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[10133387] <lvl=easy><part=core><type=sq><cur=phy><mark=4><bk=E2><ch=02>

The figure below shows some energy levels of a hydrogen atom. When a
hydrogen atom drops from the fourth excited state (n = 5) to a lower energy state
(n = k), a photon of wavelength 1.3  106 m is emitted.
state energy / eV
n=5 0.54
n=4 0.85
n=3 1.5

n=2 3.4

n=1 13.6

(a) Find the energy, in eV, of the emitted photon. (3 marks)

(b) Hence find k. (1 mark)
-- ans --

Solutions Marks

(a) Energy of the emitted photon = hf = 1M

= 1.53  1019 J 1M

= 0.956 eV 1A
(b) 0.956 eV  0.54  (1.5) (i.e. E5  E3)
k=3 1A
-- ans end --
[10133499] <lvl=avg><part=core><type=sq><cur=phy><mark=7><bk=E2><ch=02>
 The figure below shows some energy levels of a hydrogen atom.
state energy / eV
E4 0.85
E3 1.5

E2 3.4

E1 13.6

(a) Explain whether a hydrogen atom in the ground state can be excited in the
following situations.
(i) A photon of energy 11 eV is incident on the atom.
(ii) Two photons each of energy 5.1 eV are incident on the atom one after
(iii) An electron of energy 11 eV is incident on the atom.
(6 marks)
(b) For the case(s) in which the atom can be excited, describe what happens to
the incident particle(s) after exciting the atom. (1 mark)
-- ans --
Solutions Marks
(a) (i) The hydrogen atom will not be excited. 1A
The energy of the photon does not match the differences between
ground state of hydrogen and other energy levels. 1A
(ii) The hydrogen atom will not be excited. 1A
The energy of each photon does not match the differences
between ground state of hydrogen and other energy levels. 1A
(iii) The hydrogen atom will be excited. 1A
The energy of the electron is larger than the energy required to
raise the atom to E2. 1A
(b) In (a)(iii), the electron will lose some energy in the collision and then
travel with a lower kinetic energy (0.8 eV). 1A
-- ans end --
[10133526] <lvl=avg><part=core><type=sq><cur=phy><mark=5><bk=E2><ch=02>
 (a) Find the energy of the photon released when the electron in a hydrogen atom
drops from the 1st excited state to the ground state. Give your answer in
joules. (2 marks)
(b) Show that visible light must not be emitted when the electron in a hydrogen
atom drops from an excited state to the ground state in one transition. Given:
the wavelength of visible light ranges from 400 nm to 700 nm. (3 marks)
-- ans --

Solutions Marks

(a) Energy of photon = E2  E1 =  (13.6) = 10.2 eV 1M

= 10.2  1.60  1019

= 1.63  1018 J 1A

(b) By E = hf = ,

wavelength of light emitted in (a) = 1M

= 1.22  107 m = 122 nm 1A

Since the energy in (a) is the minimum energy released when the
electron drops from an excited state to the ground state, the
obtained is the longest wavelength of light released. 1A
Therefore, visible light, whose wavelengths are longer than 122 nm,
must not be emitted.
-- ans end --
[10133538] <lvl=avg><part=core><type=sq><cur=phy><mark=5><bk=E2><ch=02>

Fig a
Light from a filament lamp is viewed through a plane transmission grating. A
transparent container filled with iodine vapour is placed between the lamp and the
grating (Fig a). As a result, a spectrum is observed. A sketch of the spectrum is
shown in Figure b.

Fig b

Fig c
(a) Describe the spectrum observed. (2 marks)
(b) Explain how the spectrum is formed according to Bohr’s model. (2 marks)
(c) Figure c shows the sketch of another spectrum observed when light passing
through a mixture of gases is viewed. Could iodine be a constituent of the
mixture? (1 mark)
-- ans --

Solutions Marks
(a) The spectrum observed is a continuous (visible) spectrum 1A
with a number of dark lines on it. 1A
(b) When light of continuous wavelength is sent through the iodine
vapour, some light of wavelengths corresponding to the differences
between energy levels are absorbed. 1A
Light of these wavelengths has a much smaller intensity passing
through the vapour and appears as dark lines in the spectrum. 1A
(c) Yes 1A
-- ans end --
[10133800] <lvl=easy><part=core><type=sq><cur=phy><mark=4><bk=E2><ch=02>
(a) Show that the energy of a photon E and its momentum p are related by E =
pc, where c is the speed of light in a vacuum. (2 marks)
(b) The energy of a photon is 5 eV. Find its momentum. (2 marks)
-- ans --

Solutions Marks

(a) By E = hf, p = and c = f,

E = hf 1M
= (p)  f 1M
= p  (f)
= pc

(b) Momentum p = = 1M

= 2.67  1027 kg m s1 1A

-- ans end --

[10133826] <lvl=dif><part=core><type=sq><cur=phy><mark=5><bk=E2><ch=02>
 The figure shows the lowest five energy levels of a hydrogen atom.
energy level energy / eV
n=5 0.54
n=4 0.85
n=3 1.5

n=2 3.4

n=1 13.6

After a large number of electrons of kinetic energy 13 eV are sent through some
hydrogen gas, the gas emits EM waves of some discrete wavelengths. Find the
shortest and longest wavelengths of the emitted waves. Draw arrows in the figure
to represent the electron transitions for producing these two wavelengths.
(5 marks)
-- ans --

Solutions Marks
energy level energy / eV
n=5 0.54
n=4 0.85
n=3 1.5

n=2 3.4

n=1 13.6

The shortest wavelength is produced by the electron transition from

quantum number n =4 to n = 1.
(Arrow from n = 4 to n = 1) 1A
The longest wavelength is produced by the electron transition from quantum
number n = 4 to n = 3.
(Arrow from n = 4 to n = 3) 1A

Apply = . 1M

Shortest wavelength =

= 9.75  108 m 1A

Longest wavelength =

= 1.88  106 m 1A
-- ans end --
[10133887] <lvl=easy><part=core><type=sq><cur=phy><mark=6><bk=E2><ch=02>
In Bohr’s model of the hydrogen atom, an electron can only occupy certain
discrete orbits with quantized radii. The radii of the first and the second orbits are
5.29  1011 m and 2.12  1011 m respectively.
(a) State two other quantities in the model which are quantized. (2 marks)
(b) Find the values of the two quantities stated in (a) when the electron is in the
first and the second orbits. (4 marks)
-- ans --

Solutions Marks
(a) Angular momentum of the electron and 1A
total energy possessed by the electron 1A
(b) Angular momentum for the first orbit

= = = 1.06  1034 kg m2 s1 1A

Angular momentum for the second orbit

= =2 = 2.11  1034 kg m2 s1 1A

Total energy for the first orbit = 13.6 eV 1A

Total energy for the second orbit = = 3.4 eV 1A

-- ans end --

[10134135] <lvl=easy><part=core><type=sq><cur=phy><mark=4><bk=E2><ch=02>
A hydrogen atom is in the ground state. The electron in the atom has an angular
momentum L and the radius of the electron’s orbit is r. The atom then absorbs a
photon of wavelength 97.5 nm and is excited to the state with quantum number
n = k.
(a) Find k. (2 marks)
(b) Find
(i) the angular momentum of the electron in terms of L,
(ii) the radius of the electron’s orbit in terms of r.
(2 marks)
-- ans --

Solutions Marks

(a) By = , 1M

k= = =
(b) (i) Angular momentum of the electron = 4L 1A
(ii) Radius of the electron’s orbit = 42  r
= 16r 1A
-- ans end --

[10134298] <lvl=easy><part=core><type=sq><cur=phy><mark=5><bk=E2><ch=02>
A free electron moving at speed v collides with a hydrogen atom which is initially
in the first excited state (n = 2). The atom is then further excited to the fourth
excited state (n = 5).
(a) Find the minimum value of v. (3 marks)
(b) The atom emits a photon and returns to the ground state. Find the wavelength
of the photon. (2 marks)
-- ans --

Solutions Marks
(a) For minimum value of v,
KE of electron = energy absorbed by atom

= E5  E2 1M


= 1M

= 1.00  106 m s1 1A

The minimum value of v is 1.00  106 m s1.

(b) By = , 1M


= 9.52  108 m 1A
The wavelength of the photon is 9.52  108 m.
-- ans end --

[10134391] <lvl=easy><part=core><type=sq><cur=phy><mark=5><bk=E2><ch=02>
The figure below shows a hydrogen discharge tube. A d.c. voltage is applied
across the tube to accelerate free electrons to high speeds. When these electrons
collide with hydrogen atoms in the tube, the atoms may be ionized.
d.c. voltage
+ 

hydrogen gas

(a) Find the minimum speed of an electron that can ionize a hydrogen atom in
the ground state. (2 marks)
(b) Suppose electrons at the cathode are accelerated from rest. Estimate the
minimum voltage between the electrodes to cause ionization of hydrogen
atoms in the ground state. State an assumption for you calculation. (3 marks)
-- ans --
Solutions Marks
(a) For minimum speed,
KE of electron = ionization energy of atom

= E1 1M


= 2.19  106 m s1 1A

The minimum speed of electron is 2.19  106 m s1.
(b) Assume that the electrons do not lose any energy when they travel
along the tube. 1A
For an electron accelerated by minimum voltage,
loss in electric potential energy = gain in kinetic energy
= ionization energy of atom
eV = E1 1M
= (13.6) eV
V = 13.6 V 1A
The minimum voltage is 13.6 V.
-- ans end --

[10134722] <lvl=easy><part=core><type=sq><cur=phy><mark=4><bk=E2><ch=02>
The de Broglie wavelength of a moving electron is comparable to that of visible
light (550 nm).
(a) Estimate the momentum of the electron. (2 marks)
(b) Estimate the speed of the electron. (2 marks)
-- ans --

Solutions Marks

(a) p = 1M

= 1.205  1027 kg m s1

 1.21  1027 kg m s1 1A
The momentum of the electron is 1.21  1027 kg m s1.
(b) By p = mv, 1M

v= = = 1320 m s1 1A

The speed of the electron is 1320 m s1.

-- ans end --
[10134850] <lvl=avg><part=core><type=sq><cur=phy><mark=7><bk=E2><ch=02>
 A hydrogen atom in the ground state (n = 1) is excited to the second excited state
(n = 3) by absorbing a photon.
(a) Find the frequency of the photon absorbed. (3 marks)
(b) The excited hydrogen atom then emits two photons one by one and returns to
the ground state. Find the wavelengths of the two photons. (4 marks)
-- ans --

Solutions Marks
(a) By hf = E3  E1, 1M


= 1M

= 2.92  1015 Hz 1A
The frequency of the photon is 2.92  1015 Hz.
(b) The atom goes from the second excited state (n = 3) to the first
excited state (n = 2), and then goes from the first excited state (n = 2)
to the ground state (n = 1). 1M

By = ,

= 1M

For a = 3, b = 2,

wavelength of photon =

= 6.58  107 m 1A
For a = 2, b = 1,

wavelength of photon =

= 1.22  107 m 1A
-- ans end --
[10134949] <lvl=avg><part=core><type=sq><cur=phy><mark=4><bk=E2><ch=02>
 A helium atom and an electron travel at the same speed. The de Broglie
wavelength of the electron is 25 nm.
(a) Find the speed of the electron. (2 marks)
(b) The mass of a helium atom is about 7300 times of the mass of an electron.
Find the de Broglie wavelength of the helium atom. (2 marks)
-- ans --

Solutions Marks

(a) By  = , 1M

v= = = 2.91  104 m s1 1A

The speed of the electron is 2.91  104 m s1.

(b) From  = , we see that  

= 1M

1 =  2

=  25  109

= 3.42  1012 m 1A
The de Broglie wavelength of the helium atom is 3.42  1012 m.
-- ans end --

[10134989] <lvl=avg><part=core><type=sq><cur=phy><mark=5><bk=E2><ch=02>
 The figure below shows the intensity trace of part of the spectrum of the star
HD 21619. The spectral lines are due to excited hydrogen atoms.
(a) Determine whether it is an emission spectrum or an absorption spectrum.
(1 mark)
(b) Explain the formation of the troughs in the trace with Bohr’s model.
(4 marks)
-- ans --

Solutions Marks
(a) Absorption spectrum 1A
(b) An electron in the ground state can be excited to a higher energy level 1A
if it absorbs a photon which has exactly any of the excitation energies
required. 1A
When light of continuous wavelength is sent through hydrogen gas,
some photons of wavelengths corresponding to the differences
between energy levels are absorbed. 1A
Light of these wavelengths has a much smaller intensity passing
through the gas and appears as troughs in the trace. 1A
-- ans end --

[10135315] <lvl=avg><part=core><type=sq><cur=phy><mark=5><bk=E2><ch=02>
 When a parallel electron beam passes through a thin film of metal, a pattern is
observed on a fluorescent screen as shown below.

(Courtesy of Oysteinp, Wikipedia)

(a) What does the pattern suggest about the nature of electrons? (1 mark)
(b) With the nature stated in (a), show that the electron in a hydrogen atom could
only occupy certain discrete orbits with quantized angular momentum given

by mevrn = . (4 marks)
-- ans --

Solutions Marks
(a) It suggests that electrons demonstrate wave-like nature. 1A
(b) With wave-like nature, an electron has a de Broglie wavelength given

by  = . 1A

In a hydrogen atom, an orbit of electron is allowed only when the

electron, as a wave, can form stationary wave in the orbit, 1A
i.e. n = 2rn. 1A

From the two formulae above, =  mevrn = 1A

-- ans end --

[10135442] <lvl=dif><part=core><type=sq><cur=phy><mark=9><bk=E2><ch=02>
 The figure below shows some of the energy levels of a certain atom.

A free electron moving at speed v collides with the atom in the ground state. The
atom is excited and an electron in the atom jumps from the ground state to energy
level C.
(a) Find the minimum value of v. (2 marks)
(b) The excited atom emits light and returns to the ground state.
(i) In the figure, use an arrow to indicate each possible electron transition
that helps bring the atom back to the ground state. (3 marks)
(ii) Find the wavelength of photon emitted in each possible transition in (b)
(i). (4 marks)
-- ans --

Solutions Marks
(a) For minimum value of v,
KE of electron = excitation energy of atom

= EC  EA 1M


= 1.12  106 m s1 1A

(b) (i)

(Correct arrows) 3  1A

(ii) By hf = En  Em and f = ,  = 1M

For transition from C to A,

= = 3.50  107 m 1A

For transition from C to B,

= = 1.00  106 m 1A

For transition from B to A,

= = 5.38  107 m 1A
-- ans end --
[10135607] <lvl=dif><part=core><type=sq><cur=phy><mark=7><bk=E2><ch=02>
 A light source emits light of continuous wavelength ranging from 75 nm to
100 nm. The light passes through some hydrogen gas at a low temperature.
(a) Find the maximum wavelength of a photon that can cause ionization of a
hydrogen atom in the ground state. Express the answer in nm. (2 marks)
(b) What happens to a hydrogen atom in the ground state if a photon of
(i) the shortest,
(ii) the longest
wavelength emitted from the light source hits it. Justify your answer.
(5 marks)
-- ans --

Solutions Marks
(a) For maximum wavelength ,
energy of photon = ionization energy of atom

= E1 1M


= 9.14  108 m
= 91.4 nm 1A
(b) (i) The wavelength of the photon (75 nm) is shorter than 91.4 nm, so
the photon has high enough energy 1A
to cause ionization of the hydrogen atom in the ground state. 1A
(ii) The wavelength of the photon (100 nm) is longer than 91.4 nm,
so ionization will not occur. 1A

By = ,

= = = 0.914

 n = 3.41 1A
The value is not close to an integer, so excitation will not occur. 1A
-- ans end --
[10135608] <lvl=avg><part=core><type=sq><cur=phy><mark=6><bk=E2><ch=02>
 Describe how the idea of discrete energy levels of atom explains the emission
spectrum of hydrogen atoms and why earlier theory fails to explain that.
(6 marks)
-- ans --

Solutions Marks
The emission spectrum of hydrogen atoms consists of discrete bright lines. 1A
According to the idea of discrete energy levels of atom, an electron emits
photon only when it jumps from one energy level to the other. 1A
The energy E of the emitted photon is equal to the energy difference
between energy levels. 1A

The frequency of photon is given by and therefore has some discrete

values only. 1A
These discrete values of frequency agree with the discrete bright lines in the
emission spectrum.
The earlier theory suggests that an electron in a hydrogen atom emits
electromagnetic waves of frequency equal to the revolving frequency of the
electron, 1A
which can take a continuous range of values. If this was true, the spectrum
would be a continuous one instead of discrete bright lines. 1A
-- ans end --

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