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Creating Surface Graphics

I wanted to add elegant swirl patterns onto some parts of my packaging, inlaid with
decorative borders around the edges of the box. I took these ideas & inspiration from antique
jewellery boxes. I chose this as my packaging theme as it holds significance to Marie
Antionette since she is well known for her extravagant jewellery collection which is a part of
her identity.
To create the swirly patterns, I used the curvature pen tool on Photoshop to pinpoint where
the outlines should be. I began drawing small segments of swirls then duplicated them into
separate layers & merged them to create my ideal pattern. This is a great advantage if I want
to create multiple styles of swirl patterns so I made 3 different versions of ornamental designs
I could choose from.
I believe using the curvature tool was the best option for me at that time as it anchors curves
more accurately to your liking & you have complete control over how you want your outlines
to look.

The Text
I decided I wanted to continue using Photoshop to create the text that is part of my logo. I
experimented with adjusting the bevel, emboss & stroke to add dimension to the typeface,
helping it stand out. I went forward & used pink as my colour choice since it compliments
well with the theme & flavour. In the end, I attempted to produce 5 versions with different
calligraphy-styled fonts.
I picked the 4th version as the final since the design of the font is both refined & playful
which fits with the confectionary aspect & the rococo theme.

The Illustration
I photocopied the outline of Marie Antionette & uploaded it onto Photoshop. After realizing
that the neck and bow ties would obstruct the text at the bottom, I removed them with an
eraser tool. Next, I used a paint bucket tool to fill in the white spaces with vibrant pastel
colours. I added subtle details to Marie’s makeup such as blush & eyeshadow using a
paintbrush tool to enhance her visual appearance & add personality.
This is a great option considering that each layer of solid colour can be changed to my liking
& it’s more convenient than hand painting without worrying about mistakes & it’s time

Logo Evaluation
I used different techniques & elements to finalize the design of my logo. I digitized the
outline of Marie Antoinette's illustration & I paid attention to detail such as removing any
obstructive details like the neck & bow ties, making sure it's harmonious with the text
included at the bottom. The use of paint bucket & paintbrush tools helped me become more
efficient in the design process. I also experimented with various effects such as bevel,
emboss, & stroke adjustment for the text component that is part of the logo. I chose pink as
the primary colour for the text, as it aligns well with confectionary themes & fits the flavour
profile. The chosen font also resonates with the brand's whimsical personality & the elegance
of the rococo theme. Overall, I have created a logo that captures every part of my brand's
personality & identity as well as Marie's Antoinette's character of charm, glamour &

Final Evaluation
After creating my logo, I took a step back to think about what other elements would help
contribute to the final packaging design of my confectionary product I found inspiration from
antique jewellery boxes & how some of them have elegant borders & swirls. This theme
holds significance to Marie Antoinette, linking back to her extravagant jewellery collection
adding to the brand's personality.

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