Amt-Final 2012

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Addis Ababa university

College of business and economics

School of commerce
Final exam: advanced management theories /MMGT502/- May 3, 2022

Allowed time: 1:30

NAME _____________________________________SECTION__________________ID. ____________
Part I
Explain any of the following Seven (3 marks each)
1. Outcome of influencing tactics
2. Great man theory
3. Rigid bureaucratic behavior
4. Informal planning
5. Theory ‘X’ and ‘Y’
6. The management science approach
7. Learning organizations
8. The Hawthorne effects
9. TQM
10. Delegative Leadership

Part II
Discuss the following questions in detail
11. David McClelland’s theory of motivation states that human beings have three basic motivational needs:
what are these needs? Please discuss one by one with appropriate real-world examples. (5 pts)
12. A leader may be imposed, formally appointed or elected, chosen informally, or emerge naturally
through the demands of the situation or the wishes of the group. All in all, leadership can be
attempted, effective, and successful. Describe these three forms of leadership and choose your dream
type with justification. (6 pts)
13. A study of the importance and limitations of planning will bring us to the idea that planning is essential
for good management yet it has to be undertaken with a lot of foresight, clarity, flexibility and
cooperation. Please discuss the characteristics of a good plan laid down by Urwick. (6 pts)
14. Control techniques should reflect the plans they are designed to follow. Managers need the
information that will tell them how the plans for which they are responsible are progressing. To this
end a controlling system have to be effective. Please discuss the characteristics of an effective
controlling system (6 pts)
15. The Hawthorne studies were a series of investigations conducted by Elton Mayo and Fritz
Roethlisberger were a part of a refocus on managerial strategy with emphasis on the socio-
psychological aspects of human behavior in organizations. Please discuss the phases of the Hawthorne
studies and the its final conclusion. (6 pts)

Good luck!

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