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Talk about illness and treatment


Talk about illness

and treatment
Talk about illness and treatments, describe
symptoms and practise interacting with a doctor.

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Talk about illness and treatment

Let’s talk about..

Doctors Hospitals Medicine

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Talk about illness and treatment

Mind map

Word or
Word or Word or
topic topic
Illnesses and
Word or Word or
topic topic
Word or

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Talk about illness and treatment

Match the items





heart B E

small and large intestines

What is the function of these organs?

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Talk about illness and treatment

Match the items

1. How long have you been A. a temperature?

2. How long have you had B. when you move your arm?

3. When did C. feeling unwell?

4. Who’s your D. it start?

5. Are you able to E. next of kin?

6. Does it hurt F. put weight on it?

1 2 3 4 5 6

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Talk about illness and treatment

Choose the correct option

1. I’ve had a temperature since / for last night.

2. She’s been ill since / for two days.

3. He’s been taking antibiotics since / for a week.

4. You’ve looked off colour since / for days now.

5. I’ve had a rash since / for the weekend.

6. You’ve been losing weight since / for months now.

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Talk about illness and treatment

Present perfect simple vs. present perfect


We use the present perfect simple to talk about completed actions to emphasise the time
period relating to the present or an uncompleted action when we want to emphasise the
impact on the present moment

They have all finished their studies.

I’ve had a cold for five days.

We use the present perfect progressive to talk about uncompleted events & actions that
started in the past and continue to the present and to emphasise the time period or
continuation of an action

I’ve been feeling ill for five days.

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Talk about illness and treatment

Ask and answer

● How have you been feeling recently?

● How many times have you been to the doctor this


● Have you ever had to have an operation?

● Have you been taking any medication recently?

● Is universal healthcare available in your country?

● Is medication expensive in your country?

Why/Why not? Justify your answer.

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Talk about illness and treatment

Complete with the correct

verb form

1. It looks like she has broken her ankle.

They’re taking her for an X ray.

1. I _____ (have) a headache since last night.

2. She _____ (feel) unwell for some time now.

3. He _____ (be) in hospital for a week.

4. I _____ (take) painkillers for my back already.

5. _____ (see) a doctor about your leg?

6. Why _____ (call) the doctor yet?

You’ve been sick for days!

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Talk about illness and treatment

Reorder the dialogue

I see. Do you have hayfever? A couple of those symptoms overlap with it.

1 Hi there. What seems to be the problem?

Great. Thanks for your help.

Hmm... I think I’d rather try cetirizine… I need to be focused at work. Will that help with the
It should do. I’ll give you a nasal spray as well for days when it’s worse.

Not that I know of! I mean, I’ve had itchy eyes before - that started last summer.
Ok. I think we should try you on an antihistamine. There are two main types - chlorphenamine,
which is thought to be the best but makes you sleepy, and cetirizine, which is also good and
Well, I’ve been getting really bad headaches. They’re getting in the way of my job. Paracetamol does
nothing. I’m also congested and sneezing frequently.

Must can be used to say that you are almost certain something is true: I must be allergic to nuts.
Should can be used to say we expect something to happen: The wound should heal in three weeks.

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Talk about illness and treatment

Choose a situation and create a dialogue

Patient 1
● Symptoms: bloated stomach, constipated, stomach pain,
tiredness, headaches
Option 1
● Started six months ago.

Patient 2
● Symptoms: needing to pee more often, blood in urine, loss of
appetite, back pain.
● Started three months ago.

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Talk about illness and treatment

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Talk about illness and treatment

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