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United Nations Organization (UNO)

• After the World War II, UNO was established

• President Roosevelt, President of USA gave a
proposal to establish UN
• The UNO was established on 24 October, 1945
• Later on its name was changed to U. N. and
the word organization was dropped.
Purpose and Principles of United Nations

1.The United States will make all efforts to

maintain international peace and security
2.The each member will fulfill its obligations,
under the Charter in good faith
3.All members shall give the United Nations
every assistance in any action it takes in
accordance with the charter and shall refrain
from helping any preventive or enforcement
4. All members will settle disputes by peaceful
means in such a manner that peace, security
and justice are not jeopardized
5. The sovereign equality of all its members
6. No member shall use force or threat against
the territory or the independence of any
State in any manner not consistent with the
purpose of the United Nations
7. The United Nations will ensure that State
which are not members of the organization,
should act according to the principles; and
8. The United Nations shall not intervene in
matters which are essentially within the
domestic jurisdiction of any State or compel
any Member-State to submit such matters to
settlement under the Charter.
1. The original number of members of the U. N.
was fifty one.
2. Membership is “open to all peace-loving
3. Members must accept the obligations
contained in the present Charter and be able
and willing to carry out the obligations of
• New members are admitted by a two thirds
vote of the General Assembly upon the
recommendation of the Security Council
where any of the ‘Big Five’ can exercise its
veto power.
Organs of the United States
1. General Assembly
2. Security Council
3. Social and Economic Council
4. Trusteeship Council
5. International Court of Justice
6. Secretariat
The General Assembly
• General assembly is the major organ of the
United Nations
• All of the members of the United Nations
comprise the general assembly
• It discusses the matters which come under the
purview of the United Nations Charter.
• The General Assembly meets regularly once a
year usually in September.
The general Assembly discusses the following
1. To promote the continuous development of
the International Co-operation, International
Law and its Codification.
2. To promote the continuous co-operation in
the social, cultural, educational fields and to
help in ensuring the fundamental rights and
basic freedom to all, irrespective of caste,
creed, religion, language and sex.
3. The General assembly will discuss the report
of the activities of the Security Council and all
other organs of the United Nations.
4. The General Assembly will discuss the budget
of the United Nations and recommend it.
5. The General Assembly will see it that all the
member-states will share the financial
burden as decided by the General Assembly.
The important questions shall be decided by
two-thirds majority
1. The maintenance of international peace and
2. The election of non-permanent members of
the Security Council
3. The election of the members of the Economic
and Social Council
4. The election of members of the Trusteeship
5. The admission of new members of the United
6. Suspension of the rights and privileges of
7. Questions relating to the operation of the
Trusteeship System.
8. Expulsion of members; and
9. The budgetary question
Security Council
• Security Council is the chief organ and hence
is the most important body of the United
• The Security Council has a fixed membership
of fifteen
– Five are permanent members representing the big
five powers (The United states, the republic of
Russia, Great Britain, France and Communist
– Ten not-permanent members are elected by the
General Assembly for two year terms.
• Previously, the Security Council had only six
non-permanent members upto 31 December
• For the agenda of procedural matters the
consent of the nine member-states out of
fifteen is necessary.
• For other matters the consent of the big five
powers is required.
• Every member-state has one vote.
• A non-permanent member-state which retires
after the term of two years cannot contest the
election immediately after its retirement.
• Every member-state always has its permanent
representative at the headquarters of the
United Nations.
• The president of Security Council changes
every month according to alphabetical order.
Discussed Area
1. It request the nations to settle their dispute
by correspondence or by negotiations.
2. If this procedure fails, it gives suggestions to
the disputing nations to resolve the dispute
with the help of the International Court of
Justice, Tribunals or mediators.
3. The Security Council may decide what
measures not involving the use of armed
forces, are to be employed to give effect to
its decisions.
4. Should the Security Council consider that
measures provided in Article 41 would be
inadequate or have proved inadequate, it
may take such action by air, sea or land
1. To consider and take such action as may be
necessary to facilitate the pacific settlement
of international disputes,
2. To deal with threats to the peace, breaches
of the peace and act of aggression, including
enforcement measures and supervision of
military action by the United Nations.
3. To recommend to the General Assembly
admission of States for membership of the
United Nations.
4. To recommend expulsion of states for
violation of the Charter or restoration of
5. To formulate plans for regulation of
6. The review the administration of strategic
trusteeship territories.
7. To participate with the General Assembly in
the election of Judges to the International
Court of Justice.
8. To make recommendations or decide upon
measures to be taken to give effect to
judgment of the International Court of Justice
in the event of a party fails to perform its
obligations hereunder.
9. To recommend to the General Assembly the
person to be appointed as Secretary General
of the United Nations.
10.To participate in deciding whether a
conference to revise the Charter should be

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