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In recent years, the exponential growth (“UAC”), the manufacturer of Gala

in the Nigerian entertainment industry sausage roll, made an Instagram post
has tremendously influenced the using a cartoon version of Oga Sabinus’
significance of intellectual property picture in promoting its gala sausage roll
protection within the industry. With product. Mike Premium has also reacted
increased concerns over the unabated to the said post and claimed the sum of
exploitation of intellectual property in One Hundred Million Naira for the
the country, many content creators alleged unlawful exploitation of the
(creatives) have proceeded to register picture.
their artistic products in copyright, Are catchy expressions/phrases or
trademark or patent. It is by virtue of slogans such as “Something Hooge”
one of these recent moves to protect worthy of Intellectual Property
intellectual properties, that Mr. protection?
Chukwuemeka Emmanuel popularly
referred to as “Oga Sabinus” or “Mr. Intellectual property are creative works
Funny” a rising and award wining such as signs, symbols, designs, names,
comedian, content-creator and images, publications, expressions and a
skit-maker had the foresight to register wide range of works which are
his popular catchphrase “Something identifiable to a person or a product, and
Hooge" attributed to him as a are of economic value.1 It follows that
trademark, as far back as 2021. expressions, catchphrases, slogans,
motto, etc., which are associated with a
Recently, the social media space has been person, entity or product qualify as
embroiled with controversies over the intellectual properties. Catchphrases such
alleged infringement and exploitation of as “something hooge”, “E choke”,
the said registered Trademark. On 24th of “Everywhere you go”, “Ooinn, you are doing
May 2022, Friesland Foods Wamco Nig. well”, “Soro soke”, “Werey dey disguise”, “Cut
Plc (“manufacturers of Peak Milk) made an soap for me”, etc., are popular phrases
Instagram post and used the associated with well known persons and
trademarked phrase – ‘Something Hooge’ to have become brands worthy of
promote its Peak National Breakfast protection. But what category of
Week. In reaction to what the FMCG intellectual property are they? These
giant thought would be a trending catchphrases are not eligible for
advertisement, Mike Premium Talent protection under the Nigerian copyright
Management (“Mike Premium”), Oga law2, they are, however, eligible for
Sabinus’ brand management company
engaged its solicitors to slam a
1-billion-naira suit against Friesland for
the unlawful exploitation of the
trademark. 1
Section 1 of the Copyright Act did not contemplate
On a different albeit related note, on the words, phrases, slogans, etc. as works eligible for
copyright, as time, skill and labour are essential
23rd of May 2022, UAC Foods Limited ingredients for determining if a work is eligible for
registration as a trademark.3 A trademark unauthorized use of “Something
is any sign, design, word, phrase or Hooge” ?
expression which identifies to a person
The unauthorized use of a mark duly
or product or which distinguishes the
registered and subsisting by someone
products or services of a particular
other than the owner of it or the licensee
source from those of others. 4
is regarded as an infringement of the
Why is it necessary to register a trademark.9 As earlier stated, the
catchphrase as a trademark? catchphrase "Something Hooge” has been
registered as a trademark and as such,
Trademarks must be registered under the
the unauthorized use of same amounts
Nigerian Trademark Act in order to
to an unlawful exploitation of the
guarantee its protection and
catchphrase, hence, an infringement of
enforceability in the event of
Oga Sabinus’ trademark. The objective
infringement.5 In our previous article on
of this protective provisions is to ensure
trademark, we highlighted the procedure
that no one other than the registered
required for the registration of a
proprietor of a trademark uses a mark
trademark in Nigeria.6 Hence, the author
either identical or so nearly resembling it
of a catchphrase who has not registered
as to likely deceive or cause confusion in
it as a trademark shall not be entitled to
the course of trade relating to the goods
institute a proceeding to prevent, or to
or service of the proprietor. The
recover damages for the infringement of
Supreme Court in Ayman Enterprises Ltd
an unregistered Trademark.7 However,
v. Akuma Industries10 held that in an action
the owner may be able to invoke the
for infringement of trademark, the
common law principles of passing off
person must prove that he is a proprietor
and institute a claim against the infringer
with respect to the mark, the mark is
for the unlawful exploitation of his
duly registered and subsisting, and the
catchphrase to procure financial gains.8
alleged infringer had used the same mark
Does Oga Sabinus have a justified right or similar mark. However, it is important
of action against Friesland for the to point out that trademarks are
registered in classes and are only
enforceable against infringement by
See section 67 of the Trademark Act defines mark goods/products within that specific
to include “a device, brand, heading, label, ticket,
name, signature, word, letter, numeral, or any class.11 Hence, in further consideration
combination thereof;”
of the claims Oga Sabinus, it appears
See that the catchphrase “Something Hooge”
now-about-intellectual-property-in-nigeria-trademark was registered in class 36 in respect of
-registration/ “Insurance; financial services; real estate agency
D & S Trading Co. Ltd v. Remia C. (2019)
LPELR-47628(CA) services; building society services; banking;
stockbroking; financial services provided via the
14316371329024-qkbp?utm_source=linkedin_share Morison Industries Plc V. CPL Industries Ltd
&utm_medium=member_desktop_web (2021) LPELR-52981(CA)
7 10
Section 3 of the Trademark Act. Supra, note 8.
8 11
Ayman Enterprises Ltd v. Akuma Ind. Ltd. & Ors Toyota Motor Corporation v. Subaya Metalware
(2003) LPELR-683(SC) (Nig) Ltd & Anor (2017) LPELR-45368(CA)
Internet; issuing of tokens of value in relation to necessary intellectual property rights that
bonus and loyalty schemes; provision of financial may accrue to such expressions; and
information”. Thus, considering that the where necessary, seek the right
infringement of the catchphrase was permission for the exploitation of such
with respect to dairy products which is expressions. The reckless exploitation of
within Class 29, the chances of success intellectual properties by the marketing
for Oga Sabinus’ in an action for and advertisement units of these
trademark infringement, are quite slim. business entities presents a potential
Nonetheless, Oga Sabinus has a valid floodgate of law suits against them by
claim in the tort of passing off. the rightful owners of those intellectual
Does Oga Sabinus have a copyright over
the cartoon which bears a close In the same vein, players within the
resemblance to his picture, used for the Nigerian entertainment industry,
promotion of Gala sausage roll? especially content creators, must take a
leaf from Oga Sabinus by ensuring the
Under the Nigerian Copyright Act, the
protection of their popular catchphrases,
copyright over an image belongs to the
slogans, signs, symbols, etc. Be that as it
author of the image, that is the
may, it is important that such IPs are
photographer, and not the image owner,
appropriately registered. Besides, the tort
that is the person who is shown in the
of passing off, Oga Sabinus may have
image.12 Hence, the maker of the cartoon
had no chances at legal remedy for
image of Oga sabinus, being an artistic
having registered his trademark in a class
work, is the author of the said image and
different from the nature of services for
the initial copyright over the image
which the slogan would normally be
belongs to the author.13 In his case, Oga
used. It is worthy of mention that
Sabinus cannot validly claim ownership
establishing passing off in court is a hard
of the said cartoon image. However, Oga
nut to crack and same can be avoided by
Sabinus can maintain an action against
ensuring that trademarks are registered
UAC in the tort of passing off, for the
across relevant classes. This is the more
use of an image in his semblance to
reason why experts in Intellectual
procure financial gains.14
Property laws should be engaged or
Lessons to Businesses & the consulted for the registration of
Nigerian Entertainment Industry intellectual properties.
In view of the foregoing analysis,
business entities must pay attention to
the images, words, expressions, signs,
symbols, etc., used for the purpose of
their product advertorials; recognize the

Banire v NTA-Star TV Network (2021)
LPELR-52824(CA); See Section 10 of the Copyright
Section 10(1) of the Copyright Act.
Banire v NTA-Star TV Network, supra.
L a g o s : 1 , P e r c h s t o n e & G r a e y s C l o s e , o f f R e m i
O l o w u d e , L e k k i E p e E x p r e s s w a y , L a g o s ; T e l :
+ 2 3 4 - 1 - 3 4 2 9 1 3 1 , 7 6 1 1 0 5 1

A b u j a : D 3 , J i m a P l a z a , 1 6 2 7 A h m a d u B e l l o W a y ,
A r e a 1 1 , G a r k i A b u j a ; T e l : + 2 3 4 9 2 9 1 9 1 9 1 ,
0 7 0 4 5 9 8 4 7 9 2

B e n i n C i t y : 4 0 , A d e s o g b e R o a d , B e n i n C i t y , E d o
S t a t e ; T e l : + 2 3 4 7 0 6 8 5 1 8 6 5 0 , 0 7 0 4 5 9 8 4 7 7 6

E m a i l : e d i t o r @ p e r c h s t o n e a n d g r a e y s . c o m ;
c o u n s e l @ p e r c h s t o n e a n d g r a e y s . c o m

W e b s i t e : w w w . p e r c h s t o n e a n d g r a e y s . c o m

C o p y r i g h t : A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . N o p a r t o f t h e
p u b l i c a t i o n m a y b e r e p r o d u c e d , s t o r e d i n a
r e t r i e v a l s y s t e m o r t r a n s m i t t e d i n a n y
f o r m o r b y a n y m e a n s w i t h o u t t h e p r i o r
p e r m i s s i o n i n w r i t i n g o f P e r c h s t o n e & G r a e y s
o r a s e x p r e s s l y p e r m i t t e d b y l a w .

D i s c l a i m e r : W e i n v i t e y o u t o n o t e t h a t t h e
c o n t e n t o f t h i s n e w s l e t t e r i s s o l e l y f o r g e n e r a l
i n f o r m a t i o n p u r p o s e s o n l y a n d s h o u l d
i n n o w a y b e c o n s t r u e d o r r e l i e d o n a s l e g a l
o p i n i o n . W e u r g e y o u t o c o n t a c t u s s h o u l d y o u
r e q u i r e s p e c i f i c l e g a l a d v i c e o n a n y o f
t h e t o p i c s t r e a t e d i n t h i s p u b l i c a t i o n .

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