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GRADE 7 UAE Social Studies – 2024-25

Volume I Lesson 2: Engineering and Civilization in Ancient China

Read the passage carefully.
The importance of Canals in Ancient China:
Canals are waterways that are built by people and used for shipping, travel, and irrigation. Canals have been an
important way to move goods and carry people for more than 5,000 years. To make a canal, builders dig a long
channel in the ground and fill it with water. The water usually comes from a connecting river, lake, or ocean.
Builders often line the canal with stone, concrete, or steel to make it stronger. The lining also prevents the
water from leaking out.
Some canals make it possible for boats to travel inland from oceans and lakes. A canal may also serve as a
shortcut between two bodies of water. Other canals carry drinking water to cities or irrigation water to
farms.These included the Grand Canal that connected the Yellow River and the Yangtze River, the two longest
rivers in China. The Grand Canal is a man-made waterway that runs north and south in eastern China. It is the
longest man-made waterway in the world. Other canals built during the Qin dynasty was the Lingqu Canal in
Southern China.Initially these canals were built to irrigate farm fields near the rivers, but over time the ability
to transport barges and boats with goods, food, animals and people, meant that canals became important
transportation routes. The canal was built in order to easily ship grain from the rich farmland in southern China
to the capital city in Beijing. This also helped the emperors to feed the soldiers guarding the northern borders.
The Grand Canal is one of the greatest engineering feats of the ancient world. It runs along the north – eastern
plains of China, and today, it connects the capital city Beijing in the north to Zhejiang province in the South.
Constructed began in the 5th century BC and has continued and been maintained ever since. Its purpose also
allowed for a means of transportation and communication across the Empire by the thirteenth century it had
been expanded over 2000 kilometres of artificial water ways, linking China’s river basins.
Few Famous Canals:

 The world’s oldest canal still being used today is the Grand Canal in China. It is also the world’s
longest canal, with a length of about 1,085 miles (1,747 kilometers).

 The Erie Canal connects the Hudson River in New York with the eastern shore of Lake Erie, near
Buffalo, New York. The Erie Canal was an important shipping route in the 1800s.

 The Suez Canal in Egypt connects the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea. This major shipping canal
is the shortest water route between Europe and the Indian Ocean.

 The Panama Canal is an important shortcut between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Before this canal
was built, ships had to travel around the tip of South America to get from one ocean to another.
Questions and answers:
Q1. Name the rivers that are connected by the Grand Canal.
A1. The Grand Canal connects the Yellow River and the Yangtze River, the two longest rivers in China.

Q2. Name the other famous canal built during the Qin dynasty in Southern China.
A2. Other canal built during the Qin dynasty was the Lingqu Canal in Southern China.

Q3.Where is the Grand Canal located?

A3. The Grand Canal is a man-made waterway that runs north and south in eastern China. It runs along the
north – eastern plains of China, and today, it connects the capital city Beijing in the north to Zhejiang province
in the South.

Q4. Why were these canals built?

A4. Initially these canals were built to irrigate farm fields near the rivers, but over time the ability to transport
barges and boats with goods, food, animals and people, meant that canals became important transportation
routes. The canal was built in order to easily ship grain from the rich farmland in southern China to the capital
city in Beijing. This also helped the emperors to feed the soldiers guarding the northern borders.

Q5. What is the reason behind the prominent arches seen in the bridges over the canals in Hangzhou?
A5. The bridges in Hangzhou are often arched above the canal to accommodate the passage of boats and ships
beneath them. This architectural design allows for efficient transportation and navigation along the waterways,
while also providing structural stability and aesthetic appeal to the bridge. Additionally, the arched shape helps
to distribute the weight of the bridge evenly, ensuring its longevity and resilience against natural elements like
water flow and earthquakes.

Q6. What do the bell of Eastern Zhou Dynasty explain about China?
A6. The Zhou Dynasty bells provide insight into ancient Chinese culture, technology, and musical traditions.
They showcase the advanced metallurgical skills of the time, as well as the importance of music in Zhou
society, indicating its role in rituals, ceremonies, and governance. Additionally, the inscriptions on these bells
offer valuable historical and linguistic information, shedding light on the political structure, religious beliefs,
and cultural practices of the Zhou Dynasty era.

Q7. Who was Confucius and what were his contributions to the society?
A7. Confucius, also known as Kong Fuzi, was an influential Chinese philosopher, teacher, and political
theorist who lived during the Spring and Autumn Period of Chinese history. His teachings emphasized ethical
values, moral conduct, and the importance of social harmony. Confucius contributed significantly to society by
promoting principles such as filial piety, loyalty, righteousness, and the cultivation of virtuous character. His
philosophy laid the foundation for Confucianism, which became one of the most influential schools of thought
in Chinese history, shaping morality, education, governance, and interpersonal relationships for centuries.

Q8. What is terracotta, its historical use in Chinese culture, and its relevance in the modern world?
A8. Terracotta refers to a type of fired clay, often used in ancient Chinese art and architecture. In Chinese
culture, terracotta was widely utilized for creating sculptures, pottery, and architectural decorations, such as
roof tiles and figurines. One of the most famous examples of terracotta in Chinese history is the Terracotta
Army, a collection of life-sized clay soldiers that was the part of the First Qin Emperor’s Mausoleum, Xian,
In the modern world, terracotta remains significant in various ways. It continues to be used in art and pottery,
preserving traditional Chinese craftsmanship and cultural heritage. Additionally, terracotta's durability and
versatility make it a popular material for contemporary architectural projects, contributing to sustainable and
eco-friendly building practices. Its timeless aesthetic appeal and connection to ancient traditions also make it a
valued decorative element in interior design and landscaping, reflecting a blend of historical legacy and
modern sensibilities.

Q9. What were Laozi's significant contributions?

A9. Laozi was an ancient Chinese philosopher. His principles revolved around the concept of advocating for
simplicity and harmony with nature. Laozi believed in letting nature take its course without trying to control it,
seeing it as a fundamental principle for the society.

Q10. List the famous canals.

A10. The Grand Canal in China, The Erie Canal in New York, The Suez Canal in Egypt, The Panama Canal is
an important shortcut between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

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