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Student A: So tell me. What have you been up to recently?

Student B: Not much. I've played the guitar.

Student A: Really? That is awesome! When did you start?

Student B: I started two months ago. And you? In the last

six months have you played a musical instrument?

Student A: Yeah, I’ve played the piano. I had some lessons

but I didn’t practice very much.

Student B: I see. I've also been to a few concerts recently.

Have you been to any?

Student A: No, I haven't been to any concerts lately. But I've

watched a lot of movies. I've seen three new ones in the
past week.

Student B: Cool! Which ones did you watch?

Student A: I watched a comedy, a drama, and an action

movie. They were all great.

Student B: Sounds like you've had a good time. By the way,

have you ever been to the new café downtown?

Student A: Yes, I've been there a couple of times. The

coffee is amazing! Have you tried it?

Student B: Yes, I have. It was a delicious coffee. We should

go there together sometime.

Student A: Absolutely! Let's plan on it.

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