MM - Theme Ideas

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Theme Ideas

1. MATHOPOLIS - A city of math where u can’t do anything without math so to get Into the
event to doing events it’s math & then they get like bonus points with every effort they put to
do Great at things
2. Mathquardade Ball - the masks of maths in on everyone and they can identify all the
events and like they are in the world of math & continue to do things they are given different
contingent names for the same .
3.Wizards, Spells & Equations: A Mathical Quest - This theme combines magic and
problem-solving, where participants use math to complete tasks or solve puzzles.
4.The Academy of Arcane Arts: Mastering the Magic of Numbers - This theme positions
math as a form of magic, with workshops and activities teaching mathematical concepts
through a fantastical lens.
5. The Dragon's Hoard: Counting Coins & Cracking Codes - This theme uses a classic
fantasy element (dragons) and integrates it with activities like calculating treasure value or
deciphering coded messages.
6.The Prophecy of Pythagoras: A Quest Through Geometrical Lands - This theme focuses
on geometry, with participants navigating a fantastical world based on geometric shapes and
solving problems that require spatial reasoning.
7.The Alchemist's Lab: Potions, Formulas & Fun - This theme merges potions with math,
where participants create "magical concoctions" using precise measurements and

We can incorporate

Incorporate fantasy creatures: Base activities or challenges around creatures like goblins
(counting challenges) or sphinxes (riddles with a math twist).
Designate "zones" based on fantasy concepts: Create areas like "The Alchemist's
Workshop" (for potion-related math activities) or "The Wizard's Tower" (for logic puzzles).
Encourage costumes: Allow participants to dress up as wizards, witches, or other fantasy
characters related to the theme.
Mascots and Characters: ( For PR ) Develop mascots or characters representing the theme,
like a wise math wizard or a mischievous goblin who loves riddles

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