CashFlow5jutaBenihTilapia 2

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Financial Analysis is based upon the following assumptions:

1 Species Red Tilapia

2 Total Farm Size (hectare) 3.00
3 Number of Broodstock Ponds 5
4 Average Size of Broodstock Pond (hectare) 0.10
5 Number of breeding ponds 5.00
6 Average Size of Breeding Pond (hectare) 0.10
7 Number of Nursery ponds 10.00
8 Average Size of Nursery Ponds(hectare ) 0.10
9 Total Area of Seed Production Pond (hectare) 2.00
10 Number of reservoir pond 1
11 Total size of reservoir pond (hectare) 1.00
12 Commencement of Activity Year 0
13 Cash Flow Period 10 years
14 Survival Rate 70%
15 Stocking rate (pieces/m2) 50
16 Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) 1: 1.8
17 Culture Cycle Per Year 5
18 Duration Per Cycle (month) 2
19 Average Size of Fry 7.5 - 10.0 cm ( 10 - 25g )
20 Cost of Fry (RM/pc) 0.10
21 Average Cost of Feed (RM/kg) - Fry feed 3.50
22 Average Cost of Feed (RM/kg) - Broodstock feed 2.70
22 Average Size of Fish Harvested (kg) 20 g
23 Price of fries (RM/pc) 0.15
24 Worker :
- Number of Farm Supervisor 1 @ RM/mth 3,500
- Number of Pond Keepers 6 @ RM/mth 1,200

25. Fertilizer :
- TSC 375 kg/ha @RM/kg 1.30
- Urea 45 kg/ha @RM/kg 1.00
- TSP 5 kg/ha @RM/kg 1.00
26. Lime 1000 kg/ha @RM/kg 0.37

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