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ROME reduced Rome to tatters in AD 64 but the

city bounced back and by AD 100 it had a
population of 1.5 million and was the undis-
History puted caput mundi (capital of the world). It
couldn’t last, though, and when Constantine
According to myth, Rome was founded on moved his power base to Byzantium in 330,
the Palatino (Palatine Hill) by Romulus, the Rome’s glory days were numbered. In 455 it
twin brother of Remus. Historians proffer
Rome & L a zio R

was routed by the Vandals and in 476 the

a more prosaic version of events, involving last emperor of the Western Roman Empire,
Romulus becoming the first king of Rome Romulus Augustulus, was deposed.
on 21 April 753 BC and the city comprising
Etruscan, Latin and Sabine settlements on The Middle Ages
the Palatino, Esquiline and Quirinale hills. By the 6th century, Rome was in a bad way
and in desperate need of a leader. Into the
Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire

breach stepped the Church. Christianity had


Following the fall of Tarquin the Proud, the


been spreading since the 1st century AD

last of Rome’s seven Etruscan kings, the

thanks to the underground efforts of apos-

Roman Republic was founded in 509 BC. tles Peter and Paul, and under Constantine
From modest beginnings, it spread to be- it received official recognition. In the late
come the dominant Western superpower 6th century Pope Gregory I did much to
until internal rivalries led to civil war. Julius strengthen the Church’s grip over the city,
Caesar, the last of the Republic’s consuls, laying the foundations for its later role as
was assassinated in 44 BC, leaving Mark An- capital of the Catholic world.
tony and Octavian to fight for the top job. The medieval period was a dark age,
Octavian prevailed and, with the blessing marked by almost continuous fighting. The
of the Senate, became Augustus, the first city was reduced to a semi-deserted battle-
Roman emperor. field as the powerful Colonna and Orsini
Augustus ruled well, and the city enjoyed families battled for supremacy and the be-
a period of political stability and unparal- draggled population trembled in the face of
leled artistic achievement – a golden age plague, famine and flooding (the Tiber regu-
for which the Romans yearned as they en- larly broke its banks).
dured the depravities of Augustus’ succes-
sors Tiberius, Caligula and Nero. A huge fire


Two Days
Get to grips with ancient Rome at the Colosseum (p67), the Roman Forum (p72) and
Palatino (Palatine Hill) (p71). Spend the afternoon exploring the Capitoline Museums
(p75) and Il Vittoriano (p78) before an evening in the centro storico (historic centre).
On day two, hit the Vatican Museums (p112) and Sistine Chapel, and then St Peter’s
Basilica (p105). Afterwards ditch your guidebook and get happily lost in the animated
streets around Piazza Navona (p83) and the Pantheon (p79).

Four Days
On day three, check out the Trevi Fountain (p89), the Spanish Steps (p85) and the
outstanding Museo e Galleria Borghese (p113). At night, head to happening Traste-
vere. Next day, visit the Galleria Doria Pamphilj (p90) or the Museo Nazionale Ro-
mano: Palazzo Massimo alle Terme (p93) before exploring the Jewish Ghetto and
bijou backstreets such as Via del Governo Vecchio and Via dei Coronari. Round the day
off in the boho Monti district.

A Week
Venture out to Via Appia Antica (p99), home of the catacombs, and take a day trip,
choosing between Ostia Antica (p151) or the Etruscan treasures of Cerveteri (p154) or
Tarquinia (p154).

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