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Make questions to given answers with to be

No, they aren’t. They aren’t my neighbors.
My teacher is very happy because we work hard.
The train is at 7.00 pm.
Yes, I’m. I’m his mother.
My uncle is a really nice and generous person. I like him a lot.
The dog is in the garden with my brother.
She is tall and slim. She is very attractive.
5. Prepositions of place
6. Vocabulary exercises
a. Houses
a house that has one side attached to another house____________
a place where you wash the dishes or fruit in the kitchen ____________
a one-store house without basement or attic ____________
a standalone house for one family _______________
one of a row of similar houses joined together by their side walls. _______________
many houses next to another usually facing the road _______________
space behind the house _______________
a place in the house that comes under the roof ____________
room below the level of the ground____________

a room for laundry and ironing ____________

a room where you have your meals____________

a room where the whole family gathers to have fun ____________
large area with grass in somebody’s garden ____________
a room where you cook meals____________
(home objects)
an table next to the bed you usually put a lamp on ____________
a small rug in the bathroom ____________
an object in the bathroom that you use to wash your hands and face in ____________
a small table in the living room ____________
a machine that washes the dishes knifes and forks ____________
place that you put keep your clothes ____________
a chair by the bar ____________
b. Personality
My sister puts everything in its place. She is very t______.

My sister Marisa is s_____. I'm the opposite. I'm very outgoing.

Pavel always listens to his parents and teachers. He is very o______

Our friend’s desk is always messy. She is really u_____

He never admits he’s made a mistake. He is s__________

She always shows off with her new clothes. She is b__________

She always tells the truth. She is h __________. They always study a lot they are h__________

We don’t like cleaning out room. Mum says we are l______

She tells the best jokes. She is really f______

Zoe was j_______of Linda. She was much prettier than Zoe, and more intelligent, too.

Karen rarely gets angry with people. She’s usually f________and understanding.

The teacher felt very p______when all her students passed the exam.

My friend Rainia is very c_________. She is good at learning things.

My neighbour is a good person. She has been very p_____ to me, but her husband is the opposite, he is
very r____


lazy - jealous - selfish - funny - generous - mean

1. He always wants to know where his girlfriend is going. He's a bit I think.

2. Sheila didn't want to give me 50 cents for the bus this morning. She's so !

5. I collected money for an animal charity last week and so many people gave money. We raised
nearly $1000!

6. Tim, leave your sister's cake alone. You're so !

7. My dad is very , always telling jokes and laughing.

8. Get up, it's nearly eleven o'clock you boy!

She is not old. She is pretty ____. She has got an ________(round/oval/square) face. She has
got ______(big/small) and _______(blue/black/brown/green) eyes. She has got ____
(long/short/shoulder length), ______ (curly, wavy, straight) hair.

7. Translate the following sentences on English

1. Таткото на мојата баба e мој прадедо

2. Внукот на мојот татко е мој братучед
3. Сестрата на мајка ми ми е тетка, а нејзиниот сопруг ми е тетин

4. Роднините на мојата сопруга се мои сватови

5. Моето потесно семејство заедно со баба и дедо се вика пошироко семејство
6, Ќерката на баба ми ми е мајка
7, Сестрата на татко ми ми е тетка
8, Брат ми е брат или сестра (sibling)
9, Синот на мајка ми е мој брат
10, Внук на мајка ми е мој братучед

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