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Radio 4415 Installation Procedures

Revision - A

For Software Release(s): N/A
Published: Feb 07, 2018

NRO Deployment Document (NDD)

10/1531-1/LZA 905 5721

Copyright Statement: This NDD is developed by Ericsson for Ericsson's use in the Installation, Configuration and
Implementation of Ericsson network elements. This work product represents Intellectual Property belonging to
Ericsson and is only to be used pursuant to contracts between Ericsson and the customer.

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2018© Ericsson AB
Table of Contents
General Information.....................................................................................................................................................4
Purpose ....................................................................................................................................................................4
Intended Audience ...................................................................................................................................................4

Activity Overview .........................................................................................................................................................4
Overview of Activity .................................................................................................................................................4
Initial Conditions ......................................................................................................................................................4
Post Conditions ........................................................................................................................................................5
Service Impacts ........................................................................................................................................................5
Coordination ............................................................................................................................................................5
Deliverables and Responsibilities.............................................................................................................................5

Prerequisites and Dependencies..............................................................................................................................6
Prerequisites: .......................................................................................................................................................6
Equipment Identification .....................................................................................................................................6
Detailed Activity Sequence ......................................................................................................................................6
Precautions and Preparations ......................................................................................................................................7
Precautions ..............................................................................................................................................................7
Safety and Environmental Documents.....................................................................................................................8
Required Documents................................................................................................................................................8
Job Preparations ......................................................................................................................................................8
Radio 4415 Installation Procedures .............................................................................................................................8
NGR 4415 Quick Overview Video .............................................................................................................................8
Radio 4415 Overview ...............................................................................................................................................8
Pictures of Radio 4415 and Fan Unit ....................................................................................................................9
Weight and Dimensions .....................................................................................................................................10
Mounting options and examples........................................................................................................................11
Clearances, Spacing and the Optional Fan .........................................................................................................15
Breaker Specifications ........................................................................................................................................18
Grounded Shielded Power Cable .......................................................................................................................18
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Locally Sourced Material ....................................................................................................................................18
Pre-hoist/pre-mount assembly activity..................................................................................................................18
Inspect, Unpack and Inventory ..........................................................................................................................18
Assemble Radio Bracket, Fan, Rail, Mounts and Cabling ...................................................................................19
NGR Pre-Assembly Video ...................................................................................................................................19

Attach Mounting Bracket and Install Fan, if used ..............................................................................................23
Hoisting and Tower Work ......................................................................................................................................41
Hoisting Video ........................................................................................................................................................41
Hoist Radio with Mounting Hardware and Attach to Tower..............................................................................41
Hoisting Additional Cables - If Needed...............................................................................................................46
Wall Mounting Radios ............................................................................................................................................47
Wall Mounting Video .........................................................................................................................................48

Mounting the Radio Rail to the Wall..................................................................................................................48
Connecting Cables on Mounted Radio...................................................................................................................50
Build and Connect DC Power .............................................................................................................................51
Build DC Power Cable Assembly.........................................................................................................................51
Connect Ground, RF, Alarm, RET/ALD cables, and Fiber....................................................................................55
Connect the -48V DC Power Supply ...................................................................................................................62
Radio Power-up and Integration ............................................................................................................................63
Powering Up the Radio ......................................................................................................................................63
Site Cleanup ...........................................................................................................................................................64
Appendix A - How to Use This Document ..............................................................................................................65
Appendix B - Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)......................................................................................................66

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General Information
This document provides the information and procedures for installation and configuration of the

Ericsson Radio System (ERS) portfolio.
This document will be used in conjunction with required documents and is intended for General Use

Intended Audience
 Installation Technician

 Commissioning Engineer

Activity Overview
Overview of Activity
The activities covered in this document include, but are not limited to:
 Inspecting, unpacking and inventory of materials received;

 Radio preparation prior to hoisting or mounting - attaching ground, inserting Small-Form

Pluggables (SFPs), attaching bracket and pole mount;

 Hoisting, and tower mounting or wall mounting the radios;

 Connection of non-power cabling, such as ground, RF, Alarm, RET/ALD, and fiber

 Connection of ground to the ground bar, RF cabling, external alarms (if used), ALD/RET,
fiber connections;

 Connect power, and power up radios; and,

 Post checks and site clean-up.

Initial Conditions
Initial conditions:

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 Base Band Unit is fully installed, commissioned, and ready for connection to the radio.

 Greenfield scenario - Remote Radio Unit deployment where all of the tower structure and
cabling is in place and ready for the installation of the radio.

 Removal and replacement scenario - after existing radios are removed, everything is in

place for the installation of the radio.

Post Conditions
The radio is completely installed, powered, and ready to be configured for two transmitter/two
receiver operation (2TX/2RX) or four transmitter/four receiver operation (4TX/4RX) depending on
the number and type of radios available.

Service Impacts
Greenfield - There is no service impact when installing the radio in greenfield scenarios.

Remove and Replace - The radios will be taken completely out of service during this process,
impacting site availability.

Stakeholders Job Function
BNES NRO Methods Development of media and documentation
Site Engineering Performed all site surveys and provided BOM
Installation Engineer Installs the hardware per this document
Project Management Manages project and coordinates with customer

Deliverables and Responsibilities

Site Access
Customer When wall mounting - anchors, mounting surface, and bolts or
Customer provided documents and engineering
Ericsson will complete physical the installation
Ericsson Project Management will ensure Ericsson teams complete work,
stay on schedule and co-ordinate with customer PMs

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Prerequisites and Dependencies
 Base band unit installed, cabled, configured and ready for connection to radios.

 Review all associated documents and references prior to performing this activity.

 Obtain clearance from the Network Operations Center (NOC) and project manager prior
to installation or reconfiguration of radios, especially if in-service.

 If this is a Greenfield scenario, DC supply breakers are in the OFF position.

 If this is a Removal and Replacement scenario, existing radios are taken off line.


 Ensure the antenna installation and sweeps are completed prior to the start of this

 Ensure fiber cleaning and testing is complete.

Equipment Identification
 Identify all working equipment.

 Locate critical circuit breakers, fuses, and location of spares.

 Determine alarm responsibilities.

 Identify all equipment that could be affected by an outage.

Detailed Activity Sequence

The activities contained in this document are represented in the following flowchart.

Activity Sequence

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Precautions and Preparations

Observe the general safety precautions against personal injury and equipment damage outlined in
the Safety and Environmental documents listed below.
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Safety and Environmental Documents
Personal Health and Safety Information 124 46-2885
System Safety Information 124 46-2886

Required Documents

NRO Deployment Documentation (NDD) can be found in CMS at
Before using this document:
 The user of this document must be proficient in all required safety procedures for the
geographic location in which this NDD is being applied.

 In geographic locations requiring accreditation, the document user must have a

certification of accreditation on file with his/her company.

 For information related to safety procedures and access to them, the document user will

contact his/her safety prime or local Installation or Integration representative.

Job Preparations
Arrange all materials, tools, and test equipment at the work location so that they are nearby and
ready for use.

Radio 4415 Installation Procedures

NGR 4415 Quick Overview Video
The video below provides a brief overview of the activities in this NDD. PDF users may click the link

NGR 4415 Overview Video

Radio 4415 Overview

This section has images of Radio 4415 and the fan unit, as well as general information about the
physical characteristics of the radio, its mounting options, and operating requirements.

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Pictures of Radio 4415 and Fan Unit

Radio 4415 and optional fan

Bottom View of radio

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Weight and Dimensions

Height, Width, and Depth Reference Image

Radio 4415 without the fan

Height 420 mm
Width 342 mm
Depth 149 mm
Weight 20 kg

Radio 4415 with the fan

Height 420 mm
Width 342 mm
Depth 160 mm
Weight 21.5 kg

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Mounting options and examples

Some of the available mounting options

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Plate mounting locations on the radio

Available rails to which the radios can be mounted

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Some of the available pole mounts

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Radio mounting options (explanation below). Note - Fans are required for any mounting
solution where the cables do not face downwards.
 A - Wall Mount

 B - Pole Mount

 C - Pole Mount with Single Pole Clamp

NOTE:The first image requires the fan unit, as the cables do not enter the radio from the bottom.

 D - Wall Mount with Fan Unit

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 E - Pole Mount with Fan Unit

A radio with bracket, rail, and pole mount prior to hoisting

Clearances, Spacing and the Optional Fan

Spacing requirements determine where on the rail the radio can be mounted. These details
should be addressed in the Site Installation Documentation (SIDs). The information below is
meant as a guide, but local guidance, policies and planning should be followed. The bullets
below provide guidance on spacing and the optional fan.

 When the daily temperature at the installation site is not expected to get above +45 C, a
distance of 7 mm is required between the radios when mounted side-by-side. The
radios can be further apart, but they must be the minimum distance of the 7 mm
spacers that are included with the radio. The minimum distance of 7 mm must be
maintained regardless of mounting orientation (such as back mounted).

 When the daily temperature at the installation site is expected to get above +45 C, and
the fan unit is not used, a distance of 40 mm is required between the radios when
mounted side-by-side.

 A fan is required when any of the following is met.

o When the installation is inside with little or no air circulation (a heat trap).

o The installation is outside and the site is expected to get above +45 C.

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o The radio is mounted such that the cables are not pointing directly downwards.

Other indoor and outdoor clearance requirements (as shown in the image below) determine how
far the radio can be mounted from other radios, antennas, and flooring or building structure to
maintain adequate airflow.

 200 mm or greater between the radio and the antenna when the radio is mounted

beside, or behind the antenna.

 500 mm or greater between the radio and the antenna when the radio is mounted either
above or below the antenna.

 300 mm or greater between the radio and the floor or other building structure directly
below the antenna.

 400 mm or greater between one radio and the next above or below it.


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Clearance information for radio mounting

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Breaker Specifications
Radio output power is 4 x 40 Watts.
The minimum fuse rating is 20 Amps. This rating can only be used if it is acceptable that fuses
trip because of lightning or network transients.
The recommended fuse rating is 25 Amps. This rating takes into account that external fuses are

not to trip because of lightning or network transients.
The maximum fuse rating is 32 Amps. This rating is the absolute maximum fuse allowed in
accordance with radio design restrictions.

Grounded Shielded Power Cable

The power cables must be shielded. The shielding must be properly connected to the power
connector and to the grounding interface in the power supply equipment. This allows the over-
voltage and lightning protection for the radio to function properly.

Locally Sourced Material
When wall mounting a radio, any anchors, mounting material, bolts or screws needed for the wall
mounting must be locally sourced. The wall mounting rail has holes for 8 mm bolts/screws, or the
rail can slide onto the heads of 16 mm bolts/screws.

Pre-hoist/pre-mount assembly activity

This section covers activities after the equipment is delivered and prior to hoisting or moving to the
mounting location.

Inspect, Unpack and Inventory

The radio is shipped in protective packaging. It must be stored out of the elements and in its

Once taken out of the packaging the radio must be powered within 24 hours. Within one week, the
radio must be integrated into the network for remote monitoring.

The following steps list how to unpack the radio and check the materials.

Inspect, Unpack and Inventory

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Step Task/Observation
Inspect the packaging for damage. If it is not damaged, continue onto the next step. If it is
1 damaged, take digital photographs of the damage, and report to Ericsson Project Manager
(PM). Use the delivery packaging for any return units.
Remove any straps from package or crate. Open the package or crate and remove the radio

from the polystyrene foam packing.
Flatten out cardboard from the shipment to use as a work surface. Place the radio(s) and
other hardware on the protective work surface. The radio is not delicate, but it does need to
3 be handled with care (due to its weight) and protected from water and dirt getting inside the
radio. To prevent damage to the radio, make sure the covers remain on all connections until
Inventory the received hardware by verifying that the items delivered correspond to the
packing list, and Bill of Material (BOM). Make sure that the radios are not damaged. If a radio
is damaged, take digital photographs of the damage and inform the Ericsson Implementation

Manager (IM).

Assemble Radio Bracket, Fan, Rail, Mounts and Cabling

This section covers the building of the radio and associated hardware in preparation for
mounting. The activity that occurs here is meant to assemble as much of the radio, bracket, fan,
rail and mount on the ground prior to the hoisting activity. This includes attaching the ground
cable, confirming the SFPs match those in the baseband unit, and inserting the SFPs. Attaching
the fan unit occurs only when it is required by the customer or the operating environment.
If the radio will not be mounted on a pole, such as when it is mounted on a wall or on a rooftop,
then skip the section regarding the building of the pole mount and rail assembly. Wall mounting
the rail and radio assembly will be documented in a section after the hoisting process.

NGR Pre-Assembly Video

Below is a video showing the NGR Pre-Assembly. The hyperlink below the player points to the
same video, it is there as a place holder when the document is PDF'ed. The video and video
player do not show up in PDF output.

Ericsson Radio Systems Pre-assembly Video

To reduce the amount of assembly required while elevated on the tower, attach the ground cable
prior to hoisting the radio. The ground cable can then be rolled up and stowed out of the way
during the hoisting process. Do not exceed minimum bend radius. If desired, the radio, ground
cable, mounting bracket and pole mount assembly may be hoisted as one unit.

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Reducing the amount of assembly that occurs while elevated on the tower also reduces the risk
of injury sustained from dropped hardware.

Attach the Ground Cable to the Radio

Step Task/Observation

The available pre-terminated ground kits (90° two hole lug on one end, two hole lug on the
other) are listed below. If the ground cable will have the lug attached on the tower, then a
different kit will be supplied based on site specific engineering.

RPM 1192061/2 - 16mm2, Black, 2m long cable, 1 lug with 2 M6 holes, 90 degree lug
1 RPM 1192061/5 - 16mm2, Black, 5m long cable, 1 lug with 2 M6 holes, 90 degree lug
RPM 1192062/2 - 16mm2, Green/Yellow, 2m long cable, 1 lug with 2 M6 holes, 90 degree lug
RPM 1192062/5 - 16mm2, Green/Yellow, 5m long cable, 1 lug with 2 M6 holes, 90 degree lug

Determine which kit you have. Locate the ground lug connection point on the bottom right

side of the radio.
Connect the ground cable as shown in the images below. Install the lug with the two Torx
2 screws and washers supplied with the radio. Tighten the Torx screws with either a Torx 30
driver or a 10 mm socket to 9.8 Nm.

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Refer to customer provided, or site specific engineering (such as SID) to verify which SFP(s)
must be in the radio, and which optical ports will be used. The SFP(s) in the radio must match
the SFP(s) in the Baseband Unit. Optical port #1 must be used. Optical port #2 may or may not
be used for your installation.

Verify and Install SFPs into Radio

Step Task/Observation
Perform this procedure in a clean location, free of blowing dust, while wearing proper ESD
1 static protection. Remove the protective cap from optical port #1. Keep all other protective
covers in-place.
Verify with material or site records that the SFP supplied matches the SFP that is in the
baseband unit to which the radio will be connected.
With the latch up, insert the verified SFP into optical port #1 of the radio. Gently move the
latch on the SFP down to secure the SFP.

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Replace the protective weather cap on optical port #1. If optical port #2 will also be used, then
repeat this procedure for optical port #2. All protective covers should be in-place.

Attach Mounting Bracket and Install Fan, if used

If you have not already done so, refer to site planning information to determine the placement of
the radio bracket on the radio, and whether a fan unit will be installed.
The video below describes mounting the bracket onto the radio. The hyperlink below the player
points to the same video.

Ericsson Radio Systems Attaching Mounting Bracket

Install Fan Unit, if used, and Attach Radio Bracket

Step Task/Observation
If you do not have the optional fan unit, then continue below at step 7 installing the radio
brackets. Below are the components in the optional fan kit (from left to right), the fan panel,
1 spacers and screws, then the fan module.

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The optional fan module can be installed before or after the cover. Make sure all the holes on
the back of the radio are free of spacers or inserts. Orient the fan panel as shown in the image
below, the fan module is held near the radio and the panel slid in-place. The top (vented) end
of the fan panel aligns with the top (where the handle is) of the radio.

3 Line up the screws of the fan module with the holes of the fan panel and bring the two pieces
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together. The fan panel should be flush to the top, side and bottom of the radio. The holes in
the back panel for a back mount bracket should align with threaded holes in the heat sink. The
only gap present should disappear once the screws are tightened. Using a Torx 20 driver,
push each of the four captive retaining screws through the fan/cover unit and into the threads
in the back of the radio. Once complete, torque the four screws to 1.7 Nm with a Torx 20

Remove the cover from the alarm connection on the radio connector panel. The alarm
connector has a bell icon and a fan icon next to it. Carefully align the connector from the fan in
the hole for the alarm connector. Push the connector into the hole and twist the knurled ring
nearest the radio on the fan connector. You will need to push in on the connector some, and
twist the knurled knob. It is a tight space and will be difficult to do with gloves. Keep repeating
pushing in, and then twisting till the connection is secure.

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Refer to site information and the image below to determine if the radio bracket will be installed
on the top mount, side mount or back mount. If it is a side or top mount, skip to step 7 for the
info on installing the top or side mounts. Below is how to install for a back mount. Below you
can see the mount options.

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If the radio bracket is to be mounted to the back of the radio, and using the fan/cover unit, then
spacers must be used. The spacers are required for a solid structure for mounting the radio
bracket to the radio chassis.

If the spacers are not used, the fan cover will be damaged.

Place the four spacers into the holes on the back of the radio, as shown in the image below.
Insert the four 8mm x 40mm bolts provided through the radio bracket and tighten the bracket
retaining bolts to 22 Nm with a 13mm torque wrench.

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To install the radio bracket on the top or side locations of the radio, or on solutions without a
7 fan unit, remove any plugs that are present in the holes for your solution.

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Place the double flat slot washer on the 8mm x 40mm retaining bolt. Put the retaining bolt into
the bottom of the radio bracket, with the head towards the top of the bracket.

Place the flat washer on the retaining bolt, and hand tighten the lock nut. Once the lock nut
can no longer be tightened by hand, back it off one turn. This will make it easy for the retaining
bolt and radio bracket to connect with the rail, later in this process.

Orient the bracket with the retaining bolt towards the bottom, and secure the bracket to the
radio using the four 8mm x 20mm mounting bolts supplied. Tighten the bracket retaining bolts
to 22 Nm with a 13mm torque wrench. Below is an image of a radio with the bracket attached
to the side mount.

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9 An image of Radio 4415 with the fan mounted is shown below. ERICSSON

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Assemble the pole mount while on the ground to reduce elevated assembly on the tower. This
will further reduce risk of injury due to dropped hardware. The goal is to assemble the radio, rail
and pole mount into a single unit. The entire assembly will be hoisted and mounted to the tower.
The video below describes the assembly of the Pole Mount. The hyperlink below the player
points to the same video.

Ericsson Radio Systems Assembling the Pole Mounting Bracket

Build Pole Mount, Rail and Attach Radio

Step Task/Observation
Assemble the pole mount, leaving the rail retaining bolts and nuts loose to allow them to be
inserted into the rail.
Once the rail retaining bolts and nuts are in-place, insert the longer clamp retaining bolts.

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The mounting rail bracket can be installed in two orientations. One orientation (bolt tracks
parallel to slots for the clamp retaining bolt heads) for a horizontal mast mount. A second
orientation (bolt tracks perpendicular to the slots for the clamp retaining bolt heads, as shown
below) for a vertical mast mount.

Install the mounting rail bracket by sliding the rail retaining slots over the bolt heads on the
pole mount. Align the rail and tower mount as needed for your installation. If you know exactly
where you want the tower mount to end up on the rail, the nuts can be torqued at this time. If
there is any doubt where the mount needs to be on the rail, then the nuts can be torqued on
the tower. With an appropriate 16 mm tool, torque the inner nuts on the rail retaining bolts to
44 Nm.

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Add the outer nuts to the rail retaining bolts, and with an appropriate 16 mm tool, and tighten
them firmly.

DO NOT TORQUE the outer nuts. ONLY tighten them firmly.

Install the rear side of the pole mount onto the clamp retaining bolts. One side of the clamp is
3 an open slot, and the other is a closed slot. The clamp can be installed with the big V of the
clamp towards the pole for larger diameter mounting options, or the big V away from the pole
for smaller diameter mounting options.

Install a flat washer and two nuts part way in on the open side of the clamp. These can be
placed part way in for now, they will be tightened and torqued when mounted on the tower.

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At this time there are concerns about hoisting multiple radios on a bracket. A single radio on a
bracket does not exceed the limits of the handle for hoisting.
Install a single radio and bracket onto the rail/pole mount assembly.

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Hook the top flange of the radio bracket onto the rail upper flange and swing down so it is flush
on the rail, while guiding the retaining bolt into the rail slot. Slide the radio to adjust spacing
with adjacent radios as required, with at least 7 mm of spacing. See Clearance and Spacing

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You may need to press the radio or mount to one side to hold the bolt head in place while you
tighten the retaining bolt with a 13mm wrench. As shown in the video, or hold the bolt with a
screwdriver while tightening the nut. The bolt head should seat in the slot on the radio bracket.
Torque the radio bracket retaining bolt to 22 Nm.

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Below is an image of the radio bracket attached to the radio, the rail attached to the mount.
7 The rail connected to the radio bracket and the retaining bolt tightened. This is how the
assembly should look in preparation for hoisting.

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8 The image below shows the bracket side mounted to the radio and ready to be hoisted.

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Hoisting and Tower Work
This section lists the steps for hoisting the radio and mount assembly. Hoisting a radio separately,
without the mount, is the same and is not covered here. This procedure lists recommended hoisting
examples. All tower or elevated work must be performed by qualified tower riggers. It is assumed
they have evaluated how to rig the tower for a safe and successful hoist. Rigging of the tower is not

covered in this document.
Hoisting of additional cabling is also covered, as a general process. The hoisting of additional
cabling may be done either before or after the hoisting of the radio(s).

Hoisting Video
The video shows an NGR hoist to a pole mount. The hyperlink below the player points to the same

Hoist to Pole Mount Video

Hoist Radio with Mounting Hardware and Attach to Tower
Ground work prep must be completed as described in a previous section. All steel work must be
complete and ready for the mounting of the radios.

Aluminum and/or spring lock carabiners are not to be used.

Hoisting Radio and Tower Mount

Step Task/Observation
Attach the radio using a suitable sling, threaded steel carabiner, hoisting line and guide rope.
In the image below a strap is around the radio bracket, and comes back up. A second strap
then goes through the handle and the eyes of the first strap to make a nice even lift. Note the
screw-lock carabiners show as required.

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Attach the lift line and guide rope to the sling on the handle of the radio. Secure each line and
rope with a screw lock steel carabiner. One person must run the guide rope while the other
operates the hoisting winch, or capstan. Another person is on the tower to receive and secure
the radio and mount assembly.
Hoist the radio and mount assembly to the desired position on the tower. Use the guide line to
prevent the radio and mount assembly from hitting the tower, and to keep clear of obstacles.

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Risk for falling objects, work at height in progress. Falling objects can cause serious
injury or even be fatal. Always wear a helmet and avoid standing in the danger area.
Swing the clamp open and position the radio and mount assembly in the proper place for the
clamp to attach around the pole. Rotate the clamp onto the threaded rod and tighten the inner
16 mm nuts to 44 Nm.

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Thread the outer nuts down on top of the inner nuts. Tighten the outer nuts firmly with a
DO NOT TORQUE the outer nuts. ONLY tighten them firmly.

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The process described in the previous steps can be repeated for hoisting single radios if they
need to be mounted on the same rail. The process described in pre-assembly will be used to
attach the radio bracket to the rail.
When hoisting a radio and bracket by themselves, the lift line can be attached to the handle
and the guideline is attached to the lift line. The radio is then guided in, and the retaining screw
is guided into a slot. The radio can be pulled to the side to take up the slack in the retaining
bolt is being tightened. Torque the retaining bolt to 22 Nm with a 13 mm tool.

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Hoisting Additional Cables - If Needed
This section lists the steps for hoisting new fiber cables if needed. Skip this procedure if you do
not need additional cables hoisted. This procedure lists recommended hoisting examples for
fiber. All tower or elevated work must be performed by qualified tower riggers. Cables may be
hoisted prior to the radios, or the radios installed prior to hoisting additional cables. Either
sequence is acceptable.
Handle optical cables with care. Never touch the end-face of optical connectors. Only remove
protective covers right before installation. The minimum allowed bending radius for the optical
cable provided by Ericsson is 40 mm, and the minimum allowed bending radius for each
individual fiber is 15 mm. The minimum bending radius for other cables specified by their
respective manufacturers. Do not twist the fiber to the minimum bending radius.

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Hoisting Additional Cables/Fiber

Step Task/Observation
If new fiber cables have to be run, attach the pulling wire to the optical cable.


Hoist the pulling wire up to where the radio was, or will be mounted. The pulling force must
not exceed 400 N.
Clamp or strap the optical cable to the pole or wall, taking care not to pinch the cable. If the
3 cable is secured too tightly additional attenuation could be introduced. Additional attenuation
could impact the functionality of the fiber cabling.
4 Verify the label, or coloring of the cable and match it to the sector being worked on.
Support the cable from the top most position. Route the cables to the appropriate radio and
Secure the cables to the tower cable rungs starting at the top of the tower. Keep cable types
to the appropriate routing up the tower to the radio positions.

Wall Mounting Radios

Use this section to install the radio on a wall. The wall should be prepared by placement of a 19 mm
(3/4") plywood backing board. On concrete or brick walls the radio rail can be mounted directly to the
wall with appropriate locally sourced 8 mm fasteners.
The image below shows the different wall mounts available.

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The radio bracket was attached to the radio in a previous section. This section covers mounting the

rail and attaching the radio to the rail.

Wall Mounting Video

This video describes wall mounting for Radio 4415. PDF users can click the link below.

Ericsson Radio Systems Wall Mounting

Mounting the Radio Rail to the Wall

The mounting hardware used to secure the rails must be locally sourced. The bolts and
fasteners used to attach the rail are supplied locally. Stainless steel or galvanized bolts are
required for outdoor environments.
Mounting may utilize the slots on the back of the rail for securing to support structures. The slots
require hardware with a 16 mm bolt head. The through-holes on the rail require 8 mm bolts.

Mounting Radio Rail on the Wall and Attaching Radio

Step Task/Observation
Hold a level against the wall at the mounting position, and place the radio rail on top of the
1 level. Mark the hole locations with a pencil. Do not mount the radio rail directly to gypsum dry
wall. Mount the rail on metal, wood or concrete. Set aside the level and radio rail.
Drill the mounting hole using drill bits appropriate to the fastener being used. If any locally
sourced anchor or fastener is used, insert it into the hole. Position the rail over the holes and
fasten with the screws using the appropriate torque. The types of bolts and the torque to be
used depend on the fastener used. Secure the rail in all available hole positions on the rail.
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Hook the top flange on the radio bracket onto the rail upper flange and swing down so it is
flush on the rail and the retaining bolt engages into the rail slot. The included spacers require
a minimum spacing of 7 mm as noted in the clearance and spacing requirements information
provided above. Adjust radio on rails as needed to meet requirements.


You may need to twist the radio (as shown in the video) to the side to seat the head of the IPR
bolt while tightening. Or hold the head of the bolt down with a screwdriver while you tighten
the retaining bolt with a 13mm wrench. The bolt head should sit in the slot on the radio
bracket. Torque the radio bracket bolt to 22 Nm.

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Connecting Cables on Mounted Radio
This section will first build and connect DC power for the radios, then cover the various cables
connecting to Radio 4415.

Products not connected to earth ground risk being damaged by over voltage or over current. Always
connect products to earth ground according to instructions. It is assumed that all cabling has been
hoisted and is ready for installation.

Below is the connection panel for Radio 4415.

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This video shows cabling for Ericsson Radio Systems. The link below points to the same video.

Ericsson Radio Systems Cabling

Build and Connect DC Power

Radio 4415 has a three wire power input, with an isolated input for -48V and + Return. If the
power equipment at the site is a 2 wire system, skip this procedure to use the 2-wire to 3 Wire
DC Adapter (RNY10487/1).
The power cables must be shielded and the shielding must be properly connected both to the
power connector and to the grounding interface in the power supply equipment. This is required
so that the over-voltage and lightning protection for the radio will function properly.

Build DC Power Cable Assembly

Build DC Power Cable Connector Assembly

Step Task/Observation
Refer to the instructions contained in the connector to be used for the DC connection to the
radio. Below is an example of the current connector; due to local sources or changes in
supply, your connector may be different. Take the connector apart and slide the pieces on to
the shielded power cable, as shown in the image below. Carefully cut back the outer
insulation of the power cable based on the guidance of the contained instructions. Be careful
not to cut the insulation of the internal conductors.

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As shown in the image above, the B terminal must be connected to 0 Volts DC, and the A
terminal must be connected to -48 Volts DV. Insert the wires into the terminals and tighten
2 the screws with the appropriate tool. Insert the plastic cap included in the kit, into the end of
the power connector. The cap keeps the pieces of the connector from turning as the
completed assembly is tightened.

Radio 4415 has a 3-wire power input with isolated input for -48 Volts DC and + Return. Some
provisioned power equipment may be 2-wire, where the hot (-48V) is isolated but the + Return is
bonded to ground. In that case, Radio 4415 may be matched to the return bonded to ground
wiring with the 2-wire to 3-Wire DC Adapter (RNY10487/1).
If the Customer, or site engineering, indicates that the 2-wire to 3-wire power adapter is not
needed, then you can skip this section.

2 Wire to 3 Wire Power Adapter

Step Task/Observation
Connect the the 2-Wire to 3-Wire DC Adapter (RNY10487/1) to the radio. The power cable
1 can be connected to the adapter once all of the test and safety checks are complete in the
following procedures.

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The electrical connectivity of the 2-wire to 3-wire DC adapter is shown below. The power
source on the right side is a 3-wire power source (the chassis ground (FE)) is shorted to
return. The adapter is shown in the middle (light green). The equipment power connection is
shown on the left (light blue) with the shielded power cabling.

Connect Ground, RF, Alarm, RET/ALD cables, and Fiber
Weatherproofing required by the customer or local policy should occur after testing is complete.
If this is not possible, follow customer/local policy and guidelines for weatherproofing.
Weatherproofing before testing may cause additional work if troubleshooting requires removal of
the weatherproofing.

Connector sealing is best left to the last step in the radio installation in order to provide access to
connectors if faults appear during the power up or integration process. Alternately, if power up
and integration are scheduled at a later date, the connectors must be sealed. New sealing will be
required if the connectors are sealed and fault isolation requires removal of connectors.

Connect Non-power Cabling

Step Task/Observation
The minimum ground cable area is 16 mm^2, 6 AWG, copper cable. The ground cable was
attached to the radio during preparation activity. Route the cable from the ground connection
on the radio, to the grounding point on the tower structure or building location. Attach the
cable to the grounding point. Using a resistance meter, confirm that there is a low resistance
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connection between the connection on the radio to the grounding point.
Remove the protective caps from the RF connectors and the RF jumper cables. Route the
jumper from each Radio TX/RX port to the appropriate antenna port. Verify radio to antenna
port assignments with Site Information Documents (SID). Mark cables with labels or colored
tape as required by the SID.

Connect one side of the RF jumpers to the assigned RF port on the radio. Tighten the 4.3-10
Kenia connectors using a 5 Nm torque wrench fitted with a 22mm C-wrench head as shown.


Connect the RF jumper cables to the assigned antenna ports and tighten the 7-16 DIN
connectors using a 25 Nm torque wrench fitted with a 32mm C-wrench head. Secure all RF
jumpers with support hardware and only use black UV rated cable ties. Ensure vibration
movement due to wind forces is minimized.
Below shows the difference between the FAN/EXT ALM connector and the ALD/RET
connector. The connector with the fan and bell below it is the alarm connection. The
connector with ALD below it is the ALD/RET (electronic tilt) for the antenna. Note the
difference between the connectors.

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If provided and documented in the SID, connect the alarm cabling.

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6 If provided, connect the RET control cable between the radio and antenna.

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Carefully route the fiber cable to the radio maintaining a pulling force less than 400 N. Do not
clamp or strap the fiber cable tightly as this will attenuate the fiber causing additional
loss. Remove the protective cap from the optical cable connector on the radio. Verify the
label and color code on the fiber cable. Confirm it matches the sector/radio being connected.
Do not touch the ends of the optical fiber. Clean and test the fiber per customer/local policy
guidelines. Slide back the protective cover from the optical cable connector, and remove cap.

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9 Plug the fiber connector into the SFP.

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10 Slide the connector housing up and twist the cover to lock into position on the optical port.

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If necessary verify the optical cable with a light source and clean if necessary with a optical
cleaning kit.
If needed, repeat the previous steps for the second fiber. Secure all cabling per customer /
local policy guidelines.

Connect the -48V DC Power Supply

Verify site breaker information in the SID and connect the -48V DC power source.

Connection -48 V DC Power Supply

Step Task/Observation
Refer to the SID for wiring information before proceeding. Verify the Power Distribution Unit
(PDU) circuit breaker and Surge Protection Device (SPD) locations.
Ensure that the PDU breaker is switched OFF before connecting the radio DC power cable
2 connector. Verify the PDU breaker output to SPD with a voltmeter at the SPD output
terminals. With the breaker OFF, the voltage should be 0 Volts DC.

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Turn the PDU breaker ON while monitoring the SPD output. The voltage should be -48 Volts
DC when running on batteries, or approximately -56 Volts DC when running on rectifiers.
Mark or label the radio designation on the SPD (top or front) AND label the wire pair at the
PDU breaker with the radio model, RF band, SPD number and sector identification.
Prepare the power cable per manufacturers recommendations, and secure all connections to

the DC source.
Connect the previously completed DC power connector to the radio by inserting the
connector and twist to lock clockwise until it locks in place.
In corrosive environments, such as coastal areas, the site engineer may require additional
weatherproofing on the DC power connector.

Radio Power-up and Integration

Products not connected to earth ground risk being damaged by over voltage or over
current. Always connect products to earth ground according to instructions. It is
assumed that all cabling has been hoisted and is ready for installation.

Prior to powering up the radio, all Customer Unit (CU)/region-specific checklists and/or processes
must pass, and be complete.

Powering Up the Radio

This section covers preparation for, and powering up the radio.

Powering Up the Radio

Step Task/Observation
Refer to the SID. Confirm the correct circuit breaker sizes and location were used for the
1 radio. Switch the circuit breakers to the ON position. Monitor the LEDs in the maintenance
window of the radio.

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The LEDs (1 and 2) correspond to the connected fiber optic cables.
After 2 - 5 minutes, the LEDs should illuminate green. When a fiber cable is connected to
Port 1, LED 1 will illuminate. If a fiber cable is connected to Port 2, LED 2 will also illuminate.
Green LEDs indicate a good CPRI connection to the base band unit.

Red LEDs, or LEDs that do not illuminate, indicate an issue with the fiber connection.
After 2-5 minutes green LEDs should illuminate to show that software has loaded and the
radio is ready to operate.
Monitor the LED indications during start up. Troubleshoot and correct any issues before
Verify the LED is green, then close the indicator cover.
Repeat this procedure for any additional sectors.
4 Follow CU/regional guidelines for radio integration and post checks.

Site Cleanup
This section lists the steps for performing site cleanup before leaving the site. Before proceeding, all
CU and regional installation and integration post checks must be complete.

Performing Site Cleanup

Step Task/Observation
Uninstall, label, and pack any old equipment. Contact the Project Manager to confirm where
to send all items.
Clean the site and remove all trash, packing material and cable clippings. Dispose of all
waste per local requirements.
Complete all checklists, installation documentation and required pictures. Report any faults or
3 issues that require follow-up. Hand over all site installation documentation and pictures to
responsible site personnel.
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4 Lock all doors and gates to the site.


Appendix A - How to Use This Document
Throughout this document specific references to nodes such as RBS, DU, RRU, etc. are provided
as examples only. These references are not intended to convey specific use or instructions.
Read this document completely before starting any of the procedures. This will ensure that you
understand the work to be performed and that all Precautions and Preparations have been fulfilled.
You may see the admonitions below throughout this document. These indicate areas or items that
require additional care.

Text identifying the danger of electrical shock.

Text identifying system failure, damage to equipment, or a hazardous situation that could result in

Text identifying an immediate hazard which could result in death or serious injury.

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Appendix B - Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
This document contains Ericsson Intellectual Property (IP) also known as Intellectual Property
Rights (IPR). This document was created using modified/selective content from the Telcordia GR-
1275 Central Office/Network Environment Equipment Installation/Removal Generic Requirements
Issue 12.

This document is not intended for use by external customers or any customer delegate, including
Third Party vendors and/or sub-contractors. Review of this document with customers should only
occur with the knowledge, consent and control of Ericsson personnel in a manner where content is
not distributed to the customer.
The following Table of IPR examples is provided as reference information and examples to identify
Ericsson Intellectual Property (IP). This information is provided for use by Ericsson Customer Unit
interfacing functions.
 Detailed Acceptance Plans/Test Cases
 Ericsson Developed Tools

 Detailed Assembly
Instructions/Diagrams  Installation Instructions

 Cable Diagrams  Commissioning Instructions

 Connections  Integration Instructions

 Software upgrade command lines  Integration files/scripts

 Processes  Copyright material

 Configuration files/scripts  Patent material

 Ericsson Developed Applications  Trademark material

 Ericsson Radio Frequency Specs
 Industrial design
 Debug logs
 Session logs
 Detailed Patch Procedures
 Restricted User Level Passwords
 Any capture of Ericsson messaging traffic
 IOT (Inter-Operability Test) and (i.e. Wire Shark)
Integration Processes

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The Glossary is used to define the Terms and Acronyms used throughout the document.
Term/Acronym Definition
ALD Antenna Line Device

AWG American Wire Gauge
BBU Base Band Unitt
BOM Bill of Materials
CMS Content Management System
CU Customer Unit
DC Direct Current
ERS Ericsson Radio System
ESD Electro-Static Discharge

LED Light Emitting Diode
mA milli-Amperage
mm millimeter
NDD NRO Deployment Document
NGR Next Generation Radio
Nm Newton Meters
NOC Network Operations Center
NRO Network Roll Out
OVP Over-Voltage Protection
PDF Portable Document Format
PDU Power Distribution Unit
PM Project Manager
RET Remote Electric Tilt
RF Radio Frequency
RX Receive
SFP Small Form Pluggable
SID Site Installation Document
SPD Surge Protection Device
TX Transmit

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