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1. Self-doubt (Dudas sobre uno mismo): A lack of confidence in ourselves and

2. Self-expression (Autoexpresión): How one shows their feelings, spatially through
music and writing
3. Self-indulgence (Autocomplacencia): Behaviour in which a person does exactly
what they want often with the purpose of please or through latiness
4. Self-serving (Egoista): Having concern only of one’s own interest
5. Self-preservation (Autoconservación): The instinctive protection ourselves from
6. Self-deprecating (Autocrítica): Being excessively modest or undervaluing ourself
7. Self-made (Salir adelante por uno mismo): Having become successful or non by
one’s own effects
8. Shadow (Sombra): A dark area or shape produced by a body coming between roys
of lights
9. Wrapped up (): To complete or finish something
10. Lose my self (Perder las formas): Go on tray, become bewildered
11. Find my self (Encontrarte): To realize and accept one’s real character

1. Voluntary (Voluntario): Acting on one’s own free will

2. Vocational (Vocacional): Relating to on occupation or employment
3. Donation (Donación): Something that is given to a charity, spatially a sum of money
4. Contribution (Contribución): A gift or payment to a common fund or collection
5. Beneficial (Beneficial): Resulting in good, favorable or advantageous
6. Profitable (Rentable): Useful
7. Motive (Motivo): A reason for doing something
8. Incentive (Iniciativa): A thing that motivates someone to do something
9. Empathy (Empatia): The ability to understand or share the feelings of another
10. Sympathy (Compasión): Understanding between people
11. Protest (Protesta): A written declaration to express disapproval
12. Campaigns (Campaña): An organized course of action to achieve a goal

1. Since time (): Inmemorial for a very long time

2. Contested (Impugnado): To change an idea, a view
3. Plight (Situación de apuros): A difficult or terrible situation
4. Bystander (Espectador): A person who is standing near and observing something
but not participing
5. In hindsight (Retrospectiva): The ability to understand an event or situation only
after it has happened
6. Overwhelmed (Abrumado): To be affected by emotions in a very strong way
7. Dearth (Escasez): A lack of scarcity
8. Relinquishing (Renunciar): To unwittingly let go of someone or give it up
9. Hinder (Impedir): Limit the development and progress of something
10. Avert (Evitar): Turn away your eyes or thoughts from something

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