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Table of Contents

Introduction 3

Abbreviations 6

EU-level analysis 7

Analysis of national parties 10

Methodology 37

13 October 2023
As the current term of the European Parliament is farmed animals. The votes covered a broad range of
wrapping up, we are taking stock of the votes of issues - caged farming, animal transport, EU farm
political groups regarding legislation aimed at subsidies, factory farming, alternatives to animal
improving the welfare of farmed animals. The products, foie gras production, chick culling and
findings indicate that the center-right political group other files concerning farmed animals - be it
the European People’s Party (EPP) and other groups terrestrial or aquatic.
on the right side of the political spectrum consistently
vote against proposals to improve the welfare of Findings
farmed animals, despite strong public support for the
cause. The greens and the left (Greens/EFA and The Left)
vote consistently in support of measures to improve
Methodology the welfare of farmed animals. The most resistant is
the EPP group, which has lately positioned itself as a
Our analysis focused on 16 votes since 2019, during the farmers’ party, together with political groups on the
current Parliamentary term, and we gave each of the right side of the political spectrum - the European
702 MEPs a score from 0% to 100% based on how they Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) and Identity and
voted - with 100% indicating highest support for Democracy (ID).
MEPs ignore citizens’ opinions Political background
While eight out of ten Europeans believe that the In September 2023, the Financial Times reported the
welfare of farmed animals should be better EU is considering dropping its plans for stricter
protected (Eurobarometer, 2016), our data-driven animal welfare measures, amidst a coordinated right-
analysis shows a clear disconnect between what wing backlash against the block’s environmental
citizens ask for and how MEPs vote. regulations.

Out of the 10,265 individual votes analysed, only four The European Commission, under the leadership of
out of ten votes were for higher welfare of farmed Ursula von der Leyen, who belongs to the EPP family,
animals during this political term. In some political is the EU institution that proposes new laws.
groups, such as the EPP, the situation is dire - only However, serious delays now threaten the reform of
two out of ten votes from EPP MEPs meet citizen the animal welfare laws - dubbed ‘animal welfare
expectations! revolution’.
End the Cage Age the size of an A4 sheet of paper. Adult female pigs
have to spend nearly half of every year inside
The Commission has made an unprecedented
crates, in which they cannot even turn around.
commitment to prohibit cages in farming in response
to a referendum-like action by 1.4 million citizens -
the ‘End the Cage Age’ European Citizens’ Initiative. The factory farming lobby
This was the first such commitment since the EU
In late June, an investigation by Politico and
introduced the democracy tool over ten years ago. If
Lighthouse Reports revealed that the factory farming
the Commission goes back on its word, it would
lobby in Brussels has a deep-rooted influence on the
undermine efforts to strengthen EU democracy.
EU decision-making process.

In the EU, every year about 300 million farmed

The industry lobby has recently resorted to
animals still spend all or part of their lives in cages,
fearmongering using faulty economic analyses in
pens or stalls, causing great suffering. Laying hens
order to stop the Commission from keeping its
and rabbits, for example, are confined to spaces about
commitment to propose a ban on caged farming.

13 October 2023

European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR)

European Parliament (EP)
European People's Party (EPP)
Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance (Greens/EFA)
Identity and Democracy (ID)
Member of the European Parliament (MEP)
Non-attached (NI)
Renew Europe (Renew)
Socialists & Democrats (S&D)
The Left group in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL (The Left)
MEP score for farmed animals, voting by EP group

0% 50%
Greens/EFA 96%

The Left 92%

S&D 50%

NI 43%

Renew 35%

ECR 28%

ID 25%

EPP 23%

0%-33% 34%-66% 67%-100%

Source: Compassion in World Farming, 2023. Dataset:

0% 20% 60%
Portugal 94%
Cyprus 93%
Greece 91%
Finland 90%
France 88%
Malta 87%
Italy 86%
Czechia 85%
Lithuania 85%
Romania 85%
Spain 84%
Croatia 84%
Germany 83%

Source: Special Eurobarometer 442 (2016), QB3

Sweden 83%
Slovakia 82%
Slovenia 81%
Ireland 80%
Denmark 78%
Austria 78%

Bulgaria 77%
Latvia 74%
Poland 72%

Belgium 71%
Estonia 70%

animals should be better protected, by country

Netherlands 66%
Luxembourg 58%
Share of citizens who believe the welfare of farmed
0% 20% 40% 60%
Luxembourg 66%
Finland 64%
Denmark 62%
Sweden 62%
Ireland 60%
Cyprus 58%
Germany 58%
Belgium 57%
Netherlands 52%
Greece 52%
Czechia 51%
Malta 50%
Slovakia 50%
Austria 49%
Portugal 47%
France 45%
Lithuania 41%
Estonia 39%
Latvia 35%
Source: Compassion in World Farming, 2023. Dataset:

Italy 35%
Croatia 35%
Slovenia 32%

Poland 32%
Spain 29%

Hungary 25%
MEP score for farmed animals, voting by country

Bulgaria 22%
Romania 18%
Austria: MEP score for farmed animals

0% 20% 40% 60% 80%

Die Grünen - Die Grüne Alternative (Greens/EFA) 93%

NEOS – Das Neue Österreich (Renew) 84%

Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs (S&D) 69%

Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs (ID) 45%

Österreichische Volkspartei (EPP) 14%

0%-33% 34%-66% 67%-100%

Source: Compassion in World Farming, 2023. Dataset:

Belgium: MEP score for farmed animals

0% 50% 100%
Parti du Travail de Belgique (The Left) 100%
Ecologistes Confédérés pour l'Organisation de Luttes Originales (Greens/EFA) 97%
Groen (Greens/EFA) 95%
Parti Socialiste (S&D) 75%
Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie (ECR) 72%
Vooruit (S&D) 59%
Christlich Soziale Partei (EPP) 56%
Independent (NI) 46%
Les Engagés (EPP) 44%
Christen-Democratisch & Vlaams (EPP) 40%
Mouvement Réformateur (Renew) 35%
Vlaams Belang (ID) 34%
Open Vlaamse Liberalen en Democraten (Renew) 30%

0%-33% 34%-66% 67%-100%

Source: Compassion in World Farming, 2023. Dataset:

Bulgaria: MEP score for farmed animals

0% 10% 20% 30%

Bulgarian Socialist Party (S&D) 35%

Movement for Rights and Freedoms (Renew) 22%

Democrats for Strong Bulgaria (EPP) 19%

Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria (EPP) 14%

Union of Democratic Forces (EPP) 13%

VMRO (ECR) 13%

0%-33% 34%-66% 67%-100%

Source: Compassion in World Farming, 2023. Dataset:

Croatia: MEP score for farmed animals

0% 20% 40% 60%

KLJUČ Hrvatske (NI) 69%

N/A (NI) 57%

Socijaldemokratska partija Hrvatske (S&D) 47%

Istarski demokratski sabor - Dieta democratica istriana (Renew) 22%

Hrvatska demokratska zajednica (EPP) 15%

Hrvatski suverenisti (ECR) 13%

0%-33% 34%-66% 67%-100%

Source: Compassion in World Farming, 2023. Dataset:

Cyprus: MEP score for farmed animals

0% 20% 40% 60% 80%

Progressive Party of Working People - Left - New Forces (The Left) 84%

Movement for Social Democracy EDEK (S&D) 56%

Democratic Party (S&D) 50%

Democratic Rally (EPP) 19%

0%-33% 34%-66% 67%-100%

Source: Compassion in World Farming, 2023. Dataset:

Czechia: MEP score for farmed animals

0% 50%
PIRÁTI (Greens/EFA) 97%
Komunistická strana Čech a Moravy (The Left) 72%
TOP 09 a Starostové (EPP) 63%
Občanská demokratická strana (ECR) 60%
Starostové a nezávisli (EPP) 56%
Svoboda a přímá demokracie (ID) 46%
Independent (S&D) 41%

Křesťanská a demokratická unie - Československá strana lidová (EPP) 27%

ANO 2011 (Renew) 21%

0%-33% 34%-66% 67%-100%

Source: Compassion in World Farming, 2023. Dataset:

Denmark: MEP score for farmed animals

0% 50% 100%
Enhedslisten (The Left) 100%
Socialistisk Folkeparti (Greens/EFA) 100%
Socialdemokratiet (S&D) 72%
Independent (Renew) 69%
Det Radikale Venstre (Renew) 47%
Det Konservative Folkeparti (EPP) 28%
Dansk Folkeparti (ID) 25%
Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti (Renew) 24%
Moderaterne (Renew) 0%

0%-33% 34%-66% 67%-100%

Source: Compassion in World Farming, 2023. Dataset:

Estonia: MEP score for farmed animals

0% 20% 40% 60%

Eesti Konservatiivne Rahvaerakond (ID) 67%

Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond (S&D) 50%

Eesti Reformierakond (Renew) 33%

Eesti Keskerakond (Renew) 30%

Isamaa (EPP) 9%

0%-33% 34%-66% 67%-100%

Source: Compassion in World Farming, 2023. Dataset:

Finland: MEP score for farmed animals

0% 50% 100%

Vasemmistoliitto (The Left) 100%

Vihreä liitto (Greens/EFA) 97%

Kansallinen Kokoomus (EPP) 68%

Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue/Finlands Socialdemokratiska Parti (S&D) 47%

Suomen Keskusta (Renew) 41%

Svenska folkpartiet (Renew) 37%

Perussuomalaiset (ECR) 28%

0%-33% 34%-66% 67%-100%

Source: Compassion in World Farming, 2023. Dataset:

0% 50% 100%

La France Insoumise (The Left) 100%

Place publique (S&D) 100%

Europe Écologie (Greens/EFA) 99%

Régions et Peuples Solidaires (Greens/EFA) 91%

Liste Renaissance (S&D) 78%

Gauche républicaine et socialiste (The Left) 73%

Nouvelle Donne (S&D) 72%

Parti Socialiste (S&D) 61%

Horizons (Renew) 38%

Liste Renaissance (Renew) 37%

Mouvement Démocrate (Renew) 32%

La République en marche (Renew) 31%

Agir - La Droite constructive (Renew) 27%

Independent (NI) 20%

Reconquête! (NI) 19%

Rassemblement national (ID) 18%

Source: Compassion in World Farming, 2023. Dataset:
France: MEP score for farmed animals

Liste L'Europe Ensemble (Renew) 16%

Mouvement Radical Social-Libéral (Renew) 16%


Rassemblement national (NI) 16%

Les centristes (EPP) 13%


Les Républicains (EPP) 7%

Parti Radical (Renew) 0%

0% 50% 100%

Die PARTEI (NI) 100%

Independent (NI) 100%

Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei (Greens/EFA) 100%

DIE LINKE. (The Left) 99%

Piratenpartei Deutschland (Greens/EFA) 97%

Volt (Greens/EFA) 97%

Bündnis 90/Die Grünen (Greens/EFA) 97%

Independent (Greens/EFA) 96%

Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (S&D) 84%

Freie Wähler (Renew) 39%

Alternative für Deutschland (ID) 36%

Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands (EPP) 22%

Source: Compassion in World Farming, 2023. Dataset:

Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern e.V. (EPP) 20%

Germany: MEP score for farmed animals

Freie Demokratische Partei (Renew) 19%


Deutsche Zentrumspartei (NI) 19%


Familien-Partei Deutschlands (EPP) 18%

Bündnis Deutschland (ECR) 16%

Greece: MEP score for farmed animals

0% 20% 40% 60% 80%

Coalition of the Radical Left (The Left) 89%

Independent (The Left) 82%

Communist Party of Greece (NI) 56%

Independent (NI) 50%

Nea Demokratia (EPP) 29%

Elliniki Lusi-Greek Solution (ECR) 27%

Independent (Renew) 25%


0%-33% 34%-66% 67%-100%

Source: Compassion in World Farming, 2023. Dataset:

Hungary: MEP score for farmed animals

0% 20% 40% 60%

Demokratikus Koalíció (S&D) 73%

Momentum (Renew) 68%

Jobbik – Konzervatívok (NI) 66%

Esély Közösség (S&D) 43%

Fidesz-Magyar Polgári Szövetség-Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt (NI) 0%

Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt (EPP) 0%

0%-33% 34%-66% 67%-100%

Source: Compassion in World Farming, 2023. Dataset:

Ireland: MEP score for farmed animals

0% 50%

Green Party (Greens/EFA) 97%

Independents for change (The Left) 94%

Independent (The Left) 75%

Sinn Féin (The Left) 72%

Fianna Fáil Party (Renew) 45%

Fine Gael Party (EPP) 32%

0%-33% 34%-66% 67%-100%

Source: Compassion in World Farming, 2023. Dataset:

Italy: MEP score for farmed animals

0% 50%
Independent (Greens/EFA) 98%
Movimento 5 Stelle (NI) 82%
Independent (NI) 75%
Partito Democratico (NI) 57%
Independent (Renew) 56%
Independent (S&D) 41%
Partito Democratico (S&D) 38%
Fratelli d'Italia (ECR) 30%
Azione - Italia Viva (Renew) 29%
Democrazia Cristiana (NI) 25%
Forza Italia (EPP) 20%
Südtiroler Volkspartei (EPP) 19%
Lega (ID) 17%

0%-33% 34%-66% 67%-100%

Source: Compassion in World Farming, 2023. Dataset:

Latvia: MEP score for farmed animals

0% 50% 100%

Latvijas Krievu savienība (NI) 100%

Attīstībai/Par! (Renew) 40%

"Saskaņa" sociāldemokrātiskā partija (S&D) 34%

Gods kalpot Rīgai (S&D) 34%

Partija "VIENOTĪBA" (EPP) 18%

Nacionālā apvienība "Visu Latvijai!"-"Tēvzemei un Brīvībai/LNNK" (ECR) 16%

0%-33% 34%-66% 67%-100%

Source: Compassion in World Farming, 2023. Dataset:

Lithuania: MEP score for farmed animals

0% 50%
Lietuvos valstiečių ir žaliųjų sąjunga (Greens/EFA) 97%

Independent (Greens/EFA) 86%

Lietuvos Respublikos liberalų sąjūdis (Renew) 53%

Darbo partija (NI) 50%

Lietuvos socialdemokratų partija (S&D) 43%

Tėvynės sąjunga-Lietuvos krikščionys demokratai (EPP) 22%

Lietuvos lenkų rinkimų akcija – Krikščioniškų šeimų sąjunga (ECR) 6%

0%-33% 34%-66% 67%-100%

Source: Compassion in World Farming, 2023. Dataset:

Luxembourg: MEP score for farmed animals

0% 50% 100%

Déi Gréng - Les Verts (Greens/EFA) 100%

Parti ouvrier socialiste luxembourgeois (S&D) 87%

Parti chrétien social luxembourgeois (EPP) 60%

Independent (Renew) 57%

Parti démocratique (Renew) 33%

0%-33% 34%-66% 67%-100%

Source: Compassion in World Farming, 2023. Dataset:

Malta: MEP score for farmed animals

0% 20% 40%

Partit Laburista (S&D) 58%

Partit Nazzjonalista (EPP) 32%

0%-33% 34%-66% 67%-100%

Source: Compassion in World Farming, 2023. Dataset:

Netherlands: MEP score for farmed animals

0% 50% 100%
Partij voor de Dieren (The Left) 100%
GroenLinks (Greens/EFA) 99%
Independent (Renew) 94%
Democraten 66 (Renew) 88%
Partij van de Arbeid (S&D) 68%
Meer Directe Democratie (ECR) 57%
JA21 (ECR) 37%
Christen Democratisch Appèl (EPP) 26%
Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie (Renew) 26%
Forum voor Democratie (NI) 19%
Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij (ECR) 9%

0%-33% 34%-66% 67%-100%

Source: Compassion in World Farming, 2023. Dataset:

Poland: MEP score for farmed animals

0% 50% 100%
Independent (Greens/EFA) 100%
Polska 2050 (Renew) 86%
Nowa Lewica (S&D) 66%
Independent (S&D) 60%
Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej - Unia Pracy (S&D) 56%
Independent (EPP) 36%
Platforma Obywatelska (EPP) 26%
Prawo i Sprawiedliwość (ECR) 24%
Partia Republikańska (ECR) 22%
Solidarna Polska Zbigniewa Ziobro (ECR) 17%
Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe (EPP) 17%

0%-33% 34%-66% 67%-100%

Source: Compassion in World Farming, 2023. Dataset:

Portugal: MEP score for farmed animals

0% 50% 100%

Bloco de Esquerda (The Left) 100%

Independent (Greens/EFA) 100%

Partido Comunista Português (The Left) 60%

Partido Socialista (S&D) 47%

Partido Social Democrata (EPP) 16%

Partido do Centro Democrático Social-Partido Popular (EPP) 12%

0%-33% 34%-66% 67%-100%

Source: Compassion in World Farming, 2023. Dataset:

Romania: MEP score for farmed animals

0% 10% 20% 30%

Independent (Greens/EFA) 33%
PRO Romania (S&D) 30%
Reînnoim Proiectul European al României (Renew) 30%
Partidul Umanist Social Liberal (S&D) 25%
Uniunea Salvați România (Renew) 25%
Partidul Social Democrat (S&D) 22%
Partidul Mișcarea Populară (EPP) 11%
Partidul Naţional Liberal (EPP) 10%
Partidul Național Țărănesc Creștin Democrat (ECR) 10%
Uniunea Democrată Maghiară din România (EPP) 7%

0%-33% 34%-66% 67%-100%

Source: Compassion in World Farming, 2023. Dataset:

Slovakia: MEP score for farmed animals

0% 20% 40% 60%

Progresívne Slovensko (Renew) 77%
Independent (Renew) 70%
Hnutie Republika (NI) 50%
Slovakia - Demokrati (EPP) 50%
Independent (S&D) 47%
SMER-Sociálna demokracia (S&D) 42%
Kresťanskodemokratické hnutie (EPP) 36%
Sloboda a Solidarita (ECR) 34%
Slovak Patriot (NI) 34%
Obyčajní ľudia a nezávislé osobnosti (EPP) 25%

0%-33% 34%-66% 67%-100%

Source: Compassion in World Farming, 2023. Dataset:

Slovenia: MEP score for farmed animals

0% 20% 40% 60%

Socialni demokrati (S&D) 67%

Gibanje Svoboda (Renew) 41%

Nova Slovenija – Krščanski demokrati (EPP) 25%

Slovenska demokratska stranka (EPP) 19%

Slovenska ljudska stranka (EPP) 13%

0%-33% 34%-66% 67%-100%

Source: Compassion in World Farming, 2023. Dataset:

Spain: MEP score for farmed animals
0% 50% 100%
Catalunya en Comú (Greens/EFA) 100%
Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (Greens/EFA) 97%
PODEMOS (The Left) 97%
Izquierda Unida (The Left) 97%
Junts per Catalunya - Lliures per Europa (NI) 92%
Bloque nacionalista gallego (Greens/EFA) 50%
Independent (Renew) 23%
Delegación Ciudadanos Europeos (Renew) 19%
Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya (S&D) 16%
Partido Socialista Obrero Español (S&D) 15%
Partido Nacionalista Vasco (Renew) 13%
Ciudadanos – Partido de la Ciudadanía (Renew) 11%
Partido Popular (EPP) 10%
VOX (ECR) 2%
0%-33% 34%-66% 67%-100%

Source: Compassion in World Farming, 2023. Dataset:

Sweden: MEP score for farmed animals

0% 50% 100%
Vänsterpartiet (The Left) 100%

Miljöpartiet de gröna (Greens/EFA) 97%

Arbetarepartiet- Socialdemokraterna (S&D) 76%

Centerpartiet (Renew) 50%

Moderaterna (EPP) 44%

Sverigedemokraterna (ECR) 41%

Kristdemokraterna (EPP) 40%

Liberalerna (Renew) 38%

0%-33% 34%-66% 67%-100%

Source: Compassion in World Farming, 2023. Dataset:

We analysed 16 key votes related to farmed animals encouraged MEPs to make the right decision. You will
since 2019, during this political term, until 3 notice that in June 2021 the Parliament supported a
September 2023. This included votes on EU farm call for a ban on force-feeding, while the following
subsidies and related marketing rules (the Common February MEPs failed to do so. We have included both
Agricultural Policy package), the ‘End the Cage Age’ votes to ensure a more accurate depiction of MEPs’
Resolution adopted by an overwhelming majority of voting record.
MEPs, amendments related to animal transport,
aquatic animals, foie gras production, chick culling, MEPs received two points every time they voted for
pollution from factory farming and EU funds for animals, one point when they abstained and no
school meals. points when they did not support these progressive
measures. No penalties were given for not being
A broad range of votes over a number of years present at the vote. Incoming MEPs' voting record is
were analysed in order to have a robust sample of shorter and does not include all relevant votes. All
how MEPs voted during this legislative term, and data in this analysis are the official data from the
produce a more comprehensive analysis, avoiding European Parliament’s website.
cherry-picking votes during moments when citizens

Source: Compassion in World Farming, 2023. Dataset:

1. No basic subsidies for factory farms 2. No special EU funds for factory farms

In October 2020, MEPs failed to prevent EU taxpayers’ In October 2020, MEPs also failed to prevent
money from funding factory farms through so-called production from factory farms to be subsidized
‘basic payments’ to farmers. See vote 274 on through so-called 'coupled support'. See vote 320 on
Amendments 813PC2= 906= 1215= 1348= to amendments 921= 1228= 1352= to COM(2018)0392 –
COM(2018)0392 – C8‐0248/2018 – 2018/0216(COD). C8‐0248/2018 – 2018/0216(COD). More about the vote
More about the vote here. here.

3. Notorious ‘veggie burger ban’ 4. Censor plant-based milks

In October 2020, MEPs voted against an amendment to In October 2020, MEPs voted to ban plant-based
ban the use of meat denominations for plant-based alternatives from imitating dairy packaging, labelling and
alternatives, such as burgers. See vote 66 on advertising (dropped in later negotiations). See vote 13 on
amendment 165 to COM(2018)0394–C8-0246/2018– amendment 171 to COM(2018)0394–C8-0246/2018–
2018/0218(COD). More about the vote here. 2018/0218(COD). More about the vote here.

Source: Compassion in World Farming, 2023. Dataset:

5. Improve fish welfare 6. Ban boiling lobsters alive

In January 2021, MEPs voted against an amendment In January 2021, MEPs voted against an amendment
which recognised that fish are sentient beings and calling to protect the welfare of marine invertebrates,
called on the EU to develop and implement gentler such as crab and lobster, and calling to prohibit boiling
methods of capture, landing and slaughter of fish. See them alive. See vote 7 on Amendment 2 to
vote 6 on amendment 1 to 2019/2162(INI). 2019/2162(INI).

7. End the Cage Age 8. Ban force-feeding (2021)

In June 2021, MEPs voted on a Resolution on the In the same ‘End the Cage Age’ Resolution from June
European Citizens’ Initiative ‘End the Cage Age’, where 2021, MEPs also asked to ban the cruel force-feeding of
they showed overwhelming support for an EU ban on ducks and geese for the production of foie gras. See
caged farming. See vote 178 on 2021/2633(RSP). More vote 128 on amendment 15 to 2021/2633(RSP). More
about the vote here. about the vote here.

Source: Compassion in World Farming, 2023. Dataset:

9. Higher animal welfare standards 10. Ban long-distance animal exports

In October 2021, MEPs voted on a Resolution on the In January 2022, during a vote on animal transport,
Commission’s food strategy, Farm to Fork, calling again MEPs rejected a key amendment calling for an end to
for a ban on caged farming and for higher animal cruel long-distance transport of live animals to third
welfare standards. See vote 137 on 2020/2260(INI). countries. See vote 88 on amendment 24/REV to
More about the vote here. 2021/2736(RSP). More about the vote here.

11. Transport of pregnant animals 12. Implementation of welfare laws

In the same recommendations on animal transport of In February 2022, MEPs adopted a weak report with
January 2022, MEPs rejected calls for strict rules on recommendations on the implementation of EU animal
transport of pregnant animals. See vote 74 on welfare legislation, which failed to recognise the
amendment 20/REV to 2021/2736(RSP). More about serious shortcoming of existing laws. See vote 235 on
the vote here. 2020/2085(INI). More about the vote here.

Source: Compassion in World Farming, 2023. Dataset:

13. Ban force-feeding (2022) 14. Ban chick culling

In the same recommendations on the implementation In the same recommendations on the implementation
of animal welfare laws, MEPs rejected an amendment of animal welfare laws, MEPs rejected an amendment
calling for a foie gras ban - in contradiction to their calling for an EU-level ban on the systematic killing of
vote the previous year. See vote 60 on amendment 11 to male chicks. See vote 64 on amendment 12 to
2020/2085(INI). More about the vote here. 2020/2085(INI). More about the vote here.

15. Fund plant-based milks in schools 16. Welfare rules for industrial farms

In May 2023, the Parliament rejected an amendment In July 2023, MEPs failed to adopt animal welfare
that called for plant based drinks and legumes to be requirements for factory farms as part of the EU’s
funded by the EU scheme subsidising school meals. See revision of industrial pollution rules. See vote 26 on
vote 19 on amendment 3 to 2021/2205(INI). More about amendment 264 to COM(2022)0156–C9‐0144/20222-
the vote here. 2022/0104(COD). More about the vote here.

Source: Compassion in World Farming, 2023. Dataset:

Compassion in World Farming EU
Place du Luxembourg 12
1050 Ixelles, Belgium
Tel: +32 2 709 1330
Compassion in World Farming is an
international organisation campaigning
to end all factory farming practices.

Our office in Brussels works to

strengthen legislation and enforcement
on farmed animal welfare and
sustainable food systems, with a
particular focus on the European Union.

13 October 2023

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