Nucleus: Solutions Marks

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[10135798] <lvl=avg><part=core><type=lq><cur=phy><mark=10><bk=E2><ch=02>

 (a) The following terms are used to describe an atom in Bohr’s model. State
their meanings.
(i) Ground state
(ii) Excitation energy
(3 marks)
(b) The first four orbits of a hydrogen atom are shown below.




Assume some hydrogen atoms are excited due to the electron transition as
indicated by the arrow in the figure.
(i) Find the excitation energy (in eV) for this transition. (2 marks)
(ii) Electromagnetic waves of different wavelengths are emitted when the
excited hydrogen atoms return to the ground state. Find the longest
wavelength of the emitted waves. Draw an arrow in the figure to
represent the transition for producing this wavelength. (3 marks)
(c) How is the emission of EM waves by atoms in Bohr’s model different from
the prediction by Rutherford’s model? State two differences. (2 marks)
-- ans --

Solutions Marks
(a) (i) The ground state refers to the energy state of an atom in which the
electron has the lowest permitted energy. 1A
(ii) The excitation energy is the right amount of energy absorbed by
the electron in an atom 1A
to raise the electron from the ground state to the excited state. 1A

(b) (i) Excitation energy = E4  E1 =  (13.6) 1M

= 12.75 eV 1A

EM waves of the longest wavelength are emitted when the

in a hydrogen atom drops from quantum number n = 4 to n = 3.

By = , 1M


= 1.88  106 m 1A
The longest wavelength is 1.88  106 m.
(Arrow drawn from n = 4 to n = 3) 1A
(c) EM waves are predicted to be emitted continuously by Rutherford’s
model. In Bohr’s model, EM waves are emitted only when the electron
in an atom jumps from one orbit to another (with a decrease in energy). 1A
The EM waves emitted are predicted to have a continuous range of
frequencies by Rutherford’s model. In Bohr’s model, only EM waves of
some discrete frequencies are emitted. 1A
-- ans end --
[10135835] <lvl=avg><part=core><type=lq><cur=phy><mark=11><bk=E2><ch=02>
 (a) An electron beam is directed onto a thin metal foil. The pattern shown below
is produced on the film behind the foil.

(Courtesy of Lambda Scientific Systems, Inc.)

Explain how this pattern is formed. (3 marks)
(b) A hydrogen atom is in the ground state.
(i) Find the energy needed to ionize this atom. Express your answer in
joules. (2 marks)
(ii) Determine whether an electron of de Broglie wavelength 5.5  108 m
can excite this atom. Show your calculation. (3 marks)
(iii) Determine whether a photon of wavelength 5.5  108 m can excite this
atom. Show your calculation. (3 marks)
-- ans --

Solutions Marks
(a) Electrons exhibit a wave-like nature. 1A
The atomic spacing is comparable to the de Broglie wavelength of the
electrons. 1A
The electrons are diffracted when passing the foil and produce a 1A
diffraction pattern.
(b) (i) Energy needed = 13.6 eV 1A
= 13.6  1.60  1019
= 2.18  1018 J 1A
(ii) By  = and KE = ,

KE = = = 1M

= 7.98  1023 J  2.18  1018 J 1A

The electron cannot ionize the atom. 1A

(iii) Apply E = hf = h  = . 1M

Energy of photon =

= 3.62  1018 J  2.18  1018 J 1A

The photon can ionize the atom. 1A
-- ans end --
[10135866] <lvl=avg><part=core><type=lq><cur=phy><mark=11><bk=E2><ch=02>
 The figure below shows the lowest four energy levels of a hydrogen atom.
energy level energy / eV
n=4 0.85
n=3 1.5

n=2 3.4

n=1 13.6

EM waves of wavelengths 97.5 nm and 100 nm are sent through some hydrogen
atoms in ground state.
(a) Find the energy of a photon of wavelengths 97.5 nm and 100 nm
respectively. Give your answers in eV and correct 2 decimal places. (4 marks)
(b) How do the intensities of the EM waves of wavelengths 97.5 nm and 100 nm
change after the waves passing through the atoms? (2 marks)
(c) EM waves of various wavelengths are then found to be emitted by the atoms.
(i) Explain why this happens. (2 marks)
(ii) Find the wavelengths of two of the emitted EM waves. (3 marks)
-- ans --

Solutions Marks

(a) Apply E = hf = h  = . 1M

Energy of a photon of wavelength 97.5 nm

= 2.04  1018 J 0.5A

= 12.75 eV 1A
Energy of a photon of wavelength 100 nm

= 1.989  1018 J 0.5A

= 12.43 eV 1A
(b) The intensity of EM waves of wavelength 97.5 nm drops 1A
while that of wavelength 100 nm remains unchanged. 1A
(c) (i) Some hydrogen atoms are excited by EM waves of wavelength
97.5 nm to a higher energy state (the third excited state). 1A
When the atoms return to the ground state through different
intermediate states, they emit EM waves of various wavelengths. 1A
(ii) EM waves of wavelength 97.5 nm are emitted. 1A
Consider the EM waves emitted when a hydrogen atom drops
from quantum number n = 4 to n = 3.

By = , 1M


= 1.88  106 m 1A
EM waves of wavelength 1.88  106 m are also emitted.
(Accept the following answers:
4.88  107 m [from n = 4 to n = 2]
1.03  107 m [from n = 3 to n = 1]
6.58  107 m [from n = 3 to n = 2]
1.22  107 m [from n = 2 to n = 1])
-- ans end --
[10135912] <lvl=avg><part=core><type=lq><cur=phy><mark=10><bk=E2><ch=02>
 The figure below shows the lowest four energy levels of a certain atom.

A free electron moving at 1.5  106 m s1 collides with the atom in the ground
(a) What is the highest energy level (B, C or D) that the atom can be excited to
after colliding with the electron? Show your calculation. (5 marks)
(b) After the free electron excites the atom to the energy level in (a), what does
its speed become? Assume that the change in kinetic energy of the atom is
negligible. (2 marks)
(c) The atom in the energy level in (a) emits a photon and returns to the ground
state. Find the wavelength of the photon. (3 marks)
-- ans --

Solutions Marks
(a) Initial kinetic energy of the free electron

= 1A

= 1.0249  1018 J
 1.02  1018 J 1A
Excitation energy from level A to B
= [0.88 (1.66)]  1018 = 0.78  1018 J  1.02  1018 J 1A
Excitation energy from level A to C
= [0.43 (1.66)]  1018 = 1.23  1018 J  1.02  1018 J 1A
The highest energy level that the atom can be excited to is B. 1A
(b) KE after collision = KE before collision  excitation energy

= 1.0249  1018  0.78  1018 1M

v = 7.33  105 m s1 1A

The speed of the electron becomes 7.33  105 m s1.

(c) By hf = EB  EA and f = , 2M

= = = 2.55  107 m 1A

The wavelength of the photon is 2.55  107 m.

-- ans end --

[10136045] <lvl=avg><part=core><type=lq><cur=phy><mark=10><bk=E2><ch=02>
 (a) Describe one ‘classical’ and one ‘quantum’ aspect in Bohr’s model of the
hydrogen atom. (2 marks)
(b) Distinguish excitation and ionization energy of an atom. (2 marks)
(c) The figure below shows an emission line spectrum of hydrogen. Spectral line
X is produced by the electron transition from quantum number n = 4 to n = 2.

(i) Explain the emission spectrum with Bohr’s model. (4 marks)

(ii) Find the wavelength of spectral line X. Express your answer in nm.
(2 marks)
-- ans --

Solutions Marks
(a) The classical aspect is that the electron is considered to be a particle. 1A
The quantum aspect is that the electron can occupy certain discrete
orbits only. 1A
(Or other reasonable answer)
(b) The excitation energy is the right amount of energy absorbed to raise
the electron in the atom from the ground state to the excited state. 1A
The ionization energy is the energy just sufficient to remove the
electron from the atom in a certain state. 1A
(c) (i) In the Bohr’s model, when an electron in a higher energy level
dropped to a lower energy level, 1A
the energy difference between the two levels would be emitted as
a photon. 1A
According to E = hf, 1A
since the energy levels are quantized, the energy difference
between energy levels and hence the frequency of photons
emitted have some discrete values only. 1A
The spectral lines in the spectrum correspond to these discrete
values of frequency.

(ii) By = , 1M


= 4.88  107 m
= 488 nm 1A
The wavelength of spectral line X is 488 nm.
-- ans end --
[10136126] <lvl=avg><part=core><type=lq><cur=phy><mark=10><bk=E2><ch=02>
 A free electron moving at 2.0  106 m s1 collides with a hydrogen atom in the
ground state.
(a) What is the highest energy state that the hydrogen atom can be excited to
after colliding with the electron? Show your calculation. (5 marks)
(b) Find the speed of the free electron after exciting the hydrogen atom to the
energy state in (a). Assume that the change in kinetic energy of the hydrogen
atom is negligible. (2 marks)
(c) The hydrogen atom in the energy state in (a) emits a photon and returns to
the ground state. Find the wavelength of the photon. (3 marks)
-- ans --

Solutions Marks
(a) Initial kinetic energy of the free electron

= 1A

= 1.822  1018 J 1A
Excitation energy between energy states (n = 1 to n = a)

= Ea  E1 = = = 13.6 eV  1A

Excitation energy from n = 1 to n = 2

= 13.6  1.60  1019  = 1.632  1018 J  1.822  1018 J

Excitation energy from n = 1 to n = 3

= 13.6  1.60  1019  = 1.93  1018 J  1.822  1018 J 1A

The atom can at most be excited to the first excited state (n = 2). 1A
(b) KE after collision = KE before collision  excitation energy

= 1.822  1018  1.632  1018 1M

v = 6.46  105 m s1 1A

The speed of the free electron is 6.46  105 m s1.
(c) By hf = E2  E1 and f = , 2M

= = = 1.22  107 m 1A

The wavelength of the photon is 1.22  107 m.

-- ans end --

[10136276] <lvl=avg><part=core><type=lq><cur=phy><mark=12><bk=E2><ch=02>
 A free electron moving at speed v collides with a hydrogen atom in the ground
state. The hydrogen atom is excited from the ground state (n = 1) to the second
excited state (n = 3).
(a) Find the minimum value of v. (3 marks)
(b) The excited atom emits EM wave and returns to the ground state. Draw an
energy-level diagram of the hydrogen atom and use arrows to show all the
possible electron transitions that help bring the atom back to the ground state.
Label the energy states involved. (4 marks)
(c) (i) Find the wavelength of photon emitted in each possible transition in (b).
(4 marks)
(ii) Which transition results in the emission of visible light? (1 mark)
-- ans --

Solutions Marks
(a) For minimum value of v,
KE of electron = excitation energy of atom

= E3  E1 1M


= 1M

= 2.06  106 m s1 1A

The minimum value of v is 2.06  106 m s1.

(Three energy levels) 1A

(Correct labels) 1A
(Correct paths) 2  1A

(c) (i) By hf = Ea  Eb and f = , 1M


For transition from n = 3 to n = 1,

= = 1.03  107 m 1A

For transition from n = 3 to n = 2,

= = 6.58  107 m 1A

For transition from n = 2 to n = 1,

= = 1.22  107 m 1A

(ii) The transition from the second excited state (n = 3) to the first
excited state (n = 2) results in the emission of visible light. 1A
-- ans end --
[10136345] <lvl=dif><part=core><type=lq><cur=phy><mark=12><bk=E2><ch=02>
 A student studies the emission lines from a hydrogen discharge tube with a
grating spectrometer as shown below.

(a) The four visible lines are measured and tabulated below.
Colour of visible line First order diffraction angle  Wavelength / nm
Red 18.9 656
Cyan 14.2 486
Blue 12.3 434
Violet 11.9 410
(i) Plot a suitable graph to find the grating spacing in nm. (5 marks)
(ii) Find the highest order of fringe that can be obtained for the blue line.
(2 marks)
(b) The figure below shows some of the allowed energy levels for hydrogen

(i) Use an arrow to indicate the electron transition that gives rise to the blue
line. (1 mark)
(ii) Using the data given, find the energy value (in eV) of the energy level
from which the transition in (b)(i) starts. (4 marks)
-- ans --

Solutions Marks
(a) (i)
 / nm




0.20 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.30 0.32 0.34 sin 

(Correct labelled axes) 1A

(Correct points) 1A
(Correct graph) 1A
Since  = d sin ,
grating spacing = slope of graph

= nm 1M

= 2080 nm 1A
(ii) n=  1M

= 4.79
The highest order of fringe is 4. 1A
(b) (i)

(Correct arrow) 1A
(ii) Energy of photon emitted = hf 1M

= 1M

= 4.58  1019 J

= eV 1M

= 2.86 eV
Energy value of the energy level = 3.40 + 2.86 = 0.54 eV 1A
-- ans end --
[10136676] <lvl=dif><part=core><type=lq><cur=phy><mark=12><bk=E2><ch=02>
 (a) What particles is a hydrogen atom composed of? (2 marks)
(b) State what happens to the particles in a hydrogen atom in the following
(i) The atom is excited.
(ii) The atom is ionized.
(2 marks)
(c) In the energy-level diagram of a hydrogen atom (Fig a), label the second
excited state. (1 mark)

Fig a
(d) Some hydrogen atoms in the ground state are exposed to ultra-violet
radiation of continuous wavelength ranging from 85 nm to 100 nm.
(i) Show that the ultra-violet radiation could ionize the hydrogen atoms.
(3 marks)
(ii) What is the lowest energy state that the hydrogen atoms are excited to?
Explain your answer. (3 marks)
(iii) Indicate the electron transition from the ground state to the energy state
in (d)(ii) with an arrow in Figure a. (1 mark)
-- ans --

Solutions Marks
(a) A hydrogen atom is composed of an electron 1A
and a proton. 1A
(b) (i) The electron in the atom jumps from the ground state to a higher
energy levels. 1A
(ii) The electron in the atom escapes from the nucleus completely. 1A
(c) & (d)(iii)

(Second excited state) 1A

(Correct arrow) 1A

(d) (i) By E = hf and f = , 1A

= =

Longest wavelength for ionizing a hydrogen atom

= = = 9.14  108 m = 91.4 nm 1A

Since part of the ultra-violet radiation has wavelength shorter than

91.4 nm, the radiation could ionize the hydrogen atom in the
ground state. 1A

(ii) By = , 1A

= = = 0.914

 n = 3.41 1A
The lowest excited state is the third excited state (n = 4). 1A
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