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06/05/2024, 09:05 3.

4 Questionário Avaliativo - 25 pontos: Revisão da tentativa

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Painel Meus cursos INGLESINTERM1-24 Módulo 3 3.4 Questionário Avaliativo - 25 pontos

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Iniciado em segunda-feira, 6 mai. 2024, 08:17

Estado Finalizada
Concluída em segunda-feira, 6 mai. 2024, 09:04
Tempo 46 minutos 47 segundos
Avaliar 7,50 de um máximo de 25,00(30%)

Questão 1

Atingiu 2,50 de 2,50

(OSEC-SP) What would you do if _______ ?

Escolha uma opção:

a. the patient gets worse

b. Marisa calls you

c. she were here now
d. you see him at school
e. the car breaks down

Sua resposta está correta. 1/6
06/05/2024, 09:05 3.4 Questionário Avaliativo - 25 pontos: Revisão da tentativa

Questão 2

Atingiu 0,00 de 2,50

(F.C.M.STA CASA-SP) If I _____ you, I _____ to him seriously.

Escolha uma opção:

a. were - will talk

b. would be - talked

c. were - would talk

d. was - will talk
e. will be - talk

Sua resposta está incorreta.

Questão 3

Atingiu 2,50 de 2,50

(FUND.C.CHAGAS-SP) They will go out if it _____ not rain.

Escolha uma opção:

a. did

b. will
c. may
d. does

e. would

Sua resposta está correta. 2/6
06/05/2024, 09:05 3.4 Questionário Avaliativo - 25 pontos: Revisão da tentativa

Questão 4

Atingiu 0,00 de 2,50

(AFA) Observe the sentences below and mark the correct alternative.

I - If I see a flying saucer, I would probably faint.

II - I wish I had followed your advice, but I hadn’t.

III - I even get angry if he watches girls on television.

IV - Had I known you were in town I would have invited you to have dinner with me.

Escolha uma opção:

a. Only sentences I, II and III are correct,

b. Only sentences II, III and IV are correct.

c. Only sentences II and III are correct.

d. Only sentences I, III and IV are correct.

Sua resposta está incorreta.

Questão 5

Atingiu 0,00 de 2,50

(AFA) Read the sentences below carefully:

I - My daughter was in doubt whether to drink coke or orange juice.

II - If we had time to call her, we would have avoided the accident.

III - My family will travel next weekend unless my father has other plans.

IV - If you want to, you could go.

V - How can I guess if it’s going to rain tonight?

The correct alternative is:

Escolha uma opção:

a. Sentences I and V aren’t correct

b. Sentences III and IV are correct

c. Sentences I and IV are correct

d. Sentences II and IV aren’t correct

Sua resposta está incorreta. 3/6
06/05/2024, 09:05 3.4 Questionário Avaliativo - 25 pontos: Revisão da tentativa

Questão 6

Atingiu 0,00 de 2,50

(AFA) “Some friends of mine say Robert is dating my cousin Jane. I’ve never seen them together yet. This either is or is
not so. In any way it’s none of my business.” You can infer from this paragraph that

Escolha uma opção:

a. if Robert is dating, Jane’s cousin must not care about his own business.

b. Jane’s cousin can’t say whether or not Robert is dating her.

c. if Jane’s cousin saw either Robert or Jane they would be actually dating.
d. there won’t be any way to know if Robert is dating.

Sua resposta está incorreta.

Questão 7

Atingiu 2,50 de 2,50

(F.M.ABC-SP) If they had started earlier, they _____ in time.

Escolha uma opção:

a. will arrive

b. would arrive
c. arrived
d. would have arrived

e. have arrived

Sua resposta está correta. 4/6
06/05/2024, 09:05 3.4 Questionário Avaliativo - 25 pontos: Revisão da tentativa

Questão 8

Atingiu 0,00 de 2,50

(AFA) If he likes that van, he_________ buy it or he ________ never take that long trip.

Escolha uma opção:

a. will / will
b. can / wouldn’t

c. would / would
d. could / had

Sua resposta está incorreta.

Questão 9

Atingiu 0,00 de 2,50

( Esc. Naval) Quais as palavras que preenchem corretamente a lacuna da frase: “The child ____________ if the bus hadn’t
stopped quickly.

Escolha uma opção:

a. would have been killed

b. would be killed
c. be killed
d. would have killed

e. had been killed

Sua resposta está incorreta. 5/6
06/05/2024, 09:05 3.4 Questionário Avaliativo - 25 pontos: Revisão da tentativa

Questão 10

Atingiu 0,00 de 2,50

(Esc. Naval) They could have stopped him if they ________ to.

Escolha uma opção:

a. were wanting
b. want

c. had wanted
d. will want
e. have wanted

Sua resposta está incorreta.

Secretaria da Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovação e Educação Profissional (SECTI)

Governo do Estado do Espírito Santo

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