Useful Phrases - Speaking

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Useful phrases

Giving an opinion
In my opinion…
From my point of view…
As far as I’m concerned…
As far as I know…
As I see it, ….
I consider…
I think…. I suppose… I presume…. I would say that….

I think so too.
I agree…. I totally / absolutely / completely agree….
Indeed. Certainly. Sure. Exactly. That’s right.
True. Very true…
I partially agree with you on…
I agree with you to a certain extent ….. (point)..
That’s a good point. I take your point, but….
I couldn’t agree more…. With sb on sth
There you go!! Now you’re talking!!!
OK, we are agreed.
We have agreed on the solutions to the problem
That makes sense..!

I disagree (with you)
Absolutely not!
I couldn’t disagree with you more.
I don’t feel the same as you……….. I don’t see it they way you do…
I can’t see it. There is no point in……
It makes no sense
No way! Never!
Making things fluent / connecting things
Let’s move on to point 2
Moving on to point 2….
Let’s go on to talk about the second point.
Let’s not get into that now. I’ll get into that in a moment….
Let’s keep that for later let’s talk about that later.
As she said before….
As she pointed out, ….. As I pointed out before….
Bring up
As she brought up before…
Who brought it up? You brought it up.
We should bring this topic up. We should touch upon this topic.

Hold on
Wait a second
She came up with a good idea.

Break down
I’m going to break down for you all the stages in the process….

Real interaction >>>>> Use your auxiliaries !!!

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