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(An AutonomousInstituteAffiliatedtoVTU,Belagavi)
UG Semester End Examination Question Paper Template

Course:Power Electronics MaximumMarks:100

Instructions: i).AnsweranyFIVEfullquestions.Questions1and2arecompulsory
ii) Missingdata, ifany,maybesuitablyassumed
iii) Verifythecoursecodebeforeanswering
Q. No. Marks
1 a) Explain the types of converters with the help of its input and output 06
b) Illustrate the dynamic characteristics of IGBT and how turn on turn off time of 08
the device is important in selection of devices.
c) Examine thefiring circuits for triggering SCR and draw its waveforms. 06

Question2is for20marks fromUNITII

2 a) What is commutation? Compare natural and forced commutation. 06
b) Develop an expression for equalizing resistance when SCR’s are connected is 08
series and explain thenecessity of equalizing resistance in series connected
c) For the impulse commutation circuit shown below, Vs = 220 V, C = 20µF and 06
R = 10Ω. Determine the turn-off time (toff) and derive the formula used . Take
initial voltage on capacitor Vc(t) = - Vs.

Question3is for20marksfrom UNITIII

3 a) Explain the effect of freewheeling diode in details. Also, justify the statement 06
Freewheeling diode improves the power factor of the system.
b) Develop an expression for single phase semi converter connected to RL Load 09
c) A single-phase semi converter is operated from 120 V, 50 Hz AC supply. The 05
load resistance is 10Ω. If the average output voltage is 25% of maximum
average voltage, determine
i) Firing angle, ii) RMS and average output current, iii) RMS ad average
thyristor current.

Question4 is for20marksfrom UNITIII
4 a) Explain the principle of operation of phase control techniques . 06
b) Develop an expression for output voltage of full bridge converter connected to 09
RL load and explain the operation .
c) For a three phase half-wave SCR converter delivering continuous output 05
current, derive the expressions for the average output voltage for firing angle
of (i) 0 < α< 30° and (ii) 30° <α < 150°
Question5is for20marksfromUnitIV
5 a) What is a DC chopper? Describe the various types of chopper configurations. 06
b) Develop voltage equations governing the performance of type A-chopper 09
during Ton and Toff periods for an RLE load. Hence obtain the expressions for
the maximum and minimum currents taken by the load.
c) A step-down chopper has a resistive load of 10Ω and input voltage of Vs = 220V, 05
when the converter switch remains ON its voltage drop is 2V and the chopping
frequency f = 1kHz. If the duty cycle is 50% determine
(i) Average output voltage, (ii) RMS output voltage, (iii) Chopper efficiency, (iv)
Effective input resistance of chopper.
Question6is for20marksfromUnitIV
6 a) What is an AC voltage controller? Enumerate its merits and demerits. 06
b) A single-phase AC voltage controller has input voltage of 230V and a load of 09
R=15Ω. For 6 cycles on & 4 cycles off. Determine
(i) RMS output voltage, (ii) input power factor, (iii) average & rms thyristor
c) A single-phase AC voltage controller is connected to RL load. Describe its 05
working when firing angle is more than the load power factor angle. Justify
your answers with waveforms.
Question7is for20marksfromUnitV

7 a) Compare voltage source and current source inverter. 06

b) Illustrate with circuit diagram and waveform, analyze the principle of single- 07
phase bridge inverter under RL load.
c) A single-phase bridge inverter is used to supply a load of10Ω resistance, 24 07
mH inductance from a 360 V d.c. source. If the inverter isoperating at 60 Hz,
determine the steady-state power delivered to the load for
(a) square wave operation
(b) quasi-square wave operation with an on-period of 0.6 of a cycle.
Question8is for20Marks fromUnitV
8 a) Compare 180° and 120° conduction mode of 3 phase transistorised bridge 06
b) Illustrate with circuit diagram and waveform, analyze the operation of three- 07
phase inverter with 120° conduction mode.
c) A three-phase bridge inverter is operated from 200V DC supply in 180°. 07
Determine (i). RMS value of line voltage, (ii). RMS value of fundamental
component of line voltage.


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