams, which can
negatively impact their relationships and overall well-being (✓)
• Practicing mindful and intentional social media use. (✓) The constant
connectivity and continuous stream of information (✓) on social
media platforms can easily lead to a sense of overwhelm, (✓)
comparison, and isolation (✓)
• Establishing boundaries for social media use helps individuals
prioritize their time and attention. (✓) This could involve limiting the
amount of time spent on social media, designating specific periods
for engagement, or even taking occasional breaks from these
platforms. (✓) setting boundaries, individuals can create a healthier
balance between online and offline lives, (✓) allowing for more
meaningful interactions and fostering stronger relationships (✓)
• Building good, long-standing relationships in the digital realm
requires authenticity and empathy. (✓) It is essential to present
oneself genuinely, share experiences, and express emotions
LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1

honestly. (✓) By doing so, individuals can foster a sense of trust and
authenticity in their online connections. (✓) Additionally, practicing
empathy by actively listening, understanding others' perspectives,
and responding with kindness can lead to more meaningful and
supportive relationships. (✓)
• Any TWO of the above responses for FOUR marks each. (2 x 4) (8)

Marks should be awarded as follows:
TWO marks each (✓✓) for TWO well explained answer.

Soft skills are non-technical skills that describe how you work and interact
with others.(✓) example.
• Communication(✓)
• social skills (✓)
• Teamwork (✓)
• Problem solving(✓)
• Time management (✓)
• Decision making(✓)

Hard skills are abilities that let you tackle job-specific duties and
responsibilities. example
• Computer software knowledge.
• Graphic design.
• Data analysis.
LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1

• Project management.
• Marketing.
• Copywriting.
• Teaching
• Administrator

• Any TWO of the above responses for TWO marks each. (2 x 2) (4)

• Analyse how researching a prospective workplace could assist you in a job


Marks should be awarded as follows:

1st mark – fact/ statement/ opinion (✓)

2nd mark – elaboration/explanation (✓)

3rd mark – qualifier (✓)

4th mark – result/outcome (✓)

• get an idea of the company’s profile from their website (✓) thereby
providing you with valuable information of how the company is
structured (✓) which you could then use to demonstrate how this post
you are applying for may fulfil the objectives of the company (✓) and
this could convince them that you may be the most appropriate co-
worker. (✓)
• talk about how the company’s services/products have changed over
time (✓) as that may show them that you have knowledge of how
they produce/manage their products (✓) which could convince them
that you are actually not a newcomer to the field (✓) and this could
make you the most ideal candidate for the job. (✓)
• respond to questions by referring to the mission statement of that
workplace (✓) as these are the foundational/fundamental/important
values that inform the manner in which the workplace operates (✓)
and this would show that you can identify with/accept the operational
LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1

principles, (✓) assuring them that you would not be the cause of any
ethical conflict in the work place if you were to be employed. (✓)

• Any TWO of the above responses for FOUR marks each. (2 x 4) (8)

• Discuss in detail how being able to manage yourself is an important skill in

today's competitive job market

Marks should be awarded as follows:

1st mark – fact/ statement/ opinion (✓)

2nd mark – elaboration/explanation (✓)

3rd mark – qualifier (✓)

4th mark – result/outcome (✓)

• take responsibility for both your successes and failures at work (✓)
thereby demonstrating the level of professional ethics you have (✓)
which could be emulated by other workers (✓) and in this way you
may be seen as a role model of the type of ethical behaviour that is
required in the workplace. (✓)
• be more focused on your priorities (✓) since other activities may arise
in the workplace (✓) and this may allow you to concentrate only on
the scheduled activities, (✓) thereby demonstrating how smart/goal
oriented you are, as you are able to successfully complete what you
actually set out to do. (✓)
• set your own professional standards in your field of work (✓) which
may motivate you to work more diligently towards achieving them,
(✓) thereby being an inspiration to other colleagues/supervisors (✓)
as this may show that you are proficient/an expert in your field. (✓)
• set clear daily operational goals (✓) as it may assist you to achieve
specific targets for the day (✓) which would contribute to you
succeeding in completing your final tasks (✓) and in this way you
LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1

may be considered as being the most competent in completing tasks

that are more complex. (✓)

• Any TWO of the above responses for FOUR marks each. (2 x 4) (8)

● State the difference between fraud and corruption and provide (2 x 2) (4)
an example of each.
LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1

Marks should be awarded as follows:

ONE mark (✓) for a definition of fraud and another for a definition of
corruption and ONE mark (✓) for an example of each.

• Fraud includes falsification, concealment, destruction or use of

falsified documents for personal benefit. (✓) E.g., Lying on your CV
to get a job. (✓) OR …
• Corruption is the misuse of public power or position. (✓) E.g., Taking
brides to award a contract (✓) OR favouritism/nepotism in giving
someone a job (✓) OR victimization and aiding suppliers to commit
fraud (✓)
• Any TWO of the above responses for TWO marks. (2 x 2) (4)

● Analyse the role that society could play in preventing fraud and (2 x 4) (8)
corruption in the workplace.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

1st mark – fact/ statement/ opinion (✓)

2nd mark – elaboration/explanation (✓)

3rd mark – qualifier (✓)

4th mark – result/outcome (✓)

It could prevent…

• nepotism/cronyism from happening in the workplace (✓) since

the public would expect only the most suitably qualified
candidates to be appointed in the post, (✓) the company would
then be forced to consider only those candidates (✓) and this
would discourage unethical recruitment practices from
happening in the workplace. (✓)
• workers/employers from taking company resources for
personal use/financial gain (✓) as the public may be observing
their conduct (✓) and this could deter them from
LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1

misusing/abusing company resources (✓) thereby

safeguarding the company from running unnecessary losses.
• It could discourage workers/employers from accepting bribes
for positions/favours done (✓) since the public would expect
companies to not engage in such dishonest activities (✓) thus
assisting to keep them in check (✓) which would then
encourage them to uphold a good reputation. (✓)
• using the credentials of the company for fraudulent
transactions (✓) since most people would not want to be
involved in illegal transactions (✓) thereby preventing such
unlawful dealings in the workplace (✓) and this type of
corruption could then be eliminated in the workplace. (✓)
• misusing the reputation of the company to promote their own
agenda (✓) as they would know that the public would not
tolerate/condone their unethical behaviour (✓) which would
ensure that workers/employers are always mindful of their
actions (✓) and in this way the code of conduct in the
workplace would be taken seriously. (✓)
• mismanaging organizational funds that may be for the
upliftment/development of communities (✓) since the public would
expect transparency of funds, (✓) hence those in leadership positions
would deal decisively with unethical practices in the workplace (✓) in
an effort to work towards a corrupt free workplace. (✓)
• Any TWO of the above responses for FOUR marks each. (2 x 4) (8)

• Critically discuss the possible consequences that

corruption can have on a person’s career.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

1st mark – fact/ statement/ opinion (✓)

2nd mark – elaboration/explanation (✓)

3rd mark – qualifier (✓)

4th mark – result/outcome (✓)

LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1

• People at the workplace may not trust you (✓) this would imply that
your reputation may be ruined (✓) which means that you may find it
difficult to find employment elsewhere (✓) this could place a burden
on family life (✓).
• Criminal charges could be brought against the person (✓) this would
mean that the person would have a criminal record (✓), so possible
employers will not employ the person (✓) because that employer
would possibly feel that the person cannot be trusted (✓).
• The person could be demoted (✓) this may cause the person not to
give their best at the workplace (✓) employers will notice this lack of
performance (✓) and this may lead to the person being first in line to
face retrenchment (✓).
• The person may not be considered for promotion (✓) thereby
hampering professional growth and development (✓) which means
that you will stagnate in your job (✓) and also be denied of increases
that comes with the benefit of promotion (✓).
• The person could lose their status as a role model to other
employees (✓) as employees could be speaking negatively about the
person (✓) this could make the person feel demotivated at work (✓)
and keep the person from aspiring to be a role model again (✓).
• Any TWO of the above responses for FOUR marks each. (2 x 4) (8)


Study the depiction below and answer the follow essay question in paragraphs.
LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1

Use the following as a guideline.

● Define domestic violence and give THREE reasons why both men and
women could become victims of domestic violence. (1+3) (4)

Marks should be awarded as follows

One () mark for the correct definition
Domestic is the …
• violent or aggressive behavior with at home, involving abuse of a spouse or
partner ()
• any form of abuse which includes physical sexual, emotional, psychological
or economic harassment ()

Any ONE of the above for ONE mark (1x1) (1)

THREE reasons why both men and women could become victims of
domestic violence.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

• ONE mark () for a well explained response.
LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1

Possible responses could be:

• Physical strength: Men and women can use their physical strength to
dominate or abuse the other person. (✓)
• Unequal power relations in the home: (✓) One could use one's power to
dominate or abuse the other person. (✓)
• Substance abuse: This may lead to conflict situations and physical and
verbal abuse. (✓)
• Acceptability of violence as a means to resolve conflict: Some men and women
may use violence as a form of conflict resolution. (✓)
• Unemployment: Creates opportunities for both men and women to break down
one another physically and emotionally. (✓)
• Economic dependence: Limited access to cash and credit may create feelings of
inferiority where a person takes advantage of the situation and
emotionally/physically abuse one. (✓)
• Poor communication: The inability to effectively communicate one's feelings may
lead to misunderstandings and suspicions which could result in physical and
emotional abuse. (✓)
• Interference by others: Sometimes people spread gossip and rumours about one
or they could give wrong advice which causes conflict and leads to violence. (✓)
• Cultural practices: Practices from different cultures may influence the behaviour
of individuals that may lead to abuse. (✓)

Any THREE of the above for ONE mark each. (3x1) (3)

● Discuss why many cases of domestic violence are not reported by

the victims.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

• TWO marks ()() each for FOUR well-explained points of advice.

Possible responses could be:

• Victims do not think that it will help them to report it, (✓) because they are
aware of other people who have experienced such situations and who,
after reporting it, were not assisted. (✓) OR because of the slow response
times of the police or other social services. (✓)
• For those who have been physically/sexually violated there are not many
places to turn to for help. (✓) In most communities there are limited social
services that could serve the purpose of assisting them. (✓)
LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1

• Not all police officers are trained to deal with issues of domestic violence.
(✓) As a result victims feel that they are not receiving the support and
understanding that they are expecting from police officers. (✓)
• Many people think that domestic violence is a private affair. (✓) Therefore
they do not report it because they think that they can solve the issues on
their own. (✓)
• Emotional games by the perpetrator: (✓) The perpetrator becomes
remorseful and apologetic and makes the victim feel that this will not
happen again. (✓)
• Financial dependence: (✓) The high rate of unemployment resulting in the
victim struggling to pay for basic necessities, travel, accommodation or the
cost of separation or relocation. (✓) OR the fear of losing the economic
support base that the perpetrator provides. (✓)

TWO marks () each for FOUR well-explained points of advice. (4x2) (8)

● Propose Two practical strategies on how society can ensure that the
dignity and security of victims of domestic violence is upheld as
reflected in the Bill of Rights.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

• FOUR marks (✓✓) each for TWO well-explained points of advice.

Note to the teachers:

To be awarded the Four full marks, candidate must give a statement ()
elaborate () on the statement qualify () it and give an outcome ( )

Possible responses could be:

• The community should ensure that places of reporting domestic violence
safe (✓) and are readily available to all people (✓) so that victims can
easily access them (✓) with no or minimal cost. (✓)
• Reporting procedures must be user-friendly (✓), simple and effective so
that victims feel confident to report these cases. (✓) people should share
their experience once they reported. (✓) this help indicate the victims to
speak out immediately. (✓)
• Cases should be dealt with as soon as possible (✓) so that appropriate
victim can provided with immediate assistance (✓) and therefor the
situation will not escalate to prolonged suffering (✓) and the victim is
protected from continued violence. (✓)
LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1

• Creating awareness through information and education programmes (✓)

regarding the nature and unacceptability of domestic violence. (✓) this will
strengthen the community support regarding domestic violence. (✓)and the
fight to minimize the battle against domestic violence. (✓)
• Communities could offer greater support by establishing family counselling
(✓) services for victims or survivors of domestic violence. (✓) People in the
community would feel sense of support and safe (✓) this method will
decrease domestic violence (✓)

FOUR marks (✓✓) each for TWO well-explained points of advice.

(2x4) (8)


Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow.

Write paragraphs on Unemployment

Use the following as a guideline.

● Define unemployment and Identify THREE skills that grade 12 school

leavers may lack when they enter the job market. (1+3) (4)
LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1

Marks should be awarded as:

One (✓) mark for a correct definition
Unemployment is when ………
• A person who willing to work, ready and desperately wanting a job, but
cannot get work because there are just not enough jobs around for
everyone. (✓)
• One has the skills /knowledge and technical expertise and is available to
work, but just can’t find work. (✓)
Any one of the above for ONE mark (1x1) (1)


Marks should be awarded as follows:

ONE (✓) mark for a well explained response

Identify THREE skills that grade 12 school leavers may lack when they enter
the job market.

• Lack higher thinking skills(✓)

• Lack of computer skills(✓)
Struggle with soft skills
• Communication (✓)
• Leadership(✓)
• Decision making self-evaluation(✓)
• Problem solving (✓)

Any THREE of the above for ONE(✓) mark each. (3x1) (3)
LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1

● Discuss FOUR reasons why communities should support local


Marks should be awarded as follows:

• TWO marks each (✓✓) for FOUR well-explained responses.

Possible answers

• Entrepreneurs improve the local economy. (✓) When a consumer buys from local
entrepreneurs, more money stays in the community. (✓)
• Communities know the people behind the product. (✓) When you personally
know the people behind the business where you're buying local products and
services, you enjoy a connection you would not otherwise have. (✓)
• Entrepreneurs keep the community unique: they give a community its flavour. (✓)
By supporting these businesses instead of chain stores, you ensure that
uniqueness is preserved as a part of your community. (✓)
• Entrepreneurs provide better customer service. (✓) When you shop local, the
business owner is usually directly connected to every employee in the store and
this leads to a personal approach that often means any problem you have is taken
seriously. (✓)
• More personalized service is provided as the owner personally knows his
customers. (✓) He knows the products you buy or the services you request on a
regular basis and can tailor services to make your experience even better. (✓)
• Buying from local entrepreneurs has benefits beyond mere convenience. (✓)
When you support local business owners, you get a better level of service thereby
helping to make your community a better place to live in. (✓)
• It may stimulate other businesses or sectors to support the new venture (✓) thus
increasing economic development in communities. (✓)
• New and improved offerings, products or technologies from entrepreneurs (✓)
enable new markets to be developed and new wealth created. (✓)
• The cascading effect of increased employment and higher earnings (✓)
contribute to better national income in the form of higher tax revenue and higher
government spending. (✓)
• Through their unique offerings of new goods and services, (✓) entrepreneurs
offer alternative options for the community. (✓)
• Entrepreneurs also invest in community projects and provide financial support to
local charities (✓) and this enables further development in communities. (✓)
• Many entrepreneurs support eco-friendly environments (✓) by making use of
recycled items for bags which they resell to communities. (✓)

TWO marks each (✓✓) for FOUR well-explained responses. (4x2) (8)

● Critically discuss why volunteering is an innovating solution to

counteract unemployment. State TWO aspects.
LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1

Marks should be awarded as follows:

• FOUR marks (✓✓✓✓)each for TWO well-explained responses.
Note to the teachers:
To be awarded the Four full marks, candidate must give a statement ()
elaborate () on the statement qualify () it and give an outcome ( )

Possible answers:
• Volunteering can expose your skills (✓) which gives you experience as
most employers want workers. (✓) This type of experience is of value as it
shows employers that you can manage your time/complete (✓)you
constantly acquire skills that could be transferred to various job situations.
• Volunteering expands your network (✓) as it gives you the chance to meet
new people. (✓) By sharing your career ambitions with other volunteers they
might be able to introduce you to other job opportunities. (✓)In this way you
spend less time searching for a job. (✓)
• When you are considering choosing a career direction or thinking about a
career change volunteering enhances it (✓), volunteering gives you a
chance to explore different occupations and industry sectors. (✓) In this
way, you get to know the people/challenges/rewards involved(✓)
and gain a better understanding of the roles and jobs available. ( ✓)
• Volunteer experience in a specific field or industry may make your CV stand
out (✓) so your resume look impressive (✓) when you're competing for a job
or applying for a job in that field. (✓) It enhances your chances of being
accepted into the same field of work. (✓)
• Volunteering builds your confidence as it helps you to feel active/
useful/productive (✓)doing something while searching for a job. (✓)
Maintaining your confidence is especially important if you have been
unemployed for a while (✓), as you will be motivated to search for a job. (✓)
• Volunteering exposes you to potential workplaces (✓) thus giving you
insights into what the world of work entails(✓) and an opportunity to assess
LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1

whether this will be a suitable work environment. (✓) and knowledge to

potential employers. (✓)

Any TWO relevant responses for FOUR marks each. (✓✓✓✓) (2x4) (8)


Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow.

Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow.

Upon completing your Grade 12 year, you will join either the world of work or
institutions of higher learning where you will meet people from all “walks of life”
for the first time. To start and maintain good relationships with people from
different cultural groups and backgrounds, you should be able to apply
communication skills and conflict management skills.

Source: Unknown

Write paragraphs on Conflict resolution

Use the following as a guideline.

● Define conflict resolution and name THREE strategies that one could
use when dealing with conflict resolution. (1+3) (4)

Marks should be awarded as:

One (✓) mark for a correct definition

Conflict Resolution can be ………

• the informal or formal process that two or more parties use to find a
peaceful solution to their dispute.

LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1

• method or processes involved I facilitating the peaceful ending of

conflict and resolution

Any one of the above for ONE mark (1x1) (1)

Name THREE strategies that one could use when dealing with conflict
• Accommodating. ✓
• Collaborating. ✓
• Compromising. ✓
• Avoiding. ✓
• Competing. ✓

Any THREE of the above response for one mark each (3x1) (3)

● Explain FOUR ways in which your positive attitude can lead to

resolving conflict between your peers and family

Marks should be awarded for any FOUR relevant responses as follows:

• TWO marks each (✓✓) for FOUR well-explained responses.

● Be prepared to listen to the other person’s side of the story until you
understand fully the other side. ( ) This requires you to empathise with other
people and see things from their perspective. ( )
● Clarify what the disagreement is about. ( ) Find out what the root cause of the
problem is. ( )
● Be open and non-judgemental. ( ) This will allow the other person to talk freely
and explain his/her side of the story. ( )
● If somebody has done something that made you angry, if you don’t understand
somebody’s viewpoint, if you don’t understand their actions – ask. ( )
Sometimes there’s a perfectly good reason why that person does what he
does, and a potential conflict evaporates right there. ( )
● Adopt a positive attitude towards work and life on the whole. ( ) Be a little
more flexible and adjust. ( )
● Don’t always be negative. ( ) If you adopt a positive attitude, good things
happen to you, whereas a negative attitude always attracts negative things. ( )
● Always look at the brighter side of life. ( ) There are much better things in life
rather than quarrelling with everyone. ( )
LO Revision Booklet 2024 Grade 12 Term 1

● A positive attitude can avoid disagreements, conflicts ( ) and lead to a happy

and a peaceful life ( )

TWO marks each (✓✓) for FOUR well-explained responses. (4x2) (4)

● Evaluate how TWO conflict management skills that can help you in
sustaining positive relationships with other people.

Marks should be awarded for any TWO relevant responses as follows:

Note: to be awarded the full FOUR marks for the EVALUTION candidates must
give a statement ( ) qualify the statement ( ) give a second statement (
) and qualify the second statement. ( )

● FOUR marks (✓✓✓ ) for TWO well explained response.

● You should share your feelings and be honest in your

communication (✓) because if you acknowledge the feeling of the
other person you’re the relationship will grow ( ) however people
might not believe your honesty ( ) therefore the conflict might not be
resolved ( )
● Effective communication will allow you to stick to the point (✓)and
look for a solution that suits both parties. ( ) however the other
parties can be stubborn which create more conflict. ( ) And bring up
more issues from previous disagreements ( ).
● You should be a good listener ( ) because interrupting or judging
the other person on what they say will let them feel you do not value
them or their point of view ( ) however people tend to listen only to
the one side of the story listening attentively to the other person and
their feelings ( ) to let them feel you value them and their point of
view ( )
● Do not be emotional in your communication ( ) because this might
lead you to overreact ( )however people become emotional the
other person will feel you don’t respect them ( ) and this reaction
lead to people judging you and using sympathy an excuse (✓)

Any TWO relevant responses for FOUR marks each. (✓✓ ✓) (2x4) (8)


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